HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Conti End 303 letter-esigned
412 Colorado Ave., Stuart, Fl. 34994
(772) 223-8227 * Lic. #AR91665
To: St. Lucie County - Building & Code Regulation Division Date: May 10, 2021
Re: Amanda Conti
9960 S. Ocean Drive / Miramar II /End unit 303
Jensen Beach, Fl. , 34957
It is acceptable to replace existing sliding glass door, sinlge hung window, & entry door
opening for the address listed above with the units as follows:
1) F.G. - The Rampart Series "5500" impact/ aluminum window wall system has
a Florida number NOA #21899.1 with a +100 / -100 design pressure. It has a large
missile "D" approval and HVHZ.
2) S.G.D. - The EGS International Atlantic series "LM 130"' aluminum S.G.D. has a
FL#29677.1 with a +105 / -135 design pressure. It has a large missile "D" approval
and HVHZ.
The worst case scenario building design pressures of addr ess listed above in Zone 4 is +58.7 / -
63.7 and Zone 5 is +58.7 / -78.5. The building has a type II classification and exposure category
"D" for the 6th Edition of the FBC (2017).
SCOPE OF WORK: New fixed glass & sliding glass door.
1.DESIGN CODE: Florida Building Code Sixth Edition (2017) with 2020 Supplements
ASCE 7‐16.
2. Structure Designed: Enclosed
3. Risk Category: II Exposure Category: D
4. Design Wind Velocity 170 mph Nominal Wind Speed 132 mph End Zone Width: 4 ft
5. Mean Roof Height 153 ft Roof Pitch: 0:12 Parapet: N/A ft
6. Components & Cladding Design Pressures Used: Zone 4: +58.7 / -63.7 P.S.F. &
Zone 5: +58.7 / -78.5 P.S.F. Worst case scenario has been calculated.
7. Design Loads: Floor: N/A Roof/Dead: N/A Roof/Live: N/A Balcony: N/A Dock: N/A
Deck: N/A Stairs: N/A Fence: N/A Railings: N/A
8. Were Shear Walls Considered For Structure? N/A Not Applicable Explain Why Not:
9. Is A Continuous Load Path Provided? N/A
10. Design Soil Bearing Pressure: N/A Soil Test Reports Submitted? N/A
Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions please call.
Mark A Corson
Mark A. Corson A.I.A., NCARB