HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Plans+46.1 0.0 -- Left Elevation scale. 1/4 = 1 0 +46.1 +44.0 _50.0 �— 57.5 ftht Elevation scale: 1/4" = T-0" III II IC I I_■■!I II��I ICI 011 io- II�'I I'4 bail III ^ ! it ICI I�il li�I Ili!�I it II I III »I h!I Ill lii�l II L I I'i!I Ill i _ Front Elevation scale: 1/4" = T-0" — General Foundation Notes Concrete shall be a minimum of 4" thick over clean compacted, termite treated fill and 6 mil polyethylene vapor barrier. If concrete slab contains 6" x 6" 10/10 WWM provide 1" coverage Concrete shall have at minimum compressive strength of not less than 3,000 p.s.i. All 9096 hooks are to be extended 10" minimum beyond the turn. Field bends are to be done cold and the diameter of the bend, measured on the Inside of the bar, is not to be less than six bar diameters. Minimum coverage for rebar shall be 3" in footings and 1 1/2" in bond beams. Hooks may be rotated horizonitally if required to achieve minimum coverages. Reber overlap shall be 48 bar diameters. 30" for 05 rebar The foundation dealgn assumes that the soil has a minimum load carrying capacity of 2000 p.sf. In the event the soil bearing capacity falls below 2000 p.s.f. This foundation plan may be superceded by Foundation Deslgn Engineer. Satisfactory compectlon test of flll does not verify Bower soils are adequate. All specifications and dimensions to be verified by contractor.. All exterior slabs shall slope a minimum 1/8" per foot for drainage r� c w General RoofirNLNotes Roofing to be composed of and attached to pre manufactured wood trusses as follows: Fiberglass shingles certified for project area with (6) fasteners/ tab fasteners to be corrosion resistant annular ring shank roofing nails, Felt underiayment (min. ASTM 0 226 Type ll) with 4" min, side and end laps fasten with coorogsiion resistant annular ring shank nails Iftro fpitchaiiss<4//12 install (2) Iarye g 15# spaced 12"c:c. in field. If roof pitch is 4/12 or greater, install (1) layer 30# felt. 7/16" c.d.x, plywood deck installed with staggered joints & GI clips, nailed to trusses with 8d corrosion resistant annular ring shank nails spaced max 6"o.c: throughout, except max. 4o.0. at gable ends. All roof trusses are to be pre -manufactured assemblies provided by a licensed wood truss fabricator with separate drawings and data prepared for actual project conditions by a Florida registered professional en sneer certified for truss design Any deviation from the proposed plans as shown regarding placement or bearing shall be brought to the attention of the truss engineer prior to fabrication Of the trusses. The truss manufacturer's certified layout shall govern after fabrication. The handling, erectlon, and fixing of wood trusses shall be in accordance with the specifications contained on the certified ntfgr's, drawings and data, All engineered headers and truss hangers to be provided by the truss manufacturer. Splitting or cracking of structural components due to Installation of hardware is not permitted. Unless otherwise noted, the Installation of specified hardware shall oonform to the truss manufacturers installation Instructions and standard practice. ELE(rL*.A"TR`1 AL LEDGEND tSURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE — ---- � --- SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE Ff} SWITCH � DUPLEX OUTLET p PUSH BUTTON Footiqg Details 14" x 18' mono. tooting with (2) 05 rebar cunt 18"' 14" MOM EDGE F001'ING 12" x 12" mono. footing with (1) #5 rebar Cont. 4" 12" 12" MONO" EDGE FOOTING 2(Y-0" EXISTING RESIDENCE (�ENIIERAL RiC=OUREi ENTS General contractor is responsible for ail labor, materials, utilities, testing, waste removal, storage, securing of site, accorrlodation, transport/frald t, and all other cost related to the completion of this