HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: �T1 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce Ft 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Plumbing NEW WATER SERVICE Address: 2207 BARBARA AVE, FT PIERCE, FL 34982 Legal Description: FLEETWOOD ACRES BLK 2 LOT 2 Property Tax ID #: 2428-604-0018-000-3 Site Plan Name: Project Name: HASELGROVE NEW WATER SERVICE Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: _ Left Side: Lot No. 2 Block No. 2 INSTALL NEW WATER SERVICE LINE FROM METER TO HOUSE USING 3/4" PVC SCH 40 APPROX 70' MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12" OHVAC U Gas Tank 11 Electric N Plumbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: $ 1888.00 Sprinklers Lvl Shutters OGenerator Windows/Doors Roof Roof pitch S Ft. of First Floor: Utilities:OSewer 0Septic Building Height: Name JUDY HASELGROVE Address: 2207 BARBARA AVE City: FT PIERCE State: FL Zip Code: 34982 Fax: Phone No. E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Name: RONALD E MEEKS Company: MEEKS PLUMBING INC Address: 5555 US HWY 1, SUITE 1 City: VERO BEACH State: FL Zip Code: 32967 Fax: 772-569-7647 Phone No. 772-569-2285 E-Mail: INFO@MEEKSPLUMBING.COM State or County License: CFCO24535 If value of construction is t2500 or more. a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPEENTA 4 IYB �C.4J v.J .I Llt 84A �L..i i..� f'iYY A� � iTl l �V m > ry DESIGNER ENGINEER: j Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY:4 Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: i Zip: Phone: OWNER CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before cornmVncing work or recording our Notice of Comme cenlQnt. Signature of Contractor/ icense Holder Signature of Owner/ Lessee/ .ontractor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11 day of JUNE , 202 by The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11 day of DUNE _ 2Q 21 by RONALD E MEEKS RONALD E MEEKS Name of per pop making statement Personally Known OR Produced Identification _ Name of person making statement Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identificatio Type of Identificati n Produced Produced (Sign ure of Votary P i - ate of Florida) (Sig tune of otary Pub i t State of Florida ) Comm►ssi N `~ t4ow_Public stae4sti3l�ida Drafts M Thibauit My Commission GG 093573 of n Expires 081101 021 Commis NoRaw ii �zeVuo�c stain t wco mmrssia M 7on G It f * {Ay Co021 093573 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE _ COMPLETED Rev.8/2/17 Fo rt P i e rc:e- U-t i I i .L i Fk3 t._.L P i e rc,:e Lilt i 1 i t i r=:s 206 S 6th Street 206 S 6th Street Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Telephone No. (772i 466-1E06 Telephone No. (772) 466-1E00 05/18J21 9;2-Ai1 05/18/21 9:2'2AM Receipt #: 012210518000023 Receipt #: 012210518000022 Customer #: 264084 Customer #: 264084 Location #: 10008309 Location #; 10008300 For: JUDY L FASELGROVE For: JUDY L HASELGROVE Payment ^Received: 2,140,0(; Payment Received: 60.00 Amount Tendered - Check: 2,140.00: Amount Tendered - Check; 60.00 Check Number 2C=1 Check Number 2C51 11 be posted: 05-1B-2t Payment will be posted: 05-18-2C21 Register: CASHIER Register: CASNIEFI2 Thank you -, Have a nice day..,. Thank you - Have a nice day.... NEW HOURS M-F 9AM. - 5PM NEW HOURS M-F 9,AM - 5PM. DRIVE THRU 8AM - 5PM DRIVE THRU 8AM - 5PM wwtw , 6•PUA , com www , [:PUA . com * x Budget Billing Now Available * * * Budget Billing Now Available CUSTOMER COPY CUSTOMER COPY Fort Pierce Utilities Authority "Committed To Quality" Water/Wastewater Engineering 206 South 6th Street Phone (772) 466-1600 Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Fax (772) 461-1938 CUSTOMER INVOICE QUOTE FOR: JUDY HASELGROVE JOB DESCRIPTION: INSTALL 5/8 X 3/4" WATER METER ONLY, NO SEWER INVOICE NO: SORD00004243765 LOCATION ID: 10008309 ADDRESS: 2207 BARBARA AVE FORT PIE ADDITIONAL INFO: Service Order No. SORD00004243765 ' Pending -W-3/4 MTR U/G WATER 3/4 METER ONLY U/G $250.00 W-CAP IM CHG WATER CAPITAL IMPROVE CHARGE $0.01 W-CON FEE NEW WATER CONNECT FEE NEW CUST $0.01 DEPOSIT INVOICE DEPOSIT FOR INVOICE NEW CUST $0.01 Posted Sub Total $0.00 Unposted Sub Total $2,200.00 PREPARED BY: JOHNSONCH Charges $250.00 $1,850.00 $40.00 $60.00 Service Sub Total $2,200.00 Posted Total $0.00 Unposted Total $2,200.00 Grand Total $2.200.00 Customers will be assessed wastewater charges the day they connect to the wastewater system or within 365 days from date wastewater Connection Charge is paid - whichever is first. The cost of the service line from the point of delivery at the property line to the house / building is the responsibility of the customer and is not included in this invoice . State laws require that a permit from the Health Department must be obtained prior to initiating a septic tank abandonment. Contact the Health Department at (772) 873-4931. Construction cost estimates are based on current labor , equipment and material prices . Actual costs of construction will be determined at the completion of the project . Should unforeseen circumstances be encountered during construction , including but not limited to adverse weather conditions and construction conflicts , the customer will be responsible for increased costs . Additional costs incurred by the customer shall not exceed fifteen ( 15 ) percent of the total estimated construction costs shown above . Estimated costs paid by the customer that exceed the actual cost of construction will be refunded by Fort Pierce Utilities Authority.All fees are due prior to any construction. Note: Please submit accepted Customer Invoice to Customer Solutions at 206 South 6th Street, Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 or call (772) 466-1600 to setup account. Customer Signature: Date: Printed Name: PAGE 1 OF 1 PRINTED ON: 05/18/2021 AT 09:17 AM