HomeMy WebLinkAboutMW-57 Termitea w 0 1 St Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (722) 462-2172 PERMIT# �2C)1()-01?�) JOBADDRESS 9630 Knollwood Ln, Fort Pierce, FL 34951-2918 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: 3 10 Chemicals used: Sentricon Always Active HD bait rim M Footing 0 1 st Treatment El Re -treat F� Slab El lst Treatment El Re -treat El Driveway D 1 st Treatment 0 Re -treat El Pools El 1st Treatment 0 Re -treat F-1 Other F lst Treatment F Re -treat Time of treatment: Al _T 1 YBXTII - - MreTYme77rjV7prev2,nMW7777Wj A weather resistantjobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each requiredprotective treatment is completed, providing a copyfor the person the poermit is iisued to and another copyfor the buildingpermitfiles. The Treatment Cer�flcate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number ofgallons used, to establish a verifiable record ofprotective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier methodfor termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completedprior tofinal building approval. 1 5555 1111 j " , ' , -'-w7rumarm Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. Signature of exterminator NOTE.- There must be as completed fags for each required treatment or re -treatment and this form must be on hftps:Happ.hometeam.pestpac.com/forms/Countypci—Print—Plain.asp?FormlD=l 821275&prepHnt=0&pdf-- 1/2 6/11/2021 County PCL Form the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re -inspection fee charged hops://app.hometeam.pestpac.com/forms/Countypcl_print plain.asp?FormlD=1821275&preprint=0&pdf= 212