HomeMy WebLinkAboutHVHZ Roofing ApplicationST. LUCIE WORKS Section A (General Information) Master Permit No. Process No. Contractors Name: J ern �lzfL L �/"��Nf License # �GG /j ZgSZZ Job Address ROOF CATEGORY ❑ L w Slope ❑ Mechanically Fastened Tile ❑ Mortar/Adhesive Set Tiles phaltic Shingles ❑ Metal Panel/Shingles ❑Wood Shingles/Shakes ❑ Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 ROOF ROOF TYPE. ❑ New roof ❑ Repair ❑ Maintenance ,oeReroofing ❑Recovering ROOF SYSTEM INFORMATION Low Slope Roof Area (SF) Steep Sloped Roof Area (SF) Z / L Total (SF) Zit ) Section B (Roof Plan) Sketch Roof Plan: Illustrate all levels and sections, roof drains, scuppers, overflow scuppers and overflow drains. Include dimensions of sections and levels, clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. ST. LUCIE WORKS Section D (Steep Slope Roof System) Roof System Manufacturer: Notice of Acceptance Number: )1- 031z.o Minimum Design Wind Pressures, If Applicable (From RAS 127 or Calculations): Zone 1: 57 Zone 2e: W 57Zone 2n:w1l Zone 2r: '11 Zone 3e: *�� Zone 3r: "f Z Ql Deck Type: Type Underiayment: 3 p Roof Slope: 12 Insulation: Fire Barrier: Ridge Ventilation? Fastener Type &Spacing: Adhesive Type: Type Cap Sheet: Mean Roof Height: L I Roof Covering: G4,F Type &Size Drip 3x3„ O•L� Edge: Powered By C3 roofr All Structures Summary 2813 Harson Way, Port Pierce, PI- 34946, USA tll@ea.surernornts Total Roof Area 2,121 sgft Total Roof Facets 4 facets Predominant Pitch 4/12 Total Eaves 12.9ft Bin Total Valleys 25ft Bin TotalI-tips Oft Total Ridges 81ft4in j - Total Rakes 86ft 11in Total Wall Flashing 1ft Tin Total Step Flashing 2ft Bin Total Transition Oft Total Unspecified 24ft 9in I -lips .n. Ridges 81ft din Eaves + Rakes 216ft Bin P"si4,tn 4(12 Area (sgft) 2_,121 Squares 21.3 Area (sgft) 2,12.1 2,334 2_,376 2,440 2,482 2,546I_,588 Squares 21.3 23A 23.8 24.4 24.9 25.5 25.9 We've calculated I:he waste percentages you might expect for this job. A number of Factors are involved in determining which waste percentage ro use including: how complex the roof is, and your roof application style, lhese numbers only include the roof area. You will also need to calculate the quantity of materials you will need for hips, valleys, ridges, and starter lengths? Copyright © 20'19 Roofr.com i All rights reserved. Powered By C1 raofr Lerl;th Measi.lrernent eport 2813 Harson Way, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, USA Eaves 129ft Tin Valleys 25ff 8in Mips Oft Ridges 81 ft Sin Rakes 86ft 1Oin Inn Wall Flashing 1 ft 6in ®®m Step Flashing 2ft. 8in.«, Transitions Oft Unspecified 24ft gin 1II Note: The above diagram contains measurements that have been rounded up. 6 and 9 are written °6 and °9 ro avoid confusion. Some edge length totals have been hidden from the diagram to avoid overcrowding. Flashings are depicted as dotted lines. Copyright © 20'19 Roofr.eom I All rights reserved. 4 Powered By C3 roofr Area Measurement report 2813 Harson Way, Fort Pierce, PL 34946, USA Total Low Pitch: 0 sqft Total Two Story: 0 sqft Total Two Layer: 0 sqft Predominant Pitch: k4/121 Predominant Pitch Area: 2,12.1 sqft Total Area: 2,121 sqft Note: )he above diagram contains measurements rounded to the nearest whole number. The total af. the top of the page is tYie sum of all the unrounded (exact) measwements, wl'iich is then rounded. Flashings are depicted as dotted lines, Deleted facets, which are not labeled with area, (Slrylights, Chimneys, AC units) are omitted from area sums. 5 Copyright © 2019 Roofr.com i All rights reserved.