HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCMICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4855862 OR BOOK 4601 PAGE 10, Recorded 04/29/2021 10:50:43 AM NOTICE.OF COMENCEMEN ` 1428.702-1348.000.0 Permit No. ---.___ 7'ax l�otla No: State of Florida county of St. Lucie the undersigned fieretiby gives notice that ImproUenlent uvi)l be maoa to t ertain tool property; and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florlda Statutes; the following Information is.provlded In this Notre of Commencement'. l:eggaf Description of Property: (and street address if available): 2813 Harson way Fort Pierce FL 34848 SIN. LUCIE PLAZA 80UNIT 4N+lEy BLK 80 LOTS 1 AND?(MAP 14293) (OR.2316-2713) Gerierat description. of lmprovementi RE root Owner information or Lessee Information if the: Lessde rontraded forthe Improvement. Name Gurus Williams . Andress2813 arson Way Fort Pierce FL 34946 interest in property: owner Name arid. address of fee simple titleholder (if different from Owner listed above): contractor's Name, Paradise Exteriors Roofing, LLD igis corporate Drive« Beech,.FL 33428 Phone:,Number; .681-732.0300 Gontractor.Atfdress; �"ton surety (if applicable, a copy of the payment bond is attached): Amount of bond; $ Nave and address; Phone number: Lender Name. Phone 'Number Lendees:address: Personswithin:the State of. Fforida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 7w"(1)(a)fi , Flarlde Statutes; Name: Phone Numbers Address receive Ia copy of the Uendes Notice as provided In Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Phone ntrmber of person orentity designated by owner: Expiration date of notice of commencement: (the expiration date may not lie beforethe completlorrof consfrtretton aril final payment to the carittaw;tor>:but wilt be 1 year from the. ate of recording trrtiless a different date Kspecified). WARNING10 f3WNW ANY PAYMEN1.TS.MADE 13Y THE OWNER AFTERTNE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED. IMPROPER PAYMEWt1UNDER CHAPTER 718, PART 1, SECTION 7'13.13, LORIDA. STATUTES, ANCi CAN RESULT iN YOUR PRYiiVG TViliCE FOIz mokovwENTS fdY.W PROPERTY; A NOTICE OF COMMENCE(t SENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST. INSPECTION. IF YOU. INTEND TO 06TAIN. �INAf,ION , CONSULT WITH YOt1R i.ENDEit.Ok i4N ATTORNEY btFORi COMMENCING -WORK OR (tECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTi declare that:l have. road the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to the best of (Signatory s Title/Office) r The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me thls day of��� , 20zf for r �. Name of P ort er,t tisted): pgoPartyattl produced Identlflcatlon .....;, Type: of ldeotiflettion. produced