HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information Filta, Copy q °A f L- L. L 1. L-: L :�ti ' EVIEVe, FOP, CODE C01,�(i�°IU A 11�C; RECEIVED ST LUCIE COW TY CNPIIliF�01MA1ION SHEET C ( % JUN 01 1019 Florida BuildingCode 7th Edition(.2020) Permitting Department Based on Section 1525 of the Florida Building Code-Build in ig St. Lucie County INSTRUCTION PAGE .COMPLETE THE NECESSARY SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM ROOFING SHEET APPLICATION FORM AND ATTACH THE REQUIRED:DOCUMENTS AS NOTED BELOW: Required Sections of Attachments Required Roof System the .Permit Application See List Below Form Low'SlopeApplication — -.._.A,.g,.C_ 1,2,3,4,6,6,7 Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 A,B,C 2,4,5,6,7 i Asphaltic Shingles A, B,D Concrete or Clay Tile j A,B,D,E l Meta I.Roofs A,B,D !Wood'Shingleis and A,B,D 1,2,4,5,6,7 Shakes Other — - - — .As Applicable 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 _.--------___, ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED As Applicable): 1. 'Fire'Directory Listing Page -- 2. From Product Approval: Front Page t Specific.System.Description i Specific System Limitations General Limitations Applicable Detail Drawings 3. Design Calculations per Chapter.16,-or if applicable,RAS 127 or-RAS 128 4. Other Component of Product Approval ! S. Municipal Permit Application 6. owners Notification for Roofing Considerations(Reroofing Only) 7, Any Required Roof Testing/Calculation Documentation Form R6ofinfoFeb21 Rev Feb 19,2021 U Section A (General Information) Master Permit No. Process No. Contractors Name: /4_e-Gsu r Q, C,O QS� License# CCC 1 3A 0 ,53 Job Address Sq 1 d O r nQe. Ay e ROOF CATEGORY ❑Low Slope ❑Mechanically Fastened Tile ❑Mortar/Adhesive Set Tiles 9,AsphalticShingles ❑Metal Panel/Shingles .❑Wood Shingles/Shakes ❑ Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 ROOF ROOF TYPE. ❑ New roof ❑.Repair ❑ Maintenance Reroofing ❑Recovering ROOF SYSTEM INFORMATION Low Slope Roof Area(SF) Steep Sloped Roof Area(SF) Total(SF) �Q Section B(Roof Plan). Sketch Roof Plan: Illustrate all :levels and sections, roof drains; scuppers, overflow"scuppers and overflow drains. Include dimensions of sections and levels,clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. I _ d, � . t -ST LUCIE '*,. Section C(Low Slope'Roof) Surfacing: Fill in specific root assembly components and identify Fastener Spacing for Anchor/Base Sheet Attachment: ,manufacturer Zone oc @'Lap,.#Rows,—10 or, (If a ccimponerit'is'not used,identify as"NA") Zone 1--"oc @ Lap,#.RoWs—@ rer:—A9 Zone 2:."oc @ Lap,:#Rom—@ woo -System Manufactu Product Approval No.: -cw Zone 3:—" oc.6 Lap,0 RoWs—a=00 Number of Fasteners Per Insulation'Board: -Design Wind Pressures,From RAS M Or Calculations: Zone i';—)C.Zoh-e 1:—Zohe 2: Zone 3:— Zone- 1:—Vf-2'6'ne 2:—9*one 3; Illustrate Components Noted and Details as Applicable: -Max. Design Pressure.,from the'speclflc product approval Woodblocking, Gutter, Edge Termination, Stripping, system Flashing, Continuous- Cleat, 6rit Strip, Base Fl6shing, Deck- C6:tiht6rflashihg,.'Cooihg,Et.c.; Indicate: Mean Roof Height, Parapet Height,Height of Base -Type: (400-G1 Flashing,Component Material,Material'Thickness,Fastener Gauge Thickness: Type,Fastener Spac iftg orSubm it Manufacturers Details that Comply with RAS 1.11 And Chapter 16.. Slope: Anchor/Base Sheet&No.df