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Flood Elevation Cert
PLANNING DEVELOPMEN BUILDING _1113MA101130301 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE I FORT PIERCE. FL 34982 1 (T72) 462-1960 1 TDD (772) 462-1428 1 WWW.SFLUCIECO.GOV Memo of EC Review for Correctness and Completion The attached FEMA Elevation Certificate for the following address has been reviewed by this office. 1267 NETTLES BLVD (1502-0085) The items noted below are not correct on the attached form and should read as entered on this page. SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 For Insurance Company Use: 1 A2. Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. State ZIP Code A3. Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) A4. Building Use (e.g., Residential. Non -Residential, Addition, Accessory, etc.) A5. Latitude/Longitude: Lat. Long. Horizontal Datum: NAD 1927 NAD 1983 A6. Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Certificate is being used to obtain flood insurance. AT Building Diagram Number: A8. For a building with a crawlspace or enclosure(s): A9. For a building with an attached garage: a) Square footage of crawlspace or enclosure(s) sq ft a) Square footage of attached garage sq It b) No. of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace or b) No. of permanent flood openings in the attached garage enclosure(s) within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.b sq in c) Total net area of flood openings in A9.b sq in d) Engineered flood openings? Yes No d) Engineered flood openings? Yes No SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B1. NFIP Community Name & Community Number B2. County Name B3. State B4. Map/Panel Number B5. Suffix: B6. FIRM Index B7. FIRM Panel B8. Flood B9. Base Flood Elevation(s) (Zone Date Effective/Revised Date Zone(s) AO, use base flood depth) 810. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BEE) data or base flood depth entered in Item B9. FIS FIRM Community Determined Other (Describe) B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item B9: NGVD 1929 NAVD 1988 Other (Describe) B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? Yes No Designation Date CBRS OPA Local Official's Name: Leslie Olson, AICP Title: Director, Planning and Development Services Community Name: St. Lucie County (Unincorporated Areas) Telephone: 772-462-1960 uaie: 1u/uvzul9 SURVEY DATA NEEDED: C2.e req (RS 310 170," IC COPMECTION MEMO ST. L U C I E U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY L.t Vlq)io11V CERTIFICATEFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY OMB No. 1660-0008 National Flood Insurance Program Important: Read the instructions on pages 1-9. Expiration Date: July 31, 20 55 SECTION A — PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Al. Building Owner's Name VILLAGIO Pplicy Number: A2. Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. Company NAIL Number. 1267 NETTLES BLVD. City JENSEN BEACH State FL ZIP Code 34957 A3. Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) LOT 1267, NETTLES ISLAND PROJECT SECTION 2 A4. Building Use (e.g., Residential, Non -Residential, Addition, Accessory, etc.) ADDITION A5. Latitude/Longitude: Lat. 27°17'03" N Long. 80°13'17.5" W Horizontal Datum: ❑ NAD 1927 ❑X NAD 1983 AS. Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Certificate is being used to obtain flood insurance. A7. Building Diagram Number 8 A8. For a building with a crawlspace or enclosure(s): A9. For a building with an attached garage: a) Square footage of crawlspace or enclosure(s) 43 sq It a) Square footage of attached garage N/A sq ft b) Number of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage or enclosure(s) within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade 2 within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade N/A c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.1b 400 sq in c) Total net area of flood openings in A9.b N/A sq in d) Engineered flood openings? © Yes ❑ No d) Engineered flood openings? ❑ Yes 0 No SECTION B — FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B1. NFIP Community Name & Community Number B2. County Name B3. State UNINCORP 120285 1 ST. LUCIE I FL B4, Map/Panel Number B5. Suffix B6. FIRM Index Date ST FIRM Panel B8. Flood B9. Base Flood Elevation(s) (Zone 12111 C 0311 J 02/16/2012 Effective/Revised Date Zone(s) 1 AO, use base flood depth) 1 02/16/2012 AE 6.0 BID. