HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection.pdfFrom:Rob Kennedy
To:Heather Burford
Cc:Brian Tardif
Subject:FW: 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection
Date:Monday, June 21, 2021 10:53:29 AM
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See below email from Grant Chambers for Permit #2003-0239, 2003-0240, 2003-0333.
Please let me know if you need anything else.
Robert Kennedy
Wilson’s Petroleum Equipment, Inc.
1803 S. 31st Street
Fort Pierce, FL 34947
From: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2021 12:54 PM
To: Rangel, Misael <Misael.Rangel@kimley-horn.com>; Gillespie, Matthew
Cc: Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Brian Tardif <briant@wilsons-petroleum.com>; Rob
Kennedy <robk@wilsons-petroleum.com>
Subject: RE: 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection
Public Works has signed off on the onsite portion of the project. Has FDOT signed off on the turn
lane and driveways, yet?
Thank you,
Grant Chambers, P.E. | Civil Engineer | Public Works DepartmentPh: 772-462-1707 | Direct: 772-462-2741 | 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982
facebook.com/stluciegov | twitter.com/stluciegov | instagram.com/stluciegov | youtube.com/stluciegov
From: Rangel, Misael <Misael.Rangel@kimley-horn.com>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2021 11:10 AM
To: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>; Gillespie, Matthew
Cc: Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Briant@wilsons-petroleum.com; Rob Kennedy
Subject: RE: 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection
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Good Morning Grant,
Can you confirm that Public works has signed off on the Site Development permit and has no
objections to the issuance of a C.O or T.C.O. ?
Misael Rangel, E.I. | Analyst
Kimley-Horn | 189 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1000, Orlando, FL 32801
Direct: 407 427 1645 | www.kimley-horn.com
Connect with us: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram
Celebrating 14 years as one of FORTUNE’s 100 Best Companies to Work For
From: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 1:54 PM
To: Rangel, Misael <Misael.Rangel@kimley-horn.com>; Gillespie, Matthew
Cc: Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>
Subject: RE: 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection
We have received the asbuilt and certification.
Thank you,
Grant Chambers, P.E. | Civil Engineer | Public Works DepartmentPh: 772-462-1707 | Direct: 772-462-2741 | 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982
facebook.com/stluciegov | twitter.com/stluciegov | instagram.com/stluciegov | youtube.com/stluciegov
From: Rangel, Misael <Misael.Rangel@kimley-horn.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 11:12 AM
To: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>; Gillespie, Matthew
Cc: Kristopher McCrain <McCraink@stlucieco.org>; Robert Krip <KripR@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer
McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Pitts, Adam
<Adam.Pitts@kimley-horn.com>; Jason Kenna <kennaj@stlucieco.org>; Briant@wilsons-
Subject: RE: 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection
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Thank you Grant.
We received confirmation that the As-builts& EOR certifications were received by your office today
at 10am. See FedEx confirmation below.
Misael Rangel, E.I. | Analyst
Kimley-Horn | 189 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1000, Orlando, FL 32801
Direct: 407 427 1645 | www.kimley-horn.com
Connect with us: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram
Celebrating 14 years as one of FORTUNE’s 100 Best Companies to Work For
From: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 10:46 AM
To: Gillespie, Matthew <Matthew.Gillespie@kimley-horn.com>; Rangel, Misael
Cc: Kristopher McCrain <McCraink@stlucieco.org>; Robert Krip <KripR@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer
McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Pitts, Adam
<Adam.Pitts@kimley-horn.com>; Jason Kenna <kennaj@stlucieco.org>; Briant@wilsons-
Subject: RE: 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection
Good Morning,
Jason informed us that the site has passed the final walk through. Once we receive the hard copies
of the asbuilt and certification we can sign officially off on our inspection.
