HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan 1.pdfSUPIP LEMENTAIL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATI0N: DI=SIO N ER/FNG I NEER: _ Not Apli-icable Narne.- Address; - City: State' Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE 1 ITLE H OLD ER: _ Nert Appiicable MORTCPAGE COMPANY: � Not Applicable Name; Address; Clty: State: Zip; phone, BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name; Name; Address; Address; City. I Ottir: Zip: Phone, ZI-P; Phone; OWNER/ C40NTRACTCMR AFFIDVIT: Application k5 hereby maide tp obtain a permit to da the work a nd instal IatiOrr as indicated, I Certify that no work or installation has mmmence•d prior to the issuance of a permit, 5t Lucie County makes no represerftatian that is granting a permit will autherize 2aroolnarLU rz hcl&r to build that Subject SteLLMre which Is in conflict with any �pplrcaWe Home Owners Assoraartion rules, bylaws �#hat may. restrict or prohibit such Stnuttur8, Please coinsult wit your Home Owners Assaoa ion and review yrour ar y restCvlons wN h mav 2 pph+. kn cpnsidera ion Of the granting of this requesleLd -permlt, I do herebV agree that I w+14 in all respe€t�, perform the work In accordance with the apiprooed plans, the Florida Building Odes a-nd St Lucie County Amenclmenu. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full oancurrency review. ro m addWons, accessory struour swlmml" two1r, fens% walls, signs, screen rogm and accessory u54�s to anDther non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failti re to Revved a Noticj� of Cornrneincement maryr re,su It Kn prayl rig twir& for I rn provements to you r p rupert . A N otice Of Conn mencem ent rn ust be recorde d I rt th e p ub I iC record$ of St - Lucie Cou ntyr and p ted on the jobSite before the fiat I nspect ion. If you i me rid to obtai n fi na ncing, co risu It r with lender or an att om eY before core- menctng work or record i rig -rou r N otice of_Comme rice merit. � SlWmture of Owner/ LessevJContraetor as Agent for Owner , STATE QF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 4-omrn to (ct afflrmea) and subscribed byre me of _ Phwskal Prlasenue or Online Notarization this dray of . Z0210 W Name ct ps rson making statemergt- Personaklw Known OR Prod coed rdentikabon Type Qf I dentincation Produccel {$Ignature of Notary Publ ir- State of Fborida j Corn miss+om No. (Seal] of STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sworn to (or affirmed] and Subsd'ibed b0ore m-A of Ph is! Presence or Online NotaFlxatlon this day of204 by Name of person making statement. Known OFt PriWuced (5ign,bturlt of Notwy Public- StMe of Florida J Commi $$Ion No. (Seal) Ifs EVI E S FRONT ZOIV 1 NIG SUPtRV150 R PUhN5 VEGETATION 5EA TU RTLi= MANORUVE COU LATER RI VIEW REM EIS REVI EW F(EVIFW Rf VI EW i f VI EW PATE RECEIVED DATE -F COA+fPLET1ED. Rev, 51612ca