HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED 05 R1 210427 CgGEENEFRAL 1II RAILINGS I(o08.2 RAILINGS CO� Si �� �ti I� �� 160�,1.1 Handrail Design and Construction 1605,2,1 Handrail Design and Construction I� I I� NOTES. �OO� � �r �I � /1�I� �It� 1601.1.1.1 Handrails shall be designed and cponstructed for 1608.2.1.1 Handralls shall be designnepd and con`�strructed forDigitally signed I I� Q I� I 160�.1.1.2 Intermediate rails (all those exce t the handrail), concentrated load of 200 lb, a lied at an oint UlI, WIND LOADS ARE PER ASCE Z-16 MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, FOR A balusters and panel fillers shall be designed toin any direction, rI�0 MPH WIND SPEED (3 SEC GUST), EXPOSURE D, 0.0 r, S GO aC rS miter, I sup tier etc shall make FLOOD-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION withstand a horizontally applied normal load of 50 by Mark Corson mINTERNAL PRESSURE GOEFFIGIENT (CLOSED STRUCTURE) O.IB, IMPORTANCE FACTOR, AND BUILDING CATEGORY II, eS familiar with the ra ocumenta and shall verif R322.I eneral, uildin and str ctures nett cted in pounds (0,22 kN) on an area equal to I square 1605.2.1.2 Handrails located other than within dwelling units shall y g foot (0,013213 m2), including openings and space also be designed and constructed for a load of 50 plf Date. all dimensions, conditions at jobsite, plans, specifications, etc" a5 O I d teas, I Or between rails. Reactions due to this loading are applied in any direction, concentrated load of 200 lb, applied at any point • 2, THE PROJECT WAS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE: applicable and report any discrepancies, errors or omissions to Zones and Coastal A Zones, as esta s ed in Table not required to be superimposed with those of 1608.2.1.3 Loadingconditions in 1201.2.1 and 1201.2.1.2 shall not be U Section 1607.�,1 or 160�,�,I,l, applied simultaneous) but each shall be applied to Corson 2021 .04.23 U1 A. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2020 (ITH EDITION) the architect prior to any work being performed, otherwise we R301,2C1), and substantial improvement and restoration of pp� y- pp B. BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE (ACI 318-02) assume n0 responsibility for any errors and the contractor, substantial damage of buildings and structures in flood hazard BLK, COL, (BEYOND) produce maximum stress in each of the respective components 07:57:23 -04'00' C, SPECIFICATION FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS (AGI 301-05) subcontractor, material supplier, etc" shall assume full responsibility areas, shall be designed and constructed in accordance or any of the supporting components. D, MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR DETAILING REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES (AGI 315-95) for errors and/or delays and correct them at their Own expence with the provisions contained in this section" Buildings and ANCHOR TOP RAIL TO WALL E, NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION, WOOD CONSTRUCTION NDS/1997 EDITION. Changes, revisions, or alterations not made by this Office in writing structures that are located in more than one flood hazard area W/ (2) 3/S" STAINLESS STEEL U U N o u 3. ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWINGS: Only, will fully, unconditionally and totally release the architect, its shall comply with the provisions associated with the most LAG SCREWS INTO WALL STUD z W z " z employees, consultants and design professions, from any and all restrictive flood hazard area. Buildings and structures located 6 > 6 o E 0 responsibility, in whole or in art in identified floodwa s shall be designed SEAL, SEE NOTE BELOW, O iK A. THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ARE PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND DO NOT BY THEMSELVES p y" p y g ALUM RAILING W/ PICKETS a � d PROVIDE ALL THE INFORMATION REQUIRED TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THE PROJECT STRUCTURE. THE and constructed in accordance with ASCE 24. 