HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Fuel.Gas - Horton-117 Queen Eugenia Ct, Hutchinston Island SupportingDocs UNDERGROU ND/ABOVEGi + W � ► rY., WHY CHOOSE QUALITY STEEL HOW DO I FIND MY UNDERGROUND TANKS? SALES REP? • 120 - 1,990 WG CAPACITY Visit our website, www.propanetank.com to •General Specifications view a list of our reps. Once on our site you'll • Conforms to the latest edition of ASMF Rules for Construction of be able to choose the Commercial options and Pressure Vessels, Section VIII, Division 1. from there you'll be taken to a list of US states • Complies with NFPA 58. where you can choose your location and view • Rated at 250 psig from -20' F to 125' F.All vessels registered the contact information for your local sales rep, with National Board. If you don't see your sales rep. please give us a call at 800-345-2495. •Two service options available: • Option 1: Ready-to-bury underground option, coated with Our manufacturing locations are strategically either powder coated phenolic epoxy finish or liquid applied located to help serve your tank needs. epoxy primer coat followed by urethane top coat, supplied with composite AGIUG dome OHIO LOCATION • Option 2:Aboveground option, coated with either powder coated 721 Graham Drive TGIC polyester finish or liquid applied epoxy primer coat followed Fremont, OH 43420 419-334-2664 by urethane top coat, supplied with steel AGIUG dome ` Lit • Family & employee owned • Financing and leasing available �►� �. • Customized delivery programs available UTAH LOCATION 5601 Axel Park Rd. HOME OFFICE PROUDLYWest Jordan, UT 84081 2914 U.S. 61 801-280-1133 Cleveland, MS 38732 ADE 800-345-2495 IN AMERICA We want f� 1 make it easier foryou to I/your QUALITY STEEL Secause Quality Steef Means Qual�y Tanks D/ABOVEG ROUND TANKS Consult our dimension and specification chart below to find the tank that best fits your needs. Visit our website at www.propanetank.com for more information. OVERALLLENGTH OVERALL HEIGHT LEG WIDTH LEG SPACING LEG WIDTH APPROXIMATE ABOVEGROUND/UNDEGROUND (AG/UG) VESSEL DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS WATER DIAMETER HEAD OVERALL OVERALL LEG* LEG** WEIGHT **QUANTITY CAPACITY (OD) TYPE LENGTH HEIGHT WIDTH SPACING (Ibs.) FULL LOAD PER STACK *120 wg. 24" Ellip. 5'-8" 3' 1'-1 1/2" 2'-10 1/2" 260 108 196 16 1 12 or 3'-11" *250 wg. 30" Hemi. 7'-10" 3'-8" 1'-5" 4'-11" 480 54 9 *320 wg. 30" Hemi. 9'-7" 3'-8" 1'-5" 5' 620 45 9 500 wg. 37 1/2" Hemi. 10, 4'-2" 1'-8" 5' 950 37 1 30 8 16 1000 wg. 41" Hemi. 16' 1 4'-5" 1 1'-8" 1 10'-1" 1,800 17 1 15 6 15 1450 wg. 46 1/2" Ellip. 17'-4" 4'-11" V-9" 11'-7" 2,650 12 4 1990 w . 46 1 2" Ellip. 23'-11" 4'-11" V-9" 16' 3,520 8 4 Dimensions and specifications shown are approximate. Individual vessels may vary Leg spacing+l-2". Leg widths and spacing may vary based on mfg,location, Check with your salesperson for detals, 120,250, 320 wg.standard tanks-no holes in legs (one center hole on request). 500 and 1000 wg. standard tanks-2 holes 16"on center. 