HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, S TRUSS LYT&:'®.LIFE S' FETY WARNING I kigint'lle Life Safety Warnings that re should be ad and B�an special attention to all persons i+talling trusses. �SPeAIIG NOTE Ali trusses fir to x be Set 2,41 on center enept BE noted. MULTIPLE PLY TRUS, . ES MUST BE FASTENED TOGETHER PER , 4GINEERING BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWING TO "T"Ni", . IF MULTIPLE PLY. w. R.307fir-7111 60 dognaaa, Off." a I — —ROPER To lace B V a, na AIR HA OLER NOTE Unless noted elsewhere on is layout, these trusses are not designed for air handlers i the roof or far any other A/C requirements. This may be in onflict with building code and AIC Design requirements. Consult lith Building Department and A/C Beery A—N The size of these trusses makes it he that they 0 set by a profeesional builder familiar With end experienced in the pro a and dangers of setting large span trusses. The builder Ilder and erector should consult �Itmh an engineer licensed in Florida specializing in wood roof trusses about the set on of these trusses. The engineer should be at the job site when trusses lams to provide supervision and advice. JF,REPR BENTS A HANGER HANDS USE HL REPRESENTS EXCEPT AS SHOWN BEARING AT 9'-4!' LOAD BEARING AT 10'-0" LOAD BEARING AT 11'4" A, 1111aW. ARE BY OTHERS. WF.IlNWOI,:4141i'4iGS ARE FLAT. &Do not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nal e Of s rap an e 'I AARRANGE WITH CRANE OPERATOR IN ADVANCE FOR A SPREADER BAR OF 41'- 46'IN LENGTH'h PLUMB CUT END 2X4 TOP CHORD 12 WALL HEIGHT VARIES 5 r— END DETAIL: TYPICAL 4-01 FABRICATION AGREEMENT TRUSSES CANNOT BE STARTED UNTIL THIS AGREEMENT IS SIGNED & RETURNED The .,d.*,w aukanualeftba pral agn- I " — aall to, mad. In ablat —durou arth CIO Irase rraampaaml� diagramlayout, whbh J, maam adharty Em! 'an—hooll—M far' lindhou of ft ft... Z. Ad dinmarba in thia I" have Man ve,ifed by IN andamigrou. 3. Unam, nad:1 o"X1111 Idd: 11 Cha mber Tress whin to (flo) days of=a! ad.oaad %m0.a.O.0.;' MIn ffh event bath A. pub. 1. IR-IyDO. 0.1 M. mane in baROM, dw,OldLRo. partumd, - W SubMWte othapa trarrona, of Claymbon, oPtar. i Alum M days Of debarrPTO: Z" tDf==O. 4. Thandmorad oakno.ZZofSOS by TPI & wTCA. 5. Dynoar 1A 0 10 RHA. I P " WWII parrapaubirry to mace Itlan 008441,m for do[Pary. Chambers Throa 1. the RAW ty, to � a So job s. "' I drmamin. In. puftually 'to x On a the W Wiliam, ChAmNaa I.. uA, ba Mrabla, far dump dowery only, The burr, 10 hompauXbor, for whillonal 'u," fix it ChOurbom Tharm hen m ardar­ bama=Tft..6br V uIrmay, or Nora, N hat prepared tar Milan, 0 -­ say. b, map. ID In due na, MadlOpa. lea apowan In "Wouran 7 befow R NIVOA to duarga Many dhal am man, A tha layout A $5D per hour A", IN awl" may No """d by Chm I. 7. Th1s1B.PURCKA ORDER to Charade Taam oftha— mud to, or Eno mammun a mormanho prim. 4armiabaul b. III Oft dairvOrr and Mid WIND tmarm, drat an dof-y, h.tra may up and. aabory If OR d a. , =".,Tr-" y- % par 'ayl Pay added or A 'um Out paid within Our. of maly mark, I haammumO aucarraya `=-Oma VE ramou damp, all ba I, Egralmo ="'I=, 1.1: Mould, Immh. S a I, ,an 41.. aparproph a H to "'No ""' V the um#sgned =— - of My and OR ladoolorl — to Ch="TIM =­Wi`aA`t1eyr`Nu­Wp I ad Ie— to pay .0 Wading Munmya foun, I dorbal in MmMt I b. Pad. by IN, -al 10 " ";:."RE 11 I'll any acid thm arum 1.1W throunader a payarard, ahamal la Mid. _in. ode . .6 .. ionTIMS""' 611d a County Pa"a 11. Design reapDndNNdes are per *11111 ON All =pmhafad God.11- OR RombrOWN. For ConaNud'en Using Metal PIaW arry"i Wood I.