HomeMy WebLinkAboutoriginal surveyo18 01 (a t. � c I gOA , p ALCI� NG` ` QQ�/ ' INIT CONC C(yRe � Raw R,600 21 SET 5/8 IR/� LB 42C3 PROPOSE J i CONGRE O DRIVEWAY 06 I I 3 01 ; _ - I I , . FLOOD � � X ZONE 10.55'I 21.67 0 18.00 I I PROPOSED COVERED PROPOSED /� 7 ENTRY Aq PAD `T OPOSED 46 o w I $ P EL 4EHB/H ° VACANT a o f MODE =�g59 o , GARAGE F.F.E.=18.g999 NG 0 3 i EXIP AAG EL=19 20 o in 20� O 5 27.83 °° o O PROPOSED 10.00' COVERED I LANAI I I i I I I I I I I I I � I I I N. I � t I I i FLOOD ZONE I SET 5/8" IR/C AE LB 4286 (TYP) I I //ZIZ THOMAS P. KIERNAN Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6199 20 �o a / / SET 5/8" IR/C LB 4286 (TYP) vA48 r R�1y�'•-2�„ �55236 5/8" IR/C 4286 (TYP) MIN. FRONT CNR UNPL,&.TTED REAP ZNG AREA SUMMARY IN SQUARE FEET SOD:7,870 t DRIVEWAY/WALKWAY:575 t GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 PROPERTY ADDRESS (IN FM) 3302 TRINITY CIRCLE, FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 1 nm - 2u rn LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being all of Lot 47, according to the plat of CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 4, as recorded in Plat Book 85, Page 5, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Containing 0.232 acres, more or less. GENERAL NOTES 1. The last date of field work was 5-14-20 2. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 3. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the original signature and raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 4. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights —of —way, easements of record, ownership, abandonment's, deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. This information should be obtained through appropriate title verification. 5. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. 6. Underground foundations and Improvements were not located as part of this survey. 7. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone X and AE 16.9, according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO170 J, effective date February 16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation certificate. No additional search of the public records has been preformed. There may be additional map Amendments affecting this property. 8. The Flood Zone lines shown hereon have been established by the Published FEMA Panel and the use of existing field elevation data. 9. The bearings shown hereon are based on Plat information and are referenced to the Westerly property line of Lot 47 which bears South 04.06'45" West and all bearings are relative thereto. 10. No easements are shown hereon other than those depicted on the plat. No search of the public records has been performed to find additional easements that may exist. 11. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum (N.A.V.D.) 1988. 12. The building setbacks shown hereon, although based on the best available information, are not certified to and must be verified prior to design or construction. 13. All Improvements relating to this plat are either proposed or under construction. LEGEND &c ABBREVIATIONS Be DENOTES BEARING BASE CBS DENOTESCONCRETEBLOCK STRUCTURE CD DENOTES CHORD DISTANCE B DENOTES CHORD BEARING DENOTES CENTER LINE D.E. DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT IZ.F DENOTES FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION D DENOTES FOUND /C DENOTES IRON ROD AND CAP i.e. DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS L DENOTES ARC LENGTH Boundary, Topographic & Site Plan Survey -Lot 47 For: D. R. HORTON N/D DENOTES NAIL AND DISK O.S.T. DENOTES OPEN SPACE TRACT P.S.M. