HomeMy WebLinkAboutTruss Drawings (2) THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T43 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 21.93 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. End verticals not exposed to wind pressure. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 4X5 = 5X8 --1s 6 F-- 4X4 4X7 3-6 12 3-6 12 17-4-0 1 .5X4 iiiM 2X4 III 3X10 3X4 1 .5X6 m �--1-6-1&_ L- 5-9-12 1 1-11-0 I 9 12 I 13-6-8 Over 2 Supports �I �muntxp� . R=804 U1 W=4" • (�S F/ f U=153 W=7.25" RL=108/-120 20 �,`�.1•`.J. .'.L°jC•1/�r�, Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) °V•+•V' s�•••• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 11.0f 07 1 T :;1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.375"/Ft. ••WARNINGI*• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING]•' T LL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 906 IM '•PORTANT FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trussos r.qulr..tremc taro In ra rlcacing, handl nfo ing, shlpping, Installing antl bracing. R.f.r c antl r�'I • DATE 05/2 6/1 7 no Iota sc otlltlon of BCSI (Building Gampanant Sa Taty Irm.tlan. by TP antl I WTCA) !....racy...ccicos 'DL 15.0 PSF a p.rlorming ch.so.... tl.ns. Install...sM1"' provltlo comporary bracing por OCSI. Unloss noc.d och—M. • cop cM1.rd sM1al l M1ay.proparly.[Cach.tl.t rugt ral shoo ch log antl bottom chord shal l M1.v..pr.p.rly.[tachb6 '0• ATE °Q�C> DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR76l 17146020 rigitl colling. Loc.tlons shown for p.rman.ntulatorol rostr.int of webs shall h.vo bracing Inscallad por B • L:[A'LM Fg� C„c[i.ns BB, B7 or B10. as aoppllcabl.. Apply Placos co ouch I...Of cru C nd Posl cl�on.s shown abovo antl P • 41 c Joint D.[alls, unl.ss n cad oth.rwlsv. R.l.r[.draw logs 160A-2(a rss.ntla rd plot.Posl[l.ns. ° O Alpino, v division of ITW Building Compon.ncs Group Inc. .Hall n c be rasp.nslbl.f any davlatl.n f..m[M1 y��•°• .•° LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF awing, any fallur.gco buirdsCSM10 truss In canformanca with ANSI/TPI ,. or!or handling, shlppin •TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3533 AN ITW COMPANY insc.l lotion 8 br.cin of c u as g. O •a •• • ` A uaI on thla d—Ing or.ovar pegs listing"I,drasing. Indicate.aeceptanta of prof.aalonal anglnaaring .y i� rosponal bl l lty eo l.ly for"I daalgn ahoan. Th.sultabll lty and uaa of this draaing for any atruc[uro 1.Lh .sponslblll[y of[ho Bulldl.9 Dos lgn.r par ANSI/TPI , S-2. �/ ,O {�� DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM 2400 Lake l m o, Dr.Suite I50 4gV ' 101� a Orlando FL 3278 F.r mar. Inlarm.tlon. thl.Jab•1 gan.ral n .pag..nd th...w.b.It..: SPAC I NG 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 7 6 1_ZO2 FL COA A0278 ALPINE: www.al pin.lcw.com: TPI: www.tpinse..rg; WTCA: www.sbclndustry.com: ICC: www.lcesa foDou la FlemingLie Number:66648 ` 05/26/2017 , .0 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T44 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 21.46 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bat chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Left cantilever is exposed to wind End verticals not exposed to wind pressure. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. factor for dead load is 1.50. 4X5 = 4X7 6 6 3X3 3X8 3-6 12 3-9-6 1 .5X4 17-4-0 2X4 III 3X8 = 3X4 = 1 .5X6 III 1-6-124 L_ 3-11-4 I 5-8-0 I 6 0 I � 13-1-4 Over 2 Supports IIUIIIy��I R=775 U=185 W=4" , AS �/ f.u�➢'i�,h R=578 U=151 W=4'I RL=78/-86 Design Cr i t: FBC201 ORes/TPI-2007(STD) a `•••� S'�••.' PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .0f 07 .1 T :',1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING[ T LL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 907 "IIMRTIM" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. `` Trusses raqulr*oxcrem*cnro In f*brlcoting. h—ling, shlpping. installing nntl bracing. R.—to nntl I • tno Intnst ctli[1*n*f BCSI (Bullaing Component Safoty information. by TPI nnc WTCA) for sofoty prnctices d-1 °DL 1 5.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 o porTo rming tboso functions. Installors sM1*II provltlo[omporary br*cing por BCSI. Dnlass notvtl o[horwQ.o cop cM1*rtl shal l hnv*propor.ntc p. tru..o...tulol .M1I r,,tg nntl b*Ctom chortl nhvl l bavo n proparly a[tnc„� • ��� •• DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 l7146021 rlgltl tolling. Locations shown Tor-anonply latoral rostra lnt of wobs shall hvvo bracing Ins-1 b,por B • "`3CC a �^ th.J,ns BD. B]or B as ooppllcnbl*. Apply—plot,,to to.I,g­1 of tru old posl elan vs shown obovo nntl . . 4 IIIIJrJI ebo Jolnc Docolis, unless n toe othorwiso. Rafor to tlrnwings 160A-Z forss nntln ra pinto positions. •• • • /�` Q'.• * LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpin*, n tlivislon of ITN Bul laing Compon n s Group Inc. shall n t bo rosp*nslbl*for nny tl*vlatlon from ch S,6) •0• O R�0 •. 0 nst.I I.nny fal l to bulltl[M10 truss In`conTormanca with ANSI/TPI I. or f*r M1*ntlling, sM1lppin �� TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF Q AN ITW CO MPANY Installa[1*n&bracing of truss*s. g. `'•,, ♦•••••1•®••••' ` SE N— 3534 A...1 on thlr draw lnp or eov.r p.p. Ilat lap UI.tlr.r lap, Intllertw.tapt.n*.of prof...lan.l.npin..rinp �, roaponslbllley ao lolY Tor N.Emig,ahown. Tha.ultablIMy and Uao of thin drawing for any atruetuTo Is th y�����O asponalblllty of tt,*B.I l ding Doalgnor par ANSI/TPI 1 Soc.2. DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite I50 �� ��'u���� OrIodo,FL 32837 Far mar* Inrormacl*n a thla J*b•a g*noral n a png*nntl t„*,*w*b slt*a: > SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 5761 Z02 FL COA go278 ALPINE: www.nlpinolcw.e*m; TPI: www.tpinst.org; WTCA: www.sbclntlusery.com; ICC: www.Iccsof Dou la Fleming Lic Number:66648 " 05/26/2017 I ,.s THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T45 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Special loads --(Lumber Dur.Fac-1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 TC- From 74 plf at -1.69 to 74 plf at 1.94 Bot chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E :B2 2x4 SP #2: TC- From 74 plf at 1.94 to 74 plf at 7.94 Webs 2x4 SP #2 TC- From 74 plf at 7.94 to 74 plf at 11.48 TC- From 74 plf at 11.48 to 74 plf at 13.75 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC TC- From 37 plf at 13.75 to 37 plf at 16.73 TC- From 74 plf at 16.73 to 74 plf at 23.90 170 mph wind, 21.84 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located BC- From 4 plf at -1.69 to 4 plf at 0.00 anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC BC- From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 13.10 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/_)=0.18 BC- From 10 plf at 13.10 to 10 plf at 16.73 BC- From 20 pif at 16.73 to 20 plf at 22.27 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. BC- From 4 plf at 22.27 to 4 plf at 23.90 TC- 26.83 lb Conc. Load at 1.97 Left end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. TC- 27.84 lb Conc. Load at 4.00, 6.00 TC- 106.31 Ib Conc. Load at 13.75,15.21 Left cantilever is exposed to wind TC- 231.15 Ib Conc. Load at 16.73 BC- 26.91 lb Conc. Load at 1.97 Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. BC- 32.22 lb Conc. Load at 4.00, 6.00 BC- -5.58 lb Conc. Load at 13.75,15.21 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase BC- 23.47 lb Conc. Load at 16.73 factor for dead load is 1.50. 4X7 = 1 .5X4 III 4X7 1 .5X4 = 5X5 % 6 F- U 6 4X4 = 1 .5X4 3X3 = 1 .5X4 6 F 0-6-6 3X4 20-a-o 5X8 =. 132 1 .5X4 III 3-6 12 3-0-0 3X4(B1) 17-4-0 1 .5X4 III 3X4 = 3X4 - 3X8 2XIS III 12-4-0 =-1 1� I 1-6- 9-6-0 W-11-4J, 6-0-0 12-9-4 0�0 9-2-0_I, 3-6-8 _1- 5-3-0 _1_ 5-6-8 I �I 22-3-4 Over 3 Supports R=993 U=316 W=4" R=1060 U- Otll�tUk�►i��➢i R=764 U=279 W=6" �4S fIL��/ Design Cr i t: FBC2010Res/TPI-2007(STD) .� � °•°�` S�°••• '\ PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 . .07 .1 QT !1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.3125"/Ft. **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI y T LL 2O.O PSF..IMPORTANT-- FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. • REF R7 6 1-- 908 Trusses require-....care In fabrlenting, na"tiling, shipping. instaiiing entl bracing. Refer to anti Ewi • the l.test etlitlen of SCSI (Oulltling Componan<Safety Informetlen. by TPI end WTCAI for aerety practices*r, ; 7 ({`DL 15.0 PSF' DATE 05/26/1 7 o porfmrmi no these funetiens. Instailors shall provldo temporary bracing par BCS1. Unless noted otherw -I,chord shall heve properly att.ch.d sc ructural shbsthing end bottom chortl shall havo a properly att..hW ° • 1 rig ld telling. Lac"tlons shown far permanonc lacoral ros[rolnt of webs shall Nava brocing lnstelletl par r@.s s1 ATE °. DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 171aso1z Q �^ sections B3. B]or B10.sss^pplle.blo. Apply placos to oath feceaCf taro C ntl post tit.as shown abovmro�a w� P° • IIILJrJI the joint D-II., -. ted otherwise. Refer to tlrawings IGOA-Z for=i andertl plate pesl<Ia"a. /� • LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpino, a tli vl sion of ITW Oulltling Components Group Inc. snail n asponslble for any dovia<lan f th �. /�� Q`O�••• y drawing, any tailor.co be Id the truss In conformance wicn ANSI/TPIbI,Tor for handling, shipping. �� •.• O" .• v AN ITWCOMPANY lost.II.t-A brating of trnaso.. 4i F '+•....•••• �� 'rTOT.LD. 45..0 PSF SEQN- 3620 A u.l on ehl.droing or eowr peg. II.0 Inp[his ar.rinp, Indlc.t.s acceptance of pier-1on.l angln..rinp , reaponalbllley aololy far the tlaslgn whom. The eultablI lty and use of Chia Er-ing for any etruccure la tli �// S (^( asps-Iblaity or thy.Bui 1ding Dos 1....par ANSI/TPI I Soc.2. yi/, /�" DUR.FAC. 1.2 5 FROM GLM 2400 Lake OrangeDr.Suite I50 yw/4lIKilllull Orlando,FL 32R37 Far mare inrmrmat TPI o this,l ob•a gonoral a pogo end theca wan altea: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 ZO2 FL COA A027R ALPINE: www.al pinolcw.cam; TPI: www.[pinse.er0; NTCA: www.sbclndustry.com: ICC: www.iccsn foDou la FlemingLie Number:66648 05/26/2017 I -0 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T46 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Special loads --- --(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 TC- From 4 plf at 0.00 to 4 plf at 6.77 Bot chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E :B2 2x4 SP #2: TC- From 74 plf at 6.77 to 74 plf at 13.48 Webs 2x4 SP #2 TC- From 74 plf at 13.48 to 74 plf at 14.73 TC- From 74 plf at 14.73 to 74 plf at 23.90 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC BC- From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 13.10 BC- From 20 plf at 13.10 to 20 plf at 22.27 170 mph wind, 22.34 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located BC- From 4 plf at 22.27 to 4 plf at 23.90 anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC TC- 195.37 lb Conc. Load at 0.03 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 TC- 271.93 lb Conc. Load at 2.00, 4.00, 6.00 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Left end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X5 $X6 3 X 4 � 6 6 F-- 1 .5X4 11 0-6-6 3X3 = 3X4 = 4X7 = 62 +20-4-0 4 4 - 3X4 - 3-0-0 3-0-0 3X4(B1) G-EZ F=1 H I I �17-4-0 1 .5X4 113X4 = 3X4 - 1 .5X4 III 5X5 oIR4-4 12-4-0 =�= 9-6-0 1-6-0� 1-3-0 6-9-4 - 12-9-4 0 4-O 9-2-0 22-3-4 Over 3 Supports R=1109 U=206 W=4" R=1023 U=269 W=4'. �Ml�dq�p//�i R=618 U=188 W=6" S FILF�//n Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) '���` SF�•♦• $ PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .04.07 .1 T !1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.3125"/Ft. **WARNING]" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] S ; T LL 20.0 PSF• IIMRTANT­ FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. w� • REF R7 6 1-- 909 Trusses roquira a cromo enro In(a prieoeing. M1antl ling, 1M1lpping, Inseel ling antl brae leg. Rofor t nntl♦0-1 • Ts cho Iatast otllelon of OCSI (Dulltling Compon t bafoty Infarmatlon, by TPI ontl WrCA) for safety procticns�rlCs'DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 [o porform leg tM1osa functions. Inscnllars s„all provltlo tamparary bracing por SCSI. Unloss nototl otherrxW. W • op cM1ortl steal l M1nva proporly mintM1otl scrucc eel sM1aa[M1leg antl bottom chord 1M1al l Nava a praporly a[Cnch�D A ATE '(�B DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR76l 17146015 1 rlgId col l leg. Locatl ons sM1awn for pormon oncula[eral resera let of wabs shell havo bracing Insta llatl porCOS AL �^ ,�.� Cryctlans BD, B]or B10. as aappllcabla. Apply platers co oath fac000f for sc ntl position os sM1awn abovoromtl���••• •• IIILJ�JI IIILIE a.Jaunt Datalls. unless n.11 acherwlsa. Rater to tlrawings tGOA-Z r nntlartl Plata Position,. •. �QI. •• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Al pl nSO, a tllvl sl on a( ITW BuIltlingrCsmponants Group Inc. shall n e bo responsiblo Tor nny tlovlo9lon i iM1 ��.+ to ` •'♦• tlrnwln any failure to buIId Cho t u s In eonformanea wleh ANSI/TPI I. or for hnntlling, shIppI, ♦ K Q AN ITW COMPANY Instollatlon&bracing err irassa�. �i F '••■.a■.••' '1'TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SE N- 3621 A eeel on th le tlnring or cover pegr Ileting NI•grering, InCleetee eewptente of prof..10 1 englneering ///// rosponalbl l lty sololy for eho tloslgn shorn. TAa eul tablllty one use of th le tlre.Ing Tor any strbctura 1, 2400 L4+e Cnnge Dr.,Suile 150 asPonslbIl y of Cher Bulltling Daslgna.por ANSI/TPI 1 S-2. k�/�a/0�\ � OUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM /u�wrreaulull FL CAA ND 278 ALPINE TPI: C O FL 32 Far mare Information s this,Tab's gonorol pogo antl Chaser web altos: oDou la Flemin LicNumber:66648 SPAC I NG 24.0 JREF- 1W15761_ZO2 FL 7R : wwx.alpinelew.eon: www.epinst.arg; WTCA: ICC:wwv.sbelntlusery.eom; wuw.lcesa T Ir 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T47 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 21.41 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wi.nd TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Lt Wedge 2x6 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Left cantilever is exposed to wind Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 4X4 1 .5X4 I 6 6 1 .5X4 III 3X4 0-6-6 Ti +20-4-0 � 5X8 = 3X4 3X4(B1) o-s-s 3X8 III . 3-0-0 17-4-0 3X4(B1 - 3X4 = 1 .5X III qln 12-4-0 ��E 9-6-0 'I 12-10-0 0-4-0 9-2-0 22-4-0 Over 3 Supports R=791 U=167 W=4" R=670 U=168 W=4" R=628 U=151 W=6" RL=196/-140 Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD)PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .(2• 07 .1 T ! /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.3125"/Ft. **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI • - •'l1�ORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS.sta ? T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 910 eRl rema earn in Tebrleacing, hnndlIng. shlppl.g. Inlling.rd b..eing. R.ror a antl GI : C cM10 lTrusses.t.se.tllr.qul trvlon o!BCSI c6ulltling C.mponvnc Safety Information, by TPI antl WTCA) r..,platy p—tl..s q.l , *CI DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 o PorTorming thvso(unctions. '"to''*" "I" provltlo t.mporory,br..ing Pvr DCSI. 11.1—noc.0 ocM1a rw�sv W cop cr.1.sno'' havo pr.porly.tt..hId scru t r.l sh.nthing..d bottom[hold shot I h.v.a proporly at—ho s ATE •4B( DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17145025 1 rIgld telling. Locations shown for p....r.rtu loco..I restrain[or webs shall hnvo bracing Installetl par DpS ► Q L soccloin Onto Sr BhI .s.ItId th Apply pleas to.oth racavor for C ntl position os sewn.bov.antl �`•o• IIILIrJI [ha Joint D.ta11 unlass n tatl atharwlsa. Rafar to tlraw logs 160A-Z rarss anEa rE Pla[a Pnsl tl ans. /{�_y • - ILL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpinv, a dl1l .h or ITW Rullding C.mpo..n[s Group Inc, shell n I bo rosp.nslbl.ror any a vl.tlon rrom[M1 •• �� 1�P••� aw leg. any f.11urn c b.1Id chv truss In confa rmoncv wltM1 ANSI/TPI I. or ror h—ling, shipping. �� ••• O R .• AN ITW COMPANY Instal Iall.n A bracing or trusses. ♦ •� •• A eeel on thle dre.lnp or e.yer pegs IletlnW thle dre.lnW. Indleeiee eeupeenee of Prafeeelonel enWln.erinW y�♦i���(�• WW��• + v` TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3535 r.spanalblllty solely Tor[hv tl.slgn aho.n. Tha eultoblllty end usv or trio dre.ing for eny etructu.. Is U ��sslQ NM_ `� DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suile 150 .spondee lty or too Dw ldl.g Daalgnar por AHSI/TPI T So-2. Nya � ' Orlando FL 32837 For morn InrormaYlon s. Iris Job's I,.....I n s p.g.antl ch...web IIt— ul��IMU1011S� FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www.alpinol[w.com; TPI: www.tpinsc.org: WTCA: www.sbcindusc.y.com: ICC: www.Iccs Dou la 3 Fleming Lic Number:66648 SPACING 24.0" JREF- 1W15761_ZO2 1 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T48 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 21.16 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, 'RISK CAT ll, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Lt Wedge 2x6 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "138" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 1 .5X4 III 3X4 6 7-1-6 0-6-6. Li 17-4-0 1 .5X4 III 3X4(B1) - 6X6 3X8 III q,,gjo 13-2-0 Over 2 Supports Imm, R=649 U=66 W=4" U 1 14%ry��y� RL=284/-38 O�•••■■■ ■ ■■��..fj���yi Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) Ole, PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1. 07 1 ATY: /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.375"/Ft. "WARNING.— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI .31 ■ "IMMRTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. 4 , ■ {TC. L 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 911 Trusses roqulr.vrir.m.c.,. In(ebric.Cing, handling, shipping. Installing and bra.ing. Ra r t antl ft JD L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 na latest otll tl.n of OCSI (Oulleing Comp.n nt Sofoty Information, by TPI one WiCA) for safety proctic.s p o p.rforming tM1asa lunctlons. Inscollors shall pr—ldo tomporory bracing par OCSI. Unloss nototl otho is, top c ord 1h,II h—prop.,ly.tt.lhld structural sha.thing old bottom chord shall ha .pr.p.rly ott.cM1a �t O 1 rlgltlhcol I Ing. Lo aclons sM1.wn for po,mpn.nc lat.ral roscralnc o!w.bs a 1I „a..bracing I.—I lad par O 0,RJ ; ITE : L 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146024 AL �^ .ctl.ns Got. .7 orc010. as a pllcabl.. Apply .to to.acn lac000!tru ,antl rd pl t.as shown obovo antl ,i('1 IIILI�1 fna.lain[D.tal Is. anlss n t.e ochcrwls.. RaTor to drawings 160Ad l.,ss and.rtl pl.t.ps itlans. 