HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED 5-13-21 Letter of IntentBREITENBACH ENGINEERING, INC johnbach442@gmail.com 4853 SE Pilot Way, Stuart, Florida 34997 Cell: (772) 834-4743 5-13-21 Letter of Intent.doc May 13, 2021 To: Building Official, St. Lucie County, Building Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: Specialty Building Inspections for Threshold Building Permit #__pending Project: Exterior Concrete Restoration secretary@oceaniqueoceanfront.com Oceanique Attn:Dana Leshley 404-310-5536 4160 Florida A1A, Ft Pierce, FL 34949 General Contractor: Chris Arias 561-352-4280 carias@concreterepairing.net Daniello & Associates 2708 N. Australian Ave, Suite #9 West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Building Official: This letter is to inform you as threshold building special inspector, John Breitenbach PE 59770, SI #2072 will be performing Threshold building services for the proposed Concrete Restoration Project as outlined in the Plans and Specifications of CSM Engineers, dated October 2020. The specifications include the Scope of Work and a general Inspection Plan provided by the Engineer of Record (CSM Engineers). I will be sending you copies of the final inspection summary report/or final completion certification letter when the project is completed. The following is the inspection plan (generalized & short): 1. Inspection of concrete surface after demolition or spall removal. (progress) 2. Inspection of shoring as required; re-shoring as required. (progress) 3. Final inspection of forming, bar repair, bar coating, bar cover, and final concrete pouring. A monthly report progress inspection report will be issued for larger jobs that have two or more final work area inspections per month with a copy to the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for reporting to the building department. Note that the Special Inspector does not perform continuous detailed records of work performed. Detailed records such as photographs, measurements, quantities, Contractor oversight and as-builts are the responsibility of the Engineer of Record. Should you have any questions, please contract me. Respectfully, John D. Breitenbach, PE FL PE #59770, FL SI #2072, Firm Reg. #26001 : (2)-copies to Contractor, (1)-copy to CSM, (1)-copy to Condo Assoc, file= 21033-3-Oceanique