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER P.L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR R DENOTES RADIUS R/W DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT W.M.T. DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT A DENOTES INCLUDED ANGLE DENOTES DRAINAGE FLOW DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION File: 15-141.004.047 CULPEPPER & Date: 06-01-2020 # ,.0 FB: N/A`A- TERPENING INC SCALE 1 "=20' T 7 2580 SOUTH 25th STREET . FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34881 DRAWN BY: GLM PHONET2<B4.3537 . FAX7724949497...d<,..m FIELD: PK STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL ' ENGINEERS AUTHORIZATION N0. 4286 Y 's Y Products PIotIC Net Oty Product Length Plies J1 9 16"BCIV 4500c-1.8 10'0" 1 J2 3 16"BC IS 4500s-1.8 16,0" 1 J3 10 16" So 104500s-1.8 16'0" 1 J4 1 16" So ION 4500s-1.8 "I "1 1 J5 1 16'BCI0)4500s-1.8 16'0' 1 J6 3 16" BCI® 4500s-1.8 4' 0" 1 J7 10 16"BCIV 6000s-1.8 21'0" 1 JB 1 16" SCION 6000s-1.8 20' 0" 1 J9 4 16"BCI® 60001-1.8 20'0" 1 BM1 2 1-314"x 16"VEBSA-I.AMO 2.03100 SP 20-1118" 2 Oki 18 16-BCI04500s-1.8 2'0" 1 Bk2 4 16- BCI@ 4500s-1.8 1'0" 1 Connector Summery Florio cry Manuf Product Skew Slope Hui 24 Simpson IT51.81116 - - Hu 15 Simpson ITS2.37116 - Hu3 16 Simpson IUS1.81116 Reviewed for Code a " Compliance y, Universal Engineering -f Sciences RR FIII I tW; N >7 y� I-L,",e (AC- 'f?'V1c�0/✓�1M I v )/L fi ra)V I") 13NN" Total Truss Ouantlty m IN. THIS IS A TRUSS PLACEMENT PLAN. ITS INTENDED TO AID IN THE INSTALLATION OF TRUSSES. ENGINEERED TRUSS DRAWINGS AND ARCHITECTURALS SUPERCEDE THIS DOCUMENT. 5 l4 HEELS-5/ ' ---- -,,10 PLUMB C 12" Imam By OIHERS L„4' 6V TMG4 REFER TO PACK FOR CONNECTION. 0 I CJ3 in W J No V 0. TYPICAL 7' SETBACK CORNERSET LABELING AND SPACING DESCRIPDON INIT. DATE IW 61N.tNL Ka W,nn Ra MN Y NUra IT nL YW V�Ln IYY can l➢N Yi ldld 0V WR.n LAm4 DESCNPIION INR. DATE Ea :12. ww® HANGER CHART AN= HUS 26 (SIMPSOd) A\= HUS26-2 (SIMPS@) General Notes I) ow. s„ N tW�H � mM G N & dda aR 2) n , m ba 9npon M@8 ule otlissW 4 tr maoHa N n' NC utlw dbnsYo 4) Pe�ilt x-toccq +wJ1tl M Ipkm dvatlohm �rm4wn WpJ, 15' 0.N awn IN spur, to -htluau0ia,�mmYnnn`10' brloon Wr Flans Nor to 99-81 for ar4' a44and NmnR ddeh ROOF LOADING SCHEDULE TCLLLL - 20 PSF BCR ' PSF BCDL 10 PSF TOTAL = 9.2 PSF DURATION 1.26 X WIND SPD/IYPL- 160 ENCLOSED BLDG EXPOSURE - C USAGEm-- IDENTIAL CAT II WIND IMPORTANCE FACTOR= 1 UPLIFTS BASED ON- 9.2 PSF DESIGN CRITERIA FBC 2020 TPI 2014 d.i,d,mfboerrndeSsi "'7-16coddomrplumeda n fordo,mrd. -fmmrIrrne rad a r,fins".• Theurmeaes bore been —d roan, or addamoal lore prf-c-Nnco�or bramrn chord me mcd. FLOOR LOADING SCHEDUL TCLL — 40 PSF TCDL = 10 PSF BCDL = 5 PSF TOTAL 55 PSF ROOF DESIGNED FOR SHINGLE ALL RFACDONS 04ER 5004 AND URIFIS OVER 1 ARE SHOWN ON DIGIN NO. DESCRIPTION INR. DAIS YiW LCaD/ DESCRIPTION IMF. OATE mro m wvm CARPENTER RON CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA 3900 AVENUE G. N.Y. WINTER HAVEN FLORIDA 330M FROND 88001 959-N 6 FAXI (8IT 294-2482 BUILDER DR HORTON-BREVARD PROJECTCHEE[®E MODEL 4EHB/ HAYDEN/ H CCA PROJ/MODEL/ALT 715/820/4EHBH/01 ALT DESC 10' E 8' COV. LAN. OTC 3202 TRDOTY CIRCLE LOT 47 BLOCK DESIGNER RAA PAGE 1 10�24 17 LANg N362326R