5,r��.• F�OR,OQ••�. ? LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpine, a division.! ITW..IIding Comp.nen s Group Inc. shall ,t b.responvlblo!or any d,,I,tl.n from th O a'Z:_ AN IT'W COMPANY Instal9acion& Ira r'ntoa{ull�ssus Muss In c.nformanc.wltM1 ANSI/TPI 1. or for„antl)Ing. shipping, y�I �.•■�■>•■■.■�• g tr �i� C?N OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3536 A ual on th 1•dr•�Ing or eoyr peg• 11•ting NI•Cr—Ing, Indlce a pt,c of profe••lon•I •ng I—rinp I // roepons lblllty n.loly Tor tho tlaalgn ahmm. Th.sultebiIMy end um of"I.er—ing Tor any etru uro Is Ch ��//� V�A� �v 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite l50 r.sponel6lllcy or tho e.I ltl ing Doslgnar par axSIRPI i s...z. �qW ,�► DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM WHtW1U11111 Orlando,FL 3278 For m.r. Inf.,m: TPI. this-.b•e g.n.ral n ,P.D.antl t web,Its: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 76 1_ZO2 FL COA H027N ALPINE: www.al pinolcw.com: TPI: wv.tpinxc.org:WTCA: www.sbclneuscry cam ICC: www.iccsa l.ID�I la FlemingLic Number:66648 • 05/26/2017 a THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T49 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Nail Schedule:0.128"x3", min. nails Bot chord 2x6 SP #2 Top Chord: 1 Row @12.00" o.c. Webs 2x4 SP #2 Bot Chord: 2 Rows @ 6.00" o.c. (Each Row) Webs : 1 Row @ 4" o.c. Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Use equal spacing between rows and stagger nails in each row to avoid splitting. Special loads -- --(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located TC- From 35 plf at 0.00 to 35 plf at 8.83 anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC BC- From 10 plf at 0.00 to 10 plf at 8.83 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 BC- 1105.41 lb Conc. Load at 1.92, 3.92, 5.92, 7.92 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. End verticals not exposed to wind pressure. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Truss must be installed as shown with top chord up. factor for dead load is 1.50. The TIC of this truss shall be braced with attached spans at 24" OC in lieu of structural sheathing. 3X8 = 3X4 = 1 .5X4 3X8 = 2-0-0 2-0-0 �11-4-0 4X5 = 5X8 = 1 .5X6 m 1 .5X6 lu i�=- B-10-0 Over 2 Supports � RdIQIIIppU R=2159 U=312 W=9" R=2660 Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%D(O%)/5(0) 16. 1 .OT.07 1 TY: /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. —WARNING!— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS ORAWINGI s • TC L 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 912 ..II ORTANT.. FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trussos r.qulro...... taro In fabrlcating, handling, SM1lpping. Inst.Iling antl bracing. Rotor t and f • L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 cho iacasc celeion or aC51 (Bulltling Component Sofoty Inro rmo tlon, by TPI antl WTCA) for sa racy Procelcos pl o parforming th.so run Clans, natallara shall provldo tempo r.ry bracing par BCSI. Unloss noted.th...1W • top eM1ortl shall hn o praporly oetoehetl street ral shaothing antl b.tt m old sh.II M1avo a properly ntt— O QTF r191d colling. Locaclons pawn for permanent"Iatora1 rostralnt or webs`-II have bracing Insta l too par D ; • `• ^ : DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146073 ALrI l� ctlons B3, B]or 6,0, ossappllc..... Apply'locos co oath roc.or tr and post Cion as shown above.nd Q. �� [fto Jolnc Ooealls, unless no[etl othcrwlso. Rotor to tlrawinga,GDAo_Z ror=tantlard plate Pesltlens. A. /�/y . Q .• ' LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF LI Alop'�a, n division or ITW Bulldingrusmponancs Group Inc. shall n t b.re'ponslbla ror any deviation from th s�j v�/��0�.40 �� g, any&allure co bulltl[M1a t s In cenformanc.with ANSI/TPI ,. or ror M1antlling, shipping, yJ,�I C"/��•I.,,(moo\,•• �� ��.OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3602 AN ITW COMPANY Inseallatlon a bracing or trusses. f _W{. A sul on this drawing or ewer page Ileting thle dnwing. Indleatee acceptance of profeaelonel enpinaering ��� w rospgns to''ley solely for the doolgo ehown. Tho sultablllty and use or[his drewing Tar any struoturp le tM1 ��//� A�Ap v 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite I so rospanslbl llty or—Bm lding Doslgnar par ANSI/TPI ,Soc.z. /Nlgn11(u y��� DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM Orlando,FL 32837 Far morn Inrarmatlen a this 3ob•e Dole— n s pool antl than.web sit.,: SPACING 24.0" JREF- 1 W15761 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www.alpinelcw.com; TPI: www.epinst.org; WTCA: www.sbclndustry,com; ICC: www.Iccsar.Dou la FlemingLie Number:66648 ' 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T50 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Special loads --(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) Top chord 2x4 SP M-31 :T1 2x4 SP #2: TC- From 74 plf at -1.63 to 74 pif at 0.00 Bot chord 2x4 SP M-31 TC- From 74 plf at 0.00 to 74 plf at 7.10 Webs 2x4 SP #2 TC- From 162 plf at 7.10 to 162 pif at 26.73 :Lt Slider 2x4 SP #2: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' TC- From 74 plf at 26.73 to 74 plf at 33.83 :Rt Slider 2x4 SP #2: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' TC- From 74 plf at 33.83 to 74 plf at 35.46 BC- From 4 plf at -1.63 to 4 plf at 0.00 Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC BC- From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 7.10 BC- From 44 plf at 7.10 to 44 plf at 26.73 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located BC- From 20 plf at 26.73 to 20 plf at 33.83 anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC BC- From 4 plf at 33.83 to 4 plf at 35.46 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 BC- 594.74 lb Conc. Load at 7.10,26.73 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Right cantilever is exposed to wind In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TC @ 24" #1 hip supports 7-1-4 jacks with no webs. OC. Deflection meets L/350 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 3X4 to, SS0612 1 .5X4 III 5X5 = 4X7 = SS0612 3 X 4 6 r � 6 3X4 3X4 0-6-s o-s-s T T 11-4-0 3X10(B2)1 .5X4 III 5X5 = H0510 = 4X7 = 7X6 - 5X5 - 1 .5X4 III 3X10(B2) IL- 26-0-0 � 7-6-8 L_ 7-1-4 _I_ 19-7-8 I 7-1-4 I 33-10-0 Over 3 Supports nuuyt� R=2491 U=314 W=8" v.•■ ••..�• 54 W=3.5„ PLT TYP. 20 Gauge HS,18 Gauge HS, Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) • Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 0 7 1 Y.1■. F -/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. -`WARNINGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI ` _ REF R761-- 913 •'IMPORTAN- FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. T L 20.0 PSF Trusses requlra oxirema taro In T.br..ating, handling, snlpping. I....Iling and bracing. Rafvr[ ana r. , , •TC L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 [h. od itl..or BCsI (Building Compon ne sar.cy Inf.rmaclon, by TPI one WTCA) ror safety practices p • o Porro rming[hose r...tians. Install rs-.11 provldo tcmpor.ry bracing per BCS UnI.-notatl o[horwls r •A ,�1 cop cM1ortl shall nova properly 1.cnod structural shoathing and bottom cM1ortl shall nova egprop.rly otPnofnotl DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR76l 17146052 rig ld tolling. Loc.clans shown for parm.nont loco rol '.strain[oT webs shall nova brocln Instollotl BC d' 1 v_ cclans B3. B]or I. os oppllcoblo. Apply plo[os[o.acn Taco oT cru .ntl position es shown above and o ♦♦ p Oth.J.-Dot.I1s' unless natal othvrwlsv. R.-to dr.wings 160A-2 farsstandard plat.poll[1 ens. a �p� AI a d11I-. ITW B.lidln bam . .m ��^♦'�Z QR`V�•♦•\ LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF p g panon[s Group Inc. sM1all n t bo r.sponslblc ror any tivvieclon r ch s 0 ♦� drowing. eny Tallura t build ih.truss In canformanco with ANSI/TPI 1. or for handling, shipping. ,� ♦IW�•ww•• AN ITW COMPANY Instal I--A bracing.r cruss.s. W ��J�,'�_(�/o��� TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3675 A cowl on thlw tlrewlnp or eoywr D.D. Ilwt lnW thlw drwwlnp. Intllutww wcaptw new of proTwwwlonel wnpinwwrin �� V \� rosponslb ...zy solely Tor the design shown. Th.sul-bI lty end ue.or Ch1.drewing ror eny s[ructure Iw th / / 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite l50 r.sponslhl l icy or Uo Bullding Ovslgner par ANSI/TPI 1 Soc.2, akttyFif{IItIW�1p DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 Far more lnr.rmacian s this Jabs D.n.ral s peg,and th.s.web sites: SPACING - 1 W1 5761 Z02 FL COA ao 278 ALPINE: www..Ipinei tw.com: TPI: www.epinst.org; WTCA: www.sbcind-ry.c.m; lee: www.Ices.-Dau la FlemingLic Number:66648 24.0" J REF T �.w THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T51 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Lt Slider 2x4 SP #2: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' :Rt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right cantilever is exposed to wind Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase NOTE: TRUSS NOT DESIGNED TO BE INSTALLED IN REVERSE ORIENTATION. factor for dead load is 1.50. TRUSS MUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN. I' 5X5 = 1 .5X4 III 3X4 = 5X5 6 1 .5X4 1 .5X4 � 6 0-6-6 3X4 0-6-6 T T 11-a-o 3X4(M) 3X4 - 5X8 - 4X4 = 4X4 = 3X4(B1) 3X4(M) 3X8 iii 26-0-0 — 7-6-80 9-1-4 I 15 7 8 I 9-1-4 I 33-10-0 Over 3 Supports R=1279 U=165 W=8" ��_ 'y/q RL=186/-186 •\��`].•• ••./. 70 W=3.5" Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. .0 7 1 Y.T. F -/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. —WARNING!•• READ AND FOLLOW ALLAOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI : ;T�tL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 914 "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS, l • • Trusses roqul r.oxcromo co ro In rebrlcating, „aneling, 1M1lppIng, Instal l Ing ono bracing. Rorer c .ntl ra j v� • �ygT tho l.[st alclon of BCSI (Building Compon n[Sa(oty Inr.rmatl.n, by TPI and WTCA) ror s.roty practices p • ' ; TIC$/L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 o po....... Ta rm ing theso Tu nctlons. Installers shall provltlo temporary bracing par BCS1. Unless notctl oehorwls r A AT 'Qy- cop c....shall ... proporly.c[a chef siruc[ur.l sM1ao[M1ing and bottom<IM1ord s„all have a prop.,ly.tt..h.d r lgltl c.l I Ing. Loc.[lans sM1own far pc rmnnent Iota ral ras[ra lnt of webs sM1al I „a.o bracing Ins[all.d p.,BC : /`11 E , O DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146060 ctl.ns BD .I or B10, as pp''...'. pllcabla. Apply pl.cos rac000t I., C n0 ldsltion as shown oba.oromd , O • • O [h.Joint DOCB, unloss n tpd...'.'is.. Rarer ca drawings,60A-2 Torss and rd plat.positions. o,* •• •� , Alpin,: .dl,lslon oT ITW Building Components Group In.. s„all n[b.r.spo..Ib1,gar..y d.al.,It.T to a 4,�jC n•.��Q R1O••• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF awing. any tall.,.to b.11d the truss in<ontormon<.with ANSI/TPI ,, or ror handling. sM1lppin //�V •' °TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF S EQN- 3603 AN ITW COMPANY inscallacl.n I bracing or trusses g. ��I •••l••• A...I on MI•dr.wlnp or eowr p.g. I1.tln•thl.dr..InD, Indle.te,. pt.nce or pror.ulon.lru Oln..r InW ////y et a .� rosponslbllley ml.ly for tho doslgn sbwn. Th. I. blllty.nd. .r this dratln•r.r.ny nc r. Is eJl a l� �a► DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite 150 r.sponslbl l icy.r th.B.IId Ing Onslgnor par ANSI/TPI , S.c.2. alllryt �p11SU Orlando FL 32837 F.r mar. inr.rm.ti.n 11,thls Jabs gen.r.l .p.ga and these wnw. w.b sl[es: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z02 FL COA NO 278 ALPINE: alpinaltw.com: TPI: www.tpinsc.org: WTCA: —.sb.lndustry.com; IDG: www.I......Dou la Fleming Lie Number:66648 L THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010—/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES — T52 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Rt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right cantilever is exposed to wind Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. NOTE: TRUSS NOT DESIGNED TO BE INSTALLED IN REVERSE ORIENTATION. TRUSS MUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN. 5X5 = 3X4 - 5X8 3X4 3X6 0 6 r1Z 6 0-6-6 0-6-6 T T 11-4-0 4X4(B1) 1 .5X4 III 3X8 = 5X5 - 3X5 = 2X5 III 3X4(B1) 3X8 III I� 26-0-0 ��E 7-6-8 � � L_ 11-1-4 I 11-7-8 11-1-4 I 33-10-0 Over 3 Supports IrtYlldtpp�/. R=1329 U=178 W=8" Ao�r lSgl'-C RL=216/-216 ,` U=82 W=3.5" Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) ••�` aS�••♦• i PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(0%B)/5(0) 16 1 .WtO7 .1 QT !1I /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. -WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI s : T LL 20.0 PSF"111IRTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. REF R7 6 1—— 915 Trus...r.guI ra oKtremo ca ro In f.brlc.[Ing, h.ntlling, sM1ipping. Inst.11ing antl bracing. Ro Tor to antl +t�wl • .A.. iho la[mt I tlon of SCSI (Bulltling Compon.nC Safa[y Infarmatlon, by TPI antl WTCA) far..fay practicos arl : i�[ DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 o porTo rm ing[h.s.functions. Install...shall provld*t.mparary bracing par BCSI. Unl.ss not-och Zr W T ' cap chortl stealI Lava proporly foch.tl...ucturol sheathing an°bottom chh.tl stealI Lava n p1 -.1y a co M1uos A AI E r+ DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146053 r lgltl toll ing. Locations shown for p..mApply lot.al r.s.h'.of wahs shall M1ova bracing InstallaCcp.r L O [hot ion.Ba, B7 or B10. as appllc.blo. Apply pietas Co aacL faco or cru antl po.ltlon as shown ab.v.antl �• J_t Dotalls, unloss not.tl ocharwiso. Rafar to tlrowings 160A-2 forsstantlartl pieta positions. ♦ /� A • LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF a �p� Alpino, n tlivlslon of ITW Builtling Companon[s Group Inc. shall not bo r.sponslbl.for any tlovlatlon from th �� �••/�I ,O 1♦•• tlrawing. any falluro to builtl the truss in...for wlcM1 ANSI/TPI 1. or for hantlling, shipping. ♦ ` • AN ITW COMPANY Instal Iatl.n&bracing of tr...a.. ''� ` '••...R.••• �� ��TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3537 A...I on thl.drawly or oov.r peen I1,tning this.dr—I °icyndle Icao semptana OUR. 1.25 FROM GL of prrotearryn In aeru<cn`Iro�i v a',,o'Iblllty.alai mrthetl..l �tiys/ONA�-���`� M 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite I50 lbl ncy or rh.eel Wing Do.lgn.r par Axsl/TPI 1 sao.z. / Orlando FL 32837 For m. Infor..clan. thls Job'.g.na n .p.ga antl th.s.web.ices: w��IfQ1I it FL COA No 278 ALPINE: www.o PI_I cw,�om; TPI:owww.cpinst.org; WTCA: www.sb.I.d..try.com; ICC: ..I......Dou la Fleming Lic Number:66648 SPACING 24.0" JREF- 1W15761_ZO2 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T53 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Rt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right cantilever is exposed to wind Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent five load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase NOTE: TRUSS NOT DESIGNED TO BE INSTALLED IN REVERSE ORIENTATION. factor for dead load is 1.50. TRUSS MUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN. 5X5 ; 5X8 3 X 4 3XIS 6 r 6 0-6-6 3X8 III 0-6-6 T T11-4-0 4X4(B1) - 1 .5X4 III 5X8 = 5X8 = 2X5 III 3X4(B1) 11�6��E 26-0-0 , 7-6-8 13-1-4 � m I I 7-7-8 I 1 1 4 I 33-10-0 Over 3 Supports IIf111dHl�H/ R=1337 U=175 W=8" a �+U RL=247/-247 �,\�••is•.�77, off 86 W=3.5" Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) AV 'V• � S� .• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .0.1.07 .1 QT !1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. **WARNING'** READ AND FOLLOf ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAIIINGI PO f •'IMRTANT'• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. _ T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1—— 916 T russas r.dI .[rams taro in fabrlca ting, handling, shipping. Iy TPI ing.ntl bracing. Rofvr to antl I ; eyk �`I DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/2 6/1 7 CM1a IaCasY atlltlon of DCSI (Dulltling Comport nt Safo[y Information, by TPI antl WrCA) for safocy pro cticasrl • .pc rfarminfl funcClons. Insia 11—shall prowl do iomp....y bracing par DCSI. 11--notad.cha V. . f top chord shall h.vo proparly at[ochad at...t ral shoath ing and bottom chold shall no,.a proparly attach% A f rigid tolling. Laaatlans shown far parmanont"l.taral rostralnt of wabs shall havo bracing InaCall.d par D�,S • DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 1 71 4604e n C Ions B3. 37 or DID, as appl—bl o. Apply pl.tas to oath fvcv of[ru antl posltl on as shown ab.—.ntlrs�` ATt •f Q IIII O cha Jolnc Dot alls. unI—no[ad ath—ls Rotor to drawings 16OA-Z forssc"ndard pla[o positions. /I�_ya. Alpino, a division of ITW DullUing Camponan[s Group Inc. shall not ba rvspanslbla far any davlatlan Pram Ch '•.�� \O�••• LL 0.0 PSF HC—ENG AK/DF drawing, any fallur.t.bulltl tho truss In con f.rmanco with ANSI/TPI 1. or for handI inn. sh Ipping. �• OR •. �' AN ITW COMPANY Ins[alla[lon A brocing of tra..a.. of ••...�,.••• �� °rTOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3538 A...1 on thl.dn.ing.r coyv pep. Ilrt lnp"is drawing, Indicates s,captmc.of prof...loner .ngln..ring //�// ..pon.lbl llty.ol.ly far Cho daslg.on—. Tha.ultabll lty and a..or this dre.ing rar any atratdin. la ih //i S�Q NA DUR.FAC. 1.25 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite 15D aspan.lbllliy.1 thy.DulIding D..lg.ar par ANSI/TP1 1 Saa.2. A tiu� FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 Far ma Information. thl.Jab•.ganaral n .p.g.and Lhasa wab.it..: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 61 Z02 FLCOA#0278 ALPINE: www.alpinolcw.can: TPI: www.cp com inst.ora; WTCA: —.sbcl.d..try. ; Icc: www.l....fo]�OT3 la Flemifi Lic Number:66648 - — 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T54 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.24 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 :62 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E: Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Lt Slider 2x4 SP #2: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' design. :Rt Slider 2x4 SP #2: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' Right cantilever is exposed to wind Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X5 : 5X8 =- 6 r 6 0--6 3X4(C4 - 3X4(C4) 0_6-6 0<1-Ti B2 T (�11-4-0 4X5(C4) - 1 .5X4 III 5X8 = 1 .5X4 III 3X5(C4) = 1 I, 15-1-4 3-7-8 I 15-1-4 I 33-10-0 Over 2 Supports R=1697 U=211 W=8" �IffPlldt►tptt �►S' F�C /h12 U=210 W=3.5" RL=277/-277 O�� •, •�•���2 Note: All Plates Are 3X4 Except As Shown. . •�••*•0 s ••.