project., runless expiicitly Identified here. Owner is responsible for all municipal related charges such as impact fees, and water connection, except building permit fees, which are to be Included in the construction bid. General contractor to check all drawings for errors and ornmissions and p r r f harchitectri r t rtln an vvo k o bring them to the attention of the o .o sta • gp Y , ordering any materials of the respective division of work. I such errors and ommisslons are not reported in wrltingto the architect, any resulting damages or costs shall be born entirely by the general contractor. Architect is not responsible for the contractors method or means of construction. General contractor is to keep the site In a clean and safe state through out the course of construction. On building turnover, general contractor to clean all surfaces so as to be free of dust, grease, stains, scuffs, etc. Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall conform to the manufacturers instructions and standard practice. All plans and drawings are not considered complete until they have been reviewed and approved by the Building Department and the building permit has been Issued. No attempt has been made to delineate all conditions and details. The contractor must visit the site to establish the complete scope of work and conditions affecting that work. If the proposed building area exceeds 720 s.f,. All windows are to be provided with shutters to meet the mlissle impact requirements in accordance with the'Florida Building Code 201_ If the proposed building area Is less than 720 s.f, shutters are not required. -�' Top plates on all wood frame bearing walls to be minimum 24" long. All structural tumber to be #3 grade or better Electrical Schedule rr—.�—• w.�. circuit Description Volts Load Kw WIR Trip Pole Wire Cond. liernarlcs are dra Lta & Recept 120 2A KIN 20 A f P 2 #12 1/2' at , rstloe ----- l Lts & Peoept 120 24 KW 20 A 1 P 2 4V12 1,/" .�rrrr -otal 4.8 KW—__--.^.-- --- — 48o0 w a 20.0 Amps — 240 rrrr Electrical contractor to verify all equipment loads prier to start of construction Electrical contractor to reed vlale electrical schedule If loads are to be modified "Simpson" Connector Schedule — Truss ID Bearing Point I 'truss Uplift Connector ID Connector Uplift Fasteners — A01 A } 399# L H10 905# plate`t& (8) 8c— nails to truss B A02GE A <300# H10 905# plate`)&(s) sc'— nails to truss B A02GE Each Vertical <300# -- MSTA18 — 1115# rr h�'> Vol x 1 1iz" ow etrao rrr l- ---- - - ---F-.2-- --- -- --I A01 I I 3/4" recess at A011 door location I « I � A01 Ar01 to I I A01 4" 3000 pal. concrete � slab with 6 x 6 10/10 A01 F-1 wwm or fibermix over F"1 1 6 Till, vappor barrier and clean, 9596 compacted,f ill AID) I I TERMITE TREATMENT REQUIRED j A01 I I I Slope for- I A01 Garage dr.\ L A01 F-1 I R� F-1 A02CE 12" 12" Foundation &_ Footing Plan scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" — — Existing Overhang Typ• Existing (Ridge EXISTING RESIDENCE Remove Existing Overhang 2 x 4 laterals across bottom cords at 1/3 points of span —� --� — — T — -- Pre Eng. Wood Trusses 24"o.c. 2 x 4 blocking btwn. bottom cords acid ?able end bracing 12' (.aAe cla�fs iID Roof FranlingPlan scale: 1/4" = T-0" Pril Data SDl�«rc' �(�'� it f `��Rbrk Project Name: Attached Garage Attached frame two car garage Street Address: 7904 McClintock Way City, Port St. Lucie County: at, i-ucla Buiiidin ° Data State: Florida _. __-._.._._1 -•_. _-- C;occupanoy, -rype: group U Construction Type: e Number alf Stories: One Building Code [NUmber of Seats: N.A. 2014 Florida Building Cod Fesidential �.,_. Design Loads Florida BU—ilng—_e�de Data Roo f L. a t.c d: 20Z gsof. Use (croup: Assembly Group U Utility & Miscellaneous VArld Speed: 160 MPH Type of Construction: V Unprotected