HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Mod-Bit product approvalFlorida Building Code Online Page l of 2 1"0 I fOI ins * II uF ll)1 *Ii , . � zkoiitidI Id, t,1)Ili t,Iil BCI5 [1—e -og In use: Regs:rat'oa not lop— Submit 5-C—ge Slats Gs aCIS Say `nail tines 3earo dbpr� `e�} Product Approval t us ER. Public User ft4m,t APAPproyal Meng > FrgJ�l�t ar ail orlon de.Zr > ,SppncaI&P , iq, , Application Detail FL # FL2533-R25 App{ication Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Pending F8C Approval Comments Archived Product Manufacturer CertainTeed, LLC (Roofing) Address/Phone/Email 20 Moores Road Malvern, PA L9355 (610) 893- 5400 mark,d. harner@saint-gobain.c*in Authorized Signature Mark Harper mark. d.Ilarner@sarnt-gobafn tom Technical Representative Mark D. Harrier Address/PhoneJEill eil 18 Moores Road Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 651-5847 Mirk.0,Harner@salnL-gubdiri.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Modified Bitumen Roof System Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - tiardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nieminen the Evaluation Report Florida License PE•59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/15/2023 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of 5tandard) Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL253..R25 COI 2oz.l, 01 O1 NIEMINEN_pdf S n and Year ASTM D1970 2015 ASTIi D2178 2015 ASTM D4601 2012 ASTM D4897 2009 ASTM D6163 2015 ASTM D6164 2011 ASThID6222 2011 ASTM D6509 2015 ASTM G155 2011 FM 4470 2016 Ehl 4474 2011 https;//'rvw\< .tloridlJbuil(ling,oi-o pr/pr_app_dtl,aspx'?pararlt=wGF,VXQwtl)gvwclwRFXRv,., 5 27/2021 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method I Option D Date Submitted 04/16/2021 Date Validated 04/18/2021 Date Pending FBC Approval 04/23/2021 FL p Model, Number or Name Description 2533.1 Flintlastic Modified Bitumen Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Roof Systems for use in FBC non-HVHZ jurisdictions Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL2533 R25 11 2021 04 16 FINAL Al ER CERIAIl D 0011i EL2533 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes R25.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Niernheir, PE PE-59166 Design Pressure: aN/A/-635 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: 1.) Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits ! Evaluation Reports of Use. 2.1 The design pressure noted in this FL2533 R25 AE 2W l_Q4 16 FINAL ER CERTAINTEED MOD81i FL2533- application relates to one specific system. R25 odf Refer to the ER Appendix for all systems and Created by Independent Third Party Yes max design pressures. imm Centel' UU 2101 Win, Store ...d Tallahassee fL 32399 phone. 850-11 the Stale cf Florida 11 an i EEO empbyec CoovrmM1t 2007 2013 5<a a of F QQy Privacy' Satervin 61111 l tv Sta ems c Refund Suit .... nl Under Florida law, emad addresses are pubnc records. If you do not want your ¢ coul address roleased in cadre, to a public-barrios,e9uesC do not send elluessic tail lu this entity Instead, contact the offli by phone or be traditional mair If you have any 9u otons, class contact 850.11, 1395,'Pursuant to Section 455 215 (I I, Flo ds Statutes, effective October 1. 2012, licensees I!cerr ed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Cello myrnl mtn an .,at address d they have he The ¢nails provged may be used for ofrtial o.ce Quatmn van the licensee. However ema4 addresses are public record If you do not nbh to supply a parsonal address. ,lease provide the Department wiiM1 an small address whole can be made available to the public. To determine if you ire s licensee nder Chapter 455, f 5., please click Hui product Approval Accepts: M W1 NO E] M Credit Card Safe littps://www. tloridabui [ding.ofg/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGFVXQwtDgvwelwRFX[Zv... 5/27/2021 NNE(ei TABLE DECK APPLIGTION WEE DESCRIPTION PAGE 1A Wood Neal OrRmool(TBdr01q A Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 5 18 Wood New or Rerpol (iearOfQ A2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded lnsulatiOn, Bonded Roof Cove( 6-0 1C Wood New. Reroal(T.,OR) or Tic B roach AllacM1ed A—lnadarirm. Bonded To. it -al— Boothe Roof 1 r 9 it WWU New, Xareot Ilea. DOE E Non houlaled,Mach. Attached Base Sheep Bonded RWI COVer H16 10.2 Wood New, Remof(TOE,Offf or BE ... er E Non -Insulated, Met,Atlached base Sheet, Bonded Reef Cover 1613 2G Wood New or Remof(Tear010 F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover Ed 2A Steel or StruRural Concrete New, Barrel(Tea, OFF) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation. Bonded Topinaulation, Bonded Roof Cever 19Q1 2B Steel al Stru¢ural concrete New. Itti(Tear 019 er Recover C Mech.Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cever 2226 2C Steel or St ... total concrete New, Runoff (Tear OM Or Rei D Insulated. Mach, Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 27-29 NLMO E11. LLC Evaluation Report 352003 04 R26 for It 2531 R25 CPd,ficale of Authonoalion p32455 2"EDITION (10201 FBC NON Hi EVALUla110N ReviSion 26 04/15/2021 OIlroSXOe'c", Certifir d FlinOaslica Modified Bitumen Roof System, (610)893-S400 Appendix 1. Page 1 of 74 NNEMOjetc. TABLE IF-2: DECKS —NEW CONSTRIJUIONLREROCIF(TIAR-0i RECOVER System Beek SYSI EM I YPE E: NON INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED Base Short Pool Cover (Note 15) MDP No, (Note 1) primer (00 Base Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap Ply Min. 19/32 inch Glasbase; Fix FlinOastic Sale y inch.c at 3 iP01" and A BP PA, SOS W000 plywood, 2d Inch 20; Poly SPAS Base; Uilra Poly SMS Note ...NVc. inlhreel3l,equally None AA, ITS TA SBS Aq S05- -Io50 span Base; Yasemile Venting Base -�� --- OMG 3 m Bound Metal Plates with O1414 spaced, staggered center s owl ar APp TA TdwAPP-tA Min 19/lE+ncM1 ) inch pt. at 3-intb lap and A w 101 plywood. E4 inch Finti tic APP Base NO pr Oektas!Ne[Plate svrth Oekhsl pl4 'mcM1 O.c in three(3), equally None APP To APP TA 1050 ,,an spaced, staggered [emerroms Min 15/11m[h Glasbase; FlexiglaCFllntlaslic Base F6nOaalSon lnsubtion Plates with F1'm6ast 6inch p.<a14m[h'npded6 f0i.,all W-102 plywood. E4-inch 20, Pay SMS Base; Ultra P01 SMS y y 4II or Bld; Trulasl 3"Metal insulation Plates inchoc in four ldl, equalty None BP PA, 5B5 S85 span Sam Base Yosemite Venting Base with OF or HO, OMG 3 In. Round Metal Plates spaced, staggered center raves AA. SOS -TA TA on iAwAPP TA with ONIG 914110 or APP TA Min IS/3E-inch OMG 3 m Bound Metal Plates with OMG 014 6inch 0cat4inch lap and 6- W-103 plywood, Ed-m[M1 Flindasuc APP Baset Inchn.[ in to,,(41, Equally None Apo -TA APP TA 1275 span_ 11O stated. staggered center rows. COLo-APRIED SYSTEMS: GI base; Fleriglas Oase Flimlasbt _ S/32 such Base EO; AlI Weslher/Empire FlintFaatlm. mselalipn Plates with FlinlFast 8 in<Noc. atq inch lap antl8 TW4,1j,' Wotl; E4m[M1 Oase, Yosemile Venting Base, plE or old;Gufan 3Metallnsulaf ion Plates inch o.[InuaINane Dpli0Pat, SBS(AI 585 lintlastit Poly SMS Bases Flintlasbc with DP or NO spaced, staggered center rows SBSCAI Ultra Poly SMS aase I ABLE IG: WOOD DECKS — NEW SYSTEM TYPE CONST RUCTION a. RE ROOF (Dre 0, System Oeek N NON IN a BONDED R DROCOVE R RoofCpmr(Note 15( No. (Note 11 Pdmer Base Ply Ply MOP(Pst) Cap BY W 105 Are rated, mail 7116 CAT. 0.418 in., Exposure 1, OSB rlmonme or FllnlPrime SA Flin0asti[ SA Mid Ply, (OplionaQ5B5�5A 505-SA 900 Sheathing, E4 inch span YET adhering W-106 MIn IS/lE inch plywood, 24-mth span Fhourme or FludPrime SA SBS SA (Opliona1 5054A, APP TA S05 iA, APP4A ICES W 107 Min.IS/3Ainch plywood: Ed inthspan Filmodme or FrSA ",SA (Op'Ia1r4 SBSSA SBSSA -122.5 NFMU LTC LLC Evaluat on Report 3520 03 04 R26 for NE533 R25 Ceir liUte of AUlnoniatmn 432455 2"TUITION I2@BI WC NON IIVIR EVA UATION R lv,s,on 26 04/16/202 L "Pla \FPO= C.tC Certairta ed FllntlastiP Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 893-SNO Appendix I, Page 10 o1 hl