HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, DOC061621MIAMt MIAMI-DADS. COUNTY PRODUCTCONTROL SECTION I 1 Wt , S W" 26 Strect. Room 203 DEPARTMENTOF REGULATORY AND ECONONUC RLSOURCES(RFR) \,, iaini, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AtNDCODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION l' 086) 315.2590 F (780) 315-1-599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (.NOA1 „ i,,.mianiia:itle,it)viecout.. DAIS Door Company, Inc. 121.95 NW 9811 Avenue Hialeah Gardens, Fl, 33018 SCOPE: This NOA is hein€; issued under the applicatble nfles and regulat ions governing the use of constntction_tnaterials The docutnentotiotisubmittedhasbeer(revievkcd andacceptedby-Miatrni-Dade:CountyttE<R-ProductControlSection to be used in kliami-DadeCounty and other arcaswlicreallowedbythe Authority IiavingAirisdiction (AlU), This NOA shall not he Valid aftc;rtheexpu-ation datestartedbelow. lle 1,1lanai-DudeC:ounty Product Control Section (In Miami -Dade County)an(1r'orilie AIIJ tin arcas other than Miaatni-Da deC:()utaty) reserve the right to havetlais product or ntateria Rested for duality itssurance purposes. if this product or Ina teriulfaiIs to perform in the accepted manner, tlx: naanuracturer ekill incur the expense of such testing and the Al 1.1 may immediately revoke, inodify, or suspend the use of such product ormatctialwithin their iurisdietion. RFR reserves th, tiOj t to revoke this aceeptatnce,ifit is determined by Miaini•DadeCounty Product Con trolSection that thisproduct tar materiaI fatits to mecttile; realuirernantsof the applicable building code. This pmduct is a pprc)ved a,,described herein and ha s beeri de igned to coinph; with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, DESCRIPTION: Hurricane :Master Nlodel 824/811 Steel Sectional Garage Door up to 911.4in. W w/ Window Lile Option (DP +50.0,-60.0 PSF) APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 01-09, titled "Sectional (.iarage boor", sheets I through 5 of 5, darted 02i"01;2001 with faitrevision Nl datedOT"30 `'020.preparedbyAl-FarooclC orporatlon,signed andscaled by Jalal Farooy, RE- hearing the ianii-Dade Ctiuttty' Product Control Revisloti statrlp with the Notice: of Acceptance number and expiration (late by the Nliatni-Glade County PrOdUCt Control Section, MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile impact Resistant LABELING: A permanent label with the tnanutacturer's name or logo, manuratcUtring address, trtodel number, the positive and negative design pressure rating, Indicate impact rated if applicable, installation instrctetiondrawing.referencenitmber,approvatlnumber(NOA),theapplicableteststandards,andthesta Unciii reacting "Mianii-Dade County Product Control Approved is to be located on the door's side track, bonom angle, or inner surface ofa panel. RENEWAL ofth€sNOA 7haall be considered atftera renewal application hasbeen filed and therm hasbeen no change in the applica ble building Chile: n0gativ4ly affactiraL!III c perftirnaance Of this pi-t dUCt. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur ,aftertile ex0ratiun date or if there has been a revision or change in the inatcrials.use, and`tarIII anufactureof the product or prose s. VIisuse of this NOA as an endotsemcnt of anyproduct.for sales, adventisingor:an4awomaticaillvteniiinaatethisl O,V Failure tocompiywith unvsectionofthis NOA sha11 be ca use for termina tion aind rem ova I o f NOA. ADvERTISEMEN"I ':The NOA number preceded b} the words Miami -Dade; County, Florida, and followed by the uxpiration date in a-, he displayed in advertising! litcratturc, tfany poilion oftfie NOA is displayed,then it sha11 hedon c in its entirety, INSPECTION: Ac€apy«.fthis entire NOA shall be prov-idcd 10th('Uscr by the naanufacturerorits distributors and shall beavailablcforinspection aitOicjob site at the rtwquest of ilic Building Official, This NOA revises NOA # 17-1018.13 and consists of this pa gc I and evidence pages E-1, E-2, E-3 and. E4, as well as approval docti gent tttmtioned above. The submitted documentation watt reviewed by Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. INILY A -Au. z oVa l.I s lolls= Expiration Date: August 09, 2021 Approvut Elate: December 03, 2020 Page I DAB Door Company, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED I. Evidence submitted in previous files A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 01-09, titled "Sectional Garage Door', sheets I through 5 of 5, dated 02/0112001, with last revision K dated 0312112016, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA # 09-0128.04" 1. 