HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeib Permit APPAfl APPLICABLE INFO MUST .13F CO KETED FC1R APPLICAT[Ofy To gE ACCEPTED Date: Permit lumber-, EEC 2- Is — � � a u i ld n Permit Application Planning and Oe�relopmer, r ,�enrio�S Building and Code Regtjjo�n D+vi5'rari Commercial 23 1arg"'k2 Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 349s2 ��� I � � Il � E� � Phone; (772) 462-1553 Fax : (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR- SIte Plan Name-, Prof-ect Name- r• L & er f } D ETA I LED DESCRI PTI ON OF 1 R: - Ez New Electra-ca I Mete r _ Sewn d E le ctrica I mete{ FCONSTRUCTION I NFORMATION, Lot N o_ 61 ock N o- Addit[onal work to he performed under thE.5 permit, check ail that apply: —Me chantcaI _ Gas Tank Ga5 Piping Sht;twrs _ V4find0Vrsf Doan Pond — E f-ectri r- — Plumbing _ Sprinklers Generator _ = Roof Pitch Total Sq- Ft of Construction,: 5Qr Ft. of J=i rst F I ter: Cost of Construion: r, -1 �ftii�tis: ��'•� —Sewer _ 5.etic OWNEFL LESSEE- — Name i ef� - AddrP-5.5:le c, cltw •, State: Zip Code- E afar rye-, Building W-Ight- Company: � { �.r} � ;� ��4 - Address: a-, fit}+ Phone No, I Zip Code: Fax: E' Mil: Rhone No Fill in fee sir. fe Trtj Sta f e; JO on next Rage I if different E;- I'V a i I11 r# from the Owner I f steel ahmDvej 11 �� � }-• r CoUnty Li ens If value ofronStTUaton is 250''0 or mo'rL-, a RCORDDED Nettie Of mmencement f:5 requinad. K uaFue of HAVC LS S7.,SQQ ar more, a RECORDED Notice of C"HwMement 6 required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW[ �E�SIGNEk/-WdINEER Not AppIJJcabie Name: Address: - Ci ty ; State Zip- _ „ Phone FE-E SAMPLE TITLE HOLDER' Not Apca lee Name., Address: Zap: Phone: MORI-GAGE COMPANY: i�at Apphicable Address-, Cif : -state: 110N 1 N G 4:0MPANY.- Applicable Name-, _,Lof Address: rty Zip- Phone: OWN ER/ CONTRALTO R AEFIEWIT: Appi1cation is hereby made W obtain a permit to do the +nark a nd Instal I ati on as Ind icated, c@rt-Ify that no work or instaIlation has commenced prier to the issuance of a permit_ St_ Lu c ie C-OuDV makes no represe ntation that is granons a Perm it wi I I authorize th � �rn-Eit h order to b u i Id the su biect stru ctu m which as in conflict v+rith any appli�bte Dome miners As cGation rules, bylaws or ar��cov�r�ants that may r structure. Pilease Vor 5UIt With +Qur -Hoene Owners kSSOCiation and re3riew your deed for any ants �' at y Fest ich 8 pr-Ioohibit such in consideration of the granting of th3� requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, irk arl re�Pe�ts� perform the work � in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida BuitdIng. es and St. Luse Wr�t�spectAmendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a fuII concurrency review: room addlt;ons, atcessory structures, Swimming pooh fence% walls, signs, screen roorns and accessory uses to another non-residentiai use WARN I NG TO OWN E R: Yo u r fa iI u re to Record -a Notice of Commencment nuy for ImPrOvement tO yoUr prDper-ky. A NoticeOf COmmenuement rustrecorded � o ded isult in n paying twice recard5 of St_ Lucie CoUn end Posted un the jobsite before the first inspection. I You intend t tain financing, consult with erg r or an at efore comrnencin work ar recordin Our Nn-tic rrrrrtencerr7 ent. nature of owner LQSSeelContractor as Age:,jt for Owner STATE OF FLDRIQq COUNTY OF Sworn ti) (or affirmed) arrd.subscribed fief ore me of --L'PhYsical Presence o r _ On I i n-e NOta rizatio n thi _ day of 2020 by Name of person mal'ring statement, Persona I ter known i O R P rod u ce d Ede ntrfication _. Type of Identifcetion Produced i n ure of Nutary PubIic-- State of Florida Commission No, (seao . - .. �n R„ REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER DATE RECEIVED DATE PLE F ED an Sij naturER of Contractor STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF nse Holder Ymto (ar afErmed ) n nd subscribed before me of lhysical Pr eseoce or Online Notarization #h is _ day of 2OZO by i Namo of Iefsan Making statement - Personally Known ` OR Produced Identi ficatl on Type of Identification Produced {5Tgnatef P4otary ic- State of Florida ) Cum rni nsi on Nu (SeONAL.FRANCO jW101410t PLANS VEGETAMN SEifftT E'er REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW 7!E UUJ?kNDL'I'y�b JCH MAN -GROVE REVIEW