—ANGDPlAVTCA 4. 2WzL 12. Warrant)? Is Par Charabous TluTruesWarralloolard, DATED_ SIGNED FOR TITLE A spreader bar may be required par "SCSI" to prevent Injury & damage. Multiple PIY trusses must be fastened together per engineering before they are set, failure to do so can reach In roof collapse. Temporary and permanent bracing are required and can save life and property and Is the responsibility of the truss erector, Odllaa� Study the contents of the information packet Included on delivery before houtil g trusses. n ft. Trusses must be set and braced per design to prevent Injury & damage. Trusses must beset'plumb and square Do not set bunks or r stock of pry.*.-.d, roofing material or any other concentrated leads on trusses, this can cause collapse, DO NOT INSTALL TRUSSES USING THIS USE PLAN DELIVERED WITH TRUSSES TO SET TRUSSES CHAMBERS TRUSS INC can er venue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982-6423 800-551-5932 Fort Pierce 772-46&2012 Fax 772.4%8711 Vero Beach 772-569-2012 Stuart 772-286-3302 Web Site; CHAMBERSTRUSS.COM Email: MAIL@CHAMBERSTRUSS,COM 2102-0513: SINGLE FAMILY HOME 2102-0514: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE pH na see 1e01.9,f DESIGN CRITERIA E U County ST. LUC/ Bdidug D.P.Hpappat ST, LUCIE UNTY What MR, Cuban. ASCE20 I Wind Mullin Method fall ctional)f" hybrid Wind ASCE 7� D' Roofing Maharani Shingle ., Shake L, Is In PSF BOOP R.D,L. Fluor I Top Chord Lhm, 20 0 i TV Chard Dead 7 4,2 0 fth- Clore! Lane-10 Nor, C.—anont 0 ,I... Cfi.Id Dayal 10 3 0 Tb.1 LOW 47 7.2 0 Damon Fearar 1,26 0 Wad Speed 170anph Top Chard C.EC Sheathing by build., Bottom ChordSheathing by braider Highout MeanHlB IT Building Typo C.""d B "'I""'"R: NO,aR EUoC.s C>Oran Tenet —scatharatl --h-ppo Mlles fromOcean Coun"Tho W Florida Rai Cp R.D,IU=R.dpi Could Load C a=C.nfinuO.. Brooms Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with the A building department and your engineer. Design Crude is the responsibility of the 4RBuilding Designer and/or Engineer of Record SHOP DRAW16/SUOMrtTAL EVIEW 0 APPROVED VAPPROVED WITH CHANGES NOTED 0 REVISE AND RESUBMIT 0 REJECTED Chambers Truss Inc, Drawing Name: 77075 SUBMITTAL WAS REVIEWED FOR DESIGN CONFORMITY AND GENERAL CONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ONLY. THE SCALE: 11/4" CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFIRMING AND CORRELATING 211 total trusses, 54 unique designs DIMENSIONS ATJOBSITE FOR TOLERANCE, CLEARANCE, QUANTITIES, Designer: RLC Reviewed by: RLC FABRICATION PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION, Date: 10123/20 COORDINATION OF HIS I HER TRADES AND FULL FOR COMPLIANCE Val S. L DATE: D44f JM REID CONSTRUCTION $IGNATURIECE NAME: DESCRIPTION: T*E* 11HUTT ENGINEERING STROKE 1555 INDIAN RIVER BOULEVARD, B-145 VERO BEACH, FIL 32960 Page 1 of 2 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE 772.360.4998 77075 la I =LIFE SAFETY WARNING This symbol Identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be read and given pecial attention to all persons install ig trusses. SPACING NOTE All trusses are to I a set 2'-0" on center except as noted. MULTIPLE PLY TRUSSES MUST BE FASTENED TOGETHER PER ENGII JEERING BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENC INEERING DRAWING TO DETERMINE IF AULTIPLE PLY. ! DONTUFT USSES WITH SPANS LO GER THAN N BY THE CONSULT CSI 30' Sp n or lea. Spre err Ber So