HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; 17650 Orange Ave., SepticGalbraith
From: Ingram, Brian J <Brian.ingrani@flhealth.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 8:25 AM
To: Lydia Galbraith
Subject: RE: 17650 ORANGE AVE, SEPTIC 56-SF-2212164
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Good morning Lydia,
permitted -that -system as a.4;�edroom, 3037.sgft SFR7The a
bedroom as per the floor plans. I usually would have added th
to on this one. My apologies, thank you for double checking.
Brian Ingram
Environmental Specialist III
Florida Department of Health -St Lucie County
Division of Environmental Health
3855 South US 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982
MAILING: 5150 NW Milner Dr, Port St Lucie, FI 34983
office (772) 373-4905
lication does say 3 bedrooms, but I modified it to 4
annotation "4 bedroom as per floor plan", but I forgot
"To protect, promote and improve the health of all peopl� in Florida
through integrated state, county and community efforts."
NOTE: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most writte communications to or from state officials regarding state
business are public records available to the public and media u on request. Your email communication may therefore be
subject to public disclosure.
How are we doing?
From: Lydia Galbraith <galbraithl@stlucieco.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 20214:41 PM
To: Ingram, Brian J <Brian.Ingram @flhealth.gov>
Subject: 17650 ORANGE AVE, SEPTIC 56-SF-2212164
Good afternoon Brian,
We have a permit in for SFR for above address. They have sub
package is an application for a 3 bedroom but the approval is
apply for a 3 bedroom and then changed it to 4 bedroom? Thi
confusing. Please clarify.
Thank you,
nitted a Health Department package for septic. In the
or a 4 bedroom. Are they doing two septic tanks? Did they
building permit is for a 4 bedroom house. It is a little
Lydia Galbraith Zoning Specialist
Ph: 772-462-1555 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982
facebook.com/stlucieaov i twitter.com/stlucieeov I instasram.com/stluciegov I voutube.com/stluciesov
u fLUF
a aces
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St. Lucie County Building and Code Division is committed to great service and your feedback is important to us.
Please tell me low we're doing.
How was your service? Please contact, Melissa Brubaker, Supervisor, at brubakerm@stlucieco.ora to submit your
suggestions, comments and feedback
The County is ®PEN for business, though, the building remains closed to the general public to keep
our citizens and employees safe during the pandemic. The Building Department is operating in a new
location, Just a few feet from the main lobby, at the SW corner of the building (formerly the Utilities
Department). Look for the GREEN A -Frame signs. The hours of operation are Monday — Friday from
8:00 am to 4:30 am. All staff is available by email or phone.
If you need to contact me, my direct extension is 462-1555.
Please be safe during these unprecedented times while we do our best to help the community remain
safe as we continue to operate at the new normal.
Thank you
Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records
available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and /
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