• y Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) • V • PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .0.1.07 .1 QT !1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. ••wABNINcI•• REID allo►Door Au NOTESox THIs DRAnxcl • T LL 20.0 PSF"[WORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. $ • REF R7 6 1-- 917 Trusses requlr........care in fabrlc.ting, handling. snipping. Installing.nd bracing. Rofor t and=I ; �`( DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 Cho la[ast ad I[Ion or OCSI (BaIlding component Safoey Inrorm.Clon. by TPI ono WTCA) ror s.(oty pr...... �rl • o parrorm Ing t....iunctlons. Ins[.II.——II pr.vId.comp....y braeing p.r BCSI. Unless noted at..rw�. • Cop chord shall nay.pr.parly.C—h-scrod gal shoaening and bottom a.rd shall I,—a proporly attaeh� ® • �PN rlgitl col I Inge La aclons sM1awn ror p.rmnn.ntalatoral r.screint of webs sM1al I have braeing Ins[.Iled parE DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146049 � s.cCl.1,B0 B1 .rcB10, as O pllcabl.. Apply plows to.Ing fac^aof tru C nd position.s ItI.n ab.va ontl� • •Q tna Jalnt Datalls, anlass n tad atharwlsa. Rarer to drawings i60A-2 rarss andard plate positions. • /� • LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpin dlvisl.n.f ITW R"I'dIn Components Group Inc. M1a 11 t bo .sp...Ibl.far any d.vl.ti.n from c •� /�� 1Q�••• drawing, any rallura co bulltl cM1c truss In conform....wltn ANSI 1.ror£or ha ntlling, snlppin ^,,w- �� • AN ITW COMPANY Instal lotion a brain or crussos. H M1 ���" �•• O� .•• g . F ■..�..• �'TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3539 A aeal on this dr..ing or eovar pap. Ilsting thl.drawing. Indicates acceptance or profsulonslr glgln••rinp / r.aponslblll[y solely for Na ad, lgn shown. Th.aulvhlllty and use of th le dre.ln9 ror e,ry et r. Is Ch /// N/� 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,$Hilt 150 nsp.^'lblllty'of t1i.Building Ooslgnor por Axsl/iPl 1 Soc.2. yi/ ��\AL��`'� DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 Far mega inrormnci.n n chin 3.b•s g...ral a pogo and these web.Ices: ktht111p111U'11�ti FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www,alpin.lew.e.m; TPI:ewww.epinse.org: WTCA:nwvnv. bclntlustry.com; ICC: www.lccsa Dou la Fleming Lie Number:66648 SPACING 24.0" JREF- 1W15761 ZO2 05/26/2017 r � THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T55 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.35 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Rt Slider 2x4 SP #2: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' :Lt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right cantilever is exposed to wind WB: Web-Block, meaning 2x4 same grade/species as web. Fastened to web Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. with 3X3 or larger plates. See DRWG BRWEBLOK1014 for further details. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X10(SRS) 6 ;5X5 r 5X5 3X4 3X4 ) 1 .5X4 6 (WB1) 6 r 3X4 0-6-6 3X4(C4) 096-6 +11-4-0 4X6(B2) - 1 .5X4 III 3X8 = 5X8 - 3X4 = 3X5(C4) L_ 13-11-3 12-8-21-7-1p 1 7 0 I 33-10-0 Over 2 Supports ��Ml►pll R=1686 U=209 W=8" w t+ Cr „AW%4, 723 U=210 W=3.5" RL=284/-284 ,,`` `J'►a7 !G�►/� 6� Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .0, .07 .1 QT 1 L/-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. "WARNING!-- READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI • • •.111PORTANT.. FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. ;AT ' T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 918 Trussos roqulro aztr.mo car. In fabricating, h.ndling, shipping, Inst.Iling antl bracing. RoTor t .ntl r,ll w . rQ DL 1 5.0 PSF DATE 05/2 6/1 7 the Intone etllelon of OCSI (Bulltling C.mp.n nt Saf.ty Inf.rm.tlon, by TPI .na WrCA) Tor s.foey practleov'„�ro • [o p.rf.rming tho..functions. Install.rs shall pr.....[..porn ry brncing Por OCSI. Unless notetl.th. op chord s„all havo properly attached structural s .thing.nd bottom chord s„all hnv.a pr.p.rly.[ &-�ai • DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146046 rigid calling. L...tl.ns shown for p.......t lot.ral rostra ln[.f w.bs shall h..brae Ing l.stallntl p.r IRS • Q �^ s.ctlons B3. B]or B10.sss^ppllcnelo, Apply`lotus to Dash Toc000f er 5C ntl position as sM1.wn above onJao ••• :1• I'ILI�II [h..l.ln<0.[.ils, unl. t.a.t„.rwls.. Rn ar t.drawl.gs 16OA-Z forss.nd.rd pl. t.pallH ens. s • . LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF LAl pin., alvl sl.n of ITW Bulltling C.mpon n s Group Inc hall t ba ro ponsibl.far any d.vlatl.n from t •� •. tl rowing, any rnl lur.to bulltl the[russ Inee.nfo rmanc.wl[M1 ANSI/TPI 1. .r(.r M1antlling, sM1lppin • AN ITwCOMPANY Instal lot I..&bracing of . 9' 'Sr0A •'.........0R0••�\ z�TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3540 A ..I on this drewln0 or cover psge Iletl"g this drswing, Indlestes.cmptenco of profeeelonel —gin—In W �I� M r.sponslblllty eololy Tor Uo tlaslgn shown. Th,aulteblllty end us.of t1,la dra►Ing far eny neructur. le th ��� A�A ospanslblllty aT U.Building D.slgn.r par aN51/TPI ,Sac.2. /� /Of\/"�� �,a�v" DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM 2400 Lake Oran a Dr..Suite 150 / P'- Orlando FL 32837 F. m.. Inf.r tlan this Job•.I,...r.I s p.g..nd thee1 web slt.s: IlnluulauN�N7 6 1 Z02 FL COA H0278 ALPINE: www.alpin.l[w.cov TPI n www.tpinst..rg; WiCA: wxw.sbclndus[ry.tom: ice: www.1--f-I)ouglap Fleming Lie Number:66648 1 SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 5 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T56 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.35 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Rt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: :Lt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right cantilever is exposed to wind Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X5 s 5X5 : 5X5 r 3X4 3X4 1 .5X4 of 6 r � 6 3X8 III o-s-s o-s-s 11-4-0 4X6(B2) = 1 .5X4 III 3X8 - 5X8 = 3X4 = 4X6(B2) us Vo� 11-11-3 12-8-Q_I 3-7-13 I 1 7 0 I 33-10-0 Over 2 Supports nnrnrpprr R=1686 U=209 W=8" y4723 U=210 W=3.5" RL=284/-284 !LC/�' 1 O�•••••• • ••••'••:� Sty Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) a ° �� aS� • Q PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .0, .07 .1 QT 1 L/-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. "WARNINGIH' READ MO FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI • • ..11MRTANT- FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. • o' ■ Tj LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 919 ■ Tru uirc o rag •ervmo c(r, In f9bricPting, handlYng, shipping. lystalllnd and;raving. Roy pro t'i..ffill w • '(�DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 cha forest etlltlan of BCSI Bulltlln Coma nt 11 Sa lot Info rmaclon. 0 TPI antl WTCA !ar salvt c o,,,forming thasv funcclons. Instnl l,rsnshal l provid,cnmporary braaing pvr BCSI. Dnlvss nvc,0 otM1arra f • It cop Chard shal l hove prop,,Iy attached strut[ral sh„thI,g antl bvecam chard sh.I l hnvo n prop,,ly aYCacH:d 0 + DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146064 rlgld Galling. Locations shaven for p......nt"lat,rvl rostra lot of wvbs shall M1vva brncing Installatl pv S • O rhot Ions B3, B7 or 010. as appIIc bI,. Apply plac,s to vvah faav of tru ,n0 posltlon,s shown above ana,n •• ATE �•• Joint Details, unless not,d vthorwls,. Ra r to dr,wings 16OA-Z larsstandard plat.pnsiti,ns. e ,� ° Ay� •+ LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF a LR Al pin,. a dlvislon of ITW Bul ld leg Components Group Inc. shall not by r,sponslbly tar any O,vlatlan from t •�� `O\•• tlrawing. any!allure co build tho truss In canformanc,wi t1,ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling. shlpping. •� • AN IT-WCOMPANY Insenlletlon&bracing of[,asses. ���`. ••..��..•' �� r�TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3541 A...I on thl•dr.rin0 or cover p10, Il.tln0 elll.d—l"g In■It.t. —pt.nt•mf prof...l...l .nfp.ln..rin• ,���j .r` •• •• rosponslbl llty,off Via B.1ld ngd0osglgnv.poi AN I/,PjtlbSo.Z end us,,i tole tlre.InB far eny siru rm la eh '�.�'i /O NA1 ��p DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM 2400 Lake Olange Dr.,2837 150 oapon,l b I n c ��ZONAL b Orlando FL 32637 For mare Infarmatlan a this Job's g.....I s page and those web spas: 'U1'n��jp11�� SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FL COA 00278 ALPINE: aww.alpin,ltw.com; TPI: www.cpinsc.org: WTCA: www.abclndustry.com: [CC: www.lcc—Dou la FlemingLie Number:66648 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T57 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.35 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf,. wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Rt Wedge 2x4 SP #2' :Lt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right cantilever is exposed to wind Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X5 5X5 ; 5X5 6 r 3X4 3 X 4 1 .5X4 6 6 r III 0-6-6 3X8 0-6-6 �. 11=4-0 4X6W) — 1 .5X4 III 3X8 = 5X8 - 3X4 = 4XIS02) 0 I, 9-11-3 _I_2-8-21_ 5-7-13 _I_ 1 -7-0 I 33-10-0 Over 2 Supports rian�aunRrr R=1686 U=209 W=8" S F 3 U=210 W=3.5" RL=284/-284 000■ .'■■���° Design Crit: FBC201ORes TPI- �' °• S� °•g / 2007(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1.01 07 .1 TY:*4 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. **WARNING!** SH REAHIS AND NG TO ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWNG TCJLL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 920 •�IYPDRTART'• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. � O Tru....ragui r.......ca ro In fabricating, M1nnd''"a, shipping, I....Il lug.nd br.cing. Rorer to.ntl • [ho Ints<odIt,_ or BCSI (Bulltling Componn%Saf.cy Inr.rmael.n, by TPI "ntl WTCA) r.r surety praatlaasr ; : , /� L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 .porf.rming ch...runctlons. Install"..shall provldo ta.p.rary bracing por SCSI. Unless notad oth.r.fW ® � top ch.rd shall h .pr.p.rly attachatl--t r.l sM1a.ching.ntl b.ct.m chorC shall I,—n p,.p.,Iy 1 rigid e.l l lugs L...tions shown ror parmanant"l.t.rnl rostra Int.r webs.hul l h.v.bracing in.<al ledtpu�"B „0: ATE ; QI� DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146065 d �^ tl.ns B0, 07 or B10, .s.ppllcobla. Apply pl.tas co..cM1 focvvaf tru a ntl post tl.n ns sM1.wn.bova on • * •• f� I11L11'---rl th.Jolnc Datalls, unIass..t.d oth...1 . Rorer to tlrowings 16OA-Z rorss nntlard pinto positions. �y�� • Alpina, a tllvlslon.r ITW Building Components Gr. Ina. sh.l1 n e b.r..p.n,ibl.far.ny d.vinti.n rr.mtlth �V�•� (�ft�QP'•° LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF AN ITW COMPANY Enstel9ntl.n&"b roc lug olto u11 tr usshs truss In canto rmnnc.wltM1 ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping, I�`', •�...._...••r \ ��s ' i . OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3542 A...I on this tlrsring or cov.f pops II,ting this drsring, Ind Ic.to..cwpt.nc•or p-11—slon.l onglnooring pu,w tY ..pona.blllty solely i.r eh.dos ISn shorn. The.ul—I IMy.nd um of this drer lug ror.ny seructura I.ch r/y /O,•q� Y osp.nslbl ll<y.r the..IIding Doslgnar por ANSI/TPI 1 Sx.2, rr DUR.FAC. 1 .25 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite lso �ru�wxew�U�pU� FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 Far morn Inr.rmntlan. this J.b'.I,.....1 ,pag.and<h.,,w.b.etas: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z02 FL COA II0278 ALPINE: www.c www.a 1pinaltw.com; TPI: pinsc..rg: WTCA: www.sbc lntlusiry.com; ICC: www.lcc—Dou la FlemingLie Number:66648 t 05/26/2017 I Y THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T58 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.35 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 :T3 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E: DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Rt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right cantilever is exposed to wind WB: Web-Block, meaning 2x4 same grade/species as web. Fastened to web Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. with 3X3 or larger plates. See DRWG BRWEBLOK1014 for further details. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X5 6 3X4 6X6 5X5 1 .5<,,— (WB1) 1 .5X4 !� � 6 �r__ 0-6-6 0-6-6 T T11-4-0 3X4(B1) = 3X8 = 5X5 = 3X4 - 3X4 = 3X4(B1) 3X8 I �E 16-0-0 �.E 17-6-8 Qm I 7-11-3 1 2-8-Q_I 7-7-13 I 15-7 0 I �=_ 33-10-0 Over 3 Supports nmdt�►pr�y�, R=667 U=78 W=8" R=2098 U=256 W=8" FJ K U=85 W=3.5" RL=284/-284 0��••,• ■ .`..c.�/�/ 'y Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) °�°°V S�°•°• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1.0f 07 .1 TY:Q /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. '•WARNINGISH READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] TCJLL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 921 "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. = i Trusses Ira—1—care In fabrlcatin h—dii.g. shi In Install In ane bracln R.for to one f I 'PP g. G sa ■ DATE 05/26/17 th. latest.tll[lon of SCSI (Builtling Component S.f.cy Informaclon, by TPI ane WTCAI for focy proctic.s I • ) �L 15.0 PSF o performing[bona functions. In tailors shall provleo tamper.ry bract ng p.r BCSI. Unless notetl o<M1a rwl?,o E top hold shall h.—prop.,ly.ttach.tl structural sha.tM1ing antl bottom chord shall havo a properly.tt.ch rigle tolling. Locaclons h.wn for Porsanan[ loc.rol rastralnC of w.ba sn.11 havo Draeing Ins<alletl par B i �• iDL 1 0.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146063 ctlans 03. B]or 810, .ss.ppllcablo. Apply placers to..ch taco of cru one position as shown ob,,.one Q • 1� a n �� CA..l.lnt D.talls. doles nB.iI .th.rwls.. R.far to erawings 1BDA._Z fa,ssp—lbl Plata p.si-1-1 , y�/)•, /\� OP,•° � LL 0.0 PSF HC—ENG AK/DF 'IIJLL]] Alpine, n division of ITW Bus lstl�lsngrusmpanents Group Inc. sM1all n c bo r.sponsl blame Tor any ecvlaclon from cM1 V,A•,a/`° OO` •,• V' draw ing, any fallur.c.bulltl fM1a c s In c.......nco with ANSI/TPI 1, err for M1 ndling, shipping, , /`CCF • (~ ' ° ` \ AN ITW COMPANY Instal Iacion&bracing.r t °�i, '•••.■•' sTOT.LD-. 45.0 PSF SE N- 3543 A uwl on thlw drwwlnp or eovwr psgw II•ting this d—ing, Indl.wews w pt nce of prorw..lonwl Mgl ...in' l s rasponslbl l lty solely for th.design shown. Tho 111-11 lty and user of thls drswing Tor"y structure NA���v 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,suite 150 r."P Ib1I icy or—Ballel.g Designs par ANSI/TPI 1 s.a.z. W��NIf �� DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 For morn Inf....tlon aa this Job's g.n...1 n s pogo Intl those wab altos: �, 'u1"u a FL COA#0278 ALPINE: www.alpin.icw.com: TPI: ww.cpinsc.org: WTCA: www.sbclnCuscry.com; ICC: . .......Dou la Fleming Lie Number:66648 SPACING 24.0" JREF- 1W15761_Z02 05/26/2017 1 ;T THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT'(LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T59 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.35 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 _ Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Rt Slider 2x4 SP #2: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' design. Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC WB: Web-Block, meaning 2x4 same grade/species as web. Fastened to web with 3X3 or larger plates. See DRWG BRWEBLOK1014 for further details. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X6 6 r 5X5 (WB1) 5X5 = � s s 0-6-6 r 0-8-2 T T11-4-0 3X4(B1) - = 5X5 = 1 .5X4 III 3X6(E5) III Itr>�0, 16-0-0 = 17-6-8 I. 5-11-3 _1,2-8-21, 9-7-13 _I_ 15-3-8 I 33-6-8 Over 3 Supports inauu,,,�l R=689 U=88 W=8" R=2018 U=240 W=8" PP• /�S F/ p.�8 U=67 W=3.5" RL=252/-262 0��7•••■ ■ ■f•• �j Note: All Plates Are 3X4 Except As Shown. ♦.•'` S`�•••/�/ Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) ' �T • PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .0t 07 .1 T :`1, /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. —WARNING!•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI n T LL 20.0 PSF"IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL COMPACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. REF R7 6 1-- 922 Tr.................. ear. In f.........G nnnd11"9. snipping. Installing ono brae Ingo Rotor c antl f�II f _7A(_, cho I.c.st.11tl...r.CSI (e.Ilaing c.np.n nt S.f.ty Informnel.n, by TPI Ind WTCA) f.,safaty prnctle.s I{-I i '` *CSDL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/2 6/1 7 o perforwing[h.x.functl.ns. Instol1. shnll pro"Ido[.wp.rary bracing por DCSI. Unl.ss nocne othImM • cap chord shall I,—pr.l.r ly I-...G truct r.l sh..thing.nd bottom chord shall have a pr.porly attach ♦ f 1 rlgld collingo L...tl.ns sn...for p.r.....t"Into.., ..st.n1",or wa.s SM1a II n."o b..cing Install.d por e 0: ATE � Q8( DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 1 7 1 46051 a UPI ..63, B7 or B10, os o pllcth r. Apply pl.[.s t.aach I.A-Z eru tend posh-os I. abay..nd • IIILIrJI th.J.Int a.calls, BID.I n totl.tnarwlsA Rotor co tr.w Inns 180A-Z f.ros nntl.rd plat.p.si cl.ns. ♦ O dAlPin.. a division.f ITW BustId l.,ua p.n.nts Group I... =Hall lot b.roap.nsl.l.f ..y d.vlatl..f..wtl�.••• OR`�P.•' % LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF awing. any&"blur.t.bui Id th.t s In canfo....—with ANSI/TPI 1, or for h.ndling. shipping. �♦ ♦ \ AN ITW COMPANY Instal Iael.n A boating.f c y1j, ,I��_ •IffClg..•• A b l on thl,dr—Ing or..".r page Il.ting thl.dr..ing, Indl..t....t.pt.nao or pror...l.n.Irrn—t"Rln.frIng yid' U(�.(� v •TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF S EQN- 3544 1 ro.ponslblllcy aoloiy Tor cho d.slgn aho.n. Th...Iublllty.nd N.o or ul,er..ing for wny ac r. I.U Iy v�ON A L�i�Q " .sponsl.11lty or th.U.11ding Doslgn.r Par ANSI/TPI 1 S...2. Ali r-N DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM 2400 Lake Omnge Dr.,Seise 150 4, �11�110�N Orlando FL 3278 F.r nnr. Inrnrwatlan. .tpl ,t.. g.n.r.l n.t.a png.and[htin.wab alms: SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 5 7 6 1_Z02 FL COA W0278 ALPINE: www..lpin.l ew.c.n; TPI:www.epinse..rg: WTCA: www.sbclneustry.com; ICC: www.IccsafoIDDll la FlemingLie Number:66648 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T60 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.35 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Rt Slider 2x4 SP #2: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' design. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC (J) Hanger Support Required, by others WB: Web-Block, meaning 2x4 same grade/species as web. Fastened to web Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. with 3X3 or larger plates. See DRWG BRWEBLOK1014 for further details. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. SS0508 6 r � 6 5X5 5X5 ; (WB1) 1 .5X4 0-6-6 6 r 0-8-2 T 11-4-0 3X4(B1) - 5X5 - 3X6(E5) III 11Ls�L 16-0-0 �J— 17-6-8 _1 1 3-11-3 1 2-8-21 11-7-13 I 1 8 I IE 33-6-8 Over 3 Supports 1rtalan�mi. R=637 U=76 W=8" R=2121 U=263 W=8" 0 U=56 RL=252/-262 asFLU Note: All Plates Are 3X4 Except As Shown. �1••�� •S�•.• Design Cri.t: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) A • PLT TYP. 18 Gauge HS,Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 11 .0t 07 .1 T -V /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. "WARNING!" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI TOLL 20.0 PSF "IIMRTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. REF R7 6 1-- 923 Truss.:roqulro 1-1—Dora In Tabrle.ting. M1ontl11n9. shlpping. Ins[olling antl breeing. Rotor t antl • =DL 1 5.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 tha latest od Itlan of BCSI (Bulltling Compan nt S.focy Information, by TPI antl WTCA) Tor sa f.ty prattle.:r5'I o performing ch oso(unctl.ns. Install rs shall ' It, tompor.ry br.cln0 par BCSI. Unless n.tod otM1.rwl',I • cop chord shell hay.properly attachotl strut[rol sheathing antl bot[om chold shall have agpreporly attt..h* �9• AT �`cLsC1 DL 1 0.0 PSF rlgId coiling. Locatlone shown for porman:ntuloto"I restrain[of webs shall hay.brocln Ins[alletl B DRW HCUSR761 17146062 19 dons D3. B]or 810. as oppllc. .. Apply pietas to oocM1 taco a(Cru antl poll[Ion.s shown above on P C a n �d the.lolnt Datallg. anlass natad atharwlsa. Rafar to drawings,GGAA-Z fforsstandard plat.pasltlans. . //��� .° LL 0.0 PSF HC—ENG AK/DF ILI_LI Alpin., o dlvl sl on of ITW Bulltling Components Group Inc. shall n aspanslbla for any tlavlItlon fromdth y ��ee r t. O iQ • drawing, any failure t bulltl Ch truss In conformance wl[h ANSI/Tplbl.ror for M1antlling, shlpping, R` AN ITW COMPANY Instal lotion&br..in e f trusses 'y0� +�•• •••• A••.I an this drawing ur cover page Ilacing this drawing, Indicates acceptance of fesslonal 'y ..•.. • V` TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN— 3545 Ibll lc solal ror cho�dml g f mpin••1. /� ::Pons y y gn ahem. Tha:ulubllley antl use of this drewing far any:[tartar: la[h �� o:Pon:Ibllley of Uo 8ulltlln9 D:algnor per ANSI/TPI 1 Sor.2. ;'�i NA� � DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM G LM 2i00 Lake Orange Dr.Suite 150 ��lW 1=10111�� Orlando A 32837 For mare Inform: TP1: this,eb,s general n p.g.antl tha::wab:lte:: SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 5 7 6 1_ZO2 FLeoAso2Ts ALPINE: wm.alpin.lcw.com: TPI: www.cpinsc.org: WTCA: www.sbcinduscry.wm; IDG; www.IccsafoIDou la Flemin LicNumber:66648 05/26/2017 I ) THIS D4lG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T61 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Special loads --(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 :T3, T4 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E: TC- From 74 plf at -1.63 to 74 plf at 1.93 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 TC- From 74 plf at 1.93 to 74 pif at 4.60 Webs 2x4 SP #2 TC- From 74 plf at 4.60 to 74 plf at 18.25 :Rt Slider 2x4 SP #2: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' TC- From 74 plf at 18.25 to 74 plf at 33.54 BC- From 4 plf at -1.63 to 4 plf at 0.00 Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC BC- From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 18.25 BC- From 20 plf at 18.25 to 20 plf at 33.54 170 mph wind, 15.35 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located TC- -5.87 lb Conc. Load at 1.93 anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC BC- -5.22 lb Conc. Load at 1.93 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. (J) Hanger Support Required, by others WB: Web-Block, meaning 2x4 same grade/species as web. Fastened to web Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. with 3X3 or larger plates. See DRWG BRWEBLOK1014 for further details. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X5 � 6 6 r ( B2) Ta 1 .5X4 WB1) (WB1) 5X8 : 5X5 0-6-6 g 0-8-2 T Ti11-4-0 3X4(B1) 1 .5X4 III 5X8 = 3X6(E5) III ICE 17-5-15 �11, 16-0-9 -I 1-11- 2_g-2 13-7-13 I 15-3-8LE I 33-6-8 Over 3 Supports rta�iaiuq►i� R=615 U=102 W=8" R=2406 U=332 W=11.314" F���-�- �U=40 Note: All Plates Are 3X4 Except As Shown. �•��� a5�'•. Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) ' PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1 .0?.07 1 AitSTY: /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. "WARN TC L 20 ING!'• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING[ � ■ • REF R761-- 924 ••IMPORTANT•• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. t 4 .O PSF Trusses r,qulr,c tr,m,...o In T,brlcoCing. handIIng. sh IppI1g. Insca l l In and brocing. Rotor to ontl T I • tho latest adltlon of SCSI (Bullding C,mpan nt Safoty Informotion, by TPI ontl WTCA) for safety P-ticvs s ) L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/17 to p,rrorming Chas,Tun,tl,ns. Instollor..M1all provldo c,mporory brocing por BCSI. Unl,ss n.t,d,thorw l� cop chord shall hove praparly ott..hld.tract ral sh,athing ontl bottom chord I-1 have o pr,p,rly a tat 1 O AT(E r lgld coiling. Loeatlans shown Tor pv rmaneneu la[oral rostra lnt or w.bs shall hava brocing Instollotltpor 0 •• ; fDL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUS R761 17146066 ctlons 133. B7 or BIG, as appllcablo. Apply plot,.to oath Into of tru and Posl Cl on as IM1..above0• AIL I. .l_t Datall., unl,ss nat,d atho_I... Rafar to drawing.,BDAA_Z fa.....lord plats p,sltlan.. ._ram •. F� `OP.• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF IIIJILLLIII�J Alpino, a tllvlslon of ITW Bulltling Components Group Inc. sM1o11 not by rosponslbl^for ony tlevlotlon rrom eh sr� � '�+ OO �• drawing, any fall..,to 1 t..eho Grass In conTormancv wIU ANSI/TPI ,, or far hantlling, shipping. yj� C/,••..,,�,\,..•' �\S OT.LD. 45.0 PSF S EQN- 3623 AN ITW COMPANY instal latlon b brocing of erusses. �� .V1� A eeel on thle drawing or cover peps Ileting thle drawing, Indlcebe-peen of profs..lonel Mtolnrrinp l��I V rosponslbl l ley sol,ly Tor iM1,tlm lgn ehon,. Tho sultebl l lty end uw or Nla dies ing Tor any etru uro la N pp��qq�� NAAry �,a� 2400 Lake 0lange DI.,SUIIe!$D rosponslbl llty of th,Bullding Do.l..or par ANSI RPI ,S^c.2. '•y'•V//(��"+�1u,{ DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 For or, Inr,rmati,n. this„b•.ganora ,pag,and tha.a lob www.c .lta.: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www.olpinvlew.eom: TPI: pinst.org: WTCA: -.sbclndustry.com; [CC: -.Ic...I.Dou la FlemingLic Number:66648 _ • A 05/26/2017 1 ,, THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. .. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T62 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.50 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT ll, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Filler 2x4 SP #2 design. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Max JT VERT DEFL: LL: 0.06" DL: 0.22". See detail DEFLCAMB1014 for WB: Web-Block, meaning 2x4 same grade/species as web. Fastened to web camber recommendations. Provide for adequate drainage of roof. with 3X3 or larger plates. See DRWG BRWEBLOK1014 for further details. Laterally brace BC at 24" OC in lieu of rigid ceiling. Laterally brace In lieu of-structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TC @ 24" BC above filler at 24" OC. OC. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. Laterally brace BC above filler @ 24" O.C. (or as designed) Including a brace on BC directly above both ends of filler (if no rigid diaphragm exists at that point) 6X6 � 6 6 r 3X6 3X4 5X5 3X3 3X4 % (WB1) 5X5 : 3—s-4 4X4 L 11-4-0 1-4-0 n 1-4-0 4X4 = 3X8 = 5X5 �3X4 = 10-0-0 1 .5X6 llr 3X10 - 5X8 19-3-11 4-7-8 �� 9-6-9� 13-3-8 7 5-8-11 14-5-9 116 16-7-13 I 9-7-4 I 8 4 1 33-5-12 Over 3 Supports rtaldq�p�� c 4 R=930 U=85 W=7.25" R=445 PLF U=64 PLF W=4- RL=223/-173 OV ���■. ■ .•.•'•�{/�Jfi'�isy Note: All Plates Are 1 .5X4 Except As Shown. 0 �0 �` aS�`•• Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) ' PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1 .0?.07 1 A TY: /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. **WARNING]** HIS AND FOLLOW ALL ONOTES RA TO THIS DRAW GI S • 7TIC L 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 925 ••II�ORiAM•• FURNISH 7H15 DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. ^Lw ' Truss..re.ulr.axCremo tarn In fabrlcocing, M1.ntlling. shipping. Inscalling antl br.ging. Rarer to antl f I • L 1 5.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 the latest.dl tlon of BCSI (Bulltling Comp.nanc 1 racy Inl.rmatl.n, by TPI antl WrCA) iar safety practicas�I to performing cM1oso functions. Inseellors shall provltlo temp.rory brocing per BCSI. Unless not.d oth—I& ATE .pp chord snogll nova properly ottachad mnnnnt rat shaa'hing antl bottom cM1.rtl shall „ova n pr.porly attaaha ; rDL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146071 1 Id c.liln Locations shown!or por tulotornl ostra lnC of webs shall „ova brocing InsCall.tl por B + fr�� [Ions B], B7 or BID, as nppI lc.bl.. Apply plot..to oath Tac.of tru and position os s„own above and p Q ��� rho Joln[oBoealls. unless noted otharwls.. R.ror to tlrawings I not lorsstandortl pinto py d—lot. rem % +��.` F[�R\�P'` LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF LI Alpine division of ITW Bulltling Components Group Inc. shall n c bo responslbla for ony tlevlocl.n f Ch s�� % tlrowing, ony fallurc to build the truss In conformance wl�ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping, �.�/Fss�`' OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3678 AN ITW COMPANY InstaI_ _i.n Ic brating of truss... A ueI on thlo drawing or cover pops Ilat Ing this drawing, Indtcots.—taptonco of profs..tonal angln..rinp /I rosponslbll lty solely for tha dmlgn sh Pam Ax In, 2 and uao of this drawing Tar any atruceu ro 1.th /� h.- I �� DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite I50 r..p.n.lbn lc f th.Building Do.ig..r >lU IIN lfUlpllllllll Orlando FL 32837 For or, lnfar..ti.n. thl.J.b'.g...ral 1.to.p.g..nd thasa web.It.s: SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FL COA 40278 ALPINE:www.alpinoltw.com: TPI: www.tpinst—G: WiCA: www.sbclndu.try.com; ICC: www.I cc__Dau la FlemingLic Number:66648 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T63 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 :T3 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E: DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E :B2 2x4 SP #2: Webs 20 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Lt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. (J) Hanger Support Required, by others WB: Web-Block, meaning 2x4 same grade/species as web. Fastened to web with 3X3 or larger plates. See DRWG BRWEBLOK1014 for further details. In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TC @ 24" OC. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for head load is 1.50. 5X5 1 .5X4 m - 5 X 8 3 � 6 5X12 - 1 .5X4 III 4X6 1 .5X4 0� (WB1) 6 r 4-7-0 0-6-6 11-4-0 J 1-4-0 B2 3X4 = 5X8 = 2X6 III 10-0-0 T T 4X6(B2) - 3X4 = 5X5 = 5X8 = 1 .5X4 III I 18-3-0 I 7-5-12 I 7-9-12 1 33-6-8 Over 2 Supports imuarni R=1698 U=189 W=8" + r -b 2 U=209 RL=249/-187 Rol, ■ .•.��•� Cr •i F - a' e• Design S� �• t. BC2010Res/TPI 2007(STD) 3 PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1.01107 .1 TY:y /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. —WARNING!" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] TOLL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 926 "'IYPORrANT'• FURNISH THIS DRAW NO C NG TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusm. Ir..cr.m. era In fabrlc.tin hanelln shl W roqu • c g, g, .ping. installing ontl brncing. RoTor[o antl f I . DATE 05/26/1 7 ch. lat.sc IItl..or BCSI (Bulltling Compon nt Sa Pocy Inrorma[I on. by TPI antl WTCA) far soroty practico- I • �L 15.0 PSF o p.rr...Ing th.sa r...t I.— I..t II—I shall p—I do c.mp....y b...1n9 par BCSI. Unl..3 not.tl Ithorwig. � ■ �lryQ�♦ top cM1artl steal l M1avo properly.tCaehetl true[rat ....thing ontl bat[..chortl steal l M1ava.props ly a[[ach R2�� .• �1,.rr DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146070 rlgltl calling. Locations shown r.r porm.nantul.carnl r.etrelnt or webs shall hove brncing Insca II.d par 8 �l l`C [Ions O8, B]ar B10, as oppllc.bl.. Apply plot..co..cM1 roc1 of tr antl posl[lon as sM1own abovo nne 0 • , 1 Q n P!N F! th.J.Int Datalln, unlss nat.e a h—l... R.r.r t.dr I.gs 160AA-z ro,.t.naara w.t.pa.l[I.n.. •• �� O�••• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF III Alpino. o elvlslan of ITW 0.1 Id Ing Components Group Inc. Hall t bo r.spanslble Tor any d-1—lon rram cM1 •O sM�1 • tlr.wing. any rnllura co bull.[M1.cross in conf.rmanc.wlcM1 ANSI/TPI 1, or ror paneling. shipping. �I�� �•• O'♦ ••• AN ITW COMPANY instal lacl.n s bra.in or cross... ?I ••••emu••• g 60T.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3546 A ewel on thle tlnwlnp or cover pepw Ile[lnp thl•tln•Ing. Inelcetse ecaptmce oT prof•s.lonel Mpin•erinW �I, raaponalb..1[y eololy ror[ho tlmlgn oh awn. Tho sultebllley end use pT[hie tlroing ror env a[ructura Is th ��yi a DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM 2400 Lake Orange Suite 150 r.'pan.Ibl nay ar—Bg1 Idl.g Dslgn.r p.r ANSI/TPI 1 Sao.2. ty 1� s Wr �+wiun�u Orlando FL 32837 F.r m.r. lnr.rm.t , this Jabs ganar.l .bags and th.sa web.I[a.: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 7 6 1_ZO2 FL COA N0278 78 ALPINE: www.alpina[w.com; TPI TPI: www.[pinst.org: WTCA: www.sbclntluscry.com; IGG: www.Iccsa f.IDOQ la FlemingLic Number:66648 A 05/26/2017 I Cr THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T64 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E :B2 2x4 SP #2: Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Lt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. (J) Hanger Support Required, by others In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TIC @ 24" OC. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X5 3X5 5X5 6 r 3X5 = . 4X6 1 .5X4 5-7-0 0-6-6 11-4-0 1 1-4-0 B2 3X5 = 4X6 = 2X6 III 10-0-0 T T 4X6(B2) 3X4 = 3X8 = 5X8 - 3X8 1 .5X4 III I 18-3-0 I 5-5-12 I 1 I 33-6-8 Over 2 Supports Inalarrrrrrr. R=1698 U=184 W=8" 141:5N"S r - 2 U=218 RL=241/-165 wool Design Cr it:t: FBC2010Res TPI- A°•�v S$a•�•/ 2007(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16.11.0t 07 .1 T MI /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. "WARNINGI•' READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI "IMPORTANT"PO"IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL COMRACTOTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. � TCILL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 927a Trussas re.....v t omv taro In fabrlcacing, handling, sbiPping• Installing one bracing. Rvfvr t and I DATE 05/26/1 7 tno locosc vtlItlon olrBCsl (Bullding Component Safaty Informaclan. by TPI and WTCA) for saloty pr.cticasf�l W. / �L 15.0 PSF o porforming thoso fun tlons. I......... .ball provi do cemp....y bracing per BCSI. U.I.ss notod na arfo a Gap chartl.nail bravo i.n., lY at—p,.....t rol sheath..g and bottom U I .ball bravo a proPv 1 ecttocn ;/ATEE , yn DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR76'I '17'lasa7s rigltl ceiling, Locntl ons sbown for pormanontulatarel rosvain o!wobs shall bava bracing Instvl�ed par B • _r Q �PIN sections BD .1 or 8n1 as o pllcobl o, Apply plvcv.cdf oacn f16DA-Z tru C nd posl tlon as shown abovo antl a• • IIILII—rl tna Joint Dotalls. unless.n tce atba rwl.a. Rafar to awing.t60A-Z tars.aneard plates Pa.ltlan.. . • �.0 ,QP,•• r[��.- LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpina, a division of ITW Bullding Components Groop Inc. snail n t ba rasponslbly for any dovlocion from cM1�j�m�••• OR •• ` $— drawing, any falluro co build cho truss In conformance wi tt,ANSI/TPI 1. or for bandlIng. shipping. I /� • • v AN ITW COMPANY Instal I.tivn&bracing of trn..a.. ���i •••••�•••'• SOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SE N- 3547 A..al on thl.draw or eoy.r Fall• II Ling this drawing, Indlc.t...—Pta...of prafa..I—I .nolnearl.0 ,,�I� osponslblI lty sololy for ChI doslgn ahown, Tho nultabiI ity one use of thla drawing Tar any atruoturw Ia th ••E,, /O NA��v a.ponslbi l ity of tha Bullding D.lgnar par ANSI/TPI T Soc.2. a DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM 2400 LBAe Orange Dr.,Suite 150 krr�r111W1UlUV OrFLC FL 32 Far mare Informaclan a trap.-a .ganaral n P.D.. and tn...I-.Ito.: SPACING 24.O11 JREF- 1W15761 ZO2 FL COA HD 278 78 ALPINE: www.alpinolcw.com; TPI: www.tpinst.arg: WTCA: www.sbclntlustry.com; ICC: wvw.i ccsvloDDa la Flemin Lic Number:66648 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T65 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/l/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 :B1 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E: Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Lt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. (J) Hanger Support Required, by others WB: Web-Block, meaning 2x4 same grade/species as web. Fastened to web In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TC a' 24" with 3X3 or larger plates. See DRWG BRWEBLOK1014 for further details. OC. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X5 6 5X5 ; 3X4 = 4X6 5X5 3X4 i W61) V(WB3) 6-7-0 r- 0-6-6 L 11-4-0 I 1-4-0 3X8 = 5X5 = 4X6 = 2X6 III 10-0-0 61 4X6(B2) - 5X6 = 5X8 1 .5X4 ul I 18-3-0 1 3 5 12 I 11 12 I 33-6-8 Over 2 Supports nnldpe R=1698 U=179 W=8" Air �p►S z u=zza Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) Q `��V S�♦♦• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16.#1 .0 07 .1 TY:ti /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. "WARNING!" