HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FAR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: #•� .. 4:/j. Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia venue,. Fort Pierce FL 34982 PermitNumber: Building Permit APplication rnone: (112-) 461-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential x 1. PERMIT TYPE: shutter PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION • v }.:: }. vn v ran �C .r vi:{v :vi• rv...• v � Add re; 68 1 9 VVBorth Ter 17 7 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name., Geier r} 'ETA I LWOR'K:''. Svrxvx ' install 1 clear panel, panel �1 accordion shutters ttr CONSTRUCTION. -.INFORMATION:.......... ---- - --- ------ -- .,'.. . ...... .. Additional work to be performed under this permit —check all that apply: Mechanical � Gas Tank _Gas Piping X Shutters Electric Plumbing Total Sq. Et of Construction., Cost of Construction: $ 41946.0 _Sprinklers Generator q. Ft. of First Floor: Windows/Doors Roof Pitch Utilities: Surer � Septic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE:. Name William J Geier Jr (TR) Address: 6819 Wadsworth Ter City: Pad S# Lucie State: FL Zip Code: 34952 Fax; Phone No. 772-467-0280 E-Mil: Fill in fee simple Title Holder an next page if different from the Owner listed above) CONT-RACTOR-:''. Name: Michael Heissenberg Co mpany. Expert Shutter Services Address: 668 SW Whitmore Dr City: Port St. Lucie , Ft_ tatt Zip Code; Ea., Phone No 772-871-1915 E.Mi l err -pits@e p rt hutt r . om State or County License 16572 If value of construction is $2500 or more a RECORDED DED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC i 7.,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement cement is required. .. .._..............-a�r«�t�ti•,-•--ate.. r. SUPPLEM:EN-TA.L.-CON.STRtJ:CTI'ON- LIENIAWINFORMATIOW :v�. ,... .... .. ,... av:-v•-,.--�I.rir�rt r.W.t._,.Y.n�Sr„i„i.,,.,..: t•-t- ir�i�n ry.rrL:... • .... �- - t• . . 't, • •• • f1. x Noy. lilM... ,� ORTGAGE COMPANY. r h � �A.J. � - � � � �• -- v ten: vnv: rn�aaaaaa}�yv SSR Address: NVV -Mth 81 Suffn 305 C it y Vi irgina q'.3a rde, ns ,icable S ta te I Z p % y Phone �`��++`i+�l�l 1 1 1\!! 1 ' Y 15V ! Y!Y-' ' -'--' ' F}4a.... mil+i1141�1�4f•I�LI�I•ld��YYViWi.liiirYi IA•5•Y ���ra v - - - -- - --- --- .•.�:.�.,,�,..� ++, t r.i.3 i,Y i u'T!•1•i.pla..�.......... .. ....... ..ti 7' 'tea FEE SIMPLETITLE HOLDER: NotApplicable Name-, m Address: city; zjlp: Phone4 Name* Address-, City..�... ..�+y::._.__...._......��_v..__...._.._ ..... -- --------------------- State Z& 1P., Phone} Not Applicable Name* Address: I� r Phone.. BONDING COMPANY: OWNER/ OR - - -- _----_--_-rn•r��rrrrr}v}Y{r}..a..... .w�*,•--.5...�T�M �aa.nax uaaa AFFIDVIT: Application Is hereby made to obtainpermit a ytion as { indicated. I certify t qh a L n c wo rk o r I nst a] lati-on has com M enced r' or to t h(� i U an ce of a Pe rm i. , Lucre CountWhich is in con makes representation that i granting willauthorize 5 . fi Home OwnersAssociation rules bylaws r andcovenants �+.+a�� a restrict or iit holder to build the subject i y�j., structure. le consultifti your Io Owners Association and review your deg restrictions f prohibit es+ pply. Inconsideration f the grOntillg of Lhis requested per- m. 1 do hereby agree that I will,in all respects, perform the work in accordanc-ewith the approvedplans, the Florida Sufldlq Codes and St+'' County Amendments' 4 The following buildinp,per niit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review.- oom additions, �-}} { •5 Fn f accessory structures. Swimming pools, fences., walls, -s-igns., screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential"'"ARNINC; TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORO A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTIN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTYu A NOT CE OF CtImmFourFmirsuir POSTED ON THE J013 SffE BEFORE ' � LENDS t --. .. .._.._.._ r•"„s�ai..l�.r,r aa. .h.v..y..1 - •-aa.µ.5_. - ORNEY A} Signature of Own er/ Les<,,e.,e/Con tractor Agent 'STATE OF.�jt COUNTY • mew • ewe. ii ~911 FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINtI►NttNG, CONSULT EFL']RE RECQRDiNC YOUR 11iCiT10E [3F CaMElll1r.P Owner The forgaing ins trumentwas acknowledged before m th day •f June 2o ... 21 by -- - v v Michael Heisenberg Name of person making sij)tely►enf. {r� PersonallyKnown OR Produced Identificatlun Type of Identification vYmm Produced _._..-•-• Yi5Y�5 �....a ------------------- aa�r. f.Y54L1 1-1 i�a (Signature, of NotaryPublic- State Commission No. GG258038 FRO-NT COUNTER I B;C t 70 t � Signature f Contract r/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF_E _L U Q_( -- ------- forgoing instrument was acknowledged before. me this,fi day off• dune 1 by Michael Heisenberg Uc,ime of person making staternent,6 Peoionally Known �I,•Yisi OR Produced Identification 'tyl) t Of I d e a tl !cat: �-� 1-�-- -�.... Produced (Signature of Notary Public- Sate of FIor" Shsnon aSt*a � ��xrrr�# GC����'8 Car��r��issio� No. ,GG?58038 _ . � NC�TA�tY P�iB1.lfi e QTATF= t'1F FL(01�t d 2r2()2 )NING SUPERVISOR --VIEW REVIEW . .................... PLANS REiitEW VEGETATION REVIEW } Gomm# GG51 SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW ti