1450 wg.and up as shown above. Full load and stack quantities vary by shipping location. Check with your salesperson for details. in HOME OFFICE OHIO LOCATION UTAH LOCATION 2914 U.S.61 721 Graham Drive 5601 Axel Park Rd. QUALITY STEEL Cleveland, MS 38732 Fremont, OH 43420 West Jordan, UT 84081 Becouse Quafily Stee!Means QuaAfy Tanks 800-345-2495 419-334-2664 801-280-1133 t Sliana To for Suppnilln9I1SA Manulacturers t Qual€ty Steel 612017 S2 STORAGE TANK IS ADEQUATELY PROPANE TANK BUOYANCY Ferrellgas ANCHORED TO PREVENT FLOATATION, COLLAPSE OR LATERAL MOVEMENT MAX BUOYANCY = P'tg'V�0* DURING THE BASE FLOOD EVENT. = 1.94 slug/ft' • 32.2 ft/s' • 66.84 ft' 3232 SE Dixie Hwy. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH = 4176 LBS Stuart,FL 34997 NFPA 5 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE AND FLORIDARID FUEL GAS CODE 2020 & NET BUOYANCY = MAX BUOYANCY — WEIGHT OF EMPTY TANK FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2020. = 4176 LBS — 871 LBS = 3305 LBS TANKS INSTALLED IN TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH GALV. STEEL FORCE ON J' CABLE = 3305 / 2 = 1653 LBS SCHED. 80 PIPE BOLLARDS (4"0) 6' LONG TENSILE STRENGTH OF J' CABLE = 9800 LBS / 5 = 1960 LBS X 3' BURY DEPTH WITH CAP 0 3' O.C. FORCE ON AUGER ANCHOR = 1653 / 2 = 827 LBS ZO MIN. PULL—OUT RESISTANCE OF AUGER ANCHOR = 1360 LBS a C7 O In —11' C7 GROUND LEVEL GROUND LEVEL Im i---I IIIIL�IIIUm_ IIIm�1J�Lm m Im �I ml Im IIII IJI n Oda I 1 U LP TANK " 7x19 GALV. AIRCRAFT CABLE @� 2 TOTAL (IN POLY. SLEEVE) AUGER ANCHOR, 36' LONG W/ 6"/ HELIX 4 TOTAL Fort Pierce Engineering,Inc. SIDE. ELEVATION Depend&Pe Mechoni ,iElectricol &C.A.ad. Design .d.No.28173 SCALE I/4" - I'—O" 3P[ South 7th Street Fort Pierce,FL.34950 Phone:772 672-4636 3'-1 F=772 672-4637 GRASS COVER G.qOUNp LEVEL �auceraaat�aa " — — — _ _ bCa (MAX COVER)1 LP TANK EXCAVATION SIZE: y m ix 11 12'L x 4'W x 4.5D 4 17L6. ANODE BAG L—a— E'i'r:�J2S0615ad44.0 L mw t�a " 7x19 GALV. y b �gP.yE. No.�6GYq� AIRCRAFT CABLE 6 't#AWId: d � STRAPPING BOLT APPROVED:EJS DRAWING NUMBER AUGER ANCHOR, 36' Dlgltzlly signedtl by Erld5veboda Dct b2A,bet oe,,I 1S2-OS'00' LONG W/ 6'0 HELIX adadea�,obat�e�.Io,: 2020.013.20074 FRONT ELEVATION T - 1 SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" LP500 NCPA 58-2017 and 2020 Editions Liquefied Petroleum Gus Code T1A Log No.: 1480 Reference: Table 16,1(a) Comment Closing Date: rune 17,2020 Sabmitter: Tom Dmm,Iowa Propane Gas Association www.nfna ore158 1, Revise Table I6.1(n) to read as follows(highlighted to show corrections): Table 16.1(n)PolyethylenePlastic P1P7 a--IPS __ Gas:Undiluted Propano sure:Y0.0 Psig Inlet..,Pre.:..........._,,....,...�........... .,, ............ pressure prop:l,0 psi Specific 1.52 _ —'Fn. _ _ Gravity; Plastic Pipe i/x In. SDR a/4 fn. SDR i in,SDR LA In.SDR is/a in.SDR 11 2 In.SDR 11 Length 9.33 11 11 1Y (ft) 0.660 (0.860) (1.007) F (1.328) s (i SS4) (1.943) 30 2140 7740 13420 20300 36400 40 1840 3670 6630 11480 17300 31200 50 1630 3260 5870 10180 15400 27600 60 1470 2950 5320 9220 13900 25000 70 1360 2710 4900 8480 12800 23000 80 1260 2530 4560 7890 11900 21400 90 1180 2370 4270 7400 11.200 20100 100 1120 2240 4040 6990 .10600 19000 125 990 3580 6200 9360 16800 150 897 „,j, QQ 3240 5620 8480 1.5200 175 826 ;¢y` 2980 5170 7800 14000 200 77810 2780 4810 7260 13000 225 721 2600 4510 6810 12200 250 681 2460 4260 6430 11600 275 646d .41?]0' 2340 4050 6110 11000 .. ....._.... .. ........... .........., ... _,... ........._.. ..........._.