Wind Importance Farolar: 1.0 Building (,aaiQegor'1/: lV Building variables: (FE3C Ta a ;6�3) AllowedProvBd' Wind Expos(:re: C Building Height in Feet: 40 ft 12.0 ft, Irlterrell Fressure iO"oefficent: .13 Building Freight in Stories: 1 1 Structure Designed: i nolosedl Building Area/Floor Area: —_ 3000 s.f. 440 s,f. Eaoil bearing oalpacoty: 2000 p,s.f. Occupant Load: 400 0. / 200 ® 2 Occupants Egress Wi dth: ,2" per person x 2 .44" 6.4" I-ength of mead End Corridor: N.A. File ,Copy -° Maximum Distance to Exit: 300.0" 20,0' Minimum Number of Exits: 1 1 GONCEALEDFASTENERS ORATT.4OHYENTS SOIL ST�4�'I�I�EiV�: ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE Foundatiort shall be, designed for a soil bearin capacity of 2000 :t,s,l. layers Each CNWOR OF REQORD Fill shall be laid in of 61'. layer to be compacted to 99% compaction, If the contractor encounters, while digging the foundation, any discrepancy to suggest the soil may be Inade)cuate, Ise must immediately report it to the owner and the Architect or Engineer so as to order a soit boring test. THESE PLANS AND ht ,l. PROPOSED WORK ARE $1.10411 "'' ',AY CORRECTIONS REQUI *L t1, " .) INSPECTORS THAT " Window & Door Flashing IVCa$es MAYS'; t` YijN.ORDERTO'` COMPLY t't .....I.PPLICA®L000ES At the exterior window and door openinggs flashing shall extend to the surface of the exterior war finish or to the wa'.er resistive barrier for subsequent dralnage Flashing at 'lhe exterior window and door openings shall be Irstalled In accordance with the window and door manufacturers' 1��n _ written flashing Instructions. 8i1 L iCtm T?Z BUII %yG nIV;SION II VIVI1 m) Fox MP v 7 t�At 0irA 1V 9XIM PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NV WSPECTION WILL BE M.. &DE. 20'-0" EX16TIN0 RESIDENCE Provide (2) 2 x 12 9'r'f with V? piywd, flitch � header --- Electrical circuits to be wired from existli g house panel l ] Window & Door 4" r, �f = to optional l coach lights N 24 s.h. locations may 1 f vary (Min. 24 � from wall corners) I Typical � I 24 s, Provide (2) 2 x 12 S'YF 1/2" plywood flitch `with header 16070 ovemead - - I ---- i — optional p \ , /� optional �, Tvp 2 0------- 1� )-- `t"OA _ - fvlin. �TMit1. Floor & Electric Plan Total BuRdable Area: 4.00 — af. scale: 1/4" C T-V G ro e� L" b W LL i t" ,5 ., aP.= t•� 410011 !') z O�dI _I z I..L r� of Wall Pry > UJ .�¢ D9 pay 3: CC � � ��,�,• txa r LJ°t 00 data fevr=.rlon 4/17A7 Plan Revie sA Shacked data Y 3/2017 scale se rated Jcb nutter 11030 Shiva; STEP 1 �ck Fashing over�l &— Door Frame. Extend flashing back full width of framing Door Frame Secured to wood framing as per manufacturers reoomeh- dations THVEK Building WraR at wood frame tocatFcons STEU Apply Vertical Peel & Stick Fashing over Door Frame. Extend flashing back full width of framing Wood Frame Wall Concrete Foundation Provide Sealant Under Threshold Frame Wall Door Flashing STEP 3 Apply Horizorrial Peel & Stick Fashing over --, Flange. Extend flashing back full width of framing Window Flange Secured to wood framing as per. manufacturers recomen- datlons T1"VEK Building Wrap at wood frame locations STEP 2 Apply Vertical Peal & Stick Fashing over —G Flange, Extend flashing back full width of framing Apply $111 Peel & Stick Fashing over Flange. _ Extend flashing back full width of framing Wood Frame Wall Wood Frame Wall 6„ Wood Frame wall in Wood (Frame Wall Frame Wall _Window FlashirLg- (2) 2 x 12 with 1/2" boor Fram ng scale: 3/4" ® T-0" (2) 2 x 12 with 1/2„ plywood flitched header (14 CL O o "E (6 �. 11 ii u 6" u u Rough Opening u u 6" Window Framing scale: 3/4" ® 1'-0" ?) 