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI WILL 20.0 PSF• 111PORTANT- FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. = J. REF R7 6 1—— 928 Trussas raqull.OfI CS cn ro In(abrlcdting. handling, shlpping. installing dad bracing. Rofar[ and T +�L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 cho latosc oaltlon of BCSI (Bulltling Compon nt Safoty Information. by TPI nntl NTCA) Tor snfoty —till, I ■ 1 o parforning[halo lunc[Idns. Ins<allors shall provltlo tempo ro ry bracing par BCSI. Unloss notetl othorw laio E cop chord shall havo proporly ac[nchan [ruct rdl shoathing dad bottom chord shall havo a proporly attach �TE • I rigid calling. Locntlons shown for parmnna.tulotarol roscralnt of wabs shall hnva bracing Ins[alldd Por B • DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146059 Q �^ -actions o3, 07., B4O, as nappllcnbla. Apply plates t'a oac9 Tocoaof[r stand posP[lon Po sM1own abovo nntl �.♦ .♦ , IIILJI—r1 [Alh.�alnt Datalls, data17 n tad atherwisn. Rofar to drawln s,BDA-Z far nndara la[a striae,. ®�♦�.L OR'OQ.. LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF A 1pinn, Olvl sl on df ITW Dulld lag Components Group Inc. shall n t ba rosponslblo Tor any dovinclon from[h' tlrawing, any falluro to build cho truss In canformdnco with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shlpping, ♦ • ` y� AN I7W COMPANY Instal tartan&bracing of trassna. '�i, Fss ••••�•••' �� I OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3548 A ual on thla dra•Ing or dovr pap• II "g this drawing, Indldat••a pL .of prof•ulonal glnaarinp /I, rosponslblllty solely Tor tha tlmlBn shorn. Tho 111-11 lty and use of thle drawing Tor any•tr uro la[h /y/ NA �,p 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite 150 rosponsl b l l Ity of No Bul 1d119 D.s In—par ANSI/TPI ,Soc.2. //fy o'•' `� lVO DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM W4tplWlllO Orlando,COO 32837 Far mnra Infarmat TPI, pi,nb's ganaral n -'pogo and thasn wab al[na: SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 57 6 1 ZO2 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www.alpinaltw.com; TPI: www.cpinst.mrg; WTCA: www. bclntlus[ry.com; ICC: www.IccsofaIDou la FlemingLie Number:66648 05/26/2017 1• THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T66 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 :131 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E: Webs 2x4 SP #2 :W10 2x4 SP M-31: Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member :Lt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: design. Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. WB: Web-Block, meaning 2x4 same grade/species as web. Fastened to web In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TIC @ 24" with 3X3 or larger plates. See DRWG BRWEBLOK1014 for further details. OC. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 5X5 6 5X5 4X4 - 1 .5X4 III 5X5 W1 3X4 WB1) 7-7-0 6 I— (WB2) (W83) 0-6-6 11-4-0 1 1-4-0 3X8 = = = B1 5X5 6X6 +10-0-0 4X6(B2) - 5X6 - 5X8 1 .5X4 m L_ 18-3-0 -5-112 1 - -12 I 33-6-8 Over 2 Supports �Ifq�plk diR R=1698 U=172 W=8" �►•7 U=239 RL=305/-120tiy • Y F •• Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) , PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(0%B)/5(0) 16. .0 7 1 Y.1'W F -/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.1875"/Ft. •'WARNING!•' READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI • _ • HAMRTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. 9 j T L 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 929 Truss<s raquiro oxtrema cnra In Tnbrlcating, hantlling, shipping, lnscalling ontl bracing. Rofcr to antl rah, ' DATE 05/26/1 7 eho later[ed Ition of BCSI (Bulltling Component S._' In larmatl an, by TPI antl WTCA) Tar sa Taty Pra<tl<as P /� ; TC L 15.0 PSF o Parrarming t asa functions. Ins[allors sM1a II Provltla temporary bra.ing por SCSI. Unl<ss notetl a[horwis r A[aP chortl sballhhavo properly attachoa struRural shaa[hing ono bottom chortl 5M1a11 halo a ProParly at[a<hatlsDL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17 1460501191 tl calling. Locations Shawn for parmanant IItorol rasernin[or w bs shall halo 111cln0 Installatl por BC ATE a L^ sacclons B3, B]or—1 os oppllcablo. Apply Pla[os[o oath f16OACfe— tantl posltlan as shown obaaaromtl ' 4 • • ` O I tho Jolnc Oatalls, unless n cetl oche rwisA. Rafor co tlrawings i60A-2 rarss^ntlortl pla[o positions. a '�j 00 •/A'-/ P • , Alpino, a tlivlsion If ITW Ouiltling Componan[s croup In<. shall n ospansiblo far any acvloclon f th s 1j�� tea•`OI�`4r+0•� LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF tlrawing, any iailuro to bulltl the truss In canto rnanco with ANSI/TP11.ror Tor hantll ing, sh IppIng, �I •.. ..• AN IT-WCOMPANY lns[al lotion bra<In0 aT[ra .. ''�i, �s� "`°' °�'1'OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3549 A r.rl on thi.tlru lnW Pr cols prW. Il.tlnW thlr tlr.rinW, Ind t.s neeoDtrnc.oT profoa.I"al mpin.orinp ���� y o NQ rosponslbl l lty solely far the tloslgn shorn. Tho aul[ab11Ity antl use oT thle tlrrring for ony structure la th y/a _r.AYP 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite 150 rospo^s1 bIIIty or M.B,11dI 0 Dos lg^ar par MIS I/TPI T S..2. k/�y�iMtUfIW�{� DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM OrI ndD FL 32837 Far mora Information s this Jabs general s pogo antl these web altos: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FL COA 110278 ALPINE: w.w.al pinol tw,com: TPI: www.[pinst,org; WTCA: vnw,. be lntlustry.cam: ICC: www,Ic<sa Dou la FlemingLic Number:66648 5 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T67 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 3 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED 4 Top chord 2x6 SP #2 Nail Schedule:0.128"x3", min. nails Bot chord 2x6 SP M-26 Top Chord: 1 Row @12.00" o.c. Webs 2x4 SP #2 :W5 2x4 SP M-31: Bot Chord: 2 Rows a 3.50" o.c. (Each Row) :W6, W13 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E: :W14 2x6 SP #2: Webs : 1 Row @ 4" o.c. Repeat nailing as each layer is applied. Use equal spacing Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC between rows and stagger nails in each row to avoid splitting. 4" o.c. spacing of nails perpendicular and parallel to Special loads grain required in area over bearings greater than 4" ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) TC- From 74 plf at -1.70 to 74 plf at 4.48 (I) - plates so marked were sized using 0% Fabrication TC- From 74 plf at 4.48 to 74 plf at 6.81 Tolerance, 0 degrees Rotational Tolerance, and/or zero Positioning TC- From 37 plf at 6.81 to 37 plf at 17.25 Tolerance. TC- From 74 plf at 17.25 to 74 plf at 33.00 BC- From 4 plf at -1.70 to 4 plf at 0.00 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located BC- From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 6.81 anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC BC- From 10 plf at, 6.81 to 10 plf at 12.17 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 BC- From 10 plf at 12.17 to 10 plf at 22.55 BC- From 10 plf at 22.55 to 10 plf at 30.67 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. BC- From 20 plf at 30.67 to 20 plf at 33.00 BC- 4242.33 lb Conc. Load at 6.81 Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. BC- 1852.50 lb Conc. Load at 8.67,10.67 BC- 1925.39 lb Conc. Load at 12.67 Calculated horizontal deflection is 0.09" due to live load and 0.17" BC- 1907.86 lb Conc. Load at 14.67 due to dead load. BC- 2115.73 lb Conc. Load at 16.67 BC- 1944.46 lb Conc. Load at 18.67 In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TC ® 24" BC- 2040.00 lb Conc. Load at 20.67,22.67,24.67 OC. BC- 1943.00 lb Conc. Load at 26.67,30.67 BC- 1938.00 lb Conc. Load at 28.67 Deflection meets L/360. live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. _ 8X10 ; 1 .5X4 III 7X8 - H1315 7X8 6 r 3 X 4 7X6 W1 7-9 14 w W 4-0 SS0517(B3 = W 11-4-0 .5X4 III T 8X8 = H1010 - 10-0-0 H1315 ztX10 I SS0719 ESS0517(I) 3X8 m �o 12-2-0 20-10-0 33-0-0 Over 2 Supports �t7q�lltUgt�p R=14193 U=2234 W=8" R=16182 U=2464 W= e • PLT TYP. 20 Gauge HS,18 Gauge HS, Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) • Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 0 7 1 Y.1•. F -/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.125"/Ft. **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI ' _ REF R761-- 930 "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. b� � WATE � �T L 20.0 PSF Trusses roqulra o[t romv earn In fobrl eat lag, handling. shipping. Installing and bracing. Rofor a antl fol3 \the I—-odition of BCSI (Bulltling Companant Safety Infarmotlon. by TPI aad WTCA) far..faty pre lcos P i' r TC L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/17 otasor Iv tompo..ry bracing par BCSI. Unloss noted oth,r,ls r� ` ,� top chord steal l havo proporly oecar p..cruet I. r.I ,tr antl bottom cM1 I hall bava a p1a.t.Iy atcachotl /�DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146054 rigid calling. Locations shown for pormonen[uloco rh rostra lad If webs s all havo bracing Installod per BC a r, �� socclons GD 67 or BIG. os o pllcablo. Apply plow.co ouch f160A-Z[ru toad posl tlon as Shawn abovo and o�� • M \ III O the Jalnt Datall.. anla..n tad atharwl.a. Rafar to drawlag.160A-Z far==antlartl Plata pa.ltlan.. o. ���' `�O R1QQ`'�` ILL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF A'Plnc. a divlsl on of ITW Dullding Components Group Inc. shall n t bo rasp...Ibly for any davlatlan Prom th s�w •• .• drawing, an rollure c ulld cho truss In..nfermanco with ANSI/TPI 1. or for...ling, shipping, �I Cp •1� ••- AN ITW COMPANY Insto l lac I.Y.b bracing or erus.es ��j 1111•- A e..l on ehl.tlr..lnR er eat r P•C. IlsCln this tlrs.ln Indle.t.s.e i' V OT.LD. 45.0 PSF S EQN- 3687 ro.Ponslbl l lty solal Tor tl,o"_ D 0' e.Pts ne.pT proT..slonsl xlpinMrinp �/y�/O e� � rosponslbll It y gn shgm. Ths sulubllley antl use oT this tlre.ing Tor eny etrueturo Is N //�a �,••I-l��Fnn 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite 150 y of tho Ba 1lding Do.I...r par ANSI/TPI 1 Sod.z. �UIIry11twif l DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 For ma lnfarmatlen. thls Jab•.Dan...I .page and tha.a web.Ices: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z02 FL COA NO 278 ALPINE: www.olpincicw.cam: TPI: www.cpin.c.org: WTCA:www.sbclnduscry.com: 'cc: wwiv.I....'-Dou la FlemingLie Number:66648 A THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T68 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Nail Schedule:0.128"x3", min. nails Bot chord 2x6 SP M-26 Top Chord: 1 Row @12.00" o.c. Webs 2x4 SP #2 :W4 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E: Bot Chord: 2 Rows @ 6.00" o.c. (Each Row) :W5 2x6 SP #2: Webs : 1 Row @ 4" o.c. Use equal spacing between rows and stagger nails Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC in each row to avoid splitting. Special loads 170 mph wind, 15.78 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1,25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC TC- From 110 plf at 0.00 to 110 plf at 6.04 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 TC- From 74 plf at 6.04 to 74 pif at 15.67 BC- From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 2.17 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. BC- From 10 plf at 2.17 to 10 plf at 15.67 BC- 619.57 lb Conc. Load at 2.17 1 .5X4 III BC- 418.22 lb Conc. Load at 4.17 BC- 257.36 lb Conc. Load at 6.04 BC- 1561.63 lb Conc. Load at 8.17,10.17,12.17,14.17 Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase 5 X8 factor for dead load is 1.50. W5 6 8-4-6 3X4 W4 0-6-6 T- �11-a-o M(B1) = 3X4 7X8 III = 7X6 IE 15-8-0 Over 2 Supports �M1�ntt atttl R=3681 U=551 W=3.5" Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2OO7(STD) �••�` S��•• • PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(0%)/5(0) 16. 1 .0 7 A BTY.$• F -/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.3125"/Ft. ••WARNINGIS' READ AND NG FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS ORAYN GI ' TG_L 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 931 ••II�ORTAHT'• FURNISH THIS OKAYING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. j +' Trusses rogulra"erama car In(obrlcoCing.M1nntlling, shipping. 1.-1.1In.nd brocing. R- c • A DATE 05%26/1 7 oho I.cosc adItlon o!gC51 (gulltling ComponoIt Slaty Information. by TPI nntl WTCA) Tor slaty pr.ctI..sTp • TC L 15.0 PSF o port.rming c eso(unctions. Inscoll.rs sM1all pr."itl.l.mpornry brocing par gM. Un1.ss n.tatl othc rw 1. • top chord shnl l"M1 o properly.cinched st ruct rol sM1c.Ching nntl bottom chord shall h-a pr.por I ntt..h. A rigid calling. Locutions shown for p.......t"Iotor.l rascrnlnt of w.bs shall .-brocing Ins[ollvtl par BC ; ��E ••/ DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146069 t Ions g], 07 or R10. appllcnblo. Apply plotas c och loco of Cru d posl clon a shown oboe..Id , (�• V�I• ALP tho Joint not.i Is. unlosssnot.d achcrwlsa. Rotor to drawings 1GOA-Z l.rsstondnrd plot.posltlons. o` `- � Alpin., .dlvlslan oT ITW gulltling Comp on s G.. Ind. sh.II not resp.nslb1.for..y d.vl.tl.n lr.I t 11.�,� ••� ( R�0 ••• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF er.wing, any f I.-to build tha truss In conTorm.nca wleh ANSI/TPI 1. or for hentlling, shippin •. •• AN IT'W COMPANY Inst.I lxti.n 6 bracing.i trussas. g h '�ii�,�'� '••'�•t• �� OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3684 A ersl on thl•daring or eevrr pspr Ilst lap[!1I•daring. Indlcrt•s soupuner oT profrsslonsl rngln•rring 1Q rosponslblllty mloly far oho daslgn shorn. Th.sultoblIIty and us of thlo drering for.ny structuro le th �//�/0 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite l50 r.spon.lblllty cl th.Ell lding MIDI-,or ANSI/TPI 1 Sac.2. 4/4tttetttpQ�V11�� DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 For mo Inlormotlon s this Job's 9...-1 s p.ga and tM1oso w.b spas: `wr SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 57 61_Z02 FL COA Ho 278 ALPINE:www.nl P,nol tw.c.m; TPI: www.tpIn-.rg: WTCA: enro,sbclndustry.com; ICC: www.lct,o Dou la FlemingLic Number:66648 05 26/2017 13. THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T69 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Special loads ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 TC- From 37 plf at 0.00 to 37 plf at 5.67 Bot chord 2x6 SP #2 BC- From 10 plf at 0.00 to 10 plf at 5.67 Webs 2x4 SP #2 BC- 142.02 lb Conc. Load at 1.73 BC- 235.56 lb Conc. Load at 3.73 Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC (J) Hanger Support Required, by others DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 1 .5X4 III 6 F 3-4-6 0-6-6 *10-0-0 1 .5X4 lu 2X4(A1) 5-8-0 Over 2 Supports 2�1 gyp. R=320 U=34 W=8" R=323 U=36 H=H1 O�`••s.•� �.�••••/�f�I Q oVi��� aS�••'�f� Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(OD/o)/5(0) . 3/-/-/R/-. . Scale =.5"/Ft., "WARN INGI'• READ AND FOLLW ALL NOTES ON THIS DD GI •• • TG_IID'OKfANir• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. L 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 932� '� � Trussas require ottramo care In fabricaCing, M1ondling. "Pping, In talling and orating. Ralar t antl fe TC L 15.0 PSF- DATE 05/26/1 7 [ho latest etlltlan of gCSI (Dulltling Conponanc Sofety Inlorma[lon, b—': =WTLA) for safety prae[icos p � � � o porforming t oso functions. Installers shall provlda temporary b irt;per DCSI. Unless notatl othorw I. p cap chard sM1allhhavo properly att..h.d se ruet ral shoothing antl bolt m hold shall have a properly a[[neho rigid talling. L*C.tllns shown far permanent"lateral ras[ralnt of webs shall I,—bracing Insta llad par DL ; ATE �. sDL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146009 ccl ens D3, 0]er D10. os appl lcabla. Apply plates to aoch face of tru and pos 1—as shown obovo and a �II II� Cba Jaln[Details. am ass na[atl atharwlsa. Ralar[a drawings 10oAo-z rarss[andard Plata pasl[lana. a i��'S�s F`O�10���• . LL 0.0 PS F HC-ENG AK/DF ILLII�.J Alpine a tllvlslon o! ITW Dulld ing Components Group Inc. sM1all n e ba raspanslblo for any devintlon from[h G0'///* � O awing. any falluro to bulltl[Ile truss In conformance wl[h ANSI/TPI 1. or for handling. sh 1pping, s , /�'�1 1* ��0 ` AN ITW COMPANY installation b brating of[cusses. ,Q,' V(1,o•W^" 1[ ��OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3605 A seal on thl•drving or cover pep. Ilsting thl•dreWing, Indlestes etdptencs of profess englnesring �Q V rosponslbll lty valoly for cho design shown. Tha eblteblllty and usa or club dr—Ing for eny etructuro le N �� 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite150 respondlbllley or the oulldlng Doelgnar par ANSI/TPI ]Set.2. y��!!t1►�1 q�N DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM nanu�a n Orlando FL 32837 For mo a Info rmotlon s ihls Job's gone col no—page antl www,c V,ose web sl[es: FL CO o A a0278 ALPINE: www,alpinelcw.eom; TPI: pinet.org; WrCA:www,sbtlndusiry,com: ICL:­­­-Douglap Fleming Lie Number:66648 SPAC I NG 24.0 JREF- 1W15761_Z02 05 26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T70 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Special loads ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 :T1, T4 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E: TC- From 74 plf at -1.63 to 74 plf at 7.00 Bot chord 2x6 SP M-26 TC- From 74 plf at 7.00 to 74 plf at 9.00 Webs 2x4 SP #2 TC- From 74 plf at 9.00 to 74 plf at 10.33 TC- From 74 plf at 10.33 to 74 plf at 19.00 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC TC- From 74 plf at 19.00 to 74 plf at 26.30 BC- From 4 plf at -1.63 to 4 plf at 0.00 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located BC- From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 14.67 anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC BC- From 20 plf at 14.67 to 20 plf at 24.67 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 BC- From 4 plf at 24.67 to 4 plf at 26.30 TC- 540.20 lb Conc. Load at 7.03, 8.97 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. TC- 179.88 lb Conc. Load at 17.60 TC- 206.88 lb Conc. Load at 19.00 Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. BC- 534.19 Ib Conc. Load at 7.03, 8.97 BC- 322.64 lb Conc. Load at 16.06 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase BC- 107.86 lb Conc. Load at 17.60 factor for dead load is 1.50. BC- 244.09 lb Conc. Load at 19.00 SS0508 s= 6X8 - 8X8 _ 1 .5X4 III 6X8 6 � 6 T4 T 0-66-6 5X5(C3) - 5X5(C3) D-6-6 10-0-0 T >VA 1116X8 = 8X10 = 1 .5X4 III T 4X4(C3) - 3X4(C3) L-6-�1 �-61 I, 7-0-0 _1_2-O-211-4_4_ 8-8-0 _I. 5-8-0 _I EE 24-8-0 Over 2 Supports V. P_ R=3028 U=433 W=8" S FJ90 W=8" Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) • PLT TYP. 18 Gauge HS,Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1 .0 7 161A ftTY. ° F -/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.25"/Ft. -WARNING I•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI ' 1'P _L 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 933 "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. � � +r Truss.s requir.extrem.taro In i9brlePeing. M1antlIIng. sM1ipping. I t.11ing.nd;.acing. Ro'.Prcc ane rPjO�' ; ' TC L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 cM10 I.cosc.dl clop or BCSI (Bulltlln Com o c 5a rat Inr.rmacl on. b TPI .nd WTCA 1,s...c ccl7c.s w9, ■ .P........a ch.so runccl.ns. Instal l.rsnshall Provld.c.mp.rn.y b ling por BCSI. Unless not.0.ch.rwl r W cop chord shall h.v.prop.,ly.ctach.d [ruct rat sheath ing ona .t cM1ortl sh.l1 nova.prap.nly att.chc ,,,,q A ,Igid tolling. L...clons shown ror p.......t"I.ce..l .sc.alnt of webs shall h.v.bracing natall.d por BL °° �" `- • DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146047 [Ions Da. BT or BID, as appl lc.bl.. Apply places co..ch rac.or c.0 .nd position as shown ab.v.oId �y e d ��� «e J.Int Dotalla. pnlss .th.wla.. R.r.r dr.winga,BDQ-z r.rast.nd.rtl plot.p.al[I.na. °6 /la`° O P•• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpin., a 0l vl slon or ITW Bul itl ing Lompon.nts Group Inc. shall n t b.responsible.or.ny tlovla[l.n from[h �j � R1O••° drawing. any Tallu..c IId In,truss In tonro,manc.with ANSI/TPI 1, or(or handling. shipping• •eeaWO sae°j° AN ITW COMPANY instal l.