HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Titanium PSU-30 underlayemnt.-..`.-.._ BCISHome Logln UserRegistration HotTopics Submitsurcharge Stats&Facts Publications I Contactus ` BCISsite ly Product Approval USER: Public User Product AR,prQva.I :Menu > ErQdilct or AEplication Search > £Rplifat!Qn±is! > Application Detail FL# Application Type Code Version Application Statils Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FL11602-R12 Revision 2020 Approved Owens Coming Roofing and Asphalt, LLC One Owens Coming Parkway Toledo, OH 43645 (740) 321-6345 Greg.Keeler@owenscorning.com Keeler Greg Greg.Keeler@owenscorning.com Greg Keeler 2790 Columbus Road Granville, OH 43023 (740) 321-6345 greg.keeler@owenscorning.com ROofing underlayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity 12/31/2023 John W, Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist -Hardcopy Received FL11602_.R12 Col _2021 _ 01__Col__,NIEMINEN.pd£ St:andard ASTM D1970 ASTM D4533 (tear strength) ASTM D4798 (weathering) ASTM D4869 (liquid transmission) ASTM D5035 (tensile) FRSAITRI, Sixth Edition UL 1897 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Date Revised Summar 11602.1 of Products Model, Nun Titanium Roo Limits of use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Ye Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-142.5 Method 1 Option D 02/12/2021 02/14/2021 02/23/2021 04/13/2021 04/19/2021 nber or Name Description Df Underlayments Synthetic sheet-type roof underlayments S Installation Instructions FL11602 R12 11 2021 02 12 FINAL ER TIT BLfap2ff Other: 1.) The design pressure noted herein pertains to use of a specific underlayment system beneath tile roof systems. Refer to ER Section 5.8.3 for details. 2.) Refer to ER Sections 5 and 6 for other Limits of Use. Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL11602 __a_±2 AE 2021__02 12 FINAL____ER_TI-E.flpdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes11 Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. £Qf2)!right 2007-2013 State of Florida. : : B!:ivafy Statement : : Accessibility..Statement : Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.£ Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Departmen if they have one. The emails provided may be used for offlcial communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public rec to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To de licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click b£!:a.. Product Approval Accepts: EH RE Bill E ill Credit CardSafe NEMo I etc. Certjfilcate of Authorizaticln #32455 353 Christian Street, Unit #13 Oxford, CT 06478 (203) 262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST CONSULT Owens Coming Roofing and Asphalt, LLC One Owens Coming Parkway Toledo, OH 43659 (740) 321-6345 Evaluation Report I11980.11.08-R13 FL11602-REfl2 Date of lssuance: 11/03/2008 Revision 13: 02/12/2021 ScOpE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTloN: Titanium® Roof Underlayments LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein and FBC 1507.1.1. CoNTINUED CoMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEM0 ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTlsEMENT: The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words "NEMO|etc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTloN: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 8. Prepared by: --.-.,--,-- st7 .