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1 1 '1 i4"Nardi-Plank Siding nailed to 1 owin n ds: all Using the fo a block w h _ 9 g Head d la o Ise° 12 NTS Shank dia O 083" i One Filled Mas C lu n > W1 O le Cell anry O m Lh Attach window to block wall with Nail -Length: 0 "long at IC' o.c. MATCH . 6 45 From Footing `Tie. Beam 3/I4" dia. x.3" tap cons with min. Per: FLU 131924 . EXISTING ,To _: Con Ca:r FIII To. `$e' 3�00` PSI 11/2 , penetration at 12" D.C. max Install over 19✓32" CDX 'plywoodand - 2 s o' See' Floor Plan or Lion F a L. o.c. max from each corner thru nailed with IOd ring shank nails at i .Loc I".. x 4" PT Buck o a Field and edges Exterior face of wall rk Vanes � Q)Q) 0o n o 01 1 1 0 - 0° O r ;----I 30 :x 54" Attlt I Access with light ..land pull down stairs) It GFCI I garage - l [1 w tti , 1J Garage GFC1 Door Opener - O 31 foil x 41-8" fillDerglass door / thermatrul -En - '18' wide _x 7' h1 h Wayne a ....... __- _.... .. _. _ . Dalton off._.._... _...._ ..: _ Zoo ra � do ga g _ I O " 0o 0 0� Woo '-- -- -- _ - - - 24, 25' O" OL .: z: .:, Fi�ONT ELEVATION z W N J p Install -hardi-plank over 19/32'° CDX _ TY4":H'ardi-Plank Sidingg nailed to block wall using the following -nails:' plywood nailed with IOd ring shank nails at Head dia = 0.30" Z ty L' o.c. field and edges at sib 9 gable end Shank dia = 0.14" -. N 12 ''Nad.Length; 'I i2"long at IL" o.c. ; v I 6 MATCH XI TIN E S G Per FLU 13192.2: x PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 100) . Florida Building Code Residential:.2010 Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading BwldinDesign. Ia Enclosed Risk Categer : II - Wind Speed: ILO mph ultimate Mean Roor Haight: �g g Root Pitch.: 612 Internal Pressure Coarricient: tO.ie- SubJectabihtg to damage from:-WeathorI4 Negligible Termites, Veru Heavu rVgn3-,;Tv Width of RootEndZone. 3'-0' Wind Exposure Clasarication: B Ad"atment factor for Exposure Hai It Usingg Allauable Stream Design and 0.6DL+0.6W M.AT.RooF Load Combination per ASCE T-10 Sectionl.4 DL+LL; DL+O.LWL; Exp Height Adj.FactoI Load Combo Factor 0.4 - 151 applied below . Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Root Zone•.. I. +16.0/-24.0 pot - -. Root Zone: 2. +16.O/-45.0 psf :. Roor Zons•. 3. +16.0/-66.0 Pat :Components t Cladding Wall End Zone Width:.. 3..O- - Components III Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4.+pp8.0/-30.0 pat '. Wall. Zona: S. +38.0/-38.0 par Components r Cladding Wind Pressure (NET), an Garage Door: +24.0/-29.Opsf Shear walla Considered fw Stricture? yes 9 Continuous Load Path Pr vlded9Yf' GALE ROOF Lass GABLE ROOF FROM . THAN a-0] PITCH ]A] TO na] PITCH Are Components an Cladding Dst� ProviQad7 Yee ' Minimum sal Bearing Prsoaursr2.500 pa. Pnwmpdva: x Bg.Tset:_pa ❑. Roar Zone 1 113- Roof Z.. 2 ®- Canner Zahn This Building Shall Have the Following: Wall. Zone 4 mall. Zoos 5 Rod Zane 3 APPROVED SHUTTERS, IMPACT OLA85� )� BOTH:_ NEITHER: END ZONE tK i6 0 O n5 g-�] E X ra E , E OU+ U � � - (V E >uit4ls -I Q) N L ? O 6 % C Q Q) `O Q) C aE 03 O.H. co 19/32" CDX plywood sheetin u .N nailed per roof sheeting at h Ant attachment a �' a detail on roof plan sheet n3 Dmgontl bracingto be O` N 2" x .4" to span Soffit and Fascia - see r a c 8'-O4. from gable end wall Faded. to each truss typical section for exact details o `o '' v0 0 24„ 4" sub -fascia 0 I C(1 v HE A 30" x 54" AYti Access mth light and pull - down stairs N _ : i Q Uj 12 12 MATCH 6 EXISTING SLOPE 6 Provide 8" precast lintel over each opening filled with45 bar cont. H 7A 20 f . I,. 1 1.0. ..:.I u� p . I � I i9'-t l - " Concrete beam -:see schedule on roof plan, to existing garage SUlItCh SCALE: 1/4 = 1 0 Truss shop drawings t� bel rovlded b manufacturer .:.., ! _ S J Ian s new electric connect to existing panel. : " g b submitted t0 the „ ' An changes to thin p hull � su � tt GABLE ENDUJALL DETAIL (2-4 ) ALL GARAGE DOORS TO BE%wAYNE DALTON ��.