desire" �\ or leae p f� d.oP�a —y—► ..a To ands, IF ass IN. wry. crurw re watl. rvn M, y dues may nth matrn. acne—le'sae buu rda wry. All load bearing beams, & lintels at indicated heig A are in AIR HAN[ Unless noted elsewhere on th designed for air handlers in requirements. This may be in c4 Design requirements. Consult N A\ WA The size of these trusses makes It real familiar with and experienced In the pro The bullder and erector should consult in wood roof trusses about the safe ere the job site when trusses are e SEAT PLATES BY rN 16REPRES HANGERSCHEDULE USE HUS28 FOR 2X4, SUMS FOR NOTES: *ALL BEAM * ALL CEILI lime �'--"faneaN—i ReFaa 10 110 Tuas a Rut=, veeWew: ea'"r.v,rot"'ma.'x'h. tails, headers, ust be in place before trusses ER NOTE layout, these trusses are not e roof or for any other A/C lict with building code and A/C I Building Department and A/C N►NG /!\ try that they a set by a professional builder a and dangers of setting large span trusses. an engineer licensed in Florids specializing of these trusses. The engineer should be at d to provide supervision and advice. ERS TRUSS -S A HANGER EXCEPT AS SHOWN ER Fr i TrN- 9Y-4" 10'A'Y ARE BY OTHERS. GS ARE FLAT. &Do not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nailed to straps and hangers !! t\ARRANGE WITH CRANE OPERATOR IN ADVANCE FOR A SPREADER BAR OF 41' - 46' IN LENGTH!! ACCESSORY BUILDING C�ORRNERR DETAIL PLUMB CUT END 2X4 TOP CHORD 12 WALL HEIGHT VARIES 5 r- END DETAIL: TYPICAL 4-01 _1 2-00-00 FABRICATION AGREEMENT TRMES CANNOT BE STARTED UNTIL THIS AGREEMENT IS SIGNED d RETURNED Th. urNerspnN m1 noaledges end agrees: 1.1—..4 he made in ante awrdi non vMh this hey Naamonl dagrem layout, woo a the .1. suthaay far. demminne suoxasful Rubrication of the liueese. 2. All dlmembna In ale layout hew been verified by the undo eened. 3. Unless Wrmen nonce 1, novded by a"Ied had to Charter, Thas vdthh Ion (tie) days at mWey, Me' undespnN apmes Mel rip baoIdInges Wit on e4aed. In Me awn, such Wflu n no4a It hahahed Cnam errs Tma hall haw throe (3) bueiwe, days In when M begin rspNe remand, a to auesaaW other buses, N Chambers option., Ate 10 days of deNwry remedy will be seep m p to Florida aphub 50 4. The undapned eckmvdetlgm rp9l of'BCSr summary sheet by TF$ 3 WTCA, 6 DNlvary is to imb ea. a l9 Ma bu)ere 6 sea .0.4 to da amine Ill. audeNllly of Me lob dis a reepoablllty tip make as Icb ails eullade b delNey. Chambers Trues I. e potion of Iha I.b ens fa dalirery. Chamhero TNae wn be raepor to for dump denary only. The buyer he rasp a life for additiwer ddhay "arms" If Chambers Tuss here orliver redebeams lob dW is rid seemed W d f or buyer is not prepared for delNsry of heat, Buyer as 7m W11 M Chambm True, br toatp tale doe m sif. wnonbm. 6. Rbe are Moves In paragraph 7 below a aub�reot to charge if any drapes are made In this layout A $W per him Am Ian -sleet may be chaged by Chambers Trust. 7. This is e PURCHASE ORDER to Chambers Truro d Me sum agreed b, or 4 a agreemml a maoade pdce. I -Ise Will be mad. G1 deanery and paid Width terra ofnet on ddINy hypes may be made al adeouled dale of J Ndivey if buyer —let —0 delli ey of fabriated trusses. The undmpad agrees W pay Chanars Trum reaonabN albomelm has for ool"Pr e h arena Of paemant,mt tmeN mNe. 1.12 %par memh urvhe charge Mr de added err all a— nor paid Within lemm. e, SpnNae or Initais anal rundon of C:, Tanywhere w IM, sheet anetibiss apreanent b all tame harem. 