HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 Vegetation removal WyszDATE S1I-&WTTrEa. Bm&W Penri t Kan*cr- " amp '7t 7F?vR1!0A T'nn�w-kaed Prujn#: T. LUC IE COUNTY NOTICE OF VEGETATION REMOVAL PPLIC;ATION 1, Please cornplele the req steel information zmd submit to the St. Lucie Counly Frn iroutttenlal Rc aurccs I>cparanciito'rBaiiding&LDjingDeparimcFt. For addiiiomit infarrratiojj, please contact the EnvironrncnLll Resources Department at (772) 462-2526. Fi ing th"i application does Aar res-rltin ua aulho?F41 0H to a mmence anv vegefohon remmal or alteraliorr. (in addidon 10 the site Phm Pmvided to the Buildinl; Ileparinmat) the plans must aocurdtely depict the location ofa]I proposed building, stuctures, driveways, sepk Un. , and other i1FgMo 'ezneltiS- Incomplete applications mill not be accepted in accordance with scctinn I I ,O5.pb {c} of rite 5t, Lucie Coun[v Land Developmcm Code. Within twenty (20) rays after an application Lis bi [cn deterruined to be coroplctc- tMo Em-ironmemal Resources Dq)artnmrA shall ro%icw the applimiont and approve, approve with conditions. or deny the application. bKued on ft standards sci forth in Section 60005 of this Cade. Applications requiring a cpn(.iirieia building permit will t}C processed'vithin the saute 1ML-Aty (20) day thmfminc. however will not be reloascd until the building permit is also approx-cd, Pcr Section 11.05.06 b- 6- of the St. Lucie C'ounly Land Developrtteni Coda the filing of anapplic-ation shall bo &enned to extend perruission to the Em ironmmlal Resowcos Director, or designee_ to inspect the subject site Ior purposes of c-valuating tivC application Plcasc list miy spociFc iofonna ion such as a gate code or the necessity of 24 hour notice due to i,atlle grazing, aontrolicd burns, outside pets, etc - In the C oi1t that it is dc[cnruncd that am .Federal or state protected species is resident on or dependent upon the subject parcel, all development ►vodc which might advemly affect that iWividual species shall cease and stop work- The applicant shall immediately notify the Florida Fisb and Wddli!`e ConseRmtion Commission. U-S- Fish an l Wildlife Scn ice, and tic Coimtv- Appropriate protection to 1k,, satisfaction of all p2wdes sha11 be provided by the applicant prior to resuming development. OWNERS NAME: �cr� * PRO) E T LOC� ION/ADDRESS: i ti O i 1 C E f,vim. CITY: r ri} eirC� SPATE: FL ZIP: CONTACT PHONE() -1'1 , �i - � 5- PARCELSIZE; t PROPERTY "FAX I u GATE CODE. (IF APPLICABLE): i AL EMAIL ADD RE SS: (CONTACT PIIONE NUMBER FOIL 1}F:RMIT PICK VP. J1 CON TRACTOR INFO RNIATION CIF APPLICAB E): .tit- ar ucie f oualy Code c ncl Compiled Lows mgmires thai this lYff. of work be done by a fiven*ed cemiracior. aPPyrn for this per€ It under [he OWnefIbUildCr exeMjrlron, .see DI5Cr?osure tuieMerrtort {xl�c 4- LAND CLEARING COFACTOR NAME: TFID ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: FLORIDA REUCERT #f ST LUCIE CO. CERT- # BU ILDING CONTkAC'i OR ADDRESS:. PHONE NUMBER - if BRIEF LY DF,SCRIBE THE PROPOSED VE GF.TATION RF;MOVAL. INC LIJIn LOCAI'IoN TYPE AND QUANITT Y OF VF.