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in Item B9. ❑ FIS Profile ❑X FIRM ❑ Community Determined ❑ Other/Source: _ B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item B9: ❑ NGVD 1929 © NAVD 1988 ❑ Other/Source: B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? ❑ Yes © No Designation Date: _ D CBRS ❑ OPA SECTION C — BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) Cl. Building elevations are based on: ❑ Construction Drawings* ❑ Building Under Construction* Finished Construction *A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. C2. Elevations —Zones Al—A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, Vt—V30, V (with BFE), AR, ARIA, AR/AE, AR/A1—A30, AR/AH, AR/AO. Complete Items C2.a—h below according to the building diagram specified in Item AT In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Benchmark Utilized: 94 77 A04 FLDT Vertical Datum: NAVD 86 Indicate elevation datum used for the elevations in items a) through h) below. ❑ NGVD 1929 ® NAVD 1988 ❑ Other/Source: Datum used for building elevations must be the same as that used for the BFE. Check the measurement used. a) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure floor) b) Top of the next higher floor c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (V Zones only) d) Attached garage (top of slab) e) Lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the building (Describe type of equipment and location in Comments) 0 Lowest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (LAG) g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (HAG) h) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs, including structural support 4.4 ❑X feet ❑ meters 7.6 0 feet ❑ meters N/A. ❑ feet ❑ meters N/A. ❑ feet ❑ meters N/A.. ❑ feet ❑ meters 4.3 0 feet ❑ meters 4.4 ❑X feet ❑ meters A/A. ❑ feet ❑ meters SECTION D—SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the information on this Certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine orimprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. ❑ Check here if comments are provided on back of form. Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided by a Check here if attachments. licensed land surveyor? X❑ Yes ❑ No Certifier's Name EARLE R. STARKEY Title PRO�1QNAl 1 AMn cuRVE' License Number 004459 Company Name ACCURIGHT LAND SURVEYING INC. State FL ZIP Code 34994 2273-01-01 PLS #4459 Signature EAR�E R. FEMA Form 086-0-33 (7/12) Date 02/18/2016 Telephone 772-286-7694 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions. "LEVATION CERTIFICATE, page 2 IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the •esponding information frofn Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, S u, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number; 1267 NETTLES BLVD. City JENSEN BEACH State FL ZIP Code 34957 Company NAIC Number; SECTION D — SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. Signature Date 02/18/2016 SECTION E — BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A (without BFE), complete Items E1—E5. If the Certificate is intended to supporta LOMA or LOMR-F request, complete Sections A, B, and C. For Items Ei—E4, use natural grade, if available. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. El. Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowest adjacent grade (LAG). a) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawispace, or enclosure) is _._ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure) is _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8 and/or 9see pages 8-9 of Instructions), the next higher floor (elevation C2.b in the diagrams) of the building is _ _ El feet ❑ meters El above or below the HAG. E3. Attached garage (top of slab) is _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is _ _ ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above or ❑ below the HAG. E5. Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G, SECTION F — PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. Property Owners or Owners Authorized Representative's Name Address CRY State ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments SECTION G — COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s) and sign below. Check the measurement used in Items GS—G10. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. G1. ❑ The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. ❑ A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. ❑ The following information (Items G4—G10) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number I G5. Date Permit Issued G7. This permit has been issued for: LI New Construction L G8. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building: G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site: G10. Community's design flood elevation: G6. Date Certificate Of Compliance/Occupancy Issued Substantial Improvement ❑ feet ❑ meters Datum _ ❑ feet ❑ meters Datum _ ❑ feet ❑ meters Datum Local Official's Name Title Community Name Telephone Signature Date Comments Check here if attachments. 1267 NETTLES BLVD. City,—.,,.