HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE HATE PLANNING & $DEVELOPMENT ' Building & Code Compliance Division BUU,DWG PEWWff SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT iC /. G ✓1 c yC �-'� r'$'7i�,,}' have agreed to be (Corogs3ng* Namelindividuat Marne) �� the _ �- � , C _ate Sub -contractor for I . rt. v -� I A_ Y7 ° Crype of Trade) 4Winau Contractor) For the project located at _ "! 7 -':� i - 0030 — 000 (Project Stet Address or Property Tax ID #) /a,fi per iLy ✓t. �• . It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Cade Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a of Sub -contractor notice. f 7z'� CON— A S1bNATURE ( r 6,,) f J4A) PRINTNAME a GL/z-5-3/ COUNTY C RTIFFCATION NUMBER StateofFtorida,Countyof 51_z1Vt4 The foregoing iustr want was signed before me tbls�� of L 2oZ (( by J�010 t 00 LP/�isy N who is personalty knomm _pr bas produced a SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) LS h. RINT NAME g COUNTY GE3i'i MCAT10N iiTJ IBER State of Florida, County of .Ll C_ tom(+ The foregoing instruaneat was signed before me this V dday of who is pmonaiiy knowrn tom' lxl im produced a ion. as identification. STAMP Notary Public signature ofx4jiry Public ,f Not. a _ — - - - Print Name orNot ary Public LASNAHNAINGWIM-RAHMM(i #; W COMMISSION # GG 275060 EXPIRES+ D8[ �+ Nowy ro pubsc stdo of Ftaada BorAW071MY NoMatY aF" ger P Hester Recis11/]812Uf6 My+tSwmiissi GG33=9 cd NOWExpirf 09125tZA23 ]wilding;&;Ca.e GomplYance T�isi�on B1IY,D�IVGT,ER1ti1TT_ SUD-001�.7'RA(:TaR .�►CREEM�NT'' . MEEKS PLI:lNt91NO INC: .. _ haee agreed :to. be (Cpmpply""NatnP/Igdividpat Natlie) the PLUJ RING `(TyPe of Trade):Stlb=contractor`for DAVE GOLDEN "HOMES:INC ' (Prtm�ry :Contractor): . Fof,the proiect"'Ibcated at 1401-313=0030=000 2 SI A:SN PING Tt?f9.11 It is tinderstothat, :ifthere is o'd at! dh hgo of'st ttis i e` ' d1><i ' ;our „aft' ation with tho,ai aYe ;inentloned g� P P, protest; the Bitidlrlgand Code Reg>xlatron:Dl�iszan of St1 Lucie County wtil:be advised,rsuant`fi0the f ubi0dt aeto-todfiiing.of a. C"fi . CONT ' TORSIGNATORV (OiWi6 V 10 FR NAME (' 3/�1� COTINTY (ZRT-VjCA"rIUN,NIJMBER State of Fk00,-Counly -r. %r�/ �. The foreegoing instryMot wxs:sigried Before me.ttiist;day aj' who jspersonallyknpwn�pr.' hnsprod_uced.a as'lid'ot tication. STAMPI-1 Signatfuro of Noturgf'plilic Priol Xame�of Nota(ey Public LASHAHN{1(NGPAM40 MING MY cOMMIS m a GG 2750so Revised l 1/1:6/2016 's; A_ D 2O' 2022 a;�' 8ondediftNNolaryPt�flcUndetw�n S TAiE ,tIGE,t.SE CFCO24535' COUNTY'GERTII fC TlON�.Nt711 BER' Sbfi,ofMrldit Couu.tyof IFIDIANBIVER- The.foregoing'lnstruinenk wAss fined befoie me this -day of ,zuQ,hy.RQNALD E 1111EI=KS Print i o ., ��?!, IdoleNy Pugt�c;Sialfl of °Ftande Ltiftta Thihault auiy GommissibnjGG 495?3 ^�xPli�t)�1t►12821 iR __ i P,F-RMIT ISSUE DATE Im the For the project located at BURDINGPERMH SUB-00NTRA&0]kAGR'1&'ME:NT -� C 0 Sub -contractor for. (Primary Contractor) (Project 4irect Address or �11 n Ub ) () 'roperty'Fax ID V, have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding bur participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie bounty Nvill be advised pursuant to the filing of.a ore of gub-contractor notice, CONZ6RAIGATURE u . er) __Nuio ("Up") PRINT NAME e /; /' / z S-3 / i COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State Florida, County Or - r1z1a The foregoing instrument vm signed before me this dayof elh4l who is personally known —or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Public Print Name of'Notary Public INGRAMAMMING W COMMON 0 GG 27WO F-XPWMD1100111*20,2022 Reviscd, i W&2om, 8cndPubW nd&Wtm ONTRACTORSIGNAT -0191Gr) PRINT NAW -- -Lo COUN'TY CERTIFICATION NNUMBER state ofFlorian, County of The-foregoinginstruinent was signed before me this qdav of s personally kno, ____pr has produced a as i e �-- 6'�-wt4 P Signature of iblotaiT Public Print Name of Notary Public 'ev ih. Notary Publiq State of FWda Arnanda P SandersoQ Fil"as 0412512022