4" O,G. MAX, VERIFY DESIGN D� W o_ 0 " GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT THE ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS The architect has not been retained for the supervision Or the R322,1,1 Alternative provisions" As an alternative t0 the O N O-_ ; o °� � O AND COORDINATE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THESE DRAWINGS WITH THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS administration of the execution Of the work of this project. W/ OWNER, N N fl p J requirements in Section R322, ASCE 24 is permitted subject �q � TO PROPERLY CONSTRUCT THE PROJECT, t0 the limitations of this Code and the limitations nl „ O —��, O pJ� 0 O B. BEFORE ORDERING ANY MATERIALS OR DOING ANY WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL Each contractor shall be responsible for construction means, C2) 3/8 STAINLESS STEEL o o u MEASUREMENTS TO PROPERLY SIZE OR FIT THE WORK. NO EXTRA CHARGE OR COMPENSATION WILL BE p therein, EXPANSION BOLTS INTO O 4 � 4 N 9- ; 4 " methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures for safety R322,1,2 Structural systems. Structural systems of buildings U Q Q 1' � `a 3 " ALLOWED BY THE OWNER RESULTING FROM THE CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT, y y g GONG, BEAM C, DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER BEFORE precautions and shall comply with the requirements of O,S,H,A, and structures shall be designed, connected and PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK, all applicable building codes and all governmental anchored to resist flotation, collapse Or permanent lateral SEAL RAILING BASE agencieshaving jurisdiction, movement due to structural loads and stresses from flooding 8 SCREWS W/ 'VULKEM' POLY- • 4, ALL DETAILS, SECTIONS AND NOTES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO BE TYPICAL AND SHALL equal t0 the design flood elevation" URETHANE SEALANT OR EQ.APPLY TO SIMILAR SITUATIONS ELSEWHERE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. Each contractor shall make all arrangements for, obtain and pay (equalR322.1 Flood-resistant hedesign construction" Buildings �� For all permits, tests, inspections, and approvals required for his g 10 4 3/4 22 O-3/4 F,F SLOPE oowN p p pp q structures erected in areas prone to flooding shall be constructed � /� I portion of the work. by methods and practices that minimize flood 10'0 " B 21' 5" F,F, Z � C It �C,f�e� I VOTGJ' All work shall be guaranteed for a period of at least one year damage" (VERIFY) _ � - — - — ' — ' rFI�� from the date of acceptance, R322,1.4 Establishing the design flood elevation, The I^ Iro01.5 Loads on handrails, guards, grab bars" design flood elevation shall be used to define flood hazard yl I�I 1&0-1.0.1 Handrails and Guards. Handrails and guards shall be Electrical contractor shall comply with the N.E.C. and all I�I I g areas" At a minimum, the design flood elevation shall be I� designed to resist a linear load of 50 pounds per applicable codes or authorities having jurisdiction" yl o � g p p r, t the higher of the following: I� linear foot (plf) (0,73 kN/m) in accordance with Section w NOTES:ES: I, The base flood elevation at the depth of peak elevation lya 4"5"1 of ASCE 1" Glass handrail assemblies and uards Electrical contractor to coordinate exact locations of all hvac I g � � C of flooding, includin wave height, that has a I shall also com I with Section 240Z. Ci equip" 8 its loads w/ meth" contractor before roughing-in for g g I comply 01 CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL SQUARE FOOTAGES percent (100-year flood) or greater chance of being VERIFY B.O,B. W/ STRUCT, 160Z.8.1.1 Concentrated load. Handrails and guards shall also be proper power and wiring control layout and installation. CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL INTERIOR BEARING WALL equaled or exceeded in any given year; or PLANS designed to resist a concentrated load of 200 pounds FTG, W/ TRUSS MAUAF. 2, The elevation of the design flood associated with the II II (0,89 kN) in accordance with Section 4,5,1 of ASCE Z, M PC All outlets, switches and light fixture locations to be verified � ,S�" CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES area designated on a flood hazard map adopted by II II Iro01.5.1.2 Intermediate rails" Intermediate rails (all those except ' ri by owner on walk-thru with electrical contractor, AVAILABLE AT SITE BEFORE PROCEED th PROCEEDING W/ CONSTRUCTION l II II 1..� Cd e community, or otherwise legally designated. the handrail), balusters and panel fillers shall be designed Electrical contractor to sleeve drive and walkways as required CONTRACTOR TO HAVE CERTIFIED FLORIDA SURVEYOR R322,1,4,I Determination of design flood elevations, II II to resist a concentrated load of 50 pounds (0,22 kN) in C..I' 0 for landscape lighting" LAYOUT BUILDING ON LOT TO ASSURE NO SETBACKS OR If design flood elevations are not specified, the building 0 it li accordance with Section 4.5.1 of ASCE Z, O T 1 N Electrical contractor to provide power as required by pool EASEMENTS ARE ENCROACHED official is authorized to require the applicant to comply contractor for all pool equipment" REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO ARCHITECT BEFORE with either of the following: PROCEEDING W/ WORK I" Obtain and reasonabl use data available from a DUROCK SHALL BE USED IN ALL DAMP LOCATIONS 6 IN y WOOD RAILING W/ I PICKETS a 5 