HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan 3ALL APPUCABLE iNFO MUST BE COMPLLIED FOR APPLICATION Ti} BE ACCE ED 19 Date. 611/2.0�! L'Am "L-3" im {' Permit Number.-C Building Permit Applica...".tion Planni",'ng and Develeaparrent Services B-(z?11d-1hg and Code Regulation aivi�tqon 2300 Virgiinfi'a Avenue,,, Fort Pieizee FaL, 344ir 982 Phone-.: J772) 462 77*f) 462-1578 Commerci*a� Address,* 9323 Breakers RAW Legal De scitpoonV PALM BREEZES t�LU� {P� 4�-32) BLK 9 OT 16 R e. s,'1* d e n t 41* a x ID# 2310�50&wO172i000-9 Lot No,, Site PlanCa R...,.Ock Project Marne: --- Terren..,ce Hicks Setbacks Front Mark Rif t SI'de: Lift �ic�e' 50GAL ELE�TRIC WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT El�ectric Ll Pfumbt*ng Total Sq,, Ft of Constructlon Con Cost • ICPiping Sprinklers 1620 — I_!1 �iy11��r • � if apply: Sh. utte rs enerator Sam. Ft.. of First FIloor UtItittes'. - t Tr +�-fl i �__+ •y - - �ti_ � _L'���- j� �- sL T'� •�9-~ "k �- �� - t�� `��"`�-ram k. y'4`'}�'� k�_-+ry= _,z _y= 'r-�,�L�} ~ti r; •� :1 -_ �r: �ti } �` _ - Li`*� ���--tr •'i�ce �1. �{' ~j-_i _� - LT,�}-L _ L � 4��,� ;' •,•:� ��v�zr� �;' ti�';'.x;���"��' i--��''� � +,�'�� .�� Name- Terrento Hicks Address: 19323 Breakers FZ_ ciftve FL F i �IIMrrl�MiiYX, o�+ti�r�a State:, 4LIp Cocij', - 34945 It Phone No., .561"91 1008 E-Mafl.a, � *It* fee S1*tup le Title Holder on nett page if d-'ifferent l fro the Owner IiS-'rted v. owalvie;� Sewer ndowsI'- IN Nd ip*PtIC Building He Roaf pitch _- __ _ �LZ• � hh � _} 1 �,. _ _ice;_ _ _ v,{_ - - •xr ti. �y -vkti-' -k �� ���' � tiT� �~�-,�--• �• tip_ - -- .tom- _ � '�i s�� •1C� - � - - — ++G� � - - tic•• ��� ' ~ter-' ��-;r a� ti r Yam* 'ram 4Ji�_ ti ,Ir. �'"�,` ::;� , �, t1r •" k •„�+- k,' TTMw '*;;'�:- �`�. }'[�4.'�''�'�* •`f`` 4r:�„* -�.. r. ! �+'•' --+?�� �-��i:ti_ ti ;� �'1��,����' �X�vti�- *,4�' �k}� - �� �����4 t�c.��• i �r`�'��3rr.� - `'+�.�i _ �r-��� - ��� �'� �-y� ���"���i -Y•����- a. f��•�'�`�•�� +-�� +�'L+�t.��i�a'_"S3�r'�'.*4�: �,i.'yti'r� F.iwr r• 5�`�L.�.�"iti ���:'.�;+...�,'•'ti� �7l*�ti_. 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" Application is hereby Ma dew to obtai n a permit to do the work and 1 nstallation as indica L 0,,.M0MFne_nkw0."­ed prior to thel -issuance , of a permft:, LCie !!,,"I !J111111111111111111111111 + X e t t b Ct P Cl ::s bje ,.trU---....ture St L Coun, makes no;representation that ant- '11 author-ze the 11111111) 1 wh;chl's in con i is g inR a I er o uflO H Uct with any applf-Y...-ILable Home oviners Ass�Orllat" Wes bylaws or at id covenants that may restr, or prohffift such ',MA W I on r i o n structur=.. Please consult W"Ith yout Home OwnerS-,, Associat nd In cOiluid�r�tic�;� o f� in accordance with t he granting of thgis requested permit, I do hereby ag,ree that € will, in all respects, pefform the wvM k he approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and Sll,-.,L Lucie CouEn-'Zvv Amnndments. i * 3* X 7 '# :utt�wirig iiUilCiEdi g p=imtz app I clation s aCe exem pt fro m u n d e. rao Ing a u I I Cf?nCui'3`eni.l :'tloiTl adCjt6E7P2§, acc-essory struc-it-Ures, swhrr~a ng poo1s, fences; waits, stgns, screen rooms and accessory uses to ancatt2er non-residentfal us,,. tAIARNINGT0 OWNER: Your failure #0 Re:4%rd a N�ti�e a# �..e�nent rnay It in your Paying twiceiirtiprovements to our prope ty% A 1Icati�e cif rnme��cerr�e t must �e record �� and 130Sted on the joT �: lEQ, before the first inspection,,, If you' n+Lenob..kain financing, c? 'Ire de'r � anljliiz nej� �yor t em,commen�ckcr { to�rrec rV� Signaiure 6'f owner/ LEIssee/Contract"or as Agent for %Owner STATE Or---, FLORIDA .. I .. 1 lllll.. I )-� < COUNTY OF the forgoing instrument was acknowledLo.,-e�u before me This � davof Y_� "'��� by Name of person rnakirg s��•>e=nt Personally Known P<_OR Produced Identificatllion Type of ldentifl4..,,ation Produced J .0 Commission Rev., 81.-2/.17 S- 7St. f,� # �y + r .I I y. n 3 L I zh 0 f ` ;L I 0 N OF } bGF.'4'�Jrs :r��p 4 ri I �• I� •a ����a.o� _ _ t,..�� -_ _ The fo,,""goin� i�3st�urr��nt %;as ���,�ovvl��ged bet'ore me thl"S d a-y o-i' ft Narn,pl-.. of -?ae� sari making statement Personaffy Known OR Produced Type of ldent�fication Produced., Sl•�u N n. +Y _ -•�n�3a -- - `..L ' Y-.�-i-�aaJ"aa-Y ii-•^r•�4�Nhr ��-r �.�w-rrz-.•a•w ti•��.� •v �•,.��a�v. •aa na.i••r��+ita.y.4.aJJLtia_+i,�4•ar-a,r. ��- _.-'+�4 �--.�la,�aaaa_ar,� '-h'•n-�'•-.�rtir��-r.-� M-.J�r. r= ar via_• •—u � ,-_eta-..•�.... . 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