—., ..., Building Photographs See Instructions for Item A6. or State ZIP FLORIDA If using the Elevation Certificate to obtain NFIP flood insurance, affix at least two building photographs below according to the instructions for Item A6. Identify all photographs with: date taken; "Front View" and "Rear View"; and, if required, "Right Side view" and "Loft Sido View." If submitting more photographs than will fit on this page, use the Continuation Page, following. FRONT 02/18/2016 SIDE 02/18/2016 1 • :•• e • • •• ulul • ►IB' FRANNIE HUTCHINSON CHAIR DISTRICT 4 TOD MOWERY VICE-CHAIRMAN DISTRICT 2 UNDA BARTZ DISTRICT 3 CHRIS DZADOVSKY DISTRICT 1 CATHY TOWNSEND DISTRICT 5 HOWARD N. TIPTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DAN MCINTYRE COUNTY ATTORNEY MAILING ADDRESS 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 PHONE (772) 462-1553 TDD (772) 462-1428 FAX (772) 462-1578 E-MAIL PERMITS@STLUCI ECO.ORG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Regulation May 22, 2019 Permit #1502-0085 1267 Nettles Blvd. Jenson Beach, Florida 34957 Parcel ID. #4502-501-1454-000/5 This permit was for a front porch addition only. The area beneath the deck was enclosed. The location of the mechanical was existing and installed in 1993 under the house permit. The information for the house has been removed or destroyed from storage. Please see the attached copy of the survey and permit application. William Durden Chief Plans Examiner WEBSITE WWW.STLUCIECO.GOV DIVISION: 08 00 00—OPENINGS SECTION: 08 95 43—VENTS/FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS REPORT HOLDER: SMART VENT PRODUCTS, INC. EVALUATION SUBJECT: SMART VENT® AUTOMATIC FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS: MODELS #1540-520; #1540-521; #1540-510; #1540-511; #1540-570; #1540-574; #1540-524; #1540-514 FLOOD VENT SEALING KIT #1540-526 ICC C�� IC��ED i� "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council anal ONA (WSSPQ Award in Excellence" A Subsidiary of CODECuu ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation or its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this \\ report, or as to any product covered by the report. isweo �� v,omswec 17na� eaey •moo Copyright ° 2018 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved IMES Evaluation Report ESR-2074 www.icc-es.ora 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (662) 699-0543 DIVISION: 08 00 00—OPENINGS Section: 08 95 43—Vents/Foundation Flood Vents REPORT HOLDER: SMART VENT PRODUCTS, INC. EVALUATION SUBJECT: SMART VENT" AUTOMATIC FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS: MODELS #1640-620; #1640521; #1540-610; #1540- 511; #1640570; #1540574; #1540524; #1640-614 FLOOD VENT SEALING KIT #1640526 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Building Codes (IBC) ■ 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Residential Code (IRC) ■ 2018 International Energy Conservation Code" (IECC) ■ 2013 Abu Dhabi International Building Code (ADIBC)t tThe ADIBC is based on the 2009 IBC. 2009 IBC code sections referenced in this report are the same sections in the ADIBC. Properties evaluated: ■ Physical operation ■ Water flow 2.0 USES The Smart Vent" units are operated flood vents (FVs) hydrostatic pressure on walls rising or falling flood waters. natural ventilation. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: engineered mechanically employed to equalize of enclosures subject to Certain models also allow When subjected to rising water, the Smart Vent" FVs internal floats are activated, then pivot open to allow flow in either direction to equalize water level and hydrostatic pressure from one side of the foundation to the other. The FV pivoting door is normally held in the closed position by a buoyant release device. When subjected to rising water, the buoyant release device causes the unit to unlatch, allowing the door to rotate out of the way and allow flow. The water level stabilizes, equalizing the lateral forces. Reissued February 2017 Revised October 16, 2018 This report is subject to renewal February 2019. A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® Each unit is fabricated from stainless steel. Smart Vents Automatic Foundation Flood Vents are available in various models and sizes as described in Table 1. The SmarIVENT" Stacking Model #1540-511 and FlocdVENT" Stacking Model #1540-621 units each contain two vertically arranged openings per unit. 3.2 Engineered Opening: The FVs comply with the design principle noted in Section and Section 2.7.3 of ASCE/SEI 24-14 [Section of ASCE/SEI 24-05 (2012, 2009, 2006 IBC and IRC)] for a maximum rate of rise and fall of 5.0 feet per hour (0.423 mm/s). In order to comply with the engineered opening requirement of ASCE/SEI 24, Smart Vent FVs must be installed in accordance with Section 4.0. 3.3 Ventilation: The SmartVENT" Model #1540-510 and SmartVENr Overhead Door Model #1540-514 both have screen covers with t/4-inch-by-1/4-inch (6.35 by 6.35 mm) openings, yielding 51 square inches (32 903 mm2) of net free area to supply natural ventilation. The SmartVENT® Stacking Model #1540-511 consists of two Model #1540-510 units in one assembly, and . provides 102 square inches (65 806 mm2) of net free area to supply natural ventilation. Other FVs recognized in this report do not offer natural ventilation. 