2 x 6 top elate On "Simpson SPH6 a stud (6) 10d x 11/2" "Simpson" MSTA16 pith (14) 10d each at tud to header x 6 pt. sill plate Ih "Simpson" SP6 each stud with i 10d x 1 1/2" 1/2" dia. anchor bolts or 1/2" dia. 6" long "Titen HD" anchors with 2" square x 1/8" washers (2) 2 x 6 top plate with "Simppson" SPH6 to stud (6) 10d x 1 1/2" (1) "Simpson" MSTA18 with (14) 10d each at stud to header impson" SP6 each stud with 110d x 1 1/2 2 x 6 p.t, silt plate with "Simpson" SP6 ' at each stud with (6) 10d x 1 1/2" 1/2" dia. anchor bolls or 1/2" dia 6" long \\,_"'irkten HD" anchors with 2" square x 1/6" washers (2) 2 x 12 with plywood flitche header pson" MSTA18 Gable Truss to top plate and: (4) 10d x 1 1/2" each truss vent. it (2) 2 x 6 top plate with "Sim son SPH6 to stud, (Fi) 10d x 1 1/2" (1) "Sum son MSTA18 with 10d each at stud to header Simpson" LTT20$ with 0 16d nails to studs ind 1/2" x 6" ffTiten Hp" vith out washer to siab x 6 P.t sill plate with "Simpson" SP6 it each stud With 6) 10d x 1 1/2" G ar q Door Jamb - Typical Srng. Header Detail Scale; 3/4" m T-0" Fascia Cap fasten with ,125" dta. x 1 1/2" long roofing, nail 3/8" head did, soffit panel 24"o.c. F channel fasten with Soffit Detail .125" dia, x 1 1/2" long roofing nail 3/8" head dia, scale: 1 1/2 e 11-0" 16"oc. PRODUCT APPROVAL. Product Wining Design Pressures Product Hated Design Pressures Manufacturer Model NumberApproval. Number Mass Type Attachment Method Nam— Windows +46.1 -50.0 +56.0 -68.0 PGT Industries Series SH-200 NOA#: 15-0528.22 1/8^ Annealed Jambs: 91' max. from corners and 21"o.c, and 8"oc, above and below meeting rail with 012 Steel SMS Edge distance 9/16" and 13/8" embedment.. Soffit .44.0 -30.0 +1067 -333 Kaycan 12" T4 Vented FL#: 16503 KA. See Soffit Detail Page A••2 Siding +41.2 + 74.0 Style Crest, Inc. Fairfield Select FL#; 12231.6 NA. 1,1/2" long 11 Gauge roofing nails 16"ac. SwingDoers— — +44;0 -575 +/.. 67.0 Therms-Tru Fiberglass FL#: 5891.1 g , N.A.6" from corners & 14"o.c. at iambs, #10 Wood screws with 1 1/2" embed. Into wood I;arage Doors +3922 47.9 +42.0 -48.0 Clopay Bldg. Products Wlndcode W7 FL#: 5684.3 N.A, 5/16" x 1 5/8" lag screw at each jamb bracket Roofing GAF 3 Tab Shingles FL#: 10124-R'19 NA (6) 1 1/4" long roofing nails per shingle min. Fiberglass shingles over felt as noted on 7/16" c.d.x. — plywood decking, See roofing notes Pre engineered wood trusses 24"o.c. 2 x 6 cont,- fascia, wrap With alum. Alum, drip min. 4" lap Vinyl aS and blocking T'yvek house wrap over sheathing,, 1/2" dia, anchor bolts or 1/2" dia. 6" long Mten HD" anchors with 2" square x 1/8" Washers at 32"o.c. max. c.c, and 6" from corners 2x6p."..sill with "Simpsc at each stuc (6) 10d x 11, 2 x 4 blocking at 4'-0"o.c, starting from ridge between both top and bottom cords for two truss spaces from - gable and See truss shop - drawings 12 2.75 "Simpson" H10 fastener at each truss wits (8) 8d to truss and (8) 8d to top plate (2) 2 x 6 lop plate with "Simpson SPI-16 to each stud at 16"o•c. with (10) 10d x 1 1/2" nails 2 x 6 SPF studs at 16"o.c, max. 4" 3000 p.s.i. concrete slab with 6 x 6 10/10 wwm or fibermix over 6 mil. 'vappor barrier and clean, 9596 compacted, fill to I Min, r 711 See footing J r details T�/r1IC�� ��V Section �s°c..ale: 3°/4" * T-a„ 2 x 4 diagonal "X" bracing of ridge with (3) 12d each end 12" (2' Continuous 2 x 4 Lateral bracing at 1/3 points of span. Nail with (2) 16d each truss btm. cord Continuous 2 x 4 bracing nailed to top plates with - 16d at 12"o.c. Viable End br PW"N ail_ scale: 3/4" = T-0" File Copy I. drip edge W lap \,1 x 6 wood with Alum. fasola ,Vented soffit Gable end truss by truss mfgr, 7/16" c.d.x, plywood with 8d nails 4"oc. 2x "L" web stiffener as required by the truss imfgr. "Simpson" MSTA18 truss to top plate or alined Stud with (14) 10d x 1 112" located at each truss vertical (2) 2 x 6 'lop plate with 'Simppson" SPH6 to stud (6) 10d x 1 '11Z dat% ievidon 4/17A7 Flan �evisw drawri al -- checked sa. seta MOM %ale job number lfcao shaot A� Z