HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 day power releaseIPlannlng.:&: Developme"t Ne rnrices Build"I ngv, & Code: Regulation D vr�i�� 23.00 Vi.rg�ni-a Ave Drrt Piwerce; 'FL 34982 1 fax C=�������' , {ycyj, � r° C�)�[_� y =N en7ve OF bale: 6/7/2021 Permit Number: 2101-0021 ProjeC� Address: .: Lot 21- 5142 Arming Place TFiE 111VD�RSZGiVED HERBY REQI:J-EST .Rl^�.EAS� C)F= iL�GT'R�CAL POWER TQ THE ABOVFp�SGRZ�ED: PROPERTY, FORA PERIOD: NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY&, (3Q) :DAYS, -FORITHE PURPOSE OFTESTING SYSTEMS AND EQIJIPh ENTIV.:TN PREPARATION FORA Fso INAL INSPECTION. IN CONS7D RATIQI J OF-APPi�UVAL C�F*THE REQUEST 2W HEREBY ACKNpWLEDGE AND AGREE:, FOLL6M �.: This fiempor�ry power release is requesEed for��e above statedpurpnse Qnly; and the�.wil[ beano occupancy. of any Eype; other%than that permitted by_Wnstructton during this UnWperiod . As;:wItnes8.by our gigrfatures; we WFr0 y agree to abide by -all terms�wand conrl.(lions: gf-thls. agreement; including Building Dlvfsion Policy, -which, is incorporated herein by reference, 3: All oconditions and requirements listed in the at�chedo document:entitled°%'Requirements for 30 Day Powerfori Testing . have; been fulfilled and :the premise 1s; ready for compliances (nspectlon. All requests for:an extension beyond:-80 days. must be: made,imwritingao::the Building Official seal ng the4reason for the requesti.I;Powerzmay.be removed1rom*-the site an:tl/ora 8topwork.order`lssuedalf the Final. Inspection has;not beenapproved._within -30=days. A fee.of $100-.00 will be required:to lift the.Stop Work Order, iNE HEREBY RELEASE i4ND AGREE TO HOLD. HARMLESS,._:ST: LlJCIE,COUNTY, AND -THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL_ LIABIL.TITESAND CLATMS QF �1NY TYPE OF NATURE. UVHYCH. MAY A}ZTSE: NO1N 0� YN THE FUTURE�01�T 01= THIS TRANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICN..M.AY BE xNCURRER pUE TO -THE: DISCONNECTION OF EL:ECFRICAL.COWER. -IN THE EVENT OF -VIOLATION DF THIS AGREEMENT: 01NNER GENEI C(SNTRACi'Olt ao�eptj5palt 2021 DATE 6/7/2021 DPiTE