HomeMy WebLinkAbout37 Page 1 of 10 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 050 - General Fund-Fees Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL ! 0007604 Grant Street Group Inc. May 2021 Monthly Admin Fee Tax 2, 400. 00 ! 0007608 St Lucie Co Tax Collector Reimburse TC Palm TD Advertisi 1, 722.50 Reimburse TC Palm TD Advertisi 3, 511.25 Reimburse TC Palm TD Advertisi 2, 186.25 Reimburse TC Palm TD Advertisi 3, 710.00 CHECK TOTAL: 11, 130. 00 ! 0007609 Triedata Inc Ecertified Records Svc 5/1-5/3 1, 696.50 Ecertified Records Svc 5/1-5/3 409.50 CHECK TOTAL: 2, 106. 00 00468175 Axum Properties Inc. Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 11, 755.00 00468201 Kalman Appel Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 10, 000.00 00468221 Woemmel, Laura Petty Cash Vouchers 6 Total Re 9. 99 Petty Cash Vouchers 6 Total Re 19. 00 Petty Cash Vouchers 6 Total Re 34 .00 CHECK TOTAL: 62. 99 H0010401 SHG Financial, LLC Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 10, 000.00 H0010402 Alicorp Enterprises, Inc. Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 5, 000. 00 H0010403 Sandollar Investment Group, In Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 6, 001.00 H0010405 April Widmayer Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 200. 00 H0010406 Future4Us Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 15, 000. 00 H0010408 Gregory Mills Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 200. 00 H0010410 Joseph Brennan Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 3, 000. 00 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe name=ORA$PIPE$040890840001&sess_id=80601222&user... 6/11/2021 Page 2 of 10 H0010412 Francis Zippa Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 1, 300.00 H0010417 Maria Agulles Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund 4, 000.00 H0010418 Fla Retirement System May 2021 Retirement 11, 678 . 15 H0010423 Internal Revenue Service Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 674 . 18 Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 2, 882.73 CHECK TOTAL: 3, 556. 91 FUND TOTAL: 97, 390.05 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 055 - General Fund-Clerk to Bd Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL ! 0007608 St Lucie Cc Tax Collector Reimburse TC Palm TD Advertisi 111. 15 Reimburse TC Palm TD Advertisi 106.25 CHECK TOTAL: 217.40 00468221 Woemmel, Laura Petty Cash Vouchers 6 Total Re 7. 98 Petty Cash Vouchers 6 Total Re 8 .00 Petty Cash Vouchers 6 Total Re 10.00 CHECK TOTAL: 25. 98 H0010418 Fla Retirement System May 2021 Retirement 11, 177 .81 H0010423 Internal Revenue Service Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 541.34 Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 2, 314 .70 CHECK TOTAL: 2, 856.04 FUND TOTAL: 14,277 .23 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 3 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 060 - General Fund-Court Rel Operations http://banapp.stlucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$O40890840001&sess_id=80601222&user... 6/11/2021 Page 3 of 10 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL ! 0007606 Jimmy John's 562019CF002792 6 Juror Meals 73. 45 ! 0007609 Triedata Inc Ecertified Records Svc 5/1-5/3 684 .00 ! 0007610 Voices for Children of Okeecho Juror Donations 67 .50 00468189 Donald McLam Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 7, 515. 00 00468199 Joseph Schneider Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 10, 300. 00 00468200 Kab Securities LLC Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 10, 000. 00 00468214 SafeSpace Inc Juror Donations 67 .50 00468221 Woemmel, Laura Jury Replenishment 1, 170.00 H0010397 Ken Wilcox Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 14, 000.00 H0010398 C & M Real Estate LLC Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 14, 005. 00 H0010399 D & D Home Investments LLC Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 16, 000. 00 H0010400 Axum Properties Inc. Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 8, 345. 00 H0010404 Demarios Green Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 150.00 H0010407 Mike Sapanara Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 500.00 H0010409 1986 Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 1, 000.00 H0010411 Donald Glancy Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 30, 000.00 H0010413 Paul Sasseville Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 25, 000.00 140010414 Wynne Building Corp. Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 5, 000.00 H0010415 Paul Silvis Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 20, 000.00 H0010416 Divonne Zappa Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 12, 000.00 H0010418 Fla Retirement System May 2021 Retirement 30, 387.30 http://banapp.stiucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe name=ORA$PIPE$040890840001&sess_id=80601222&user... 6/11/2021 Page 4 of 10 H0010422 Luvia Clairvoyant Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref 500.00 H0010423 Internal Revenue Service Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 1, 675.74 Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 7, 165. 35 CHECK TOTAL: 8, 841.09 FUND TOTAL: 215, 605.84 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 4 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 172 - Information Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0010418 Fla Retirement System May 2021 Retirement 3, 862. 46 H0010423 Internal Revenue Service Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 224 .58 Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 960.33 CHECK TOTAL: 1, 184 . 91 FUND TOTAL: 5, 047 .37 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST 437- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL ! 0007597 Gray, Hallen 562011CJ001176 A - Restitution 26.50 ! 0007598 Herndon, Joe 562010CF001226A-Restitution Pm 5. 60 ! 0007599 Proctor, Martha 562011CJ000703A-Restitution Pa 46. 50 ! 0007600 Smith, Joseph E 562018CJ000486 A - Restitution 96.50 ! 0007602 City Of Port St Lucie 562019CT000114A-Restitution Pm 46.50 ! 0007603 Crystal Lighting 562010CF001226A-Restitution Pm 12. 99 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$040890840001&sess_id=80601222&user... 6/11/2021 Page 5 of 10 ! 0007607 Joe' s Electric of St Lucie Cou 562010CF001226A-Restitution Pm 7. 91 00468174 Argueata, Steven 562019CJ000015A-Restitution Pa 13.25 00468177 Block & Colucci PA Refund Overpayment Recording F 83. 08 00468180 Christopher J Twohey PA Refund Overpayment Recording F 18. 50 Refund Overpayment Recording F 19. 00 CHECK TOTAL: 37 .50 004681,82 Cisneros, Kenneth 562009CJ001247B-Restitution Pa 13.25 00468183 Corbett, William 562017CF002673A-Restitution Pm 26. 50 00468184 Cove Harbour Title Services Refund Overpayment Recording F 49.50 Refund Overpayment Recording F 85. 00 Refund Overpayment Recording F 145.00 CHECK TOTAL: 279.50 00468185 Crane, Richard 562017CJ000442 A - Restitution 94 . 61 00468186 Crawford, Mary 562019CJ000603A-Restitution Pa 48.25 00468190 Ferrell, Barbara 562008CJ001995 B-Restitution P 26.50 00468191 Florida Department of Correcti 562010CF002097A Restitution Py 26.50 562017CF000859 A Refund Overpa 50.00 CHECK TOTAL: 76. 50 00468192 Gallagher, Rudolph 562010CJ000105 A - Restitution 96.50 00468193 Gilbert, Gregory D 562010CJ001109A-Restitution Pa 26. 50 00468194 Gonzalez, Elliot A 562016CF003019A-Restitution Pm 71.50 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00468195 Hinds, Garfield 562020CJ000546 A - Restitution 48.25 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$O40890840001&sess id=80601222&user... 6/11/2021 Page 6 of 10 00468196 Jacob Alan Lightbody 562021TR009105 A - Refund Over 24 .50 00468202 Knipfer, Eric 562010CF004030ARestitution Pmn 26.50 00468204 Law Offices of Rick Kozell Refund Overpayment Recording F 17 .50 Refund Overpayment Recording F 85. 00 CHECK TOTAL: 102.50 00468205 Liberty Title Refund Overpayment Recording F 15. 50 562020SCO04112 - Refund Overpa 67 . 90 Refund Overpayment Recording F 19.00 Refund Overpayment Recording F 40. 00 Refund Overpayment Recording F 181.50 CHECK TOTAL: 323. 90 00468206 Magdaleno, Jose 562012CJ001201 A - Restitution 23.25 00468210 Orozco, Beronica 562019CJ000885 A - Restitution 39. 69 00468211 Padrick III, Charles V 562017CJ000620A-Restitution Pa 96.50 00468212 Recor, David 562011CF002342B-Restitution Pm 26.50 00468213 Robinson, Grace 562012CJ000829 A - Restitution 26.50 00468215 Stahlfors, Jesper 562016CJ000529 A - Restitution 46. 50 00468216 Tower Hill Prime Insurance Com 562016CF000341A-Restitution Pm 96.50 00468219 Veatch-Jalil, Jessica M 562018CJ000240 A - Restitution 30.00 00468220 Whitehurst, Michael 562017CJ000327A-Restitution Pa 13.25 H0010396 Florida Department of Revenue Month Ending Efile - May 2021 490, 644 .22 H0010420 Florida Court Clerks & Comptro WE 5/28/21 . 