[lon&br.cing o t,paa.s. y'�y � �fl OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3625 A sent on this drawing or tovsr page Irating this drawing, Indicates acceptance of proreeelonel engineering - rsponslblllty a.l.ly for th.deelgn an- Th.aultablllty and ua.of thla drawing for any atructur. la ell t ttt la DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite 150 rospans1 b l l icy of ch.B.IIdIng Dos lg..r por ANS I/TPI 1 S.c.2. Wht(I�lu11111 Orlando FL 32837 F.r m.r. Inr.rm.[I.,a thI.3.b•e g.....I a p.g..nd tn.,.w.b aIt : SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www..l pin.lcw.com: TPI: www.[pinst-rg; WTCA: www.sbc l ndustry.com; ICC: www.lccs Dou la FlemingLie Number:66648 05/26/2017 l THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T71 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt; ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. factor for dead load is 1.50. 4X8 - 1 .5X4 III 4X8 = � s s � 0-6-6 0-6-6 10-0-0 1 .5X4 III 5X8 = 1 .5X4 III 3X5(B2) - 3X5(B2) �-6�1 I�-s�I I, 7-8-0 I 9-4-0 I 7-8-0 1 24-8-0 Over 2 Supports R=1276 U=164 W=8" �MN RL=160/-160 Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) • V� S� • PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .4 .07 .1 QT 1 L/-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.25"/Ft. "WARNING!" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI • • •'IIMRTANTr• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. , ■ ;AT ' • T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 934 Tru uiry v In(vbrlcatln hanelln sM1i In Insta Iln pp g. I g and bracing. Rafcr to nne!9tl w : *Cl DATE 05/26/1 7 tM10 lotascrcel tl on afrBCSlc(Bulleing Compon nt Sofoty 9nformatlan, by TPI one WTLA) Tor sa Tvty practic .w v rform In tM1osv functions. Installers shall .}}w�� DL 1 5.0 PSF o p g proeleo temparo ry bracing par 1I1 Unloss notutl vthartiro 1 top chortl shall have prapvrly ectecM1ve struct ral shavtM1ing antl bateom ch 1 shall hovo v praporly attoclCe ♦ • 4� DI 1 0.0 PS F rlgle cvl Iing. Locatlans shown Tor pormanenCulatoral rascralnt of webs shall M1avv brvcing Installotl parn*5 . �T DRW HCUSR761 17146057 a �rI I� tl ens Ba BT or D10, es appllcvbl c. Apply Platers<o ovcM1 loco of er ane pasltivn vs shown above o afv •• � .•1 II II� [Isa Jolnt Datalls. unlass natae atM1arw�sa. RaTar to erawings 16oA-Z e r staneare plaza paeltlans. . ••. O�y .• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF 'LLLlll�l Alpino, n dlvl sl vn oT ITW Bulleing Campanants Gronp Inc. s II not b esponslblo Tor vny ecviatlon Trwv t �S `_•• tlrawing, vny Tailary to bul le the truss In conformenco with ANSI/TPI l.ror Tor hantlling, s pping, + AN ITWCOMPANY Installnclon 8 bracing eT trbeeae. �y�' ?' ••�� ,.•' s`aTOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3550 A u■I on thly mT loly Tor[hv■daps lDn ehownl nW thlThoesu lLabl�ItYnenC use bi thlenere■IngrioreenY"stre1ueeul rb■Is"N �� rvsPenslbl l It 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,$UIIB I$D rvsponslbll lty of the Bullaing Oaslgnor per ANSI/TPI 1 Soc.2. �>.,,s��1Vg1.Ea OUR.F/1C. 1.25 FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 Far mars Inrormaclon s this Jobe genurel a Pagv I—these wab sltee:FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www.vlpineltw,com; TPI: ..cpinst.org;=CA: www,abcineustry.cam: 'cc: ­ ­­Douglap Fleming Lie Number•66648 SPACING 24.0 J RE F- 1 W1 5 76 1 Z02 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T72 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. factor for dead load is 1.50. 4X5 = 4X7 3X4 3X4 6 F_ � 6 0-6-6 0-6-6 T 10-0-0 1 .5X4 III 3X8 -ZL1 .5X4 III 4X4(B1) = 4X4(B1) I�-6�1 4-6- I I. 9-8-0 I 5-4-0 I -8-0 I IE 24-8-0 Over 2 Supports IIN11U/f R=1276 U=159 W=8" ` Ac .c �6 U=159 W=B" RL=190/-190 Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) ®°•�� SF�•• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .Q, .07 .1 QT 1 L/-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.25"/Ft. `•WARNIN61— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI • a-I 11PORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTDRS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. ♦ • O• ■' T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 935 Trusses r.qu Int lr..rtr.m.car. In(abrlc.Cing. h.ndling, shipping. Installing.nd bracing. R.—t .nd ID11 w ■ DATE 05/26/1 7 [h. Incest editl.n of BCSI (B.IICIng Comp....t Safety Information. by TPI and WTCA) for saf.cy pr.ccic�o o ■ .performing rhos.fun[Ions. sal ls, pr.vld.hall C Por.ry br.cing par IC 1. Unl.ss n.[.d.th.c DL 15.0 PSF top. 1d shel l ­V.pr.p.rly.tt.ch.tl structur.l sh._'h G d.d bottom chord shal l I,—.pro. I .CC � DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17�46042 rigid tolling. L...tl.ns shown for p.......t l.cc r.l restraint.f webs shell h.V.b—Il,D Irl-1 .d p 1 ss l-� cc1—63, B7 or 1110. as appllc.bl.. Apply places t...d,f.....cru .ntl p.sl[l.n as shown.b.v.a S. ; ATE ••• Q n I L [h..l.l.t D.t. Is, u.l.as noted.th.rwls.. R.f.r t.dr.wings 16OAA-z f.rsst.nd.rd plot.p.altl.ns. � � �. � LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF II�LLII I9 Alpin.. .division.f ITN Building C.mpon..t,Croup Inc. shell n t b.resp.nslbl.far.ny d.vl.tl.n from t ° T-♦ g, .ny fellura t.build th.truss in c.nf.rmnnce with ANSI/TPI 1. .r for handling. shipping, AN ITW COMPANY 'stn�la[l.n A br.cln .f[ruaa.a X"#a.�C ORS °° `TOT.L.D. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3551 An Baal on thla draalnW or c,Var papa Ilating ch la draaing, Indldacaa accaptanca of pr.faaalbn,l a�p lnaarinp /l,��I/ • ■�■111 r.aponalblllty sclaly for eh.d.slgn ahoan. The sultablllty and uv.oT Chia drool.,Tor eny atru ur. la th /I/ N A .s1-n lbl llty.f the D.11ding O.slgn.r per ANSI/TPI 1 S .2. %,� - \/"�-��v DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM 2400 LaF:e Olunge Dr.,Suite 150 //u Orlando FL 32837 F. more Inf.rm.[l.n s thls Job's g.n.r.l a pogo.nd th.s.web altos: w+uaewIU111 $PACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FL COA a0278 ALPINE: www..lpin.lcw.com: TPI: www,epins[..rg: WTCA: www.sbclndustry.c.m: ICC: www.l....T.Dou la FlemingLic Number:66648 1 a 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T73 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 4X5 = 4X5 3 X 4 3X4 6 r 6 0-6-6 0-6-6 10-0-0 1 .5X4 III 5X10 = 1 .5X4 III 4X4(B1) - 4X4(B1) l�6 J -4 Is-6�I 1 - I 11-8-0 1 9 11-8 0 1 24-8-0 Over 2 Supports _ R=1276 U=155 W=8" • (��' F/I ,J�ifj� U=155 W=8" RL=219/-219 O��♦�••`. ■ ■ee..�•0 Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) 3 °•♦♦� aS�.•••• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1.0t 07 .1 T :;1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.25"/Ft. **WARNINGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING[ e T LL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 936 .'IMPORTANT— FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Truss.s regulr. care In Iabrieaeing. handling, shlpping. Installing and bracing. R.—t ontl I • cM10 Iotose altl.n of BCSI (Balltling Co.......SaToty i.mrmatia.. by TPI and WrCA� far aar.ty prat fgl-1 tltas : 'DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 o porforming th.so funetl.ns. Installers shell pr.v1 tl. ,,por,ry bracing par BCSI. U.IOss.Dead oth—S. • cop ch.rtl sM1al hove pr.parly occochotl structural ..aching ontl bottom cM1noI nnol I or..o proper II attochB �♦ AT� ••Q�( DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146041 r Ig IO dolling. L.cotl.ns shown Tor permonone lateral rasera1..of webs shall hove bracing Inscall.tl per B 1 C • "`��� 1� tl.ns B3. B7 or 310. as appl lcabl.. Apply plates to....Taco of tru ontl poslti.n as shown ab.'.ontl P • Lha J.—Details. u.I.ss..tad otbcrwlse. Refer t.drawings 160AA_Z farsstantlard plot.positions. . •+ LL 0.0 PSF HC—ENG AK/DF LI al Ina a dlvisl.n ar i7w Balltlln com �• •p g ponents croup Inc. shall n c b.responslbl.ror e.vlacl.n from tM1 ♦ 1Q drawing. any Tallur.t build chc cross In conformance wlch ANSI/TPI 1, or for hantll ing.n hipping. az �,a� , OR s AN ITW COMPANY I.sc.l I.clon&bracing.r traa�ca. yfi '••••�••••• �� 'TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3552 A sssl on thl•tlrsrinp or cover pAga Ilstlnp thl•dnWing. Indlesba Aeaptsnea of prof asslonsl snglnsrring /y .y rosponsI. iley Sol.ly for Uo tloslgn shorn. Th.sult•blllty and use or this draring for any str= r. Is N ��/f ••`` asponslbl llty or th.B.Ilding Designer p.r ANSI/TPI 1 Soc.2. �I� ALv DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM 2ZO Lake Orange Dr.,SBile 150 //I/LIWIfIW 111��11ti� Orlando,FL 32837 Far mars In—...—a thls 3.h•s g...ral n a p.g.and th...w.b altaa: SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z02 FL COA 90278 www.ALPINE: olpinaltw.com: TPI: www.epinst..rg; WTCA;w+w,sbclntlustry,c.m; 'cc: www.Iccs.raDOU la FlemingLie Number;66648 A 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T74 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E :T2, T3 2x6 SP M-26: DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E :B2 2x6 SP M-26: :133 2x4 SP #2: Webs 2x4 SP #2 WARNING: 20 psf additional bottom chord live load check has been :Lt Wedge 2x4 SP #2::Rt Wedge 2x4 SP #2: modified Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. Special loads ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) Collar-tie braced with continuous lateral bracing at 24" O.C. TC- From 74 plf at -1.63 to 74 plf at 5.18 including chord ends, or rigid ceiling. TC- From 74 plf at 5.18 to 74 plf at 12.33 TC- From 74 plf at 12.33 to 74 plf at 19.49 TC- From 74 plf at 19.49 to 74 plf at 26.30 BC- From 4 plf at -1.63 to 4 plf at 0.00 BC- From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 8.48 BC- From 20 plf at 8.48 to 20 plf at 8.77 BC- From 100 plf at 8.77 to 100 plf at 8.90 BC- From 140 plf at 8.90 to 140 plf at 15.90 BC- From 20 plf at 15.90 to 140 plf at 15.90 BC- From 20 plf at 15.90 to 20 plf at 16.19 4 X5 BC- From 20 plf at 16.19 to 20 plf at 24.67 BC- From 4 plf at 24.67 to 4 plf at 26.30 3X5 - 3X5 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with 3X6 III additional C&C member design. 3X6 63 T3 T2 7X6 io� 7X6 6 F_ 5-5-8 __1 6 7-1-8 0-6-6 0-6-6 T B2 �- 10-0-0 4X6(B2) - 7X6 = 7X6 = 4X6(B2) f�-6�l is s 10-10-8 2-11-0 2-4-1 8-5-12 < 24-8-0 Over 2 Supports IRIIIUq�pl/ R=1700 U=222 W=8" �S F U=222 W=8" RL=228/-228 Design Crit. FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) °�°v S�•°• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .01 07 .1 T :•,10 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.25"/Ft. **WARNING!** READ FOLLOW ALL NOTES THIS DRAM GI b TC iLL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 937 "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses rcquiro o re car. In fabrlcnting, hantlling, shipping, I1st111ing antl bracing. Rofcr to and 7 :p DATE 05/26/1 7 th. I__edltlon of SCSI (B.1 WIG Co.p...-Safo[y Inf....tlon. by TPI antl wrCA) for safety p,.ccic.s11, u L 1 5.0 PSF o p.rforming than.func[lons. Install:.,'shall provldo cempor.ry bracing par Cs I. Unless.-d oth.,.Jz. • T top ch.rtl shall M1ova praporly ntc.r ,p.....[r.l sh.nthing antl bottom chortl sM1nII br..a praporly n<coch� 0p AI C •• pL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146043 rigid tolling. L.c.clons shown for perman.ntulnc.ral ..strain[of w.bs shall M1.v.brocing Insenllotl par B t L • Q LP� C„c[lons S3. B]or DID,sss^oppllcth Apply pintos to.ach f16OA-Z cru and positlan as shown.boa.antl ;.. .Join[Ovtalls, nIe ted ocM1crwlsa. Rofcr[.tlrawings 160A-Z forss[nntl.rd pinta pasl[Ions, P //���/ .' � LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF A 1pin., .tlivlslon of ITW Building Comp.n.n[s Group Inc. shall n[bo r.sponslblo for any tlevincl.n from tM1 Sr (��••p C O�`o�•°...... ".y fall...[o b.11l-truss In c.nfo ll-wItt;ANSI/TPI 1, or far h-olI ing. shipping, •. l �� \� AN IrWCOMPANY installatlan&brncing.f[r.��as. y�i� ••..■.■.••' �� '•TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3553 A Waal on ehl.or.wlnp or toys p.o. Il.ting thl.Crowing, Indl..to -pt.nt.of Prof...lon.l .npin«rinp 'yii r.sponslbl l lty solely far the C.slgn shorn. Tha.ultabll lty end.s.of thla tlrewI,g far any structure ",�1 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suile 150 osp.nsI bI I Icy or-B.IId Ino D.slgn.r ,or ANSI/TP1 1 S�..2. �/I/ �it�a DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM Orlando,FL 32837 For m.r. Information s thls job"g.noral lot.,poga antl th.sa w.b altos: ��t�lttjj1w °° "� SPACING 24.0" JREF- 1W15761 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www.a pinol[w.com; TPI: www.cpinsc.or0; WTCA: www..bcintlusvy.com: I6C: www,iccsa faIDQU la Flemin Lie Number:66648 ° 05/26/2017 f THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - T75 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x6 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. (J) Hanger Support Required, by others In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TC @ 24" OC. #1 hip supports 3-10-8 jacks with no webs. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. 4X4 -1 ,5X4 III i 6 2-4 14 0- 15 0 T +11-4-0 4X4 2X4(A1) I, 3-10-8 I 1-2-Ul 5-1-4 Over 2 Supports Irtdiurpp�t R=279 U=32 W=8" R=331 U=38 H=H1 O��.V••'' ' '�'•CC.f�A/'l2� Design Cr i t: FBC201 ORes/TPI-2007(STD) °•°•� $�\•••• PIT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 _1 .0t 07 .1 T :`,1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. "WARNING!" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! Iff T LL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 938 "11PORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. _ Trusses r,q"lro axtramo taro In fabri<ating, hantlll— shipping, In—I11ng antl bro<Ing. Refer t antl fj}�I • DATE 05/26/1 7 per tM1a I__oditlon of BCSI (Builtling Component Safaty Infarmaelon, by TPI antl WrCA) far s—ty practice*I s � —DL 15.0 PSF [o forming chase fun<tlons. Installers shall p—lid.tamparory bracing par BCSI. Unless notatl.--Z. • op<bord shall hav<properly otta<h<d strv<tural sheathing antl butt m chortl-1—1 h—a ProP—y attathSa • A TC °• (t DL 1 0.0 PSF 1 rlgld coiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral roscrn Inc of wabs shell hove bra.Ing Instollad Par B P'1 C • ee DRW HCUSR76? 17 146061 Q �^ soctloI 03, O7 or B10. as aoppllcob lo, Apply pintas to ooch TIGOA-Z tru tantl position os iti, abova antl • O I tha I— DotalI unless n tatl otherwise. Roper to tlrawings 160A-Z fors onEortl plate positions. j O C A'Plhe, a tllvlslur of ITW Bulltling Companenis Group Ina. shall t ba responsible Ter tlevlatlen Tram th % r}�g •• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF awing, any Tailurc to build the in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for hantlling�nshipping. y��/� •• O'•,O••• \� AN ITWCOMPANY In—I1-tlea 8 bracing aT trus�aa. yi F ••••••®••j° TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF $EQN- 3626 A ue1 on thle dre.lno or cover page I letlnD NIA dr—Ing, Indlutss a—ptenw of profoulonel mWlnosrinW iy rosponslblllty solely far the tloslgn sheen. Tho su—blI lty end use of this dre.ing for eny structure Is osponslbi l icy of the Bul lding Doslgnar par ANSI/TPI I Sac.2. /�j �0 NAB- DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM 2400 Lake Orange Dr.Suite 150 /OA4r��fl11gUU1ti�� Orlando FL 3278 der mere Infermatlen t pIn- general 1 page and thus.web sites: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 6 1 ZO2 FLeoAeo2TR ALPINE: .alpinoltw.com; TPlgwww, pl .erg; WTCA: www.sbclnduscry.cem; IDD: www.IccsofnIDau la FlemingLie Number:66648 ' 05/26/2017 `may. THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J1 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. R=213 U=62 13-6-8 6 3-1(-0 0-6-6 �— R=127 U=0 10-0-0 3X4(B1) L<— 1-6-0-->j 6-7-4 Over 3 Supports �tmmu� R=451 U=30 W=8" % RL=136/-54 AO�••,.•■ a ••..��f/�i Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) • PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1.0 7 A TY. ) F -/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. '•WARNINGISH READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAW GI • • TG _L 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 939 •'IMPORTANT'• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. ■ . yC T russos requlro ox rom.car In feb.lcating, handling, shipping, Install ing nntl bracing. Rotor t end bg ■ ■ no latest.Ilt—or BCSI eBulltling Camp�.._S.focy In.....elon, by TPI and;CAI far snfoey pr.ceieesfpo7 TC L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 a p.,forming c eso functions. Insiallors shell pr.vitlo[emp.ra ry eraeing per BCSI. Unless noted ocM1arwl. • top chord sh.Ilhhavo prop.,ly atl..h.d street rat sho.thing and bottom chord shell h.,.a pr.pa,ly attach. O Ifl ltl calling. Loca[l.ns shown for po rmnn.nt"Iota rat rostra Inc of wobs shot have bracing Instal lod par BC ��; ATE •1 DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146092 tl e Ions B3, 17 or 810, as applieabla. Apply plats eo each taco of tr end posltlon.s shown above end a LP � Cho J.Int O.tnils. unloss noted o[h.rwlso. tof.r t.drawings 160A�-Z far at.