`: �' i i) architect fora approval in writing prior to starting construction. 8100 SERIES GARAGE DOORS b WITH5TANDING +310/-35:1 PSF NTS P 9 P 9 c o �1-D �T, LU UNTY a IIVG D ION L0 U �U? o�� WF E uJ U 1) 11-1 6 N Z_ Z LU I LU n cD Concrete used for s all slab shall be 2500 PSI concrete; :and ' 2" x6' PT wood secured u===- _:__--- Metal Roofin Southeastern Metals 24' ga: 5v; Cr rnp M g Installed RUE MP NC L" min. of Ic nene LO-C-50 Ira foam insulation on 9 p y bottom of roof aheathlrig in com Nance with ICC-ESR-82L ALL Concrete used for vertical �'�. � � � filled tails, c OntInUOUS. tie.: beams etC., t0 �. I!2"-anchor .bolt at h?" q..1,, overhead door c�gdt seearee to wood �p per ec i roduct a r.oval. FL# I(I751 over Pol lass self g p PP. 9 adhered l�E�'IEWEDBY" -- DATE _," p dated Feb. I, 2012. Install DC 315 Intumescent coatirg shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete e0 and/or 4 0.00 P.S.I. rout iliiX .A. 9 era a . p 30" a"• manufacturer's specs Jamb Detail roofln underla Bent over Iq/32" CDX I wood attached 9; 9 . P y _ per section 4.3.2 of Ice test' noted above to comply PERMIT _NJOB wit min. therm a regwrements. NO -- - .: .Do- - Corner Steel Lab- NTS rite t0 trusses per sheetln -attachment diagram on roof P Sl . g :,u:.. r '. P Ian I C MADE,R rt)� INSPECTION TION WILL BE _ Wc,b - Bout t h etn�Meoval Roofing Installed allass fill prod FL# l ova Pol y9 self adhered' cell__wlth and concrete a : =ry r oofin underla ment over 9 y 19/ 2 3 CDX I wood attached P y #5 bar vertical 11 . to trUSSES per s sheeting rig attachment diagram on roof plan ( L9P C a I ) ,1 IL w footing _ x' 16d, monolithic w/ (2) #5 liars cont. ` _ ; • :. IS STIR ^. UR0 HAS 13EEN DCSION 0 . : ; (] (] a .'ANDIREVIE. ED ROR COMPLIANCE OF C t FOR ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: a (� a a I 1 © I RIG. T EL LEFT ELEVATLON I • I i_ O : `F SHEETINC; o I v I ATTACHMENT D.ETAIL. fill cell - concrete _ l �#5 b ( typical with I a . and I r vertical ) ' - - - J : _ 1. Minimum 2. Minimum 3 Mlnimu!m 4. Use -nails in pe Nail Size = Sd ring shank :(min. 2' .Ion )' . ' Screw Size = US x 2 aheathrn Thr kness 19f. P I 9 L: 32 -CD-�f 1 Wood' ) or aCfewS bas d on re5sure for roof stated mit info .box on these` pPans: for zone 3. . �� a :Recess for ' C" 2 :9 FT a.00 arage oor 5 O , 24„ . 2 4 FT, O -4 FT F. �OU>\1D�4T101\1 PL,4NJ 1 ALE ' 1/ = I SC 4 -O 1• Any changes to plans must: be submitted to the architect : for approval before proceeding with construction, I 4,: FT 2. Contractor shall be responsible for verification, of all:: I construction. nslons before Star ting constru notation and dime t 9 '.. . Should an `Other 3. Soil conditions assumed 'to be 2500: psf. y conditions be encountered, the architect .'shall be notlf.led:, in. Writing for revisions.. ::'.. tr. Contractor to provide fillet cell With concrete .and I .. 5 .bar' ve:r;t. '.at ;4$ . 4 o.c. max. Provide (1) filled -cell on each `side of openings up to 5'-II'I-..wide. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" INO PRESSURE Install Nardi soffit nailed to 2" x 4" soffit framing IAW product approval and manufacturers req. Product Approval Submittal Affidavit Opeakig 8Ohedute S*mg. Doors, Overhead Doors. BUding Doors, 1Radows & 8kyughts. pe ttg Opening :TYPONUMBER NOA/EL Product Model N ataiiufapttrrer Glass Attachment method ME E tration D Mai tun f App oressure of Approved Teats 1. FLu 239:4g. Single Hum' SH-l00/I(".. Im aet P T G I/4' din. tapeons w/ Inn. 1 3/8' penetration o ybae spaced par product approval. Contractor shell' J&o to nln. e e dietanees so eafud m Product approval } _ 80.0 PSF 2, FLa 5891.2 fiberglass ' : door ' Smooth star, Therma-Tru � 1/4' dia. x 3" to eons w/ min. 1 1/2` enetrat,on at p .p spaced product approval on sheet 5 of �. .