O,C, M Electrical contractor to provide power as required by Irrigation federal, state or other source; or ►' OR HAVING LESS THAN 4" CLEAR SPACE N contractor" ALL SECOND FLOOR WALL AND FLOOR TILE AREAS 2, Determine the design flood elevation in accordance EXT, D ����\ulCYJ1 �����PROVIDE PLUMBING ACCESS PANELS TO ALL SLIP JOINT g ���JJJBETWEEN PICKETS, PER 2020 FBG C�TH EDITION)with accepted hydrologic and hydraulic R312, V Y SIG W/ OWNER, � i"� PC Provide PVC sleeve to inside surface of garage wall for CONNECTIONS engineering practices used to define special flood 11_ I 11 N 0 phone termination, Service must enter inside of garage for TEMPERED GLASS TO BE USED AT ALL HAZARDOUS AREAS hazard areas, Determinations shall be undertaken 3/4 -i O ANC OR R ILING SUP OR 3 security. ALL BATH ROOM WALLS SHALL BE INSULATED by a registered design professional who shall POST TO SOLID BLK'G ORpo �4 v Provide outlet for security system at owners option" ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT W/CONCRETE OR MASONRY document that the technical methods used reflect TRUSS CHORDS W/ (2) 3/5" SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED currently accepted engineering practice" Studies, TAPCONS - VERIFY W/ RAILING All 110 V, 10, 15 and 20A, receptacles installed outdoors and in ALL FRAMING (WALLS B ROOF) LUMBER TO HEMFIR Fb analyses and computations shall be submitted in SHOP DRAWINGS �1 bathrooms shall have ground fault circuit interrupter" 1000 MIN" rA sufficient detail to allow thorough review and WD, L, - VERI Y W O 0 ;3 Unless otherwise noted, minimum size wire shall be #12 "AWG", Qi approval" OWNER excluding control wiring" R322,1,4.2 Determination of impacts" In riverine 22' 0" F F •,�, Smoke detectors to be powered by house electric service w/ flood hazard areas where design flood elevations are N „ specified but floodways have not been designated, the battery back-up, Visible Power on Indicator and a test button. applicant shall demonstrate that the effect of the proposed Q 3/4 TAG plywood sheathing O � }-� t t y�� NOTES: t ANCHOR RAILING SUPPORT screwed � lued to 24" re- Verify all conductors and breakers w/ egiup, manuf. specs" DRAF I S I OFi=IN IVO I ES: buildings and structures on design flood elevations, POST TO GONG" SLAB W/ C2) 3/S" g p including fill, when combined with other existing engin, wood floor trusses. TAPGON6 - VERIFY W/ RAILING All elect" switches shall be 40" a.f,f, unless otherwise noted" 02.12 raftsto ing. n c mbus able ons uct n w re and anticipated flood hazard area encroachments, will SHOP DRAWINGS 0) U All receptacles shall be 12" a,f,f, unless otherwise noted, the us sp o a e b ow the conceals not increase the design flood elevation more than 1 foot „ space Of afloor-ceiling assembly, draftstops shall be installed (305 mm) at any point within the jurisdiction, • Closet lighting shall be min, IS clear from edge of shelves" so that the area of the concealed space does not exceed 1,000 R322,I,5 Lowest floor" The lowest floor shall be the lowest H20'O" GLG HT o� square feet (g2.9 m2), Draftsto in shall divide the concealed floor of the lowest enclosed area, including basement, -oi • q pp g WD, FL, ON 8" GONG, space into approximately equal areas, Where the and excluding any unfinished flood-resistant enclosure that 5/5" GYP" BD, CLG, p pp y q FLOOR - VERIFY W/ FLU'MEfNG NOTE5 assembly is enclosed by a floor membrane above and a ceiling is useable solely for vehicle parking, building access or limited OWNER 10 4 F,F, membrane below, draftstopping shall be provided in storage provided that such enclosure is not built so as to ®� RAMHNG' DETAIL It shall be the responsibility of the plumbing contractor to floor-ceiling assemblies under the following circumstances: render the building or structure in violation of this section. FUR DN, CLG" W/ 3/4" P.T, FURRING produce an operational system in accordance with these 1. Ceiling is suspended under the floor framing, R322.I.(o Protection of mechanical, plumbing and electrical 2x FRAMING Q 24" 16" O.C. W/ 1/2" GYP" 3RD FL, WOOD FLOOR TRUSSES 3/4"=110" drawings" 2. Floor framing is constructed of truss-type open-web or systems" Electrical systems, equipment and components; O.G. - FIN, W/ 5/5 Bp, perforated members" heating, ventilating, air conditioning; plumbing GYP" BD, GLG" The plumbing contractor shall guarantee the complete system, R302,12,1 Materials" Draftstopping materials shall be not appliances and plumbing fixtures; duct systems; and other z"'VTR parts and labor, for one year after first operation" less than 1/2-inch (12.1 mm) gypsum board, 3/8-inch (9,5 service equipment shall be located at or above the elevation 9 O GLG HT, aslaced required in Section R322,2 or R322.3, If re _ mm) wood structural