—I rtl pla[a pusltl^.s. .`�., �}��' O�,OP••; � LL 0.0 PSF HC—ENG AK/D F �ILLII�r..// Alpina a tlivisl on of ITW Bulltling Componanes Croup Inc. shall n t ba raspanslb to for ony dovlatlan from th s��(� �� •. drawing, any fall...to build the tr ss in c.nformanco with ANSI/TPI 1, .,f.,h.—i �.(1 • • �' UT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3 5 54 AN ITW COMPANY Inscallacl.n&bracing or truss.=. u �^9 shipping. /f •. ••-•�•. A uel on thle tlrerinp or cover qfl• Ilatlnp thb drerinp, Indlute•eeapwne•or proro•lonel .nfllp..fIng //�/ FROM GLM roep.nel bi my..Idly r.r ch.amlgn=home Th.eu ltebn Icy and ua.or chle area nfl r.r eny.cruccur. ie_ //I 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite 150 respond bl my.r u,.D'.IIdi.g Ds Igoe,p.,ANSI/TPI 1 S.c.z. yIIV � DUR.FAC. 1 .25 Orlando FL 32837 For m.www.a lnf.rm.ti.n s thls Job'.gan...I n a paga end[hose web slt.a: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: 1pinoltw.com: TPI: wm,tpinst.o.g:WTCA: wvw,sbclnduscry.tom: ICC: www.lccsaf^Dou la FlemingLie Number:66648 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010—/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES — J3 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, '15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 3 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"0" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. R=235 U=68 15-1-8 6 �— 4-1-0 0-6-6 11-4-0 � R=134 U=0 3X4(B1) 1-6-0� 7-1-4 Over 3 Supports R=473 U=31 W=8" RL=144/-56 �Qy.••'�W ••�'"elf'(/ Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) ®�`�` ��••� • PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1 .0 7 1IkA ATY.�EI F -/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. —WARNING!'• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] W • _L 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 940 "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. � '{♦� • Truss,,roqulrc ez rcmo car In fabricating, hantlling. sM1ipping. Installing antl bracing. R.T.r t entl fo�gn W /'N % DATE 05/26/1 7 the locos[odlci.n m DCSI (Duilding Campan nt S.Taty Info rmael.n, by TPI nne WTCA) far safety practices pow ; . TC L 15.0 PS F a porf.rming ch.so functions. Insc.11—shall pravid.tamp.rary bracing per 8CS I. unlass noc.d.th.rwl r • top char°shall hay.pr.porly ntt..h,d structural sh..th1.9 antl bottom chord shall have a pr.p.r ly attach. A p rigid c.Illn9, Locations shaven Tor P.r.....t Moral r�stralnt of webs steal havo bracing Install.tl par DC «9 ; P'tTE • DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146058 19i ceionsor.10, us eppllcabla. Apply placos to ouch f.eo of tru antl p.sitlon as shown above and .� O Chi.loin[Details, unlass n.tce ath.rwis.. Rafar to drawings 16OA-2 forsstandard plot.p.elti.na. ° LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF a Lp Alpino, a divlsl.n.f ITW Building Components Gr..P Inc, shall not ba rospan11bI for nny tlevlati on from tM1 s,t �AA/A�-•% `O R,O�.4• tl rowing, any failure t.build the truss In eonf.rmanco with ANSI/TPI 1, .r for hantlling. shipping. \ ♦e1••w>•we••♦ AN ITW COMPANY Instal leti.n&bracing.T tr_.. �y`s �`+gg'�fOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3555 A seal on this drawing or over page listing this drawing, Indic—,a ptance or proresalonel anglnboring rasp...lbl l lty solely r.r eh.d°alan ahem. Th.sultablIIty and....r-1.drawing r.r.ny atru.tur. I.eh DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM G LM 2400 Lake Orange Dr Suite resp.nslbIIIty.f tho 6,11d1n9 Doslgn.r par ANSI/TPI 7 Sac.2. wUfp1{�I�gWU Orlando,FL 32837 F.r mar. Inf....ti.n a this,fob's g...ral n s gag,and th.s..ob SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 61 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www..lpinultw.com: TPI: www.cpinsc.org: WTCA: wm.sbclndustry.cam: ICC: www.iccsaf Dou la Flemin Lie Number:66648 05/26/2017 ;,r ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J4 )THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. ) Laterally brace BC above filler a 24" O.C. (or as designed) Provide ( 3 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. Including a brace on BC directly above both ends of filler (if no rigid diaphragm exists at that point) 15-0-14 1 .5X4 R=67 u=21 3-4-6 6 �— �L +12-0-0 Lj 0-6-6 0-8-0 3X5 0� R=251 U=49 11-4-0 3 X 8 1 .5X4 III 3X4(B1) - 1 .5X4 III 1 .5X4 III 1-6-0--:�!j 0-11-0 2-1-0 4-0-0 1 7-0-0 Over 3 Supports mnuun R=459 U=28 W=8" RL=142/-56 Ov1•••••■ ••..�"I//A_ Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) • PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16.t1 .0 . 7 QTV.�, F -/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING[ ■ • _L 200 PSF"IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. � • • . REF R7 61-- 941 ■ ■ Trusses r ulre c ■ a aq ><[rema eara In TaDricating. M1antlling, shlpping, IyStalling ontl bracing. Rater to antl fo TC VL 1 5.0 PSF [M10 latest odltlon oT BCSI n.. I ing Component Safety Information, by TPI antl WTCS1 far safety Practleos ■ : DATE 05/26/1 7 o performing Lhasa TunCtlOns. Installors aM1all provltlo temporary brncing por oC51. gnless notetl otharwl p top chord shall hovo praporly nttacM1atl struc[u ral shaacM1 ing and bottom C„ortl 1M1 1 1,—a properly attache O rigltl col l Ing. Loeo[lans%„awn ter Permanent latarel re%tralnt ar webs a„al l hove braaing ln%ta,letl par Dc rA ; ATE �. �DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146113 !7 r� ctlans B3, 0 7 or B10. as appllcabla. Apply p,aeas co one„face of tr and position os sM1own aDovc antl a �� CM10 Joint Datalls, unless noCetl othcrwlso. R. to tlrawln 160oA-2 Tar stantlortl late ram o ,%��°•'cL O��UP'•°� LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Q g% % P positions. G •° .� Al pino a tlivlslon oT ITW 8u11tling Companan[s Croup Inc. shall n t bo rasponslb 1.for any tlavlatlon T t, s♦ • awing. any failure co DUIII the truss In conformance with ANSIRPI 1, or for handl ing, s„Ipping. �. AN ITW COMPANY inseal lotion&bracing of tr„%oe%. 4i ss,0'A'A.. . OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3646 A sasl on tn"draw or cbwr Peps Ilseing this drawing. Indltataa ii—ptants of Prbfasslonsl anglnsaring rosponaI.,llty solely far eM10 tloalgn ahwn. Thu eulwbl1My and uoa or tllle drawing for eny%radar, Ie th 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,SuiW 150 rosponalblllty oT the oulldlng Daslgnar par ANSI/TPI ,Ssc.2. lwn� DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM r+areau Orlando FL 02837 For ma a Inform % thla,ab•a ganerel a pogo and In—,web SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www.alpinolcw.cem; TPI TPI: wv^w.tpinsc.org: WTCA: www.sbelntlusery.com; MCC: www.Iccsa faIDau la FlemingLie Number:66648 05/26/2017 1. -... THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J4A ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP 2250f-1.9E DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 3 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. R=231 U=67 13-8-14 6 IF- 4-0-6 0-6-6 +10-0-0 R=132 U=0 3X4(B1) 1-6-0-B�J 7-0-0 7-0-0 Over 3 Supports ImIIruU4ti 4 R=469 U=30 W=8" 'S' F/c Y44i� Arzn6:: . r Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1 .Of.07 1 TY: /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. "NIARNINGI•w READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI S ■ 7 TC L 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 942 "INPORTARP• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS, i. ■ ■ Truss....qulr%ore reme ca ro In(abrlca[Ing. panel Ing. shipping. In T,a;1ing one bract ng. Ref r t one f I ■ ho la[%sc neltl%n of 8C51 (Building Comp%n%nc Safety Inrormaclan. by TPI ane WTCAj far eatery pracelcosi ; ■ L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 o po rfa rming chose funeelons. Installers shell provldo temporary bracing par BCSI. Unless notetl o[M1orwl� cop chore shell hove properly att..hld s[ruct rat sh%achI ng and bottom chore%hall hava a properly%[[%cM1a O rIg10 calling. Loeaclons shown far parmanantulnt%ral restraint of w_shall have bracing Installotl per 8 ; ATE ; DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146016 clans B3, 87 or B10. as%ppllc%bl%. Apply pI.—to%..h face of tru and position%s shown above antl ALP n �,� tbu.taint Dotal ls, .atria natal ath.rvr I... Rafar to drawingn 16OAo_Z farsstantlare plat%panitlans. , �//� . OPO LL 0.0 PSF HC—ENG AK/DF ILI�IL1=/ Alpin%, %tlivisl on or ITW Bal ltling Componancs Group Inc. shall n C be responsible far any tlevlatlon tram In � •O+�L Or}��, ♦.� awing, %ny fallura c solid the truss In confa rmanco with ANSI/TPI 1. or for M1entlling, shipping. ♦ �t \` 9 yVV" AN ITW COMPANY instvlla[lon&bracing ar tra..an. 4i♦ �s "••�■• ��I OT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3557 A anal on[hl■ernwlnp or sever pip• Ilse lap UI•en•Inp. Intlle.b•■euptnnen or proM1ulon■I •np lnnwring ♦♦♦I� .. ronponn ml Illy notmy r%r ua eonlpn ahem. Teo am tebl ncy ane ono or uIn ern.ing r%r any ncrnttaro Is ch �,,� /w� 2400 Lake Omnge Dr.,Suite 150 r%.pon.lbl l icy or u%Baneing Doslgnar per ANSI/TPI 1 S—.z. % O� iu11 DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM Orlando FL 32837 Far mar% Inrarmaclon, this Jab'.gan%rat I, ,pogo and than.w%b.Itas:ces SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FL COA NO 278 www ALPINE: .alpinoltw.com; TPI: wm.cpinst.org: WTCA: www,sbclneustry.com; ICC: www,I Dou la Fleming Lie Number:66648 05/26/2017 .1 ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J7 )THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 6 R=159 U=47 14-1-8 3-1-0 0-6-6 11-4-0 � R=96 U=0 3X4(B1) 1-6-0-->j 5-1-4 Over 3 Supports —� nauuupp R=386 U=29 W=8" RL=111/-49 O� �e,.■ ••.,� d� Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1 .0?�.07 1 TY: /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. "INARNINGI" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] • TICL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 943 •'IM TH PORTANT•• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING E INSTALLERS. a • Trussas,equlro o troma ca,a In iabrlcating, handling. shlpping. Installing and bracing. R.—[ .nd! I • L 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 cM1, lacast atllelon of SCSI (Bulldl-a Companont Sa,ocy Informntlon, by TPI and"CA) for safety procticos I o p,rro..ing CM1aso functions. Instal 1—shall pro"Ido c,mpdra,y bracing por BCS I. Unless not,d othorwlQ Cop_,d,h.II hove prop,,I at",h.d at ruct rat sh.—Ing ontl bottom chord shall have a properly attacho O r lgld tolling. L,ca[lons shown for pormanant"lat,rat restraint,!wabs shall hov,„rating Installed por B /� �, ATE ; DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146008 (�I c[lons B3. B]ar B10, os oppllcobly. Apply places co evcM1 lac,of eru and position ds 1M1awn obavo ontl p• ,r IIII O th.Joint 13[ 11,. unless not,d o[h,rwls,. R,!"r to drawings 160A-Z f„sstandard plat.pogl[I,n=. y//y . P.• [Qy`-I LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF A LAIN Alpine, a d1,lslon or ITIM BuIId ing Comp....s Group Inc. shall no[ , ,sponsl b1.for any do"In,inn from th/�� v� +�C OR,o•'� .a tlrawing, any failure[ build th.truss In con Torman..with ANSI/TPI b1.ror for hands ing. on IppIng, y// �.�..'''a`.•,. V' AN ITWCOMPANY Installation 6 bracing or[rp .. / Fs-`^- _N`�� ,t��TOT.L.D. 45.0 PSF SE N- 3558 A u.l on[hie or..ing or toy.,p.g. I I.ting thl.dr—Ing, Indic—s sempt.nt.of prof—:Ion.1 .rip ln..rinp rosponslhll lty eololy Tor Who tlwlBn shorn. Thu.u1-11 lty end use or thin dr..ing for eny.truttur. Is 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite 150 raspon1Iblllty or tha Building Doslgna,por ANSI/TPI 1 S .2. W� DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM G LM �/ 1t111tIt1list Orlando FL 3278 For mar. Information s this .... ganarai s pogo and than"wab sl[,a: SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z02 FL COA H0278 ALPINE: www.al pinolew.eom: TPI: www.epl ns[.org; WTCA: www.sbelndusery.tom; IDD: www.IccsatoIDou la FlemingLie Number:66648 05/26/2017 ,r 'j THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J7R ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x8 SP 2400f-2.OE DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Provide ( 3 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 6 F_ R=272 U=71 14-1-8 3-1-0 �11-4-0 R=93 U=0 0-6-6 4X4(A2) �— 10-4-0 7-1-4 Over 3 Supports Muaar�gii R=346 U=3 W=8" RL=125/-35 O�•��,.■ • .•.��/j+7/al Design Cr i t: FBC201 ORes/TPI-2007(STD) �'��� PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16.11 .0 7 1 jQTY: /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. ''WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! • TIC L 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 944 "[WPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS, i. a Trusses r.qulra.tram.<ar. In fabrlcacing, „.ntlling, shlpping, 7 Installl.g antl bracing. Rof.r to.ntl r i • ■ °IL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/17 . tlitl.n of SCSI (Bulltling Compon.nt Saroty Informaclon by TPI .ntl WiCA) for saf.[y praccl<. p 1op.rforming chose functions. Installers shell provltlo temporary bracing per SCSI. Unless n e.d.that'WATEtop ch.rtl sM1all h..properly aC[acM1.ething antl bot[om che shall haves.pro o I a[tz +rlgld telling. L...tlons sM1om far parman.nt lateral raseralnt.f w.bs shall „ova bracing I.;enl�ed parB �q • • L 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146005 saetlans BD B]or—1 as appli<abia. Apply places to each facaaof eru .Ild.d ld plan as shown above antl p Q O the JOI.t Details. unlss noc.d otherwise. Rafar to er.wings 160A-2 rarasemtl.re plates pealtl..a. 5R,OQ.��O LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alp I... .division of ITW Banding Componen s Group Inc, s„all n t ba raspa.sibl.for any deviation from t I 0 d-l.g, any fall-co build tha truss In conform.....It ANSI/TPI 1, or far M1entlling, shlpping. " ♦ �' AN ITW COMPANY Install.tle.A bra.,ng.f er„s•.s. °�i '•`•�•''' �� OT.LID. 45.0 PSF SE N— 3559 I A eul on thl•ere ing er covmr p•g* Illting thl•d—ing. Inelembo meopt�ne�or profwulonml mglnAwrinp rosponslbl l lty so loly.for tb.Easlgn ahem. Tho sul—I I My and—of thle d-11,;Tor any.tractor. la[h �E/ o r.spenslblllty.T eh.Bul IdIng Dos Ig.ar par ANSI/TPI ]See.2. �upp�U�UN DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM 2400 Late Orange Dr.,Suite I50 Orlando FL 32837 For more Infarmati..s a this Job's ga...al p.g..ne t ..b s pas: {� "FLCOA90278 ALPINE: www.alpl..ltw.com; TPI: www.cpins ,g: WTCA:www.ebclndustry ICC: www.1....r.Do1I la FlemingLicNumber:66648 SPACING 24.0 J REF- 1 W1 57 61 Z02 • 05/26/A17 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J9 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 21.93 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Left end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 6 F_ R=196 U=12 3-6-2 RL=166/-49 1 .5X4 III 6-5 10 3-6 12 R=116 U=0 17-4-0 1 .5X6 m 1---1-6-12� 5-9-12 Over 3 Supports tntttttn� R=417 U=166 W=7.25" Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) Q •` v S.�` •• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(0%)/5(0) 16 1 . .07 0.1 QT i1 L/-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.375"/Ft. -WARNING!'* READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] • O ••IWPORiaNr•• FBRNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. ?1 . T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 945 Trusses rag"Ira o creme taro In Tabricating. handling, shlpping. Inscal""0 and bracing. Rofor to and III .. ; DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 cho latest otll clan of B. (..,:ding Compon nt Safety Informncl on, by TPI and WTCA) Tor safety practices ■ ■ .performing thasa(uncClons. Installers sM1all p,.,IdI comp...ry bracing par BCSI. Onl.ss notetl othcrja : • tap chord shall 1,—pr.porly attached st tact ral sheathing antl bottom chord shell 1,—.properly act d rigid cal I lag, Loe.tions sM1own far p.r.....t"lateral rests ln[of webs shall h.—bra.ing Installed pur�S : ,qTE : 4 DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146033 ctlons .r Bto, as.pplleabla. Apply pieces co..ch T.c.of tru antl post tlon.s shown.bov. Q ��d cho JointnD.t.11s. unless noted otM1o.wlse. R.—to dr.wings 16OAA-2 f.rsst.nd.rd place post tl ens. ani p •• , �Llr-=J Alpine dl vl elan IT ITW BulldlIn Components B..ap Ina. shall "It ba razpanslbla T.r.ny daelatl.n Tram t P •.� �`4 `OP•0 rO LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF O. any 1.1I.ra t.buI'd[h.truss In c.nformanc.with ANSI/TPI 1. .r f.r handling, shIppin • nwln g • AN ITWCOMPANY Installation&bracing.f treaaaa. '••..0R..•••���`TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3560 2z.on thls drawing or cover paps Ilacing this drawing. Indicates acceptance of proTeulonal engineering bl l lty solely Tor the daslgn ahem. The sultabll Ity and us.of this drawing Tor any ecru ry Is th I/ aap.nalbl l lty IT th.B.IIdIng Designer par ANSI/TPI 1 Sx.2. ////S/o {, -.s1� DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM G LM 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,2837 I50 / / t tt`t`11"NYt` Orlando,FL 32837 For mar. Infarmatlon s this Jabs general n s p.g.and these web alt.a: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www..Ipinvltw.c.m; TPI: www.tpinst.erg; W Ice TCA: www.sbclntlustry.c.m; lee: www. —r-Dou la FlemingLic Number:66648 N A 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J10 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 20.96 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 6 F 1-6-14 R=28 U=17 1-6-6 0-6-6 0-4-0 � R=32 U=8 3X4 B1) 1-6-0� 2 -0 Over 3 Sumn6rts ' IRIIIBy� R=272 U=64 W=1.5" N Design Cr i t: FBC201 ORes/TPI-2007(STD) +`0+0.� S�••+• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 . .07 0.1 QT t3 L/-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. -WARNING]•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI ••IMPORTANT'• FORNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. n 0• T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 946 Trusses roqulra a tramp carp In iaDrlcaCing, handling, s„Ipping. Installing ontl bracing. Rarer t a d II w / tho latest odltlon or SCSI (Building c..p....t Sar.ty Inrarmatlan. Dy Tpl ana WTCA� rar saraty pre tl ■ - : DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/2 6/1 7 o Porrorming those functions. Installers shall prov, d.to.....ry b clog Por BCSI. Unless..todcotb.rrs ■ • cop chortl—II h.—pr.p.r I ottach,d strucc ral sM1oo[M1ing ana boct m cbo rd shall h.