HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, Pacholik1 esealCOPYRIGHTCNOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF FLORIDA ALUMINUM ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT ADDRESS:DRAWN BYDATE DRAWNREVISION12SHEET NO:34PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER THOMAS P. ARNETT, P.E. LICENSE No. #46043 FLORIDA ALUMINUM ENGINEERING, INC. 5601 MARINER STREET SUITE 240 TAMPA FL. 33609 TEL: (813) 374-2403 FAX: (813) 374-4516 FLORIDA BUSINESS REGISTRY LICENSE NO. 32807 L I CENSET H OMASP.ARNETTPROFESSIONALENGI N E ERFLORIDA This item has beenelectronically signed and sealedby T.P. Arnett, PE. using aDigital Signature with date andtime. Printed copies of thisdocument are not consideredsigned and sealed and thesignature must be verified onany electronic copies.Applicable Codes, Regulations, and Standards1.The 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, specifically Chapter16 Structural Design, Chapter 20 Aluminum, and Chapter 23 Wood.2.ASCE 7-16.Loading Criteria1.Wind Load:1.1.Building Occupancy Category, Section 1604.5 and Table1604.5: Risk Category 2.1.2.Ultimate Design Wind Speed: VULT = 160 MPH, NominalDesign Wind Speed: VASD = 124 MPH as required by localjurisdiction.2.Exposure Category, Section 1609.4.3: Exposure BScope of Work:Replacement of (7) Impact Single Hung Windows.Builder / Permit Application is to provide Florida Product Approvalsmeeting required design pressures.CONTRACTOR: South Florida Aluminum ProductsDESIGN CRITERIA:A-1MIKE PACHOLIK 22 LAKE VISTA TRAIL UNIT #107 PORT ST LUCIE FL 34952TP----05/17/21