HomeMy WebLinkAboutsigned contract3q. so�1�5 Code led Roofers, Inc. License #CRC 1 265 info @coderedroofers.com link Main Office: 1 (44) 4 - CODERED t (944) 426 - 3373 .cod-eredroof .corn ;4 F Submitted Ta' 01rver McPherson T Date: May 7, 2021 Addro - 2901 Sheraton Blvd j PF ono: 470-418-7261 City: Ft Pierce Zip, 3494 Fmail: Orncpherson76( gmail. coin Roof Proposal We b creby su bm it specii ica t i0n 5 and -esti m ates br: Remove and d iscard existing non-structural gnttem —trot to be replacod- rrrpletc rctnoyal of oxisting roof ia1�rial down to p!}+end deck. 3) 1 Aspect deck ing for dainage; rep lace up to three (3) sheets. If add ition �t I sheets are req u fired, p I ear see the Wood and Labor Addendum. No -credit will be given for unused sh . 4) Inspect deck inn for no i ring patterns, re-nai I to current code, 5) installation of self -adhered underlayment (quallfcs as s txrdwy water barrier). 6) Installation ofaeeessory inetals, drip edge, valley metal, and pipe flash ings. 7) Installation of (24) gauge 5V mete I roof in Kynar color, 8) Include toes, permit fee. trash removal, clean up. dump fDn. Iabor, and materials, ;Varran1jr: Roofing Contracior will suppfy a seven (7) _ war Llmlied Warranty upon complefia,n o, f the prof cl_ Tota I co n t ru et price with above speci rication&: Fifteen Thom nd iFiv e H u nd red a nd x � � l U 0 Doll a rs------------ ( 15#500.QQ) Option. Ills Lai lation of L�Vo 111V iiiodified flat r f to low rd-ope l area --------------- add S S-500. 00 0nitial oftugmd im6 w pgd.U5t roof gep-------------------------------------- dd-$125 1nitial Total contract price with all stlecled ti rade-� a n dlar opt io tM --------------- ----- --_ _ R-espectfully ubmi"ed by: Scan Perez at Code R uifc � L This proposal may be wlihdruwvn by us If not a=pwd within thirty i3 0 ? days, A Projrct Mariag-ur wHli be assigned to your job to misurc high quality work. _ Qruotcd prior is a cash pri-ce includes all rtiebates a)d d iscounts- An additional 3-5% convcnicncc � is madam orcdit card_ Payment draws to be made a-,, Follvws. 113 an carrtraci a+cceplanca, 113 prior io 113 brillpir? 15 caluudar days of M'rgeNcxrr. C'oNfleflan is deierodned ay eke scope of week heiV vu&,Varrdeffg coLie and read' for ffiTa11&fped uu. ner racy urith fd an amemm up to 10% of compledon drr I-nmfee. pendOg msofudon rnf{'am-ective 1LVork Requese Form- Owner understands and agrees by srgrraiure betow Mai such wirhhc+,idkg cgfpaymeal m yJeg1 di--e aWlei7lion of warkmansh p warranCv, and Char �nspecfi-on .gchedrr?I fr nor wirhin CRR s conlrof. Outstanding balances way accrue ftnoncc charges at the statutory rate (currcntly 1 ;9¢ per ajlnum)_ A signed proposal can be voided by CKR if a deposit is not rcceived w i th in 2 wcck,s of sign ing. Army alteration or deviation from abnve spccifleaticrns involving txtra cortR wi11 be executed only Urn writtan mdcr and wi11 hecorne an extra charge aver above esti male, Al I tki;mcmcros arc voni ipgt nm upon stri kas. iaccid'ea m or delays beyond our control. Cancellal im Policy: 'flhig Comma mn� he canoelIM within thrce (3) d#Ryq ofsiSning the contract. with the full de ll recei vM heing refundsible. After that, any deposit rcceivod will be reduced by the grreti;r of cirher, 1) the etir amd gnms pr+ofir expected w be achieved on comp]cting the canml or 2) 100.4 of the Contract amount plus the costs incurrod up to the date the contract cancellation rcgces« was received. Acceptance of Proposal By signature Mow, owner ind-Nates they are aware ;hat carre.at project schedul iiig is subjected to additional delays outside of Gene }fed Roof ' coat vl, hiclading but not limited to malcrial and lab -or shortaFes, and inclement wcathcr. Tim is of the csscncc in any major projcct such as roofing. and Fade Red Roof�m wil I make best cftbr u, to advancc schedule dates whcncvcr possi bic. The stated prices spocificati-ons and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby axepted- The Weed and Labor Addendum jr, also �atisfactor3- and herby acccptcd. You arc authorizcd to do the work as spccificd. Payments will b0 Made �rx Mttirted all-OVe, Owner Signature: page I ON Sou lheagt F?r rlda 33-41 5G Slur St Stuart. FL 34997 (7 ) 873 .7825 Daw. G-171deD I Ctfitrfil ROFida 7K Avow C SE Winner 1laven, FL 33SN (863) 845 � 3120