3.4 Flood Vent Sealing Kit: The Flood Vent Sealing Kit Model #1540-526 is used with 3martVENT" Model #1540-520. It is a Homasote 440 Sound Barrier (ESR-1374) insert with 21 — 2-inch-by-2- inch (51 mm x 51 mm) squares cut in it. See Figure 4. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 SmartVENT® and FloodVENT" SmartVENT® and FloodVENTO are designed to be installed into walls or overhead doors of exisflng or new construction from the exterior side. Installation of the, vents must be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, the applicable code and this report. Installation clips allow mounting in masonry and concrete walls of any thickness. In order to comply with the engineered opening design principle noted in Section and 2.7.3 of ASCE/SEI 24-14 [Section of ASCE/SEI 24-05 (2012, 2009, 2006 IBC and IRC)], the Smart Vent" FVs must be installed as follows: ■ With a minimum of two openings on different sides of each enclosed area. - ■ With a minimum of one FV for every 200 square iCC-ES Evaluation Reports are not robe construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, norare they to be construed 51111118 man endorsement of the subject o/the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by(CC Evaluation Service, LLC, etpress or implied, as to anyftnding or ther matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report ro Copyright 0201a ]CC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 6 ESR-2074 j Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 5 feet (18.6 mz) of enclosed area, except that the SmarIVENTO Stacking Model #1540-511 and FloodVENT® Stacking Model #1540-521 must be installed with a minimum of one FV for every 400 square feet (37.2 M2) of enclosed area. ■ Below the base flood elevation. ■ With the bottom of the FV located a maximum of 12 inches (305.4 mm) above the higher of the final grade or floor and finished exterior grade immediately under each opening. 4.2 Flood Vent Sealing Kit The Flood Vent Sealing Kit Model 1540-526 is used in conjunction with FloocIVENTO Model #1540-520. When installed and tested in accordance with ASTM E283, the FV and Flood Vent Sealing Kit assembly have an air leakage rate of less than 0.2 cubic feet per minute per lineal foot (18.56 I/min per lineal meter) at a pressure differential of 1 pound per square foot (50 Pa) based on 12.58 lineal feet (3.8 lineal meters) contained by the Flood Vent Sealing Kit. 6.2 The Smart Vent® FVs must not be used in the place of "breakaway walls" in coastal high hazard areas, but are permiffed for use in conjunction with breakaway walls in other areas. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Mechanically Operated Flood Vents (AC364), dated August 2015 (editorially revised October 2017). 6.2 Test report on air infiltration in accordance with ASTM E283. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION 7.1 The Smart VENT® models and the Flood Vent Sealing Kit recognized in this report must be identified by a label bearing the manufacturer's name (Smartvent Products, Inc.), the model number, and the evaluation report number (ESR-2074). 7.2 The report holders contact information is the following: 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE SMART VENT PRODUCTS, INC. The Smart Vent® FVs described in this report comply with, 430 ANDBRO DRIVE, UNIT 1 or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those PITMAN, NEW JERSEY 08071 codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the (877) 441.8368 following conditions: www.smartventcom tnfoOsmartvent.com 6.1 The Smart Vent® FVs must be installed in accordance with this report, the applicable code and the manufacturer's installation instructions. In the event of a conflict, the instructions in this report govern. TABLE 1—MODEL SIZES MODEL NAME MODEL NUMBER MODEL SIZE (in.) COVERAGE (sq. ft.) FloodVEN 1540-520 15 /4" X 7 /4' - 200 SmartVENr 1540-510 153/4" X 7s/4" 200 FloodVENT® Overhead Door 1540-524 153/4' X 73/4' 200 SmartVENT® Overhead Door 1540-514 153/4' X 7'/4' 200 Wood Wall FloodVENT® 1540-570 14" X 8'/4" 200 Wood Wall FloodVENT® Overhead Door 1540-574 14" X 8�/4' 200 SmartVENT® Stacker 1540-511 16" X 16" 400 FloodVent® Stacker 1540-521 16" X 16" 400 For SI: 1 inch =25.4 mm; 1 square foot =e FIGURE 1—SMART VENT: MODEL 1540-510 ESR-2074 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 5 FIGURE 2—SMART VENT MODEL 154042D FIGURE 3—SMART VENT: SHOWN WITH FLOOD DOOR PIVOTED OPEN FIGURE 4—FLOOD VENT SEALING KIT IMES Evaluation Report ESR-2074 CBC and CRC Supplement Issued February 2017 Revised October 16, 2018 This report is subject to renewal February 2019. wwwkc-es.ora 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699.0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 08 