Ply(s): .Anc r Bas eet Fastener/lond Ing Material: FT. L ,Insulation Base Laye Base Insultatonn Size an Thickness. q' R 66( Parapet ,45e.Insulation F tener ondingMaterial; Height f 01%0 g � i lop Insulation Layer: Top insulation Size and Thickness:;., FT.. Top Insu on Fastener/ nding Material: 6v-CA W Mean 7Base Sheets &No.of Ply(s): Roof Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: Height Ply She6t(s)'&No.of Ply(s): Ply Sheet Fastener/Boncllhg Material: Top-Ply: Top-Ply Fastener/Bonding'Material: y n I' L U C Section D(Steep Slope Roof.System) Roof System Manufacturer. — Notice of Acceptance Number: Minimum Design Wind Pressures,If Applicable(From RA5127 or Calculations): Zone 1: Zone 2e:. one 2w one 2r::Lls-�18one 3e: Zone 3r:Z 9-4 Deck,lype: Type Underlayment: Roof Slope: . _: 12 Insulation: Fire Barrier: Ridge Verdltafi 7 Fastener Type&Spacing:' C1m�� �61� . Adhesive'Iype: .Type Cap Sheet �! Mean Rod Height: l Roof Covering: ,Type&Size Drip 3 x3 'by i P Edge: Section E(Tile Calculations) For Morhent bas,edtile systems;choose either Method 1 or 2.Compare the'values for'M,with the values from Mr:If the Mt values -are greater than,or equal to the Mrvalues,_for each area of the roof;then the-tilt-attachment method is acceptable:_ Method l'Moment Based Tile Calculations'Per RAS 12T (Zone 1: _;X x Mg: �'M . Product Approval M (Zone 2e: - x 7L _ j—Mg: =M, Product Approval Mr (zone 2n:_ x k = _. -Mg: =Mm,. Product Approval Mr '12one2r xX = _a—Mg: =M,r `ProductApproval'Mr (Zone 3e: x = �_Mg; _Mr Product Approval Mf (Zone 3r: Product.Approval Mr Method 2"Simplified Tile Calculations Per Table Below.'' Required Moment of Resistance(M&From Table Below Product Approval Mf M,required Moment Resistance* Mean Roof Height Roof Slope 15' 20' i 25' 30' 2:12 ;34`4 36.5 - 38.2 39.7 f 42.2 3:12 32.2 34.4 36.0 31.4 39.8 4:12 30:4 32 2 33.8 35.1 37.3 5:13 28.4 30,1� 31.6 32.8 34.9 -6:12 26.4 28:0 29.4 3 0.5 32.4 7:12 e24:"4 25-i 4 27.1��i 28:2 l 30:0 "'Must be used in conjunction With a1ist of m6mentbased tile systems, •For Uplift based tile systems use;M6thod 3.Compare the values for F'with the values for F.'If the F'va.lues aregreater.than or equal to the F,values,for each'area'of the roof;then the tile attachment'method-is-acceptable. Method 3":U01ft 8ased Tile'Calculations PerRAS:12T (Zone 1: x L =x W: )-W.. cos r =Fri Product Approval F' (Zone 2e: x`L =x W=, -W: Cos r =Frze Product Approval F' (tone 2n: xt =xW=^)-W: _,cos r =Fr2d Product Approval F' (Zone 2r: ;x L =x W: 1-W: cos r =Frzr; Product Approval F' (Zone 3e: x L =x 1Nt=L -W: -cos r =Frae Product Approval F' (Zone 3r: x L =x W= }-W:- cos r =FO7 Product Approval'F'_ r - Whereto Obtain Information Description Symbol �! Where to find l �rFrom applicable table in RAS 1-27 or`by amengineering analysis De sign Pressure Zones 1,2e,2n,2r,3e,3r prepared by PE based on ASCE 7 Mean Roof Height H llobSfte Roof Slope A Job Site Aerodynamic Multiplier a ProductAppr_oval Restoring Moment due to Gravity. Ma !Product Approval (Attachment Resistance M a u t Approval r Pr d c r Required Moment Resistance M� calculated Minimum Attachment Resistance F' Product Approval ✓ Required Uplift Resistance i F, Calculated Average Tile Weight W Product Approval Tile Dimensions -; L=length W width Product Approval All calculations must be submitted to the building official at the time of permit application: