HomeMy WebLinkAboutProperty Record CardProperty Appraiser - St.Lucie Co,,;.,�� , , FL PROPERTY RECORD CARD J Richard Chabot Record: 1 of 1 Property Identification Site Address: 2012 NW ROYAL FERN CT Secrrown/Range: 26 :37S :40E Map ID: 44/26N Zoning: PUD Ownership and Mailing Owner: J Richard Chabot Address: 2012 NW Royal Fern Ct Palm City FL 34990 Sales Information Date Price Code 9/12/2006 672500 00 1/19/2006 100 01 4/6/1990 100 01 12/1/1987 330000 00 Page 1 of 1 «Prey Next>> I Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Home Print ParcellD: Account* Land Use: City/Cnty: 4425-605-0020-000-0 ti 119190 SF Res r / ST. LUCIE COUNTY Description IOUR RIDGE -PLAT 6- ROYAL FERNVILLAGE UNIT 6 (MAP N) (OR 2660-2261) Assessment Final Total Land and Building Deed Book/Page 2006 Val: 539000 Land Value: 0 Acres: 0 WD 2660 / 2261 Assessed: 348115 Building Value: 539000 WD 2470 / 0623 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 2492 SgFt WD 0941 / 0139 Exempt: 25000 CV 0569 / 2168 TaXle: 323115 Tota�]Tax: 6468.84 BUILDING INFORMATION � m '- 4•. flOG6 Exterior Features 1001 View: - Golf Corse RoofCover: TC - Clay Tile -V ExtType: LINT - LINT YearBlt: 1988 Grade: B+ - B+ EffYrBlt: 1988 StoryHght: 0010 - 1 Story No.Units: 1 Interior Features BedRooms: 3 Electric: MX - MAXIMUM FullBath: 2 HeatType: FHAl - FrcdHotAir 1/26ath: 1 HeatFuel: ELEC - Electric %A/C: 0 %Heated: 100 Special Features and Yard Items Land Information Type Y/S Qty. Units Qual. Cond. YCBIt. No.l Land Use SWAV - RES POOL AVG Y 1 288 AV AV 1988 1 0100-SF Res PA01 - POOL DK-AVG Y 1 372 AV AV 1988 PHTR - POOL HEATER Y 1 1 AV AV 1988 I RoofStruct: HP - Hip Frame: PrimelNall: BS - CB Stucco SecWall: - PrmintWall: DW - Drywall AvgHt/FI: Prm.Flors: CU - Carpet %Sprinkled: 0 Type Measure Depth LFI -Site 1 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED. V http://www.paslc.org/prc.asp?prclid=442560500200000' 5/14/2007 i Property Appraiser - St.Lucie U J Richard Chabot Record: 1 of 1 Property Identification i FL Page 1 of 1 PROPERTY RECORD CARD «Prey Next» Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Home Print Site Address: 2012 NW ROYAL FERN CT Sec/Town/Range: 26 :37S :40E Map ID: 44/26N Zoning: PUD Ownership and Mailing ' Owner: J Richard Chabot Address: 13430 Harbour Ridge BI #7 Palm City FL 34990 Sales Information Date Price Code Deed 9/12/2006 672500 00 WD 1/19/2006 100 01 WD 4/6/1990 100 01 WD 12/1/1987 330000 00 CV Exterior Features g CO ParcellD: 4425-605-0020-000-0 ��,tyClf Account* 119190�«� Land Use: SF Res City/Cnty: ST. LUCIE COUNTY '• ?m:.,, �? Legal Description HARBOUR RIDGE -PLAT 6- ROYAL FERNVILLAGE UNIT 6 (MAP 44/26N) (OR 2660-2261) I Assessment Final Total Land and Building Book/Page 2006 Val: 539000 Land Value: 0 Acres: 0 2660 / 2261 Assessed: 348115 Building Value: 539000 2470 / 0623 Ag�Credit: 0 Finished Area: 2492 SgFt 0941 / 0139 Exempt: 25000 0569 / 2168 Taxable: 323115 T71Tax: 6468.84 BUILDING INFORMATION 1001 View: - Golf RoofCover: Corse -V ExtType: LINT - LINT YearBit: Grade: B+ - B+ EffYrBlt: StoryHght: 0010 - 1 Story No.Units: Interior Features BedRooms: 3 Electric: FullBath: 2 HeatType: 1/26ath: 1 HeatFuel: %A/C: 0 %Heated: Special Features and Yard Items Type Y/S Qty. Units Qual. Cond. YrBlt. SWAV - RES POOL AVG Y 1 288 AV AV 1988 "!f"TJL'�R�ti � �TTi%579 - Clay Tile RoofStruct: HP - Hip 1988 Frame: - 1988 PrimeWall: BS - CB Stucco 1 SecWall: - MX - MAXIMUM PrmintWall: DW - Drywall FHA - FrcdHotAir AvgHt/FI: ELEC - Electric Prm.Flors: CU -.Carpet 100 %Sprinkled: 0 Land Information Nr. Land Use Type Measure Depth 10100-SF Res LFI -Site 1 PA01 - POOL DK-AVG Y 1 372 AV AV 1988 PHTR - POOL HEATER Y 1 1 AV AV 1988 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIMEI BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED. I http://www.pasle.org/prc.asp?prelid=442560500200000 4/23/2007