00 00—OPENINGS Section: 08 95 43—Vents/Foundation Flood Vents REPORT HOLDER: SMART VENT PRODUCTS, INC. EVALUATION SUBJECT: SMART VENT°AUTOMATIC FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS: MODELS #1540-620; #1540521; #1540-610; #1540511; #1540- 570; #1540574; #1640-624; #1540-614 FLOOD VENT SEALING KIT #1640526 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that Smart Vent® Automatic Foundation Flood Vents, recognized in ICC-ES master evaluation report ESR-2074, have also been evaluated for compliance with codes noted below. Applicable code edition: ■ 2016 California Building Code (CBC) IN 2016 California Residential Code (CRC) 2.0 CONCLUSIONS 2.1 CBC: The Smart Vent® Automatic Foundation Flood Vents, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation report ESR-2074, comply with 2016 CBC Chapter 12, provided the design and installation are in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code (IBC) provisions noted in the master report and the additional requirements of CBC Chapters 12, 16 and 16A, as applicable. The products recognized in this supplement have not been evaluated under CBC Chapter 7A for use in the exterior design and construction of new buildings located in any Fire Hazard Severity Zone within State Responsibility Areas or any Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area. 2.2 CRC: The Smart Vent® Automatic Foundation Flood Vents, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation report ESR-2074, comp with the 2016 CRC, provided the design and installation are in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) provisions noted in the master report. The products recognized in this supplement have not been evaluated under 2016 CRC Chapter R337, for use in the exterior design and construction of new buildings located in any Fire Hazard Severity Zone within State Responsibility Areas or any Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area. The products recognized in this supplement have not been evaluated for compliance with the International Wldland—Urban Interface Codes. This supplement expires concurrently with the master report, reissued February 2017 and revised October 16, 2018. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject oflhe report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to anyftnding or other matter in this report, or nor to any product covered by the report Copyright® 2018 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 5 IMES Evaluation Report ESR-2074 FBC Supplement Reissued February 2017 Revised October 16, 2018 This report is subject to renewal February 2019. www.icc-es.oro 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council' DIVISION: 08 00 00—OPENINGS Section: 08 95 43—Vents/Foundation Flood Vents REPORT HOLDER: SMART VENT PRODUCTS, INC. EVALUATION SUBJECT: SMART VENY®AUTOMATIC FOUNDATION FLOOD VENTS: MODELS #1640520; #1640-621; #1640-610; #1640-611; #1540-670; #1640574; #1540524; #1640-614 FLOOD VENT SEALING KIT #1540526 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that Smart Vent® Automatic Foundation Flood Vents, recognized in ICC-ES master report ESR-2074, have also been evaluated for compliance with the codes noted below. Applicable code editions: ■ 2017 Flodda Building Code —Building ■ 2017 Florida Building Code —Residential 2.0 CONCLUSIONS The Smart Vents Automatic Foundation Flood Vents, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation report ESR-2074, comply with the Florida Building Code —Building and the FRC, provided the design and installation are in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code provisions noted in the master report. Use of the Smart Vent® Automatic Foundation Flood Vents has also been found to be in compliance with the High -Velocity Hurricane Zone provisions of the Florida Building Code —Building and the Florida Building Code —Residential. For products falling under Florida Rule 9N-3, verification that the report holder's quality assurance program is audited by a quality assurance entity approved by the Florida Building Commission for the type of inspections being conducted is the responsibility of an approved validation entity (or the code official when the report holder does not possess an approval by the Commission). This supplement expires concurrently with the master report, reissued February 2017 and revised October 16, 2018. ICC-ES Evaluation Report' are not to beconstrued as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specicallyaddressed, nor are they to be construed MIZ wan endorsement of the subject ofthe report or a recommendation for its are. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to anyfinding or other matter in this report or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright® 2018 [CC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. 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