(;RTATION TO BE R%:,MQVED. PROVIDE A SKETCH OR SITE PLAN IF APPLICABLE. D EPICTI NG WHIERE PROPOSED REMOVAL AN DtO P, DEVELOPM ENT WILL OCCUR. i 1 f r I f UPDATKI) Dlr2D t4 OMPLETE EITHER PART I OR 19) W, PART I - EXEMPTION Any Person who ifsWWs to fc1mvtk or cause the death of any vegetation pursuaru to any of the following cxcrrFp[ions must firs# fill out Puri l of this 110m The burden of proving entitlement to any particular cWrnption shall lie, at al l times_ Mth the person or persons clai ruing the e)xmption, PLEASE CidECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. The minimal removal of vegetation necessar v fo r the clearing of a N trr pot to exceed 4' i n width- to provide physical access or view necessary to conduce a survey or site cx'lrtrination OR 10' in width to provide vehicular auccss necessary to conduct soil tests. for the prcpv 1#ion of bona fide site development plans or vicgeiaiion imr-wories; providrd SuOk clearing or removil is conducted wider the direction of a Flo nda registered surveyor or exoneer- Fee: 5.55 2. The remova I of vegetation iu a; utility eascmert. drai rage easi:uk .nL storm water waivigernent tmcl Or facility, or right-of-way provided such woA is done by or amdcr the control of the operating udIil%- Company and tt19 compacty has obtained al necessary licenses or permits to provide utility serviCc through the c sernent. Fee- S..S5 3. ThQ- remoV0.1 of vegetation which has been determined to be a sz,rety hazard, destrued or damaged bc��ond saving by natural canscs or causes not Covered by other sections of this chaptcr* is. infected vuilb disease or is infestied whet insects_ or which constitutes irnmediatc pczii to life proNrly or other trees, Fee: $55 4. The removal of native vegetaoorl. upon arty delachcd single fanily residenQ.ial tot or parcel of land having 311 �1C 1 of one (1) ,acre or less- This exemption is, JrDjvcver, subject 10 the roe to vying conditions: Fee: $55 A) Nothing in 111is cxemptipn shall exec pt RrFv person from ft landscaping requirerncrlts set forth in Section 7.09,00 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; 3) This e.-emption shall not be constmed 1p alllovr the removtll or alteration or any protected vegetation lvitlwut a Vegetation Removal Permit on any lot or parcel of land by ils suhdividn' unJoss the ,; l dividcr intends io construct a residcn[W unit or uAis upon the lot or parcel of land prior to its s&11e, C) No native vegetation twcaty-four inches (24"), or greaser, dbh shall be rcn,*ved from any residemiat pmel {including those in the AC-5. AC-2-5, AC-1, AR -I, RE—]. and R/C zoning dktricl�z'1. regardless of parcel sizes, without an approved Vegetation Removal Perrnit and an approvcd nnitigation ply S. The run al of arty raon-native v(-gclation- Fee. 555 which will he waived for removal of invasive exotics only for single family homeowner or property owner's 2&wiatioa renwvin- e{otics. C. No vegetation to be removed. Fee: si5 7. The foUmving ti kivities do not inquire the application of a Not ice of Vegetatio n Rcrl val, however may require Building Pernut approval or other szlch authorization: Fee: None A) Prescwc and Parks Management Activities- Vegetation removal activilics assocjaWd witl1 an adopted maaagcnKent plan for goy Trfflient Inaittained parks, rccr lion areas- wildlife mmtagement <Irea& oonserva l ion areas and preserves- The pa'rp[rsc of the vegct�Ition removal ;1cti1ity sh311 be to protect and preserve the natural vahres and functions of the ecological conmumiti' :s preseM such as, clearing for firebreaks, conducii rig prescribed bums- or construction of fences- S) Esistitg