HomeMy WebLinkAboutSkirting SpecificationsI P".1f icatione Atlantic Supply FSI sldrting top rail design provides 2.5 sq, Inches of ventilation per lineal foot,' Atlantic smpplies F81 vent panels that add are additional 4.2 sq. lnchee of ventilation per lineal 'loot of panel In height. Therefore, an average 28" high vented panel will provide an additional 9.8 sq. Inches of ventilation per panel used. ` Typical 14' x ?Q' Nome 185' lineal feet set at 28' height Top Flail Vent: 165 lineal feet x 2,50 sq. incises per toot = 412,5 sq. inches 124 pce. 28" vent panel: 124 pcs, x 9.8 sq. inches per pc = Total Ventilation sq, Inches Total Ventilation sq. ft. 121 tj.2 *g. inches 1627.7 sq, inches 1527.7 aq, inches 1144 11.3 sq, ft. of ventilation iiel inferior se proporclonm dos conjuntaa de agujeres- &tos se encucntran dentm del MU, en In Para de soporte. Los claws gruems para el p w se pueden clavar a haves de cudquicra de 103 agujeros a una 6tamia do 19 pukadas entre A b. huralacibn en pim de concrao. Use ua claw de Ve para mamposteria. Asi mismo se puede tdadtar un 3gusero Para un mmilio de 3/16' tipo Molly cos ands. plastics. (Los matcriales ds slaws y los wm@os estin disponibles en la mryo& de In fettete[faa). Para Innstdar el producto atra dedor do tas esquoaas, cowulm el Paso E. STEP C: PANEL INUALLAMON 1. Beginning 24" away from the lowest Corner of the home, measure £sum the ground up m 1-IW above the bottom edge of Ike back sal of the temperature Is below 40%vvith frown groand, measure to Y abaft the back ta7 edge.) z Measurements oa sloping &found should be taken every 16° (width of panel). 3. Cut the bottom of tuck pond to aqg c with the ground. Each cut panel section should digsV w the bottom edgeof thehome.Use aviation snips or a power saw (with a fine toothed 6av blade tumcd backwards) for Cutting: 4, Punch lock tabs every 4° along the top and bottom edge of cut panel sections (or outside pmi= of each pand face for 13' VariBest). A jMalco (SL-8) Snap Lock Punch toot is recommended. Consult your ddrdng supplier for obtaining ties tooL Tabs are to be positioned ouwW to catch on the hooked MF of the rails. 5. Interlock panels and insert into the bottom rail. Begin with the fast panel insetted into the bottom rail. Locktabs should snappast the hooked edge of the bottom fait. I<nsest next panel secdon into the imedock hooks along dx vertical edge of the Panels. Seat each panel setu dy into the bottom rail. Repeat intalociting pwls, form`mg about a 12-foot section.. Ben ma panel cut and intedoca ,method. To install around corner, refer to step L PASO C: i4fALAC1& DE WS PANSLES 1. Come =;& a 24" dell aquans inferior xnb baja de 1& case, mida desde la supedcie delpiso haste 11/2" urriba del horde inferior del first de apaym (Si Is wmperatura ambience dwante 12 imta]266n es Whior a log 40*Fy elpim wt congelado, nude hasm 3" anaba del bvrde del M de apayo). 2. Teas tnedicioaes en pkos corn demivel deben hwerse a cads le (who del panel). 3. Cam k parts inferior da cads pond ea angalo seg a el danivel del pkm Cads secei6n cis panel cacta,da debe nstar a escuadra (W) con el borda lnfeaioc de to case. Use fiat de hojala= o uns Circa eldcaim (con am hoja de ootta de diente fine wlocada al rents) Pam toast Ias paaeles. 4. Mu In lenghm de cierre cad& e a io largo del borde supwior e inferior delay eecriouts de panetes romdos. Semcomioad& el use de urta pumovadom de mmw Malco (Si'.-8) Snap Lock Punch. Conake tea m pwveedor de cun6s rAve Omm obtew seta hetramictm. Las leng;etas debsa colocam haCia Am a Fin de poder wg =bv el bards de gancho de Iw titles. x. Enganche los pancics c introd6zalos en el riel inferior. Comience con A primer panel int udueido en el riel irifedoa l:.ss leng,etas de ci= dcbcn engaacharsc ham mb aJla del borde con gancho del riel de spaym rntroduua lei siguiente secci6n de panel en Jos ganchas de enchvan icnto a to largo, der horde vertical do Jos putcles. Aslente cads, panel fmnemente en el rid inferior. Replt� el mdlvamiento de 105 paroles hasty format unit seccide de aptegmadamente 12 pies. Rear ude el torte dclos pander y el metoda de enciavamiento. Para instalar el producoo en la esgninas, consulte el Paso E STEP D: INTERLOCK FRONT RAIL WITH BACK RAIL 1. Start snapping one end of the Bunt top rail into the bxk tap rail, seating the interlock push the front top aril upward, its entire length until the front top rail is completely iaterlacked with the back rail. 2. Overlap 1" each top rail section. To install around comer, refer to Step E. PASt1 D: MCLAFRONTAL CO DEL OE APOY I. Comience e ngaacharuio un eaaremo del riel frontal superior en el lid superior de apoyn, pars farmu el rnecanismo de enclavamiento. EmpuJe el rid superior de apaya Dacia aaiba en Coda su longitud haste que el riel frontal superior Bate C=plemmente enganchado on el riel de apoyo. Z. Traslage V coda eecci6n del riel superior Pan imtRlu el producto an In asquim, corteulrs d pato E. P E: CORNER INSTALLATION I. Top back rail — Make a 1" vertical slit from the top. Top inttrlock hook should be completely cut through. Notch 45' on bottom curved It& 2 Bottom rail — Notch the back portion with snips, as Olusnated. Bend around a oww imd attach to the ground. I Panels — Cut panel to proper height. Deftwine point of comer bent?; bend ader it table edge, forming a uniform a4G 4. Top front rail —Blotch at both the tap and bottom hooks of the frront rail, as illustrated. Bend around the corner and .&t into the interlock with the top back tail Refer to Step D. POUR PRE=NMNED TOP FRONT RAILS ARE INCLUDED IN TRIM PAK, PAkwO : 1AALA DEL PRODUCTO EN LAS I SS41UINAS I. RW superior de apoyo —Hags un cone vertical de 1" desde la parte superior. El gaucho superior de enclavamiento debe cOttuse conTletameow. Hags una muesca a 45' en Is, pats tunnels, inferior. 2. Rid inferior — Corte la pordbn posterior con djeras de hojalatem segdn se muesera ea la Aw acid?,. Doblelo akededor de una esgWnay slavelo al peso. 3. Pbrteles — Carte el panel a k altars, spropiads. Determine ei p=w de doblex doble al panel sobrc el borde de una mesa, Para former un kngulo recto. 4. Rid frootol superior — Corn 10 ganehoa superior a Weriar del Ad frontal, segt n se Rustra an to Jigttra. Doble la pieza atcededor de la esgWna y en&chdit en cl enclavamiento con el rid aupesioc de apoyo. Consulte el pass D. EN EL CONJUNTO TRIM PAK $E INCLUYEN CUATRO RIFLES SUPERIORES FRONTALES YA CORTADOS.