HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR PERMITS - 6 OCTAVIO PERMIT# l ISSUE DATE n AN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES " Building & Code Compliance Division a - BUILDING PE%MIT - SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S&W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the-,ELEcrRlctAnl _..-Su b-contractor forW--Y-NNEJD�EVELOP_MENTCORP. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. / CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE LAWRENCE STUBBS PRINT NAME PRINT NAME - 08898 29442 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER - State of Florida,County of-ST.LUCIE ST LU,CIE__ - �+ tY --State of Florida;Couuty of - i -fit-/l•,,\ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this\-�day of 15k' . 20 by MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE _P,j b�, LAWRENCE STUBBS who is personally known'* or has produced a who is personal known Bo or has produced a as iddene)ntification.,/�/{� /aasss�identification. q /� STAMP ( 1 t II A A-� J 1 X�i'C� STAMP Signature of Notary 'c 'Tignkture of Notary Public DOROTHYANN BASKIN U_w , e(y�o Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public - " s': DOROTNYANNBAS(ON ,i MYCOMMISSION#HH045443 "'AW,• LAURAR.CUBSEDGE EXPIRES:OcoberZ Y0P4 ��� ` Commission#HH 013089 t. Bonded 71xu N01WYPu*Undelw(tola Expires October 21,2024 e '''•'E cp;$�' M dedTNu Troy Fain lnsut M890,11W7019 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING&'DEVELOPMENT SERVICES n � e Building& Code Compliance Division - BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have agreed to be (Company NamaIndividual Name) the PLUMBER Sub-contractor for WYNNE DEVELOPMENT CORP. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) \tJ \ For the project located at � (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that,if there is any chance of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(QualiTa) SUB-C SIGNATURE(Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE ROBERT LUDLUM PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 08898 18628 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, T.LUCIE orida,County of ,t state of Florida,comfy or ST. LUCIE .+ The foregoing instrument was signed before me thia�S'tof Tlie for m instrument was { ( ego g' siigneed b�e�fore me mist J pday of �Q- _20.E by \C.u`O _Cl< who is personally.known,_�&has produced a wbo is personalty knowuv—or has produced a as identification� �J ent&ration. STAMP ;jl Signature of Notarylic l./ STAMP Signature of Public DOROTHYANN BASKIN RHONDA LAFFERTY Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public L ' DOROT R44O6�DA LAFFERTY. MY COMMI #HH 045443MY COMMISSION#GGM720pE7iPIRESober2,2024o rEXPIRES January 0&2021n; Bonded Thru N,Yai iy Ptblk,liN PERMIT# SSUE DATE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • ' Building& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Inc. have agreedtobe (Company Name/Individual Namee) the HVAC Sub-conhactor for Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) \ Tdm>ary Contractor) For the project located at c�,�K C\ (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID#) It is understood.that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned . project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONLRnCi'ORSIGNATfJRE(pnaGBcr). sU (1QTRA -GNATURE(0 ur) Matthew Life Wynne Barry - 'mmerman PRINT NAM PRINT NAME 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION N''CNMrA COUNTY C=TZTCATION NUMBER State ofF7orida,County of4:��'Ayu State of Florida.County of �VG 9�^� The foregoing instrument was si`ned before me thla�day of Theeffor gains instrument wns signed before me this�day of 20 N,by N4-%`G who is permnamy known Zor has produced a wbo is personally(mown V or has produced a as identification. as identiliuiu . 7 CL G. STAMP e �ti0` (i1 M �/F•. STAMP S`goatnre ofN'otaryP� c SCnatare of Notary Pleft 1 FJm oNamrPnn wm .6R-yetr > Print �N- N 1&/y 07A-EXI") Print bey Public _ "::.•..,, DOFO7HYANNSASKM •<':':? DOROTHYANNBASKW .. '//Fyy OL P•OS. wMY COMaM SSO #H N04M54 4N ;Yf.- EyPIRCSiVP_L9-2,2024G 1•'C- (M1IdVeCdOMMIpp�ION#lnf0145M e-M_.Thmiotry PublkLWewpy EXPIRES, October 2,2v . . lfi1111f0Tdfyf�ublk•UadetatNara xmea iinenai5 L66-d ZO00/ZOOOd VLO-i 999L8L8ZLL dao0 6uipling auuAM -Woad 96=Z1 9L,-60-ZL PERMff# ISSUE DATE P ,q PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &- Code Compliance Division BUR DLNG PERMIT SUl;CONTRACTOR AGREFMENT Treasure Coast Roofing: have agreed to be (Company Namellndividual Name) the Roofing Sub-contractorfor Wynne Development Corp:, (Type of Trade) (( __ (Psimary'Ce tractor) Forlhe project iocated'at V (PtojectSueetAddrmorProperty Tax ID } It is-understood tTat if there is any change of status regarding our partioipatioii with the above mentioned project;theBuildmg and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be-advised:pursuant tD the filing ofa Change of Sub-contractor notice CONTRACTOR SIG-M&TI E(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRA S(Q (QapliSer) Matthew Lyle Wynne Brian Maloney PR4MTXO M . . PRINT NAME A ` ('IrAr"T 3306 531 1 CO[ NT CFRTTFC4T. IOY bUMBERCo -rQC U6t .. p. . State oFFToida,Com+ty of��•yvC"'�e State of Florida,County The foregoinginstromentwassigned betore-methisy The£uregoiug�instrumentwas signed before me t6is�Iya /b/y\��'C�'C`�.✓.��JLL-2�L�a� ��'1'-'Z .20��,by�r C h `fit-"1�;L,.� ,� who is personally lin wa"`!orbas produced.a- - who it personally Imown� /or has'prodowd a asidentifitatio4 2sidenti5ealiom Signature:ofNotary Polic .Signature ofNotsry Ir3blic. IJoy¢o T�{ 9 6`fNN �RSd� ' 1Jor2o-1)-1 Ayly /BASK" M,rName of Notary Public PrintName df Notary Public DOROTHYANN BASM .v„"'.... �;•: DOROTHYApBygASK1N MYCOMMISSION#HHOA54A3 6riYCOMMISSION#HH0454gg EXPIRES:October2,2024 0" EXPIRES:Octopaf2,202A Horded rm Notary Rkk undsrWIIIEB mlP,oGP.g�: BJIM°„d,eV Nofary'Pu5IIC Undennhers Revised itf162016