10 of ea $4 add'l 1, 174 .30 H0010421 Florida Department of Revenue DocStamps/IntagCTax/DL 30.00 DocStamps/IntagCTax/DL 957, 173.48 DocStamps/IntagCTax/DL 460, 461. 03 DocStamps/IntagCTax/DL 259, 367 . 97 CHECK TOTAL: 1, 677, 032.48 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$040890840001&sess id=80601222&user... 6/11/2021 Page 7 of 10 FUND TOTAL: 2, 170, 911.28 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 7 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 693 - Court Registry Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00468176 Bank of New York Mellon Trust Bank of New York Mellon Tr Nat 197, 400. 00 00468179 Caraccia Holdings LLC and Tomm Caraccia Holdings & Tommy Cara 1, 475.00 00468181 Christopher Moen Christopher Moen -vs- Maribel 282. 14 00468187 Cresco Capital, Inc. Cresco Capital Inc/Chris Grome 3, 225. 05 00468207 Maria A. Pinho & Victor M. Vaz Wells Fargo NA/Victor M. Vax D 34, 008. 43 00468208 Megan D. Widmeyer Pa Trust Ace Caliber Home Loan/Unk Heirs Es 47, 590. 42 00468217 US Bank trust National Associa US Bank trust National Associa 169, 179. 45 00468218 Van Ness Law Firm PLC Deutsche Bank National Trust C 148, 348.26 FUND TOTAL: 601, 508 .75 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 695 - Cash Bonds Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00468178 Calvin Aldrich Williams Bond Refund 562020MM001557 1, 000.00 00468188 Denis Raymundo Mardini Bond Refund 56202IMM001008 A 500. 00 00468198 Joseph Anthony Domenic Bond Refund 562017MM002824 A C 52. 00 FUND TOTAL: 1, 552.00 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$040890840001&sess id=80601222&user... 6/11/2021 Page 8 of 10 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 696 - COC-Ordinary Witness Fee CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00468171 A.S. Per Diem 5/13-5/14/21 St v Jos 214 . 81 00468172 American Express - BTA St v Carlos Arellano-Ramierez 206.39 00468173 Anita Fox Mileage Reimbursmnt St vs Jaco 5. 60 00468197 Jermaine Burchell Mileage Reimbursement St vs Pa 6.44 00468203 L.S. Per Diem 5/13-5/14/21 St v Jos 100.00 00468209 Norma Alery Lemus Paz State vs Albert Eugene Coderre 97 .01 FUND TOTAL: 630 .25 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO I1-JUN-2021 FUND: 801 - Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL ! 0007605 HealthEquity Inc. Flexible Spending and Dep Care 2, 507. 63 H0010395 Fla Dept of State State of florida Child Support 3.00 State of florida Child Support 486. 64 CHECK TOTAL: 489. 64 H0010418 Fla Retirement System May 2021 Retirement 13, 287. 85 H0010419 TIAA Deferred Compensation 5, 956.82 Deferred Compensation 2, 130.51 CHECK TOTAL: 8, 087. 33 H0010423 Internal Revenue Service Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 13, 323. 11 Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 3, 115.84 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$040890840001&sess_id=80601222&user... 6/11/2021 Page 9 of 10 Social Sec Taxes Payable & Emp 16, 171.74 CHECK TOTAL: 32, 610. 69 FUND TOTAL: 56, 983. 14 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 050 General Fund-Fees Operations 97, 390. 05 0. 00 055 General Fund-Clerk to Bd Operations 14, 277.23 0. 00 060 General Fund-Court Rel Operations 215, 605.84 0 .00 172 Information Technology 5, 047.37 0.00 691 COCC Trust Fund 2, 170, 911 .28 0.00 693 Court Registry Fund 601, 508.75 0.00 695 Cash Bonds Fund 1, 552 .00 0 .00 696 COC-Ordinary Witness Fee 630.25 0. 00 801 Bank Fund 56, 983.14 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 3, 163, 905. 91 0.00 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR VOID LIST# 37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 050 - General Fund-Fees Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00468058 Greenvipes, Inc. 4,280.00 FUND TOTAL: 4,280. 00 06/11/21 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 2 FZABWARR VOID LIST# 37- 05-JUN-2021 TO 11-JUN-2021 FUND: 693 - Court Registry Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL http://banapp.stlucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe name=ORA$PIPE$040890840001&sess_id=80601222&user... 6/l 1/2021 Page 10 of 10 00467792 Chris Gromek 2, 974 .20 FUND TOTAL: 2, 974 .20 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:8888/pclrk/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$O40890840001&sess_id=80601222&user... 6/11/2021