HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Applicationi i All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: � I _ Planning and Devefopment Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce Ft 34982 Phone: (772) 452-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT TYPE., Address: Property Tax ID #: Project Name: Permit Number: Building Permit Application LO UJ co 1) KiF*. Commercial Res+dential ooe 0 w o a X Additionsl work to be performed under this permit — check all that apply: Mechanical GasTank I Gas Piping !Shutters Electric Total Sq. Ft of Construction: cost of Construction: Plumbing Sprinklers C .� ,•� � Ti � � T F �- i� F .�, PO Windows/Doors Generator Roof Pitch q. Ft. of First Floor: Utilities: ' Sewer _ Septic Building Height: -LE's i W .O f J h 1 Name Address4, P')- ,D �� State: City:-1 12 #� Fax: zip code. 31 Phone N. E-Mail: Fill in simple Title Holder on nee t page (if different from the owner listed above) 1 F T 5 k C i # Name' s k Company-, rzo Address: a'�%p City: _TVL_ Zip Code-, -3 !22 a;' Fax: Phone N 5 i M a i I 1 01 kv jq Z I State or License C6 C, uct'Pon *s $2500 or morea RECORDED Notice of Commencement "is requked. if value of constr I I I if value of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of COMMencement *is reqpired. NOW "t -6291. State... 000f_ L J-� -° •' lw.�-r DESIGNER/ENGINEER: f Not Applicable Name; Address: City: State: Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: `Not Applicable Name: Address: city.- Zi P: Phone: J. v MORTGA�t ���.��n... IVot App�ieabl�.� Name: Address: State: City: Zip: Phone: _'� � rnnnceNY• BONDING COMPANY*- Not Applicable rune: Address: City: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AApplication is hereby mods to obtain a permit to do the wo rk an d installation as indicated I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. - t. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure that a restrict �� �r�����t u�� which i in con I ict with any applicable Horne Owners ssobation rules, bylaws or and covenant � f b may apply. r r Association and reoew our deed for any restrictions which structure, Please consult r�t� �u H�r�n� n� In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that i will, in all respects, perform the rork in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie county Amendments, r t from undergoing a f0 concurrenc review: room additions, The following building permit applications are exempt p � n �r�s�� �r��ia l use r sw1rn mi n cols, fences, a 11s, sign s, screen roo rns and acces or-Y uses to another n "WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING �" R Or"F1a� ���TroN. I1F YOU INTEND T OBTAIN FIN N INC IF CONSULT POSTED On��� � � ��ETWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND " yna R NOTICE OF WITH OUR LENDIER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECOk-U'VOU 171 OUR LEN1111 0 VL -signature of Ow er/ lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner � Signature of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORI � COUNTY aF,I� _ The f Ding tin$trume t was acknowledge before me thisdaY of �- ��by Name of person making statement. Personally Known � OR Pro Type of Idnti ' tiaq►� _ �r Produced! Tsignat'urelof No ry Public- State of Commission Na`�"� � �Lqq REVIEWS DATE RECEIVED DATE PLETFD F FRONT COUNTER .e ONIQUE M. CARL01 , rtut,ic. State of F1( 1�1,y cornrn expires Dom. i0p orida � �Sealj STATE OF fLQR1DA<:S COUNTY OF Ce The f �gaing instrum nt was atknowled before me this �1'day of Vim- Z0� by NI/"l .0 - "r W yf�-i Name of person making statement. T Ir 22 naily Known R Produced Identification of Iden tiff t i iuced tke-40W (Sjgn�ture'W Nota Public- 5t e G %1 Commission No. M NIQ E M. CARONI Notary Public, State of `I id A MMi ron 9� y comma eqxres Dec.10, (Seal) NING SUPERVISOR P LANS VEGETATION` SEA MANGROVE R� y REVIEW E IEW ' REVIEW � REVIEW