__.. . ............, ..,.,.........,...., ,....._....._ 300 617 2230 3860 5830 10470 350 567 2050 35S0 5360 9640 400 528 r, Q 1910 3300 4990 8970 450 495 $# 3100 4680 8410 ....I.. ........_.._ ...........__ .... .. _ ., . ........_............... ............... . ................ ,...,__.... 500 468 iW1d 2930 4420 7950 600 424 4849 $li4 2650 4010 7200 700 390 Mim WOO-0 2440 3690 6620 800 ,363 ,, I 2270 3430 6160 900 340 WIM .� 2130 �. _3220 ._..r... _. 5780._._....._ 1000 322 Q 2010 3040 5460 1500 258 lab, 614", 4390 2000 L 221 � Q 3750 1 1 1 Application Ideal for use as a first stage regulator on any domestic size ASME or �� w DOT container in propane gas installations requiring up to 1,500,000 LISTED BTU's per hour. The regulator is factory set to reduce container pressure to an intermediate pressure of approximately 10 PSIG. �• Features 'e,h tr•i� • Compact design can be connected to a service valve using either a POL adapter or a RegO product pigtail. • Large threaded%'F.NPT bonnet vent can easily be piped-away underground installations without the need of glue kits or extra adapters. • Non Adjustable • Large flow orifice resists freeze ups due to water concentration in LPG vapor. • Design provides for good flow regulation at both high and low container pressures. LV3403rR • Built in relief valve and travel stop comply with NFPA 58 over pressure requirements. � w • Incorporates %" F.NPT downstream pressure tap for an easy —�. lnline check of the regulator's delivery pressure. • Molded diaphragm provides an o-ring type seal between the body and bonnet. 4 • Body and bonnet are assembled in the USA using the unique, 3.865" patented RegUlok seal system. • Fully painted in brilliant red for complete corrosion protection. i; • Mounting bracket available as an accessory:part number 2302-31. Materials Body................................................................--•-'.....................Zinc Bonnet........................................................................... ........Zinc 3,56" Spring........................................................................................Steel Seat Disc.................................................................Resilient Rubber Diaphragm...........................Integrated Fabric and Synthetic Rubber i 50 PSIG Ix1E a c Z5 1O 50 PGIG ft C W O 9 '�' i5 PSIG•NLEI CFxmr. Zw •w GTVhr. YA.900 SOO.OW i,000.900 ,.3'A.WO t.500.000 !,i50.R10 FLOW PROFANE Ordering Information Factory Delivery VaporCapacity Part Number InletConnection OutletConnection orificeSize Pre&suie Bonnet Vent Position LV3403TR Over Outlet LV3403TRV9 'W RNPT %" 9:00 F.NPT 713z" 10 PSIG 1,500,000 Maximum flow based on inlet pressure 20 PSIG higher than the regulator setting and delivery pressure 20%lower than the regulator setting and delivery pressure 20%lower than the setting. A14 AREMU 100 Rsgo Dr Pon,NO 27244 USA www regoproducts.com +1(336)449-7707 Application Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5 to 20 PSIG down to burner pressure, normally 11" w.c. Ideal for medium commercial