Agricultural Operations- Vegetation rentov+al : sociatod with subscqueat hancstiug acti%ities, except within require€# preserve areas or deeded conscry'ation easements. which arc p;irt of the on -going activities of the existing operation shall not require a permit- tribal clearing of a site iS nor an exerrTt {activity. Bofl;j. Fide agricalturol acthides: include QDrnrrercial nursery, tree farni, nquraactrlture, ranch, or similar opcmtion- C) Routine landscape Maintenance- Trimming or pruning of vegetation ivbich is not intended to result in the eventual death of the vegetation_ mowing of yards or lawns, or any other landscaping or garadeni ug activity which is commonly rccal;nizd as routine mai Met nanoc_ replacemnt or re- landscaping - I IPDAT D 1W21+ 014 PART If - VFGETATION REMOVAL PERMIT Fee Schedule: 5 It)() per Single Family Home Lot/ ailding $100 per Multifarnily IFiome Lot/Buildinh S200 per Non-lkcsidential building Please oumpfcle ALL of ncc requeacd information. A Vegetation Removal Permit shall odd be issued if sufficient evi&nce demonslydting that at kaq one of the folloiAing criteria Ims; been satisfies: 1- The znpplicant for vegc(ation rctttoval penrit shall deniorowo wby presenralion of the existing native vegelation is 110t prdctically feasible and prevents the reasomble developimm of the site- 2. 'fhe removai of the native vcgetatioa is the nfiniwom necessary in order to 3mplemcIu final Dcvolopmcnt Order (i-e-, approv.cd site plan or approved building, permit)- 3- A Finai Daveioparnt Order had not been issuW- i or is trot r uieed by thus Code for tiye 1ntCndcd noa-agricultural use of the land and vvgnetation removal is the mitiimurn necessar} Io aliow for ft constniWon of the ievcndcd use or irprovemew. ADDITIONAL S U RMITTAL REQEIRE MENTS FOR VEGETATI ON REMOVAL PERMITS: 2- (ia addition to the site plan proOded to the RUN ing T-partment) The plans must accura#ely depict 1 , location of all proposed bze ildings- strw1ums s, drivewa- s, wcptic tanks, and other irnpro�-emcrns. 1 Trcc Sun-ey The sun cy enipst ac7ctimWly depict the individual 1oc itions. species n im artd common name, and sires of ,III County-protccicd trees to be removod aced_ if app"CcI le. the individual locations, species riarne and common name, and sizes 10 be presmod or rcTocated- 4. Vegetation Removal Plaq The vegetation removal plan must illustrate the cxistiagvegetative conditioets on the project site. including an idenlifrcation of what areas krill be inrpamcd by the proposed development activity and what Klreas arc proposed for prmcrvation or mplazainfl. 5. mitint#ion All nmivc vegcttation sh it I be protected on site to the greatest c.xicnl possib le. If impact is unmoidablc, rnitigation shal l be proVi&d. through oixC o f the mitig;l lion methodologies outlined fat LZI red Deg?elop merit Code Section6.00-05.D- Prox-ide mitigation calculations per Land Duvelopmenl. Code Section 6.00,05.D and imlude a mitigation plan outlining proposed mitigation method on the true survey andlor site plarL If su(7?