9. In rue solho p credo W the malarial MB untlxepnset —611 arty garenmes payment When tlue of any and all Indebtedness awed he Chambers Tress by any entity mothers marorW red the urkmignad agrees to ay such indebbdnas hdudkp attorneys Tea, g default In payment for material be, made by the edple 1, 10, In the sues of any IIIigNon oonarnlrg this preemonL the am, turn®had hereunder or payments relarN tip herds the peruse spree that the eels aria for any such s dden will M Uhl Luele County, Fords. 11. Design respomibllipas are per Matbnd Startled And Reommandsel Guidelines On Rupomlblift For ConWalbn Using MOW Plane Commuted Wood INN. ANSyTPIMTCA 4.2002a 12. WamaNy, 4 per Chambers Tmas Warranty Naked, rurt I I ILt A spreader bar may be required per "Best" to prevent Injury S damage. Multiple ply trusses must be fastened together per engineering before they are set, failure to do so can result In roof collapse. Temporary and permanent bracing are® fired and can save life and property and is the responsibility of the truss erector. Study the contents of the information packet included on delivery before setting trusses. j Trusses must be set and braced per design to prevent injury S damage. Trusses must be sett plumb and square Do not set bunks or stack of pl®d, roofing material or any other concentrated loads on trusses, this can cause collapse. DO NOT INSTALL TRUSSES USING THIS USE PLAN DELIVERED WITH TRUSSES TO SET TRUSSES ..__-4 CHAMBERS TRUSS INC —31 515 olea� ue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982-6423 800-551-5932 Fort Pierce 772-4652012 Fax 772465.8711 Vero Beach 772-569.2012 Stuart 772.nS.3302 Web Site: CHAMBERSTRUSS.COM Email: MAIL@CHAMBERSTRUSS,COM Za tine o xcene aolxlaze ' DESIGN CRITERIA aco o uceAe .a County ST. LUCIE Building Department ST. LUCI OUNTY With DealCrltene ASCE 2ol ''. Who Design Meduad MWFRS(Dlrectloneq/C-C hybrid Wind ASCE 7-10 Roofing Mandel Shlnilleor Shake Lemding In Par Root R.D.L. Floor Top Chord Uve 20 O Top Chord Dead 7 4.2 0 Bottom Chord U. '10-Non Conouarerd o Sodom cNrd Dead 10 3 0 II, Tool Load 47 1.2 0 Duration Feel, 1.26 o wind Speed170mph Top Chord Ca. aheathing by bullder Bosom Chord C.B. 6hathhtg by budgeter Highest Mean Height 1T 'LJyes Bulldlrg Type Enclosed Building Category II: Non Restrictive Exposure Category C>Open T ecatared Wahudidna Mipe s hoes Owan 5 Conforms Po Florida eulMlng Code ton R.D.L-Fa stralmng Dad Loed C.B: Continuous Erecting Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with the building department and your engineer. Design Criteria Is the responsibility of the fl OP�whili ✓SUBMITTAL If i Building Designer and/or Engineer of Record ❑APPROVED VAPPROVED WITH CHANGES NOTED ❑ flEVISE AND RESUBMIT D REJECTED : Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: 77075 TTAL WAS REVIEWED FOR DESIGN CONFORMITY AND SUBMITTAL GENERAL CONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ONLY, lHE SCALE: 1/4° = 11_�tt CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFIRMING AND CORRELATING 211 total trusses, 54 unique designs DIMENSIONS ATJOBSITE FOR TOLERANCE, CLEARANCE, QUANTITIES, Designer: RLC Reviewed by: RLC FABRICATION PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCRON, Date; 10/23/20 - COORDINATION OFHISTWORK TRADES AND FULL ,. OWRH EOTHHER COMPLIANCE FOR SIGNATURE: DATE: 3I3rlZ/ JM REID CONSTRUCTION NAME: DESCRIPTION: NGINEERING STROKE ISSS NDIAN RIV REBOULEVARD, B-145 VERO BEACH, FL 32960 Page 2 of 2 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE 772.360.4993 77075 13