+ 61.0 PSF _ FLs 8248.13 Steel Overhead Garage Door 8100 Ser .Raised -Panel Wane Dalton g -... Install per product approval Including' am6 supplement and mamracturera racommendations. See ouck detail on them Ian Par buck installation. Most have center post. we approval. + qL.O/-52 PSF roduct NO¢/pL NUMBER Yodel S Nenufacttttrer, . Attachment Method. JEST Exxppiration Date Design Premature of Approved Teats M lions :.F0r, 261.1 1' x 2 3-M" x .315" ' PGT Install Der fastener tgpe and spacings shown in Table IA and IB in product approval on sheet 5 of 22. + 58.0 PSF f Rot -FLtt� lln5.l - : 5V Crimp Metal , 24, g a g Southeastern MetPle `over southeastern Metals 5v Crimp Roofing installed per .approval Pol I ss eel over 19/3. r CDx gga p and stick nailing pattern besting nailed to trusses per nailing .pattern detail, on. roof plan - -DLO psf Field and perimeter. -93.5 of corner Sid FLa-13192.2 Hardr-Plank 'games 'Hardie Building';Products Nall l $' Hard -plank eding.to: block wall uang.0.14' x 0.300' :HD - x 012-long nails at IL' o.c. normontal face nailed -115.1 PSF Ltt 'I. 19 F 3 2.4' - �nl 'James Hard ge panel Hah'dle Products Install hard)- lank'Ridin ado P 9 nailed to 2" x studs at max. 10 O.C, with 1.51" to x 0.083" shank dia. x 0.181" HD rig ring shank nails nt IL o.c. field and ed ea lAW product approval and manufacturers req. over 1'�/32'' I wood - G4.0 PSF S f1Y FLu''132L5.1 _ Nardi:'soffit James Hardie Products :.. .- Ins all hardi:soffit nailed to 2" x 4" soffit framing at max. 24' o.c. with 1.5" loos x. 0.083" shank. dia. x 0..8i" HO 9 Fin shank Wads nu 8 rer field and edges IA product oduct g 9 P 'a royal and mnnufacturers req. -83.0 PSF ALL Product Tooting bg: Miami -Dade Counts Building -Code Compliance Office / Product .Control Division I have reviewed the above anrtl approved .it by my seal below.. ( Architect or Engineer of Record ) Braden U Braden. AIA. PA POOLGars e For: p"'`'.to �1-11":, ** Use nails' or screws based on �essti f�rchit6ets':- Planndrs Provide (2) filled cells .on each, side of .;openings from;-6-0 1 _ : _. p re for roof stated tlln s:.:from ,Il .-� and `.0 in permit l:fo .box on these plans for .:zone 3 ;' -411 5 E. Coconut Avenue and Provide (3) filled cells on each side of:ope. g p N.. Contractor to see fans. for an other condition used; : Tel (1:�2).' 281-82SO S v I n C y f Fax..:. (�I:12).:28�=8 . p r . �. Mrs. Foundation walls shall have ,filled cells at 2'f O C. `unless ,Iot,herWrse noted, Csee::_sect n) 28 -; E%rmalll,. bradenala$comcast net Stuart FL i'3419%< #AAC000032 St Lucie County Florida Kell r A e Ede Field e d Fastener Max Pre sure Zone I ..." 6" 8d ring.shank '45 psf Zone 2.:':• �411 6" Sid Fin shank '14 sf Zone 3}" 411 . 8d rin'g shank ` 84 `psf )K* Zone 3a 6". 6" US Wood screw .112.5. psf l Y4"Hardi-Plank Siding nailed to block wall using the Following nails: Head i = d a 0.30" Shank dia = 0.14" Nail Length: l y2"long at IL" o.c� Per FLU 19 13 2.2 45 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap at each filled cell Run stucco L" below bottom of block stucco finish interior i �- walls . I 45 bar vert at filled cell (see --floor- plan For location) - I / Topical Section Date Drawn II-18-13 Drawn by: D.R.B. Checked by: D.R.B. 4" concrete slab with fimermesh 6"xL" U10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen clean compacted termite I treated IIII- IL"w' x IL" d co cr et monolithic footing with (2) US bars con . and tt5 transverse �ars at 32 " o.c. Scale : /2" = 1'-O„ Revisions Sheet #: Comm # OF 1. FEB 26b19 2-25-14 gilding dept Revisions 7-4-13 Rtivlapi F7anti n 7�'-n"