+,:i[ 11( nutigatio+ll 4.;�„vxyr be acconunndalod on -site and Wdi uonaf !riches of credit are roKTzpi rcd based on cnlculatiort an off -site mitigation plan steal I be attwhod. for ruvie w and approNral of ERD Diroctor (Land DQvQlopment Code Section 6.00-05-D)- I'dor 14 the issuance of arw authofimtion for conumiiecment of penuittcd dut-dopmcnt activity, tlfe repla,cenlenl vcgetabon- bN llbe prescncd_ relocated or planted or llec appropriate readiYetion fees steall be p'tid to the County- As pail of the issuancc of am.' permit requiring mitigation, the property owner 0alI submit to an i WVection of the plantedlr(Jocatedlprc:: rmed anterials 18 rnonths of r (N, issuance o f a Certificate or Occupanc}- or other use authorization, l ;t-'J)ATPD t W.21,2014 PLEASE HAVE THE FOILLOWIN G ACKNO L>FD FM ENTS NOTARIZE D: 1 CFRTIF`t' THAT- (CHECK ONE) A. ) I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVE DESCR[BED PROPFRTY AND WILL BE. CONDUCT NG THE WORK AS OWNERA3UILD R. bV0S #-e 5tqta7Krt, Statebw reoLeiaes ca75&r4KZr0r7 to to ObA-- by kca75ed tonGraCr Crs. YOU haVe ��. � 4op+red far aµp..�#TW r to CtW fS t h c6rtarrl n3wctAww e'F'w h yatr dfo not M" a kceyre_ You n omt— Brea, Cns�e SLvems m at the }+C71Anyf. You m9Y t.+pfa aa" ffrrmve a QrL- kmiy or tayR]-�vmk + l Yk,1e ara f&m La1t 1d#mW You rrov afsv lxr la or m vvc a corrurreraav uXedrg p vvadod YniF CQZs dO not CWOed $75,CW T7re bxl+UW or raeSW&rre n?bTt t7 e for yncnr OMM t8ia or OCUP AC . k mar Mt ZX- tXfft or RA!Z�}!y irnp VW for 5de or lease. If you sell or lease a 6uddro you f7 w Ixe ce SY.&tarifiW orpvv5d yours6tf Kgtt r I yCW a7 n' eh6 C0FNtb-C{jW IS 7P * AWY M//flFe;W7 a d7dt }MV Zx& or Sonsmrz&ly rn wv0d)t for sale or leash, wfffc?' rs a vaidw of this ecn7 tron, You rraay not /we ao wgnnsed person fo act as your cL7n4wtOY or to srra vise pewk work fv on yoL,r bwlazr It �s yobr resw&sty to ma rce s�re a t kv0#0 ay#oyw by Klu #gave Incenses rcwjw by state bw aid by covq ar ffwr do keresffg a rrarnes. You rray not � b' e r fz;t%W for 5z4xY-i� aoork to a hcerucW cod trwtor Yrtno is not ha=W to poerfarrrn bP a wanrk bang a5:vw " Permq woy*fv 00 ymr twk*w at?70 IS 1Ao kmosed nurse o-un A Lwp4*r yt7& draet stva mon a r)d rwsr be cffgYoycd by ynir AA10 rr ams b' at ym mast ct,& 1' F.LCA Wd mflt- iaoJpVV edxRw A-0w m rkess' e�a+f for dkit &w0yw, adl 45 presmbed by 49W YOLF Cons Coon nurst ow" wth dll dflAWIINC 13Wo Ord&7s, buiOng COde!, and 20rnrbry r�ga,dat�or� B. (.*� I AM NOT THE OWNER OF RECORD Of THE ABOVED DESCRIED PROPERTY; HOWEVER_ I HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE OWNER OF RECORD_ {SY_ Luck, County Code and Compiled Laws F grrrre,s That this (�{ of work be done b Y v hcea ved contractor. PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTATI()N). CFRTIF'Y THAT' ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED WITH TH1 S APPUCATION IS TRUE AND COMA 'OF MY NO LEDGI~. O R ti STATE OF FLDRIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUC1F ThC fore nic 1 %va5 acknowled d b+ 1ow this dqv of )v . who is personally know'to me or lots produced its i&a ifcalion_ Sr+z�l��rcoF�Iota�' . Type or Prim NaTm of Notan. If Tills _ -l��OIIlIriiSSiUn Aiunl��i tDCrx�rnl.#I�NO3��1 Exp o. W 15, 2i ��ed Thru �� STATE OF FLORTDA, COUNTY OF ST. [.UCTE The foregoing inaruincTil ►v s acknowled d befo me lus (Lay of Z by 1.1X6d `. in - wilo is personally know to me or ha8 produced as idcadficatiolL Si, ure of Notary Ty or Print a of Notary T _Np. ly i blic T hIC j1j CommiSSien Number (SEAL): (DDMded Paula S, fter Th Awm ry FOR Ol PIC k' USE ONLY APP12C1Y' D I)k:1 IE1} Rn IENkT: APPROVED BY: TR;; K'c K ri�AL RT•.s(xJ-RC�.% DEPARMfEN7 DATE: 4 UPDATM) ICVM2014