-`r-3r Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DCA ANE1983 The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Niemlnen, P,E. on 02/12/2021. Thls does not serve as an electronically slgned docu ment. CERTIl:lcATION OF INDEPENI)ENCE: 1. NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC, LLc is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation, Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, jn any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. ©2018 NEMO ETC, LLC ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: Product category: Roofi ng Sub-Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: Titanium® Roof Underlayments, as produced by Owens Coming Roofing and Asphalt, LLC, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with applicable sections the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. Section 1504.3.1 1507.1.1,1507.2.4,1507.2.9.2 / R905.1.1, R905.2.8.2 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Exception),1507.1.1.1(5) / R905.1.1.1(2&3, Exception), R905.1.1.1(5) 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Exception),1507.1.1.1(5) / R905.1.1.1(2&3, Exception), R905.1.1.1(5) 1507.1.1.1(5) / R905.1`1.1(5) 1507`3.3 / R905.3.3 TAS 110 Properrty Wind resistance Material standard Tear strength Tensile strength Liquid water transmission Material standard Accelerated Weathering Standard Year UL 1897 2015 ASTM D1970 2015 ASTM D4533 2015 ASTM D5035 2011 ASTM D4869 2016 FRSAnRi,sixth Edition 2018 ASTM D4798 2011 EQfty ERD (TST6049) ERD (TST6049) ITS (TST1509) ITS (TST1509) Owens Coming NEMO (TST6049) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) PRl (TST5878) ITS (QUA1673) ITS (QUA1673) MEMO ETC, LLC Ce rtlflcate Of Authorlzatlon #32455 Examination Various, system tests Wind Uplift FRSAml, partial A~D4869,LWT Product equivalency FRSAml, tile slippage A{"D1970 FRSAnRl, partial ASTM D4798, D1970 TAS 117(a); Pull-through FRSAITRl, partial UL1897 AiTMD1623,TAS103 UL1897 ASTM D4533, D4798, D5035 ASTM D4.533, D4798, D5035 ASTM D4533, D4798, D5035 AASTMD4533,D4798,D5035 AflMD8257-20 Qualrty Control Qua I rty contro I Reference 135520.06.11 135520.08.11-1 3126617COQ-005 101823107COQ-007A Declaration 4j-OC-19-SSUDL-01.A OCF-341-02-01 0CF-343-02-01 0CF-341-02-01 0CF-422-02-02 0CF-425-02-01 1378T002 0CF-507-02-01 137gT0117 1378T0110 1378T0111 1378T0112 1378T0059 1378T0061 Service Confirmation Florida BCIS 7TH ED|T|oN (2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATloN Titanlum® Roof Underlayments Date 06/15/2011 08/12/2011 Tf]i3,inlyffn T2icenfliA 06/18/2018 06/14/2019 ce|2:D|2fIT] Ti/cenfIT] Ll|2:]|2!fIT] 04/03/2018 08/13/2018 U]/cO|2!Ou9 08/13/2019 WfJ|2!Q|2:02:A 10/15/2020 10/15/2020 cO|T5|2J02J0 on.|T3|2firrf] 01/21/2021 T2/or]|2In:D Current Evalllatlon Report I11980.11.08-R13 r-Lii6o2-Ri2 Revision 13: 02/12/20ZI Page 2 Of 8 ©NEMo|etc. Ivlaterial Standa rd Plant(s)Description Titanium® PSU--30 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 ASTM D1970 and FRSAnRI 09-18 Dubai, UAE Brentwood, NH inforced polymer modified bitumen material red to the underside of a polymer-coated, hetic woven sheet. The underside is backed a release film, Unit weight 24 Ibs/square Titanium® UDL-25 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Exception),1507.1.1.1(5) / R905.1.1.1(2&3, Exception), R905.1.1.1(5) Qingdao, China hetic sheet-type underlayment comprised of ven core coated on one side with a polymer ing. Unit weight 2.5 lbs./square Titanjum® UDL-30 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Exception),1507.1.1,1(5) / R905.1.1.1(2&3, Exception), R905.1.1.1(5) Qingdao, China hetic sheet-type underlayment comprised of ven core coated on both sides with a mer coating. Unit weight 4,0 lbs./square Titanium® uDL50 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Exception),1507.1.1.1(5) / R905.1.1.1(2&3, Exception), R905.1.1.1(5) Qingdao, China hetic sheet-type underlayment comprised of ven core coated on both sides with a mer coating. Unit weight 4.7 lbs./square Titanium® X30 1507.1.1.1(2&3, Exception), 1507.1.1.1(5) / R905.1.1.1(2&3, Exception), R905.1.1.1(5) ASTM D8257 Qingdao, China hetic sheet-type underlayment comprised of n-woven polypropylene top scrim laminated central non-woven polypropylene scrim with meric coating on the bottom side. Unit ht 5.0 lbs./square. 