LISTED installations,vapor meter installations and normal domestic loads. Features • 90 degree right angle inlet to outer connection for meter or standard installations. • Large vent helps to prevent blockage and has$/"F. NPT for vent piping. • With 15 PSIG inlet pressure, regulator is designed to not pass more than 2 PSIG with the seat disc removed. Attached to Vapor Meter • Replaceable valve orifice and valve seat. • Straight line valve closure reduces wear on seat disc • Unique bonnet vent profile min'Imizes vent freeze over when properly installed. • Large molded diaphragm is extra sensitive to pressure changes. • Built in pressure tap has plugged ''/W F. NPT outlet. Plug can be LV4403BGGRASeries removed with a 3116"hex allen wrench. w/MountirsgBrachet • Select Brown Finish Right Angle Design ' COE Can mount directly to vapor meter. It is also suitable for mounting �8 "� 90° 2j1 directly to the house piping.It will retrofit into existing installations that are currently using a 90 degree,right angle regulator. >Q �� t Materials Body ........................................................................... Die Cast Zinc Bonnet ........................................................................ Die Cast Zinc Nozzle Orifice ......................................................................... Brass Spring ...................................................................................... Steel Valve Seat Disc ..................................................... Resilient Rubber O Diaphragm ......................... Integrated Fabric and Synthetic Rubber E : 10 20 v:5,c013 3 i 15 PSIG Inlet yo10 g 5 PSIG Inlet 0 8 PSIG Inlet _i PSIG da c CFW41r. a 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 BTLAT 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 Ordering Information Outlet Orifice Factory Delivery Adjustment Bonnet Vent VapoT Capacity BTU/W Part Number InletConnection Connection Size Pressure Range Position Propane* LV4403B66RA 11"w.c. at 10 LV4463B66RAB`• '/° F. NPT '/4"F. NPT 3/16" PSIG InletT9- to 13"w.c. Over Inlet 1,000,000 'Maximum Flow is based on 10 PSIG inlet and 9°w.c delivery pressure. "Mounting Bracket Included. 100 RegO or Elon,NC 27244 USA www.regoproduets.com +1(336)449-7707 iVEGO A21 Fairview TECHNICAL DATA SHEET C.S.A. GAS INTERCHANGE QUICK DISCONNECTS (QD-GMIC4-20) Applications; Indoor/Ourdoor Propane/ Natural Gas TO BE INSTALLED BY LICENSED OAS FITTERS ONLY. Cid,S-F14 C.S.A. GAS INTERCHANGE QUICK DISCONNECTS •C.S.A.certified for natural gas and L.P. gas-air mixtures. _:.:. .Quick Disconnects Pressure Rated To 60 P.S.O. Quick Disconnect BTU Capacity (Flow capacities are based on 0.64 specific gravity @ 0.3"w.c.pressure drop) 1/4 3/8 1/2 314 1 1 1-1/4 50,000 1 85,000 1 120,000 1 260,000 325,000 1 535,000 VALVED COUPLER-BRASS NIPPLE-BRASS Body Female Body PART No. Size Pipe PART No. Size Pipe caQD-GMC,4-4F® 1/4 1/4 QD-GMRVN4-4M 114 114 NPT QD-GMC6-6F 318 3/8 QD-GMNS-6F 3/8 318 FPT Gus B8-QD-GMC6-6F 3/8 3/8 QD-GMN"F 1/2 112 FPT (Blister Box Packaging) QD-GMN12-12F 314 314 FPT QD-GMC8-8F 1/2 112 QD-GMN 16-16F 1 1 FPT QD-GMC12-12F 314 3/4 QD-GMN20-20F 1-1/4 1-1/4 FPT OD-GMC16-16F 1 1 OD-GMC20-20F 1-1/4 1-1/4