HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeat & Cooling Design Basis CertificateNlanuf-acturer Address A
P. O. BOX 1606 `
ftADT_^%Vr r%^ntr\w nnn�w.
The factory. Irgstalteil equipment includes;
Equipment' Whufacttlrer
Fdr heating
For -air cooling;. �_. -
For. cooking..'
Watee heater
Washer -
.Clothes Dryer' �! �
StandardrWiflo Zono l 15 PSF0oltz6pjai 9:P5F Upllft
x � Hurrixane Resistive Zone Il 25 BSF HOrdZ4tttaf. . _ 15 R T,llplilt
Other __ PSF ggrizd6tal —PSF Upllft
Nat", 40 PVF
Mtdctta 30PSF '.--OOW PSF
This mobile home has been thermally insulated to conform -'Ul the regrdraraenis-aFste
W federal mobile hone coastructwrs and utettrst#r> ard3 rc ayyccattoh wit caylilctaw
QHeating t4worrient marwlac Untr and madef (see, Oat at lefrl-
U. The.#DfaYeboating tquiptn±njhas !tteca"Wytomaintay}anavelow7VFferaparaaRjw
this`home at Outdoor femperatumv of F.
LL TQ Jnaafmftefumace oper#tutq economy, and lo, rm%Wta envoy, N a r[estion ended Jew
'.thfitha -me lit installed where the Outdoor Winwide
-"q Wingate (WV IV I *r) is naf NgW than
degioes Fahrenhait
'W Tvit"icivs Information hot been calculated aaauming a,+nairntiiAt W"Voommy ft5"ghat
,�, sliinaar¢ atmdtst>r?eric.Dreasurt
Comm Coom
d:" Air conditioner providers A! +i: :y(Aireri ateii
Air conditioner manulschtes r... cmdai tot ksf of i,st}
-,MQ„ Ceritlitaltattadty__.dTtllhasrroat4drCtr+caxrkmaVsee ,&W
his 'air conditioning and riingtntien i mrrrule standards
Z The centraf air conditioning system pt�vidad utpaa Rw btta star a
Orientation aj the lroni (M!chena) ct The heouractng or,
Is designed to inatntan iv indoor' irreparetwe of ES i
,w ,tept'perdturea are - F d+y btr:A and y F m(bui ,
W The.tempeiilurt10 ivhich this 111M.,eptan be ofid wd. tft+mq+s 4Gr -
-� 'inf6unt,4t exposure of lV nimdowl aC into name taibiriaa* 14ai7wlrb.
hhmes,fisot gains win vary depenayfli vpon4twortlnLdan labrr➢W4r _;
�*sding`orovided, information ron:ornmQ the cahuRttirvir stcxoan
irk ' Jacatieus, window aipasurrn and xhrNnyaaw6coWdl�dUE7+aprer'Z _. ,,
V at lhe`ASPRAE Handbook of F•.mdarwnWi
;pry!e}tomutianrteceasarytdeaku!ateeonting.!oadaatvarbustcsatrva .��- } ,
provided in the Spacial comfort d:ooiM.Q JnParmalion:pmiddatl w
n� Air" conditioner not praYlded at factory (Alternate A) _
�! a She air distribution system of mra hoint 4 suitabh for air Jk.• `
'eortdRioriirg :'�
'J \' " Ttie suDpry airdistiibuhun syettT c+al.uad in lmis 7tame Us+,;,,,.� � ,, tqK
V ale conditi6ning system of up to G "_ , $ O0 TAt. ,rr
Q, :certitirMrm accordance with the a.n r V rafa lr totK
9 standards'.. when Iht air cllcufalaq of such air cod
.G, itotamn sIct;c ptevurt o, grtsdH fur me cool"Altc
aii +!fief system.
�1 toftrmalon.aaccasvy10calcWaMtMOhngtoadratY
�previdod Ili-fne spacial ca-n!orl co krq Intormetlan
'� � ��,�omlliitsPinQlfMrHoommOndcalMltamitaH7)
`rho alitfi,ulbuton tyattrn or tide !rd.ne naa "a, oatn
with a central atr conditIO11 4 rz •rfrn
NEC(554my To O W"4T( 3ENSfUt NL
Wolfs twNhouf windows and door,)
CafOdosand roofs of tight cot- W �^
.Callings and roofs at Mrs COW
-9 AlrdUttagt frocr
Att ductr in caihnfi.
At, duets tnstalttd ourddr the Ro+ms - ' .. , .
V _ F.
TP,tolravring err the duct s/eia In (nm .rums:
Air'ducta In.#trsr
}F n;
lUi dutq irt. ,riling
,Am aucpt to WO* the ttpwrt "••••�— ' ;� "
too* rai+nt ins ruausra tatMr.tp tw,, ,..nar�r ttrssi*►p+ta+Mar aat*rss*'" {
#aaWtnARad(ftsut4tin) cattnn,aa.. n. rawK+rt, YtsaaeWf+W se+asrtnlr+M+'*+"
fsiist.ioclSAR toA ixat+'uarw's er Ur. atc<.i ':HVYaTsM'IfAAMtM!st f.
all p4Yi4r tno tl/safes% rrrr�M ar+^ fi•:. tyayy coolly A6;
A'M tsar, [aGh har'r+'+'d' •Q"s a.Ad q xaMs to a0
tutWrtxar eaoyryare eawrtlti—apP'"s."`te
j,W, Vcca A Buiid.'r.s•-w., x.s • yr. • • � :n arY MnssNfr*
s+iitava s.�ta