HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERfrII-I' SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT .. AAPEX Electric (Company Namellndividual Name) — -- -Nave agreed to be the Electric (Type oFTrade) �— - -- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) .. — For the project located at -� �71� L Q (Project Street Address or Propert ax ID x) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to t filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. he TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W. Bryan_ Adams SUB CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier} -' 29179 PRINTNAME - - - .... -- COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM1IBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUIygER --- The foregoing ins(rumeni was signed before me this day of Stale of Florida, County or L-L �e . zo� bl, W. Bryan Adams The foregoing ' I g g instrument was signed before me this �/� I,L i,m,�°r who is personall y known• > _or has produced a 20 2�Iby P�� - `�— as identification. , who is personally known ')—Ior has produced a _ Momas idelliricalion.ok Sign lure of Nola�y Public ---- STAMP tion'n I 1 vino r =at�;YP�sJAJAIE L HARNER �iatureorNotar y Public + * MY CIFXON a GG 089172 Ny EXPIRES', I Print Name of Notary Public 1�r 01r , 2021 I�cOFF l°! Bcnded Ps% BudAl Notary Services n' n( name Notary Public State of Flpnda Hannah E Moore Revisal 11 16/2016 Q My COMMIS,7lon HH 017099 �7aa Expires07/01/2024 PERMIT #J:: ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDINC PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEN.IL••N7' �1eC � c �y� Sh1�Pfc� j2Uv ' ( gmpany Name,Jn(tividual Name) — have a�tct,gd to be ag reed the Roofing—�—_�--- (Type ofTrade] - ` —`- ---- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Pritnary C'gillrtcKn-} -- `� For' the project located + (Project Street Address oi- Prop •rt Tax ID f?j -- ---- `- `-- ----- - It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participaliou with the above mentioned I prtliect, llae Building a.nd (='ode Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CQNTI,w'I 1 - i (Qualifier) ---- 3.-)-I_j- z) William Bryan Adams NRINT N.-%NI _ C0­tT--'7r 'F1 R—rIFic.TiO,v State of Florida, Count; of St. Lucie , I'hc Cm f4 ning instrument a as signed before the Ibis dav If( b,. William Bryan Adams_ who is persolmliv kuovrn or bas produced a _ a.s Identification. -- Stgnaturiof Rotary Public Print Rams of Nuhtrr Public -- ,' gk Notary PuNIc State or Fpida Hannah E Moore = ,per MY Commission HH 017099 Rc ised lltltti;2w 7gpC Expires07/01/2024 1 tiUFS-CGN'1'RA(:'( ,`IG�A'CURI ' 3itnliGef) �ll �� COtt\'"Il'CF,R'1'n�ICAT7p\'Nti;4FB1R' State of Florida, t_'ountN- of St: Lucie h The forcg()ing ihstrunteut aas jov ned before inp this 1' dayof r n — GlYIIq n•lio is liersonallp knownx Of IIaS l)YOdnlCfl ll as identification. — Si irafurc-f \ st-AN11' Print `arifc. al'Rfit;Iry PyhlFc 49 • 1+� 1010 a NOferY Public State o! F(pnde Hannah E Moore MY. Commlawpi HH 017099 Expires 07)61/2024 Plutq PERMIT # ' ISSUE DATE = " PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ELOPMENT SERVICES - Building & Code Compliance Division o BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ridgeway Plumbing (Company Name/Individual Name) have agreed to be; the Plumbing (Type of Trade) For the project located at Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Primary Contractor) to Zg LU (Project street Address or t ax fU P) It is understood, that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project; the Building and Code Regulation Division of St filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. lip z./ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) w Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this J410 day of Y-e 20_, by W. Bryan Adams who is personally known kor has produced a as identification, OAT iguature of Notary Public W�► our.rrvame ofNotary Publce Notary Public state of Flond& Revised 1495 °4r, Hannah E. Moore My Commission HH 017099 Expves 0710112024 Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the CONTRAC GNATURE (Qualifier) GregoryKozan PRINT NAME 19-15354 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County o The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 11 day of (CaZavt Y who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. STAMP O oig-lltu Punt Name of Notary Public 4y'y0"� Notary Pubic State of Florida Hannah E Moore '= a�• My Commission HH 017099 7q�d" EAPI res07101/2024 STAMP PERMIT # l I ISSUE DATE I PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildin & Code g Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT tk_ompany Name/IIy(iividli I Name) the /� --- have agreed to be (Type of Trade) — Sub -contractor for (Prunary Contractor) For the project located at �1`"l.�'7 �3 a �, t (Project Street dA roperty' Tax 1D #) It IS understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our partici ation.w project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of .�f p Ith the above mentioned Ll C filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, �rqTp-,cw- coSIGNATURE (Qualilierl � � PRIiVT N,\N11E AdooM-J COUNTY CERTIFICA710N NUMBER Slate of Florida, County of (oj F u et.e The.foregoing instrument %%as signed before me this JL I day of 2 by who is persona y 'n or has produced a as identification. I—e Signature of Notary Public STAMP Print Name of Notary Public -- "ti``�: PATRIC:IA ANN GRIFFIN _ MY COMMISSION # GG137624 Revised 11/16/2016 "" f _ EXPIRES September 26, 2021 tc,le ounty will be advised Pursuant to the -C RA TOR SIGNATURE (Qtt;tlilier) PRINT NANYE 0 cISS0 COU-NT CERTIFICATION.NUMBER State of Florida, County of Q f u.Gt The foregoing instrument ryas signed before me this LL day, of 7 by who is persoriall vn I/ or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public STAMMP Print Name ofrNotary Public n PATRICIA ANN GRRIFFIN = MY COMMISSION # GG137624 N• f• EXPIRES September 26, 2021