HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of TitleAWI1.lenSrarisfastlonto; Dept ofNghwaySaletyanti Motorvebic3es, NOT] FdrkmanBuRdlrrg,Tailahasrree,'FL323MG600 A ' '013�fi7�2$1 B# 33B44B3 - -- laenb8cabon Number Year ➢flake - -. Body - VT-LHHP Vassel Regs-,rNcL - Tt,e Ntmnber 726313308A 3983 THIN IiS 59' 2087233 - II RegisteredOwner Date apt ISSUIB 11127/2020 Lien Re!ease VICTORIA REYNAWA CHAVEZ GARCIAInterest inthe describedvehGeisherebyreleased iBy 6222 NA DUKE cm Title PORT ST 3,UCIE a F1 34983 I1-20RTANT INFORMATION I When ownershipmftthe vehicle described herein is ®w p :transfarred, She seller MUST complete in full The ` ll Transfer ofTWebySeller 5ectionaHbebottonnof [vla➢i To. ` The certificate of.hile. 2. Upon Sale of this vehicle, The seller must complete VICTORIA REYNAIIiA CHAVEZ GARCIA The notice of sale on The reverse side oftbis'form. 6222 NW DUE4M CIR 3. Remove your ficense plate from the vehicle. PORT ST yUCIE o PL 34983 4. See The web address below for more information and the :appropriate forms requiredfor the purchaser to 9itie,and re9istertthe vehicle„mobile home or vessel: 'Mp:lJwww.hsmv-State_T1:trs7html7Htlinf.html �` t➢tlenbficabanfvurtlber r Z a m Year 4daka Body — VirrLBHP VWO.—,, �Re3 WeNunrher T263133D8A 1983 I T312N iiS ' ar9' 20872331� LeenRett ase s - — .-- — - — _ �, lrttere§t da ttte dssca'b ed vehtde rs here by Fe eased t Brand f State t { Secondary Brant No of 1➢se .�— — Prev Issue T3a a Gy 'Ia > Jjjj[ T Staaas RISTATE ; (09J2812020 'OdometerStatusar�tlesseJAfanuractererarO)fuse -r IEr+peDdare - ➢iuSfaatefta1 ➢slue--z 11J7712020 i Dale Registered Owner -- ----- — — ---- VICTOR A ISYNAI,DA CHA37EZ GARCIA ,5222 NW num cIR P.OR3''ST yUCIE F1 34983 ]sl Liml➢older NONE DIVISION OF IYIOTOR➢STSERVICES � TALLAHASSEE y* FLORIDA' CEPAHPJIfFT rJF rtilO➢itNAY,SASb AYiDO70f29JEHICLEB R actor fCynoch Control Number 7 ,L Rhodes �er 146641889 culve'Werlar 24 J1 146643889 TRANSFER OF TITLE ;BY SELLER jSh s secUun rust ba -canrpteted at Me zrne utsae.) Federal and'arstate larequire 6ml the sellerstate Qre snileagg, pnrc'hamesmamq setringyn ss ce end date sold in conn-man svitb ahe:trnnsrermtmsrnersluµ Faihve to sompletear prohffigafalse statement may:resuh in E= endkrimprimnnrent 7V mic.is�rantedtobetrzer .fh=ary➢ierrs"ptasnoted anOeface oftheurti6cateend the motor vekdeans=lrtt=&redishenibyvmrsrerredim Seger Mon Enter Yarcbmees Name - Address: S-ler Most Enter Selling Pries S 11erNto<lEn2er,Dat: Sold. 9wesiatethat this Ej 5ar L1 L,ihtlodometer new gezdsl-1_I.._j.!_SJ�.t X j-(nonenths)mriles, slatemd end ,➢➢rembycufyThaiToahebestar:mylirowledgethecdometerweeding: Q ➢..11.1sACTUAL NULEAGE 2iSINEXCM,OFITS MKIIAMCALL13di5. 3.isr..C7r=1 AL-111ALMILEAGE, UNMERPENA'L'TrES OF PERJURY ➢ DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE �i•OREGOING DOCUMENTAND THAT THE FACTS STATED 1N MARE TRDE. SELLER NtrstSign Hem COSELLER 3dust � "•"•'" Prim;lfem .5-�lmg 1Dr..lets 7acetae riumbv . _ . ',TmtTV.a .. - . TaxCa1lecte8 .�Avc[toniYame: L1c'v>se i .PdJ'RCHA'SS'rR Nfuv -. — - f CO-P SER➢.tost ,. SlgoIlderc.. 