'rest reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC CAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Load ing per FBC, TAS 203-94 4) Forced Entry Test, per FBC 2411 3.2.1, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of a DAB 824 24 GA Sectional Garage Door with Fixed Windows, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc, Test Reports No. HETI-08-2149A/B, dated 06/2?`2008, signed and scaled by Candido F. Font, P.E. "Suhmitted under NOA # 09-0128.04" 2. Test report of Tensile Test per ASTM E 8, Report No. IIETI 08-T182, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, 1nc., dated 12i23/2008, signed and sealed by Cand ido F. Font, P.E. "Suhruitted under NOA # 01-0516.03" 3. Test report of large missile impact test per PA 201 and cyclic wind pressure test per PA 203 on "Sectional Residential Garage Door'`, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Report No. HETI 01-974A, dated 01/29/2001. signed and sealed by Hector M. Medina, P.E. 4. Pest report of Uniform Static Air Pressure 'rest per PA 202 and Force Entry Resistance Test on "Sectional Residential Garage Door", prepared by Hurricane Engineering & "resting, Inc., Report No. HETI 01-969, dated 01/18/2001, signed and sealed by Hector M. Medina, P.E. 5. Test report on Salt Spray (Corrosion) Test per ASTM 13 117 of a painted C140 steel panels, prepared by Celotex Corporation, `Kest Report No. 258592, dated 08117/1998, signed by W. A. Jackson, P.E. Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA-No. 20-0901.19 Expiration Date: August 09, 2021 Approval Date: December 03,2020 E -t DAB Door Company Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBRtITTED C. CALCULATIONS"Subutittedunder NOA#14-0814.04" 1. Anchor verification calculations prepared by AI-Farooq Corporation, dated 09.,22.12014 and 07i24/2014, signed and scaled by Javad Ahmad, P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 09-0128.04" 2. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooy Corporation, complying with F.B.0 2007, dated 12%19.�20C18, sip eel and sealed by Humayouu l'arotxi, P.E, D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Mianni-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. NIATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 15-0915.08, issued to SABIC Innovative Plastics, for their Lex:ui PolycarbonateSheetProducts, approved oil 121102015and expiring on0717'2018. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0311.08, issued to Insutfoam, LLC, for their hnsulfoatnExpanded Polystyrene Insulation, approved on 08A 4J2014 and expiring on I U29;2017. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0926.07, issued to Dyplast Products, I.LC, for then Expanded Polystyrene BlockType Insulation, approved on 1 1;10/201 1 and expiring on 01%11 i2017. 4. Notice of Acceptance No_ I 1-0926.06. issued to Dyplast Products. LLC, for their Dyplast ISO- Cl PolyisocyanurateInsulation. approved oil IU101201Iand expiring on01%l1/2017. 5. Notice of Acceptance No. 15-1203.04, issued to (Mictfoam North America Inc, for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Insulation, approved on 03l17:2016 and expiring on 02.24(2021. "Submitted under NOA # 054228.02" 6. 'rest Report on Accelerated Weathering Using Xenon Arc Light Apparatus Test per ASTM G 155 of"PVC Extrusion Material", prepared by Ilutric.nte Engineering & Testing, Inc., Report No. HE'ri 04-A002. dated K9 2712004, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. 7. 'Pest Reports on Tensile Test per ASTM D638 of "PVC Extrusion Material", prepared by Hurricane Engineering& Testing hic., Report No. HETI 04-T251, dated 1 1!292004 signed and sealed by L Ghia, P.E. 8. "rest Report on Self -Ignition Temperature Test. Rate of Burn "Pest and Smoke Density Test of "REI lAt? non -foam PVC extrusion material", prepared by ETC Laboratories. Report No. 04- 761-15019.0, dated 05O6i2004, signed and sealed by J. L. Doldam, P.E. F. STATEMENTS I. Statement lenerof code confomnance to the 5" edition (2014) FBC and of no financial interest issued by Al-l'arcwq Corporation, dated 03,21 12016, signed and scaled by Javad Ahmad, P.E. n1 Carlos NI. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA-No. 20-0901.19 Expiration Date: August 09, 2021 Approvat Date; December 03, 2020 E-2 DAB Door Companv, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUB 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED IN PREVIOUS NOA # 17-1018.13 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 01-09, titled "Sectional Garage Door", sheets I through 5 of 5, dated 02 01 �2001, with last revision K dated 03/2112016, sheets I through 5 of 5, prepared by AI-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Alunad, P.E. Note: This revision consists of editorial changes to comply with FBC 2017. B. CALCULATIONS 1. None, C. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). D. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0221.06, issued to Insulfoam, LLC, for their Insulfoam Expanded Polystyrene Insulation, expiring on 1 1 /29/2022. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 16-1108.04, issued to Dyplast Products, LLC, for their Dyplast ISO-C1 Polyisoeyanti rat c Insulation, expiring on 01/11/2022. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 15-1203.04, issued to Cellofoam North America Inc, for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Insulation, expiring on 02.'24I2021. 4, Notice of Acceptance No. 15-0915.08, issued to SABIC Innovative Plastics, for their Lexan Sheet Products, expiring on 07i1 7i201S. E. STATEMENTS 1, Statement letterof conformance to FBC 2014 (5"Edition) and FBC 2017 (6t11 Edition), prepared by Al Farooq Corporation, dated 10%051'17, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. F. OTHER 1. This NOA revises NOA # 16-0330.02,cxpirtng08r09i21. Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA-No. 20-0901.19 Expiration Date: August 09, 2021 Approval Date: December 03, 2020 E-3 DAB Door Company, Inc, NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBILITTED 3. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1 Drawing No. 01-09. titled "Sectional Garage Door", sheets l through 5 of 5, dated 02i01 r2001 with last revision NI dated 013012020, sheets I through 5 of 5, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, dated 08;13/2020, signed and sealed by Jalal Farooq, P.E. B. TESTS t. \one. C. CALCULATIONS I. Nonc. D. QllAL1TYASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER), E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS I. Notice of Acceptance No. 19-0129.06, issued to Insulfoam, LLC. for thew Insulfoam Expanded Polystyrene Preformed Block "Type 1 Insulation, expiring on 11/29/2022. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-1207.04. issued to Dyplast Products, LLC, for their Dyplast ISO -CI Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam insulation, expiring on 0t/1 U2022. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 18-0918.06, issued to Plaskolite, U.C. for their TUFFAK Polyearbonate Sheets, approved on 011;15;2018 and expiring on 8i27i2022. F. STATEMENTS 1. Letter of conformance to FBC 2020 (VI Edition) and FBC 2017 (61" Edition), prepared by Al Farooq Corporation. dated 07%15:2020,signed and seated by Jalal Farooq, P.E. Carlos M, Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA-No. 20-0901.19 Expiration Date: Angust 09, 2021 Appro%al Date: December 03.2020 E - a 6 . Ce SZ n8) »Icxena,ciwa opse-ras sot, ]u �.6i a r9 4.4, .�_ fasts vrf, ease. V019011 MV1. l RLL1O IOMO.913SN(3NJOEj 1N3WdOl3n]tt 1JOdOLd NSN]3N19N3 ]U! SUOd UAO:) y00(] NOL1VNOdHOO DOOM" -lb y oj� My WO It 3F s i Y 1 hf 35Y f� W � ! 2 yy Yj i h 1 ry { ry (1 j I env �I J 6�i i s 0 i t F`'� vVA- o All It ii 2Owl >4 �t ] s s As ( z'�Qzc � y^ MA� Y b 1 9 3 _N ]a J .. ,I .... ( oil d�a ea n�" all Is .— _:fit • _ —S{ R m F 9 z -a z r z o an r Ilya,.10 GO r ma S i7 _ e as S A a 610 s�n .'i s rz 3 s&o.y t5 � w S 1 U a rvry j rc „ y ; Y� -I.- off !- v uju •yv) 1 1 x Y. 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