HomeMy WebLinkAboutCompliance CertificateManufabturer Address COMFORT HEATING • i� t i T,his mobile;home has been lhermiiUy insulated io conform wHh tFfe requlremenfs of ;�Q ®� `t�� ' fe eralmobile omoconstructfonandfsafetyslanderdsfot^all locations.withlnclimofiazone P [1QX I'G06 one =� y 61 RT01Y/ '.FLORIDA 33$30' + Q kfeatin9 equipment mandlacturer and model (see list al left) • )n all ay - _ In ' t. The aboveheehng equipment fias the capacity; to mainla erage�70 F tempeiature i ` ;lilts home aGoutdoor temperatures"o1 - F To maxlmae'aurnace operaling economy and to comWve'energy yt Is.recomrriended that �o homebe:installedwherelheouldoorwinteidesigntemperature{9Th°/)isnothigherlhan; �ate,Of`MBTIIIfaC[Ure PIanYNumbec'° 11A1i7 degrees -Fahrenheit. �,+ y.'¢' ' - �s;'o J, Tha above Iriformalion .fide been calculated assuminga mazmurn wind:geiocity of 15mphat_ N,,''ij�J slandaid.alrriosphencpre ssure. �, 3 Ma11UfaCtUf2r s Serial Number and Model Unit DE SlCjfiation N COMFORT COOLING 15.5 O 8 LA&B N ❑ ptr conditioner provided olfactory iAlfeinate I) ,` a. a . t; Q Design Approval by ( A —PIA-) 'tr Air condiitioner manulaclurer and model (see Ilsl at left) LI•,11 L50,R�li ��ERNE' &- `fiyk{� .,j:�t s h` BT.,aJ/hourinaccordance:wlththeappropriate s' � ..', 1-IIL l� L�iRV i• ..: - ., 'it CertiliedcapacitY- , - - r - c i ,� air, conditioning and refiigera ion mstduter"standards . -' - r s r t� 7 !1h(t u pppp pp��`•{{� A p F i an This rt►obile hb�ii8 IS�CS{gnBd SO�;Oltip, s��hi��PfederalmOblle home The central air_conditlonmg system provided In [his has been saed assor ng } estructiott�tFd°s�Y�t�iT�ieitdhkd�s[iiiifdlc�aEiifneDfmanufacture. �; onihlsea5isthe -'it i orientation of the.lronl (hitchend) of lhehorne facigg [For additional information; consult owner s manual) (p) Sy9tem,'is designed, to maintain an indoor temperature oP75 F when •outdoor. y V ® F�dry bu1b:and 77777TF_ wet 6u16 The, tactoryr installetl' equtpinent Includes _ temperatures are Manufacturer _ ; ., Mode( Designation The lernleralure. fo;wfitch this home can'be cooled will changer depending upon the, i�, qs' p . • `"" •. _ > ' ' /'- ` amount et exposure. of the windows of Ihis,h6m-e to the.suh s radienlheat Therefore the Gi Fqe r �,.OT iI.(3atlr}g; - ,. .. •- : i._ '. i, ''-, r�.'f''. me'stiealgains,willvarydepgntlenlupon, sorientatontothesunandanypj yarlo s t ding;provided:.. Information -concerning he calculation of ler2'2 ofithe,t972 eoit�on',('y Q For;atr;coohng locations; window ez osures arid_shadm s.are provided in`Chap l - P 0 `a3 �.. , ti t; COOkit>g - - �, : o1 the�ASHRAEHaridbook of Fundamentals, - • n` '' 'o :a'`. x - i�'.tdi a�i!`iJF ` forrnslioo,necessary to calculate cooling loads alvarious locations and onentations i@. Reirlgerator} o .' rL -- -- 4, ^r�,1/.41 provideC'in the speetal comfoA.'cooltng information pro',vtded wilfi'Ihis mobiletiome -f t j1 o VJ'ater'leater t� ! aid y� { r,'-f> 1tAir conditioner nolprovtded at factory (Alternate 9)" instaN2iton,df centiai'ai, I�.