3'anRl➢r1C - - �. Mall Limn SOIafectlon to: Dept of H ijbwaySafetyand Molor'Nehlclee, Nell lCbicman BuOding, Taffahnne% FL=99•D590 T# 1366762853 r B# 33B4481 ideriMcalon Number Year Make Body - Vtrf-L-BHP Vessel Regis No - We Number j i� ■ 1 T26315508E 1983 TFTIN ES 5�'_ .. -- _-- - -- _ 20B723A2 _.-I��1f1 Registered Owner. Date cf Issue 12127/2020 Lien Release Interest in The described veltde is hereby released j VICTORIA ;REYNALDA CHAVE2 CARCIA B9 j 6222 NW DMM CIR TWO PORT ST LUCIE, F1 34983 Date Mail TO: VICTORIA RZYNAIDA CHA'VEZ GARCIA 6222 NW DMM CIR PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34983 2WORTANT INFORMATION 9. When :ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer d Title by SeDer section .at the bottom of the cerfificate of trifle. 2. Upon :sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the mofice .of sale on the reverse side of this form. S. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address belowfor more iniormabon and the appropriate forms required for the purchaserto Tide and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel• http-JMww.hsmvstate fLvslhtmlltitEnf.himl '-`� a '�c'�y � u,o vu ,.a .;� - -- :x .- -' :f r T ���b' �• s Ident fiyat on Member F Yeaz Make T Body VV71�HP j Vessel Regs I4o Ttra Tbur trer • s T2633550 13 f i 1983 TWIN HE 59' 2.0B723d2 j LEenf3aaase § f. Tlnterast#nthedescnbedveluclaisSerQtry'ieleas.. Flew - Cotar `� Pmnary Brarrd Secondary 8raritl No of Ilse Prev Issue Date By , State—r'., BlandS i F7, T3HIt i PRI9ATE V912312020 :OdometerStatusmrVsssa)MamdactorerorOHuse -._ ' EngmeDilve - tlWUatefal ----- Prop-- --Date®idssue,-1 1 1111712020 !Date ' ReguterEd Owner VICTORIA REYMLDA .CRASV32 GARCIA 6222 NW DUKE CIR PORT ST LUCIE, FL 349B3 1st Uenblilder ?TONE DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICES TALLAHASSEE 4 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OFH1GHWAYSAFEfYANDMOTOR VEMCL'ES Reben R. Kynurb Control Number Teny L Rhodes Dlreetar 14 6 6 418 9 0 - Executive'Drertor 24 11 146641B90 --- TRANSFER OFTRLEBYSELLER[7Mssectonmust becomAetedellheameotsale]----_------_..._ . . Federal midrm SHSe taw Perlinre$at 7LL Seller gate the Ile-1P8$e, I117RtiSe{S RffiaC Sertli�$�71Q �1a!?�IC SDidN LOIIRLNmI K'Id11111^1197ISrei.9l9weffiEtgp. Failureto dompleteorprovid-mg afahestatemsmmay result.in':6ci6 aaitror5mpmonmeiit Tift fnic is waaamed to he fi= fr= my6Leauceprasnoted®ihefaceol&ccertiBcateand theaiotorsxhictenrti�=]d=nbedishereby tmeserredtm Sd?= Must Fats YmLhases Piamm Address Seller Must Fatter selling Psim Sclbff Musl Enter Date Seta. 1twesraethalthis [] sa, ❑ 6digilodometernow rmdsl 1 I LL J_1J.Lx�.grioiealts)maes datecead andlhcrebyssriry to*2hehestnrmy3mowleagslhevdametu mdmE; Q I.sel"ACTUALMILEAGE ❑ 2isINEXCESS OF7rShlECHANICAL].I TS.. Q 3.hNDTTHE.ACTUALNi1L'EAGE UNDER PENALMES OF'PERJURY,I DECLARE THAT I NAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENTAND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN ]TARE TRITE. SEA NIusl C"ELLERMusl _ Sign Phran a Pf1m11 e " .53im3.Oralv's DiceaseNum6er. Tu Pin_. lac Collernti- ' :AaaronDlame -.UceoseHtumber., . PTJRZHASFAP Lot -CO PURCHASERMust Eigo}l� a SigoHere �t pnntdivc _.x - - .. kPAmHe?e _ Lf