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Ni of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous v or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zo Dade Counties). This Evaluation F{eport pertains to above-deck roof components. F{ accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority This Evaluation fteport does not include evaluation of fire classificat minen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer rsions thereof, is/was used for permitting e jurisdictions (i.e., Broward and Miami- ecks and structural members shall be in aving Jurisdiction. Refer to FBC 1505 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBOI 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic ins ulation. cover where the product is specificallyTitanium® Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roo referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based oh this evaluation combined with suppo ting data for the prepared roof covering. Allowable Roof Covers: `~ETC TABLE 1: ROOF COVER OPTIONS FBC Section..1507.2 1507.3 1507,1507.7 1507.8 & 1507.9 Underla ment Asphalt Clay and Concrete "le _ etal p:pne,si Slate or Slate-Wood Shingles andMechanicalAdhesive---Sh,ngles Attach Se,s.Type Shingles Shakes Titanium® PSU-30 -`\___-/Yes Yes Yes(See5.6.1)Y S Yes Yes(jointstrips,1507.1.1.3 /R905.1.1.3) Titanium® UDL-25 Yes No No Y S Yes No LLC Evaluation Report l11980.11.08-R13 re a/Aurhor/2dr/on #32455 7" EDITloN (2020) FBC NON-li\/HZ EVALUATION FLil60?a-R12! Titanlum® Roof Underlayments R evlslon 13: 02/12/2021 Page 3 of 8 eeNEMO,etc. TABLE 1: ROOF COVER OPTIONS FBC Section:1507.2 1507.3 1507.4 uso|.5 1507.1 1507.8 & 1507.9 underlavment Asphalt Clay and Concrete Tile Metal anels slate or Slate-Wood Shlngles andfvlechanicatAttachAdhesive-SetShingles ends ln8les Type Shingles Shakes "tanium® UDL-30 Yes Yes(BaseSheet in2-plysystem)Yes(BaseSheet in2-plysystem) Y S Yes No Titanium® UDL-50 Yes No No Y S Yes No Titanium® X30 Yes NO NO Y S Yes No Adhesive-set is limited to use of following underlayment / tileLadhesive ombinations. TABLE IA: AILOWABLE TllE ADHESIVI / uNDERLAyME COMBINATloNSL Underlayment Adhesive Florida Product Approval Titanium® PSU-30 Dupor`t 'Tile Bond" Roof Tile Adhesive"FL22525 lcp Adhesives and Sealants "Polyset® AH-160''FL6332 lcp Adhesives and Sealants ``Polyset® RTA-1"FL6276 Allowable Substrates: TABLE 2: SUBSTRATE OPTIONS FOR ADHERED UN ERLAVMENTS Underlavment Application Substrates (designed to meet wind loads for project) Primer Material(s) Titanium® PSU-30 )self-adhering Deck / sheathing \`L(Optional) ASTM D4 (plywood \ Base sheet None • Zed/Typellfelt ASTM D41 Titanium® UDL-30 None Titanium® UDL-30 (inverted) Attachment Limitations: s, attachment shall be in accordance withFor use under mechanically attached NON-TILE prepared roof coverin the manufacturer's installation instructions, but -for mechanically att ched underlayments or base sheets -not 1 Refer to Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive Manufacturer`s Florida Product Approval for Overturning Moment Resistance Performance. NEMO ETC, LLC Cert.lfilcate Of Authorjzatic)n #32455 7" EDITloN (2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Titanium® Roof Underlayments Evaluation Report l11980.11.08-R13 FL11602-R12 Revision 13: 02/12/2021 Flage 4 of 8 1©- NEM0 ETC, LLC Certoflcate of Authorization #32455 7TH EDITION (2020} FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Titanlum® Roof Underlayments Evaluation Report I11980.11.08.R13 FL1160Z-RIB Revlslon 13: 02/12/2021 Page 5 Of 8 \ ©NEMO|etc 1-5/8" diameter tin caps ire MaximumDesi Deck: Base Sheet: Fasteners: and Asphalt, LLC pub ished installation requirements. EXDosure Llmltations: TABIJ: 3: EXPOSURE LllvIITATIONS Underlayment Prepared Roof Cover Installation T Pe Ivlaximum Exposure (days) Titanium® PSU-30 Mechanically attached 180 Adhesive-set tile 30 Titanium® UDL-25, Titanium® UDL-30,Titanium®UDL-50,Titanium®X30 Mechanically attached I 180 5.10 NEM0 ETC, Tile Slippa€e Limitations: When loading roof tiles on the underlayhient in direct-deck tile assemblies, the maximum roof slope shall be as follows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. TABl.E 4: TILE SLIPPAGE LIMITATIONS FOR DIRECT-DEC TILE INSTALLATIONS Underlayment Tile Profile Staging ethod Maximum Slope Titanium® PSU-30 Flat Max. 10-ti stack 5:12 Flat Max 5-til stack 6:12 Lugged Max. 10-til stack 4:12 Lugged Max. 5-til stack 5:12 Lugged Max. 10-tile sta k 15 over 5` 5:12 IIIII I I I I I LLC Evaluation Report l11980.11.08-R13 cert,}/care a/Atithori.rat/on #32455 7TH ED'T'£tNai;::°j :::fNu°nNd-eHriva;:Ee¥?sLUAT[°N I Revision 13:F:2;::;i:i: I Pages Of8 ©NEMoletc. 6.1 6.3.2 6.4.2 6.5.3 Titanium® Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with qwens Coming Roofing and Asphalt, LLC published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth ih section 5 herein and the specifies noted below. I :ee;f::tee:n;ndyu's:°asnedddeecbk;rs8p:jaotet':'a#jcca::ocnk,:°nrdpprr:::dt!hn:snuabj:t[:ttdij.faspwp:i::bi:)esubstratethoroughlyto :nrstRr::t:;ti:..1::}crfe°qrui:eem¥:tes:;k:r:rpeacr:dde:::fo::Yet::8mta°n:feain:::I:i'nsat::,att}oenTnas:ruuf:tounrse.rsjnsta''at!°n Fasteners: Minimum fasteners shall be corrosion resistant, ring-shank cap nails Shall be as set forth in FBC 1507.1.1.1 or 1507.1.1.3 or FBC Residential R905.1.1.1 or R905.1.1.3. Titanium® PSU-30: I ::0:::]=±e;:::I:'±=:t::.n:S:T:''±a:C:rwF::rReeqs:ireenmtiea|:i::a]n]a:Porr°#5Se]'fia#:rr'tnh8eu#:r:afYPT:::r(e¥:oMofDc]o9v7e°r!;: to be installed, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. WheninstaHedoveramechanicallyattached,FBCApprovedASTMD2!6Typellfe„efeltshallbefastenedin accordance with FBC 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1. I =i:i#i':::;:ines:,ncompiiancewithrequirementsforaself-AdheredirembraneintheFRSA/TRIF/oridoHJ.gh I W/nd Concrete and C/ay Roo/ 7-//€ /r)sfc}//or/on Mc7nuci/, Sixth Edition, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. I i Refer to section 5.8.3 for attachment limitations. I Refer to Table 4 for tile staging limitations. Titanium® 2-Ply System: The Titanium® 2-Ply System consists of a base layer of Titanium® UDL-30 (top-surface primed or sheet mechanically attached to the wood roof deck followed by Titanium® PSU-30, self-adhered. inverted) ::::n:ill:It:a:;::;:®t:°::DsaL:::r!taonpc:uwitahcesep:I,:nee;rsheetlnvened)lniccordancewlthsectlon63followedby Tile ADplications: Refer to Section 5.8.3 for attachment limitations. Refer to Table 4 for tile staging limitations. NEMO ETC, LLC Certificate of Autho rizatlon #32455 7" EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATloN Tltanlum® Roof Underiayments Evaluatlon Report l11980.11.08-R13 FL11602-RIB Revisl®n 13: 02/12/2021 Page 7 Of 8 As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction to| properly evaluate the installation of this product. Contact the named QA entity for manufacturing facilities covered by Rule 61G20-3 QA requirements. Refer NEMO ETC, LLC Certlficate Of AIJtho rlzat.Ion #32455 -END OF EVALUATION REPORT - 7TH ED|TloN (2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATloN Titanlum® Roof Under]ayments Evaluation Report l11980.11.08-R13 FL11602-R12 Revision 13: 02/12/20ZI Page 8 of 8