—a properly att %d • f rigid eel I Ing. Locations s„awn rar parmane.tulataral rostra lot of w Ds all „ova broc log inatall.d par a v+ �1'E ; DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146034 I� ^ dons 03. B7 or 1310, .s appl—bl.. Apply plats t.oath r...prat ru and posltlan as.shown eb.— a I II� tho J. Batalls, unless noted otherwise. Rarer to drawings 16OAA-Z o(arsstantlard plat.positions. ram � + � P + �Tc+ LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF IIIJ ILI—J Alpino. a di—Ion or ITW Bulltling Componones Group Inc. s„all n osp...lblo ror any dovlatlon r •�• / `O •�+ r drawing. any fa 1lur.to build t.truss In c......... wl th ANSI/TP1 1.ror rar handling, sb Ipping. c ♦ L AN IT'WCOMPANY 1 sCallati.n b bracing.r trass�=. y �•. ,O_R +••��� `.TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3561 Ansssl on this dn.lnp or cover peg. Ilsting till•drawing, Indlcetss—ptencs of profssslonsl englnsering • • ®•`• r.sponslDlllty mloly rar Uo tl.slgn!h_. Th.sultsbiIMy ontl use or this dr—g Tor..y structure Is th � e asponslbi l icy.r th.Bulltling Doslgner par ANSI/TPI 1 S.c.2. 9/Sip IL�� DUR.FAC. 1.25 � FROM G LM 2300 Lake Orange Dr.,Su37 l50 ��4 SPACING 24.0 JREF- 1W15761 Z02 Orlando,COO 3278 F.r m.ra Inr.rmac TPI a thla J.b•s B.n.ral n a pogo and Cheat web nit.a: Dou la Flemin L cUNu�mber:66648 FL COA H0278 ALPINE: www,.l pinvltw.com; TPI: www.tpinst.org; WTCA: www.sbclnd ustry.c.m; IGC: www.lccsafo 1 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J11 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 21.84 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT 11, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bat chord. R=106 U=51 +3-4-2 3X4 6 3-3 10 0-6-6 _T_ Li N R=-99 Rw=67 U=103 0-4-0 3X4(B1) = 4X4 1 7X6 III 1-6-0-�� 1-8-0—>J 5-6-8 Over 3 Supports IRIIIfUp RL U=94 W=8" =15 Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) •'`L� `StC•�'• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(0%B)/5(0) 16 1 . .07 0.1 QT t2 L/-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. '.WARN ING I`• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAW]NGI • O, • T LL 20.0 0 PSF"IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. '� ■ � REF R7 6 1-- 94 7 646 Trusses r.qulry c trem.taro In iabrlc.ting, handling, sM1lpping, ins[alling one bracing. Rvlvr t.one III w : DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 tM1v lac.sc celtion of BCSI (Bulleing Componen[Saf.ty Information, by TPI and WrCA) for sv lvty praccic.s ■ .performing thus.lunctl ons. Installers 1M1nll provldv ccep.rary bracing par BCS I. UnInss n.[ad ocn.r 's ■ ■ top chord shall ha—prop.,ly.ttacn.d strucCu r.l sn.athln .nd bot—chord snail n rlgld—I lag. Locations shown far po,man.1t l.tcral r.s ilt of webs s„all „ova b,aeingPlnstalYcdep 1%5 AT � DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146038 sections B3, 07 or 010, as.pplleabl.. Apply pl.Cas[.oaen faeo�oT tru and posit i�fn ns shown abavar�( o d IIIIII�IIu1�l „a Taint D.tall.aI unI...n.tad.th—l— R.f.,to drawings iGOA-Z—at.nd.rd Plat.P.eltlons. a LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpin., a tllvlslon of ITW Bulleing Comp.n.n s Group Into snail n t b.,.sp.nslb1.f any E.v lotion f c •• ,� awing, any Tallur.c.build c.truss In conl.rmance wlc„ANSI RPI 1. .r for haneling, sM1lpping, s •O AN ITWCOMPANY InsCellation b bracing.f t,aa=�=• v��F '�.L OR\V. ��� `TOT.L.D. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3562 A eeel on thle Crewing or cover pep■ Ileting NI■dre■ing. Indl..——tence of fee.lanai Se� ■•■•�■■•• ,.spans Illcy eoloiy Tor[hv dm lgn shown. TM10 sulteblllty end use of elpils drewingrfor any engineering Sf 2400 Lake Orange Ur.,Suite l$D rvsponslblll[y.T tho Building Doslgnor par ANsI/TPI 1 Svc.2. Y seructura la th �����1p S10 DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM G LM Orlando,FL 32837 For m... Inf.rm.tl.n s Chia Job-s gvnaral s p.gl and th...w.b sl[.s: 4kftj pI pUA►� SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FLC0A80278 ALPINE: www.alpinacw.com; TPI: www,tpinsa,.rg: WTCA: www.sb.Ind..c y.com: ICC: www.I....r.IDou la FlemingLiCNum�er:66648 e 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J12 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 16.11 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Left end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 1 .5X4 III 6 r- +16-6-8 R=-41 Rw=58 U=80 RL=50/-36 6-1(-0 6-2 12 R=24 U=0 10-0-0 1 .5X6 III L<1-6-12J 1-2-81Q,mer Supports OMflidll//q!_ R=269 U=81 W=7.25" Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) 4 '���\ S�•�• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%B(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .O4.07 .1 QT ! /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.375"/Ft. —WARNING!** ANDNOTES THIS ••II1PORTARr" FURNISH THRIISS DRAW NGLTO�ALLLCONTRACTORS INCLUDINGGTHE INSTALLERS. _ T LL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 948 Trusses r,q"lra o rem.car. In fabrleaeing, h_dling, shlpping, Inst.lIing Intl bracing. Rvfvr a Ind__ �1 [M10 l .d Rion of BCSI (Bulidi ng CamPan nt Snr.ty Info...tI— by TPI Ind WTCA) for safety Pratt""Srl . r *CI DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 co porra rming chose funcelons. Installers shall pr.vldv temporary bracing Por BCSI. Unless nv d vche.v .e op chard shall Lava prnP.rly vttacM1vd scructurol .h.vthing and boc[..cM1ortl shall 1,ava a P.oParly--hp ® ATE Qg DL 1 0.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146084 rI910 calling. Lococl.ns sM1vwn far pv rmnnv t loco rvl rvstr.in1,of webs shall have bracing Ins[a l IId parCOSrl n--� saccl lns B3. B7 or BIO, Is o pli blo. Apply plat..to...h 1....1cru C ntl posiclon as shown Ibovo andS �. d IILIhIILJ�I th, hint D.tall.. .nlass n tad atLarwls.. R.rar to awing.16GA-Z r.r`;andard Plata Pasltl.n.. a. ^ rj��. LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpinv, a dlv slon of ITW Bullding Coapo...—Group Inc, hAHI1 n t b,rospo..Ibly rar any d.vlatl.n from tL �. /�� `O�•♦• c_ drawing, any fall...co I"I'd the truss I.confo.manta witM1 ANSI/TPI 1, or for M1antlling. shlpping, W,0,A ��� O o AN ITW COMPANY Instal IaClon&bracing of t....... %/ .........•* TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3563 A s..l on chi.dIl lnp or.ov.r p.0. Jill thl.drI lny, lndl..t....apt.nu of proresslon.I .npin..r lnp ospons1ellley wlaly rar the dZ!g sho.n. 'I So -III Ity and use yr"Is drs.Ing far Iny.trot.r. Is[h /iy�IQNA� DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM ..pan. Illty of cho B.IId di no Oo.I....Po.axsl/TPI 1 Soc.2. / " 2400 Lake Orange Dr.Suite I50 hp� �[•� Orlando FL 32837 F. m.r. Inf.rmatlan. h1.'J3 .g.n.r.1 .P.go and th.....b SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z02 ALPINE: wwv. I In.ltw.com; TPI: Dou la FlemingLie Number:66648 FL COA N0278 a P cpl .org;WTCA: wuw.sbclndustry.c Icc: www.I...r. ' 05/26/2017 V THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - J13 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC design. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent live load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 13-0-14 6 F_ R=180 U=53 3-4-6 0-6-6 10-0-0 � R=108 U=0 3X4(B1) 1-6-0->J 5-8-0 Over 3 Supports Iffllldlpp�I R=410 U=30 W=8" Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) '♦ SF •� PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16 1 .04;.07 .1 QT !1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. "WARNING. READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS, 1 • T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 949 • Trusses roqulro c omo or In TobrlcaCing. M1ontlling, shlpping• In Calling ontl bracing. Rofar i ... ; *'(�DL 1 5.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 cho latest etll ilon oTreCSlc(Building Companon[Sofafy Informaclon, bystPl antl"'TCA) far smrbty prnccicas Irl Co par roan ing inoso Tun dons. Installers'h"' p""d.tompornry bracing Por BCS1. Unlass nocod acborwV. T • op ehortl s„nll hnvo proporly ofeoc„etl shunt ral lM1anc„Ing Ine bottom chortl s1,oll bava n praporly n pn Cq w AI E •ag( DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146044 r Ct' calling, Loenil ons shown ror pormApply lotaral raserolni or webs shall M1ove bracing Ins[al lotlipar COS �^ socilons 63, B]or 8 ' os opplicoblo. Apply pintos eo aaeoM1 r160O-Z for antl posl elan as shown nbovo ontlS��♦♦ ♦♦ d O tho Jolnc Ootnlls, unless noted otherwise. Rorer to tlrawings 160A-Z sinnenre Plato Paslilana. °.• P. .• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpino. o tllvlslan of ITW Bulleing Components Group Inc. boll espansiblo ror any tlovlaelon from ch ♦• C ,O •♦ tlrawing, bny fallura co bul ld cho Cross in conrormanco wl[M1 AN51/TPlbl,ror for M1n ntlling, shlppin ♦ • AN ITWCOMPANY Installnilon&brocing ar ir.__ g 'ry,ter. '••..... �� ��TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3564 A•••1 on thl•dr•.Ing or toyer peg• 11•ting till•dr ing, Indle•t•••eapt•nc•of prof•••lon•I•ngln ring '��"' rosponal bl llty solely imr tha doslgn sM1a.n. Tha aul_"I lty and usa or-I dr—Ing far.ny airvccu ra Id t„ -'i S/ONA1L��� DU R.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM a.Ionslblllfy or No Bulldln9 Da9lgnor ANSI/TPI 1 Sx 2. N/ 24()0 Late Orange DL,Suite ISO wr h�N�fy4Ma1WQ►U� Orlando,FL 32837 Far morn Informntlon s this Job's ganoral n s pngo and thasa web al[ea: SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: wxn.ol pinoltw.com; TPI: www.ipinsi.org; WiCA: www.sbclntlustry.tom; ICC: www.IccsaToDou la FlemingLie Number:66648 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - KJ1 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase Hipjack supports 1-11-3 setback jacks with no webs. factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 4.24 F-- R=-6 U=1 12-6-4 1-5 12 0-6-2 -T- R=-5 Rw=8 U=0 11-4-0 3X4(B1) �— 2-1-B— -8-13 Over 3 Su000dls ►n��ai�y,/. R=198 U=39 W=11.3" S .Fr ^r�q/iq/aryl/ Design Cr i t: FBC201 ORes/TPI-2007(STD) 4 SF•��I�Y y PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/5(0) 16. 1 .04.07 .1 QT !1 /-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. "WARNING!" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING[ • •'IHPOR{ANF'• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. S T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 950 y I T........qulro oxt Tama car. In fabric.-Ing, hanS11ing, shlPping, Install ing ane bracing. Rofar t and Cl . .... r * DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/2 6/1 7 cM1. Iac.s- el o BCsI (Building C.mpon nc nfoc �T.rmntl— y T bP I ane WTCA) ror sa T.ty pro.ticas iri � r .parf.rming chaso functlons. Ins[allars shall provltlo tomp.rary bracing p.r SCSI. Unioss nocatl.th—.— . . cop chord shall havo proporly attached struet ral sheathing one b.--.m chore sh.1l havo n pro. I .ttaeh4y a ;ATE f t8 DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR76l 17146074 r lgid calling. Locations shown for parmaneneuln-oral rostr.lne of webs shall hove bracing Inst.11ad par 60S y -Ions 63, B7 or 810. .s.pplic.bl a. Apply places to oacM1 Taco of tru ane p.sl-Ion as shown 1—..ndS ff J Datvlls. unless nocce.-hcrwiso. Rof.r t.drawings 1GOAo-Z forsseantlartl plate Posl-Ian=. a /S"b •.� OQ. �• LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF LLII Alp—. a tlivlslon or ITW Bul Iding Components Group Inc. shall n c bo rdsponslbte for vny eavloclon f m ch • / tlrnwing, any fallura to bul Id ih.-russ in conform....wl[M1 ANSI/TPI a, or ror M1andling, shlpping, �� •.•\O R` �•• AN IT'WCOMPANY Inst.ila-l.n A bracing of tr.��.s. Oi �.+^• •+■..�®Q �� TOT.LD. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3606 A...1 on ehl.dr..ing or.ov.r p.R. Il.tln0 thl.dl—I�, Ind.—..—pt.n..of p-T...lon.lr tR ln..rinD /y// �/ rospon.Ibllley val.ly for Ua tlmlgn sM1..n. Tha.ultebllley.ntl um of this tlr..ing for any se uro la th /// asponslbl lley of H,.Bullding Oaslgn.r p.r ANSI/TPI , S...2. yi S,O�Y Al. DUR.FAC. 1 .25 FROM GLM 2400 Lake Orange Dr.,Suite 150 lyy�F�'�tu"yU�t� Orlando FL 32837 F.r mar. Infarmatla.. -hla Jabs ganar.l a p.g.and-M1asa web=Ica=: SPACING 24.0" J RE F- 1 W1 5 7 6 1 Z— FLCOAH0278 ALPINE: www.vlpinvlcw.cvm; TPI: www.tpinst,.rg; WrCA: wvw.sbclneuscry.c.m; ICC: www.Iccsar-Dou la FlemingLie Number:66648 " 05/26/2017 1. THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - KJ2 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Hipjack supports 7-1-4 setback jacks. Jacks up to 7' have no webs. Longer jacks supported to BC. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. Provide ( 3 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 3 ) 0.162"x3.5" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord R=298 U=82 15-1-4 3X4 4.24 r 4-0 12 0-6-2 Tj Li R=431 U=0 11-4-0 1 .5X4 III 3X3 3X4(B1) 2-1-7—� 10-0-9 Over 3 Supports IflllMgq/� R=512 U=72 W=11.314" Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) o S�\ • PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(0%)/5(0) 16_1 .4 .07 .1 QT 3 L/-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. w'WARNINGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI . O. . T ILL 20.0 PSF REF R761-- 951 "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. • ■ Trusses r ulr,e o In Tabrleatin M1antllln shl In InsCallin entl brocin Roi.,t antl III w ■ CM10 I__edltl.n orrgCSle(Bulltlln,Component Safety glnfarmalon. by TPI and WTCA) for s.f.ty pr.atit., ro • " ■ ` DL 15.0 PSF DATE 05/26/1 7 o par forming chess functions. Installers sh,ll pro,I do t.mpor.ry b,o.ing po,BCSI. Unl.ss note oth.r • cop c..rd s..11 1,—prop.,I....—d scruct r.l shoothl.D.ntl bottom chortl sh.1I h—o pr.p.,ly.C—Cd . T • rigle c.Iling. L...tlons shown for p.rman..t"lot...1 rostra lnt of wobs—11 h.—bracing In,t.Il.e p.,VS • Af E ; DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR761 17146040 r, �� seetl.,.0D 67 or B10, as opplleoble. Apply pl.tto C.°och fac.ocl— C ntl posttt,.s shown°bOVOrom� ° •• d 111111� tM1° Lint D.t.11s. unl.ss n.II .th.rwls.. R°f°r t°e,awings,BOA-Z f.,ss a.a.re p.sltl.n=. , LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/DF Alpine, a tll vl slon of ITW Bulltling Components Group Inc, shall n esponsI=for any e.vl.tlon. •j /�f `OP°• \ awing, any.allure to builtl the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPln,.ror for I, d ing, shipping, t �� ®� `OIR •• AN ITWCOMPANY installation.bracing..truss.,. '!r, �. ••..•■�,,..•• ��, 'r�TOT.L.D. 45.0 PSF SEQN- 3607 A s..l on[hie ennln■or.—.r p.g. II■tlno thl.■r.■Ino. In■le.—a—ptence of prof...loml .nWln..rinW ���ry .}o osponslblllty solely far oho emlgn whom. Tho nulteblllty entl use of thin gr..ing for enY structure In th � e j� DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM G LM asp,—I blllty of the Bulltling DosIg...p.r MISI/TP1 T Sac.2. // „!r �.A 2400 Lake Orange Dr.Suite I50 /�ulUlU �1111P��� Orlando FL 32837 For more Inf....tI..s this Job,g.n.r.l n ,p.g...a th.,.wan sit.=: Caul SPACING 24.0" J REF- 1 W1 57 6 1 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www.e,pine,tw,com: TPI: _pinst..rg; WTCA: www.sbclntlustry.cam; 'cc: wm,I....f.IDou la Flemin Lic Number:66648 05/26/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS,& DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. ( 17-0010-/OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES / /NAKELSKI RESIDENCE (MARBE /LOT-7 THE RESEREVES - KJ4 ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP B, wind TIC DL=9.0 psf, wind BC Top chord 2x4 SP #2 DL=5.0 psf. GCpi(+/-)=0.18 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #2 Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Hipjack supports 7-0-0 setback jacks with no webs. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 1.50. PROVIDE (3) 16d COMMON (0.162"X3.5") NAILS, TOE NAILED AT T.C. PROVIDE (3) 16d COMMON (0.162"X3.5") NAILS, TOE NAILED AT B.C. * Toe nailing allowed based on average reaction/uplift. NOTE: LATERALLY BRACE BOTTOM CHORD ABOVE FILLER AT 2'0" O.C. MAX. INCLUDING A LATERAL BRACE AT CHORD ENDS. 1 .5 X4 III * 15-0-10 R=123 U=0 3 X 4 3-4-2 4.24 3X8 * +12-0-0 o-s-2 Li -s-o 1 .5X4 III 4X4 - R=588 U=131 T11-4-0 1 .5X4 III 3X4(B1) 1 .5X4 III 1 .5X4 III 2-1-7� 1-3-1 2-9-11 5-9-5 9-10-13 Over 3 Supports R=502 U=71 W=11.313" IBWltlty Design Crit: FBC201ORes/TPI-2007(STD) •• V SF •• PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(0%O)/5(0) 16 1 .4 .07 .1 QT 1 L/-/3/-/-/R/- Scale =.5"/Ft. —WARN INGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] • • "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. � • �• • T LL 20.0 PSF REF R7 6 1-- 952 Trussas r ulra ag ox rema earn In(abrlcating, handling, shipping. Installing and bracing. Rafor to and tall w . *Cl DATE 05/26/1 7 [M1a locos[atlltlon oI BCSI (BuIlding Compon nt Sn fat Informntlan, b TPI ono WTCA for sofa[ ..Ices ro ■ o performing[bona runctlons. Installers shall p-ldo tamporory brocing por SCSI. Unless noted otM1or DL 1 5.0 PSF top chard shall havo properly ottachod s[ruci rol I-thing one bottom chord shall havo a proparly ntcocrCtl ♦ DL 1 0.0 PSF r lgld calling. Loea[lons shown for pgrmanant"lotornl rostralnC or webs shall havo brocing installed parnlr�5 p DRW HCUSR761 17146124 1� I'� dons 03, 07 or BID, as opplicoblo. Apply plows co aoch face of tru and position as shown nb—a d%a ; ATE •�• a II �� rho .,It Daialls. unions natdtl atharwisa. Rafar to drawinga,BDoA_Z farsstanda rtl Plata pasltlans. . ry� -* P ,OA .• ,L�p- LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG KD/WHK ILI`�LI IIL—J' Alpine, a dl,lslon of ITW Building Components Group Int. shall n c bn rosponslble for any d—lotion from e / • `-♦ P,"' drawing, any folluro to build tM10 trans In conformance with ANSI/TPI ,, or ror handling, shlpping. /j��/�/�•+ OR ••• �`sTOT.LD. 45.0 PSF S EQN- 3765 AN ITW COMPANY inseal lotion a brae ing or erussas. 'II \/�� •. ♦ ^ A usl on Lhls drs•In /// ••WW of N•• \VA IMl le solol gfar the aoswlgs Ilsting"I.d—Ing, Indlestss sedptsncs of professlonsl ll,I91 rinp osponslb Y Y gn shasn. Ths sulisblIIW snd use mr"Is dr—I,g for sny structure Is ihIVAI EN S DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM GLM 246)Lake OrangeDr.,Suite 150 ospona Il Ity of the Bul ld ing Dosignor por ANSI/TPI T Soc.2. ��/ Orlando FL 32837 wrFor mo o Information s tCisJ s genarol n It..pogo and thasa wab alt— Uun1 110�U'� SPACING 24.0" JREF- 1W15761 Z02 FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www..olpinol<w.com: TPI: pl .erg; WTCA: —bcln str duy.com: ICC: rnrw.IccsofoDou la Flemin Lie Number:66648 05/26/2017