HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 day power releasePlanning :8x Ievelopitenit Serwices J` ��' i Buil (ar3g' & CocMe:Reg nation i�ivis on 213.00 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34981 - -- -- - - Bequest for 30b10ay- Terinpioirauy frPomforr fte ease Date; - 6/7/2021 PErmit Number: 2101-0361 Proj�ck Address:.: 5141 Armina Place 'CHE UIVDERSZGiV�R HI~R�BY`REQU�ST :R�t.�AS� OF�.��.�CTRZCAL P01111�R 7"Q THE�.AgO��D�SCRZB�R: ' PROPERTY, FOR. A PERIOD: NOT 'TO ' EXCEED THIRTY4: (30) :D`A. YS, ,FOR •THE, PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND' EQllIPMEIVT.IN PREPAMTI0N POR A FINAL INSPECTIOfV. IN CONSYD RATTQIV Q APPI d1lAL-QE'`f HE REQUEST IIVE'HEREBY ACI<NtJWLEDGE:AND AGREE°AS:OLLOVttS 1; This temporary powerrelease is .requested �for�tie �bove� statedpurppse only; and,there.wi([ 6e no occtfpancy of any hype;°•ofher`than that permitfea by_constr cti n during this dime period:. ki6witness by qur_slgnatureii we hereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions.-gi �t�iis. agreement_; trlc(uding Building Division Policy; which is incorporated Herein by�reference. 3: All conditions and requirements listed 1n the attached•document:entitled&$'Requirements for 30 Day Power:i`ar Testing" havel*.been wfuitliled and sthe prerrilse is: ready_for �compllance- inspection. All request's-for:an extension$ beyond3Q days. must be -made in -writing toAhe Building Official=stating the reason for the requesk:::Power:may- be removed from the site an:tl/or a Stop Vhork; DrderIssued If the Final..Inspection has:not been-approved..wlthin *3O:days. A fee::. $10Q.00 will be required.to lift the_Stop Work.Order, WE�HEREi3YRELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD. HARMLESSST: Li7CIE.00IiNTY,, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM :AI L LIABILII IES'AIVD CLATi�IS of AIVY TYPE OF IVATUR>r WHICH. ihAY AtTSE: NOLll1l OR TN THE'FUTURI=`�tJT OF TH15TRA.R(Si4CTI0N,. IIVCLLIQINC ANY..DAMAGE , I IC1-f. MAY BE xNCURRED [7UE TtO ? HE: DISCONNECTION .OF ELECT-RIC'AL.DOWER.IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATxON OF THIS AGREEMENT': K,A�T1'f?I t�'llf'�FF►_11�'fatTAi'1 �oseoti:5nait 6/7/2021