„jr Thedrslnbuhon^system of`this home Issullable fop the t , Washer r -_ . ' ?� l.. conditionng ,, r - • Clothes^ Dryer `` Thesuehif air ome,is srz dloimobile homeceniral w { }, dlstribuilon system lnsfalled}ndhis h e � �- �r,. _ -' air conditioning system of up,to 6 2 U'/hr rated capacty which are , rtrDisflWEiShef - Y` -10 nate;au conditioning and relrigeraUon institute-, ..ai°. _ - eertltleCin accordance wdhttie:approp ` -rba e^ Dis OS2I" ai? standa`r[Js when lhe;`alr oBculatois of 3ucFi an conditioriers are rated at 0 3 mch:walep- - - ,(a. g p coluninistahc pressureorgreate%tor the cooling air de livered to themobdehomestippty' ff r .:` Fire'"idea - - . „ air doer; s)ssem; , }4t t' "- P,.. F•�.','-.r•' . +... ,k ��"'F' �y -"ation:necessa, to ralculale cooling lo�dsalvanousiocahonsand onentationsis- - �' +-,U . .* 8• �m`,%•yt3� 1'.- Erg..._---- -�. Inform, rY , ti cy 4 .•,w . - ;.. - `- � � " provide �. m the special corPlor(�coolinA 4fi �1�N 5 1 '� '' -- ' ❑ Alr'Cdt1di110nI0g�r101 rfCOmR7eaded ( IfernatF;11H)provided WRh th(s mobile h - t t - ' • . ``�yL 'N'7 i - - The;air'disiiibufioms stem of this homi. has not been designed in anticipation of'its use wdh a.cenlral airieonddiomngsystem INFORMATION PROUIDEB BY THE MANUFACTUREfl trypiT V - - NECESSARY TO CALCULATE SENSIBLE HFAT GAIN j (� 4 - Zone ll - tn DESIGN WIND Zone i i , •yurncane,Resistive 11 - ❑i Standard'WI d = • _ 4'fi YONE'MAP --- P �,,'z SFfio'nzontal: - _ 15 P5F Horizonla 5 P : " Walls (w thout Windows pnd doo }-;'+, . _ 9'PSF U• IJV '. 4 " 15 PSF Uplift '" Ceilingsiandroots of li9htcolor rs) n Cedings^androotsrol,dalR color/ E r� txa t .Floors -. 7 U.. if Fau s ' pv ducts in ltoor - y 073 :�,` �:� Q- { o • . :Air ducts in, ceiling •.-v ,`+i •' } elasEt r i 3 ducts installed out ido the home- rr'c.ti e ti d{ _` ,a �:✓;'ZONE 1 `-.•. * •F Joltowing•are fhe,duct areas in This home:- rd h �� Au duels m Hoer q - ZONE 2 sq: a Air d��i5 m ceuing 4 7, 1. tl ' pir ducts outside the home 'ZONE 2 - - a 4 q i ' ,f '7o determtiie the required caP6cftyofequiomenitocoolatiomee/iiclently and economiceiiY .d ar„o -''} a coolin'jdgad {heal galnl calculallbri isrequired; The.cooling fond is deporitlenton ttit Ir tlr- .LL pit Cation,Ioc5!o..andth'eslru`ctureof the home:Central aircoptlltionersopefdtomolleflf pdY H •. ' -+ •° ^ m` i aor oq ; „` t s 'and Provido=the great sl acemfoWC hen ther. daPamt y clos 1y;.,apP oxt `alos tha Laic sled r [ 4 �'.,+�^} y ' - r r� :cooling laad.•Each home's air con ditron-er,.,houid be Iz d I accord n e4vilh Chapter, of .Z - i =`j ''® - _ the Amefican Society of Healingr Retrlgeratin9 and Alr Coritlitlonin Engihden•(pSNRAE) r V g !1_ South' -20 PSF HondbooN-b1 Fu demental ones tNe7oeatl'on and orlenlallon ere knSwfC - i - - 40 P.SF E ONE DESIGN ROOF,LOAD �Np, OR Slit OUTDO WINTER CBESIGNT h7P Z S'` C t}-, -till ZONE' fAAP a 30 PSF; ; Other Middl P SF Yh ', MIDDLE '.rMIDOL'E �" r ..} .ZONE 2 Ny"• a' ft ` zoNe i t +ta41a r BGUTFi r, Pea Oars ^. is i x f` . : a 7 �vo AA rS yigpt�< 411. '®, T r :Y9 Tat ,y ip. c# kNT'$