panels or other approved materials re q p _ Installation and materials shall be in accordance with the Standard adequately supported" Draftstopping shall be installed parallel part of a substantial improvement, electrical systems, - Plumbing Code and all local codes" to the floor framing members unless otherwise equipment and components; heating, ventilating, air conditioning ' and plumbing appliances and plumbing fixtures; =RHOR RA1DLHNU`"1 DETAIL 1 2" DBL. LAY. ' approved by the building official" The integrity of the p g pp p g , Plumbing contractor shall verify location, elevation, and size of draftstops shall be maintained, duct systems; and other service equipment shall meet the 2ND. POURED CONCRETE FLOOR 3/4 =1'0'1 , 2" SHWR, existing mains before installation is started, R302,13 Fire protection of floors, Floor assemblies that are requirements of this section" Systems, fixtures, and equip- not required elsewhere in this code to be fire-resistance rated, Copyright © 201-1 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED MAST" Provide vacuum breakers on all hose bibbs and faucets with shall be provided with a 1/2-inch (12,1 mm) gypsum wallboard BATH hose end connections" membrane, 5/5-inch (I(o mm) wood structural panel 3" w.C, membrane, or equivalent on the underside of the floor framing Fixtures shall be protected against water hammer with air chambers member" Penetrations or openings for ducts, vents, electrical 3" as required by code, outlets, lighting, devices, luminaires, wires, speakers, drainage, piping and similar openings or penetrations shall be 1 1/2" 2" BIDET Provide shutoff valves in the potable water supply and each permitted" HANDRAIL TO HAVE MIN" piece of equipment" Exceptions: CONT, GRASPABLE HANDRAIL DIA, OF 11/4" 8 MAX" OF 3" 1, Floor assemblies located directly over a space protected 34" ABV, LEADING EDGE OF (MAINTAIN A 1 1/2" 2"'VTR ` o SPACE B/T)"e T 5 O"C"K I W/ PICKETS �a Insulate condensate lines" by an automatic sprinkler system in accordance TREAD with Section P29O4, NFPA 13D, or other (VERIFY STYLE W/ OWNER)" (PER FBG R311,15) LNDRY" , All hot and cold water lines shall be copper type "L" for under- approved equivalent sprinkler system, IF ADJACENT TO WALL 2" WM 3" ground and type "M" for above ground installation w/ silver 2, Floor assemblies located directly over a crawl space MAINTAIN A 1 1/2" SPACE B/T 0% C) W „� (PER FBG R311,10) soldered joints" not intended for storage or fuel-fired appliances" q (3RD. FL,) p 3. Portions of floor assemblies shall be permitted to be 1 1/2" �J unprotected where complying with the following: Q HANDRAIL TO HAVE MIN" 3,1. The aggregate area of the unprotected portions -4 DIA" OF 1 1/4" 6 MAX" OF /� NOTES d 2 (MAINTAIN A 11/2oes not exceed 80 square feet (Z,4 m2) per story O O AVO I F �C I ES 3.2, Fireblocking in accordance with Section � � SPACE B/T) • R302,11,1 is installed along the perimeter of the Z (PER FBG R311,15) It shall be the responsibility of the A/C contractor to produce unprotected portion to separate the unprotected cn BATH #2 - - an operational system in accordance with these drawings, portion from the remainder of the floor assembly, 4, Wood floor assemblies using dimension lumber or 1 loll2" SHWR, 2" LAV, 3 The A/C contractor shall furnish installation details and schematics structural composite lumber equal to or greater than NOSING TREAD " Q of all equipment to others who connect to the A/C equipment. 2-inch by 10-inch (50.5 mm by 254 mm) nominal F3 w C 3„ i,e. Electrical and Plumbing contractor, dimension, or other approved floor assemblies (2ND. �L,� lie demonstrating equivalent fire performance" 3 a Ductwork shall be 1" thick fiberglass w/ taped joints unless noted ff otherwise, Ix WOOD 2"VTR r RISER KITCHEN Provide condensate overflow pans under all units installed above CABANA BATH 211 VTR ceiling. Provide adjustable, opposed blade dampers at all diffusers" DATE 03/05/21 2x12 WD. 2" SHWR. 2" LAV. DRAWN BY : pig me Provide adjustable extractors or splitters at taps into ducts or TREADS 3" w.c. CHECKED Mc where ducts change directions" VISIONS Airconditioning supplier shall guarantee the complete system, parts 3 04/23/21 PER B.D. and labor, for one year after first operation, The compressor shall (�ST, i=LJ be guaranteed for an additional 4 years, parts only after first operation. ( 3 ) 2" x 12" WD, STRINGERS" Install filters at RAG's. Provide easy access to filters" FINISH ACCESSIBLE SPACE W/ 5/5" DRYWALL AS PER Refer to energy calculations for A/C unit SEER requirements, 0 F,B.G. R302.1 4" / RI SANITARY\ RISER ®� STAM DETAHL 4" C.O. (LEVEL 2 TO 3 1 1/2" = 1'-0" PLUMIDDUNG-1 RHSER DHAGRAM VENT TO REAR OF STRUCTURE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL PIPE SIZES-PER CODE