Thank you,
Grant Chambers, P.E. | Civil Engineer | Public Works Department
Ph: 772-462-1707 | Direct: 772-462-2741 | 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982
facebook.com/stluciegov | twitter.com/stluciegov | instagram.com/stluciegov | youtube.com/stluciegov
From: Gillespie, Matthew <Matthew.Gillespie@kimley-horn.com>
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 2:33 PM
To: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>; Rangel, Misael <Misael.Rangel@kimley-
Cc: Kristopher McCrain <McCraink@stlucieco.org>; Robert Krip <KripR@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer
McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Pitts, Adam
<Adam.Pitts@kimley-horn.com>; Jason Kenna <kennaj@stlucieco.org>
Subject: Re: 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection
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2 Hard copies with my EOR certification have been sent out and you should receive them tomorrow
Matthew Gillespie, PE
189 S. Orange Ave, Ste 1000
Orlando, FL 32801
Direct: (407) 409-7007
Cell: (256) 541-6482
From: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 2:21:08 PM
To: Rangel, Misael <Misael.Rangel@kimley-horn.com>
Cc: Kristopher McCrain <McCraink@stlucieco.org>; Robert Krip <KripR@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer
McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Gillespie, Matthew
<Matthew.Gillespie@kimley-horn.com>; Pitts, Adam <Adam.Pitts@kimley-horn.com>; Jason Kenna
Subject: RE: 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection
Good Afternoon Misa,
We have received the documents and request. We will require a hard copy of the asbuilts as well.
Our inspector, Jason, will be reaching out to schedule a final walk through. Please let me know if you
have any other questions.
Thank you,
Grant Chambers, P.E. | Civil Engineer | Public Works DepartmentPh: 772-462-1707 | Direct: 772-462-2741 | 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982
facebook.com/stluciegov | twitter.com/stluciegov | instagram.com/stluciegov | youtube.com/stluciegov
From: Rangel, Misael <Misael.Rangel@kimley-horn.com>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2021 2:16 PM
To: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>
Cc: David Hays <haysd@stlucieco.org>; Patrick Dayan <DayanP@stlucieco.org>; Kristopher McCrain
<McCraink@stlucieco.org>; Robert Krip <KripR@stlucieco.org>; Lindsay Lankford
<lankfordl@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith
<galbraithl@stlucieco.org>; Gillespie, Matthew <Matthew.Gillespie@kimley-horn.com>; Pitts, Adam
Subject: RE: 7Eleven38944-Kings&Indrio-(PDS-2020-019-1)Request for Final PW Inspection
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Good Afternoon Grant,
Please accept this email as the formal request for the SLC Final Inspection for the subject
referenced Site Development Permit. Attached to this email are the required As-Builts and EOR
certification. We will be sending two (2) original hardcopies of each to your office.
At your earliest convenience, please let us know the proposed date for the Final Inspection.
Thank you and your office for your continued attention and support on getting this project across
the finish line.
Misael Rangel, E.I. | Analyst
Kimley-Horn | 189 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1000, Orlando, FL 32801
Direct: 407 427 1645 | www.kimley-horn.com
Connect with us: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram
Celebrating 14 years as one of FORTUNE’s 100 Best Companies to Work For
From: Rangel, Misael
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 9:55 AM
To: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>; Gillespie, Matthew
Cc: David Hays <haysd@stlucieco.org>; Patrick Dayan <DayanP@stlucieco.org>; Kristopher McCrain
<McCraink@stlucieco.org>; Robert Krip <KripR@stlucieco.org>; Lindsay Lankford
<lankfordl@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith
Subject: RE: 7 Eleven Kings and Indrio
Thank you Grant.
We will retain for our records. Please rest assured that the changes in the roadway have been
coordinated with FDOT. See attached for revised FDOT permit package.
(The revised sheets are attached at the end of the packet.)
Misael Rangel, E.I. | Analyst
Kimley-Horn | 189 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1000, Orlando, FL 32801
Direct: 407 427 1645 | www.kimley-horn.com
From: Grant M. Chambers <ChambersG@stlucieco.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 12:17 PM
To: Rangel, Misael <Misael.Rangel@kimley-horn.com>; Gillespie, Matthew
Cc: David Hays <haysd@stlucieco.org>; Patrick Dayan <DayanP@stlucieco.org>; Kristopher McCrain
<McCraink@stlucieco.org>; Robert Krip <KripR@stlucieco.org>; Lindsay Lankford
<lankfordl@stlucieco.org>; Jennifer McGee <McGeeJ@stlucieco.org>; Lydia Galbraith
Subject: 7 Eleven Kings and Indrio
Please see attached Site Development Permit modification for the changes previously discussed.
Please keep in mind that this approval is limited to the items shown on sheet C4 and C5. Changes in
the roadway shall be coordinated with FDOT.
Thank you,
Grant Chambers, P.E. | Civil Engineer | Public Works DepartmentPh: 772-462-1707 | Direct: 772-462-2741 | 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982
facebook.com/stluciegov | twitter.com/stluciegov | instagram.com/stluciegov | youtube.com/stluciegov
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