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Florida Building Code Onlina 6C[5 iinme Log In ;. User Registration { Hot Topics L submit Surcharge Stats @ Facts Publications € Contact Us 6CIS Site Map `. Links 1 Search ft"1C ' Product Approval USER: Publ€c User p a A>nr vaf Mfeiiu > Application Detail FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email FLIS699-R5 Revision 2020 Approved Public comment;Remove proprietary note and does not comply w/ 2411.1.11.11/18/20 13 Custom Window Systems Inc. 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352)368-6922 Ext291 jlathrop@cws.cc Jay Lathrop jlathrop@cws.cc Jay Lathrop 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext291 jlathrop@cws.cc Quality Assurance Representative Jay Lathrop Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 (352)368-6922 Ext 291 jlathrop@cws.cc Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 0 Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Lucas A. Turner Evaluation Report Florida License PE-58201 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/21/202 Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Steven M. urich, PE 0 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received standard AAMA/W DMA/CSA/101/I. S. 2/A440 ASTM E1886-13a Year 2008 2013 h4tps:.i,uw r.noridnbuildin .org%pdpr,_app_dll. spy!hnrssin=wGli4'XQwiDgvutEi3jlpV7..l)0isF%2Uv1'1r11AVnYhd6PK313YvNklti4gbLzjR"u',d%3d[116,2021 €:42:08 ]'Nlj rmdda t3elldmg code odhne Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved ASTM E199G-17 PA TAS 201/202/203 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FS15699 RS Ent Iv 3100 Enuivalencv odf Method 1 Option D OS/27/2020 OS/30/2020 09/18/2020 ].2/15/2020 2ov 1994 The State of Floritla is an AA/EEO employer. Coov-oht 2oD]-2013 State of Flor tla :: Pr vz v <[ateme rt :; Arre== hll'ty ctztemant :: Refund Statement Untler Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you tlo not want your' a -mail adtlress releasetl In response to a public -records request, tlo not send electronic mail to this en[iry. Instead, contact the offce by phone or by tratli[lonal mall. If you have any questions, please contact 83o.4D].1395. `Pursuant to Secklon 455.2]5(i ), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees Ilcensetl untler Chapter 455, F.S. must provide [he Department with an email adtlress if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal atldress, please provide the Department with an email address which can Ge made available to the public. To deterfnine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F, S., please click I1CIE.. Produc[Approval Accepts: eCMSt Credit Card Safe i ltiu::vww.Il 'dabuild'ffbo by-pr nfp dd. i'I nram--wGl:�atl,�tUgvrdl13111\cF VUI%26�IHII;\\'fll hdnhl:;tlSYv.ridwlghl 14 �-d >,:.JI I:6 ]�I I:�13.9t(I��\III 2428 Old Natchez Trace Trail Camden, TN 38320 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 August 21, 2020 >Vquivalence of Product Standards Product Description: Series 3100 (previously 3700) Aluminum Single Hung Window, LM Impact, as detailed in Installation Instructions and Evaluation Report CWS-726D Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 44°i Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Equivalent Standards: ASTM G 1886-02/04/05 equivalent to ASTM E 1886-13a and ASTM E I996-02/04/06/09 equivalent to ASTM E 1996-17 Assessment: The product indicated above has been tested to ASTM E 1886-02/04/05 and ASTM E 1996- 02/04/06/09. I have determined that for the indicated product as defined in the indicated Installation Instructions and Evaluation Report, that this product testing is equivalent to that performed for ASTM E 1886-13a and ASTM E 1996-17 as referenced in the 7°i Edition (2020) Florida Building Code. No.58201 -ot ia+10y STATE OF 8/2 I /2020 Lucas A. Turner, P.G. FL P.E. 58201 2428 Old Natchez Trace Trail Carnden, TN 38320 Ph, 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 726m August 18, 2020 Prodlie t Description; Series 3100 (previously 3700) Aluminum Single Hung Window, LM Impact, max, unit sizes of 53 1/8" x 84" DP70 Oricl, 53 1/8" x 76" DP70 OX Equal Split, and 37" x 63" DP80 OX Equal Split Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. I900 SW 44a' Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements ofFAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 7°i Edition (2020),Florida Building Code including the high Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. , , Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, PE, at 2428 Old Natchez Tre Tr1, Camden, TN 2) Approval drawing CWS-726D, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3795- I , -1 A, .2, -2A, -3, and -3A, and NCTL-210-4000-01, -1 A, -02, and -2A 1}om National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, P.E., and test reports CWS-004-02-02 and -03 and CWS-005-02-01 and -02 from PRI Construction Materials Technologies, Tampa, FL, with testing Performed: TAS 201/202/203 1994, AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/1,S.2/A440-2008, ASTM E 1886-2002/2004/2005, and ASTM E 1996-2002/2004/2006/2009 4) Supplemental Cates, to support CWS-726D, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document 0111S-726D. Limitatimns of Clse: This product: o May be used up to sizes indicated above in Product Description, with glass types, design pressures, and max. glass daylight sizes as shown in CWS-726D Is Large Missile Impact Resistant and does not require the use of shutters May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone a I.G. glass with annealed outboard lite may not be used above 30 It from grade in HVHZ ® Requires Kuraray Butacite PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade NOA 19-0305,02' Requires 6063-T6 aluminum extrusions per CWS-726D ' 1 have evaluated the material in this NOA and find that iC complies with the requirements of the 7°' E rtion (2 20F on la ui der C d fo u •e in this product. �-� Cerh icati° nc epeu ence: t o not have, nor o i�i 7E if� cquire, nor will t acquire, a financial nterest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest n any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. �%1111111114 - nS A. TtIR., Ido. 58201w= 08/18/2020 Lucas A. Turner, P.E. FL PE #58201 Q (7 '03110IH0ad St ONI 'SW3ISAS `��"'ll !�.;�A.� I a r o z MOONIM Wo1SHo d0 NOISSIWa3d �•�i �� w o �- m v"i w z w M F- N31MM 3H11NOH11M 3lOHM o w_ J S U V SV aO IHVd NI NOIlon(10ad3a � Y<•. 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