HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR PERMITS - 14517 DULCE REALPERMIT # 1 1 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S & W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Namedudlvidual Name) the ELECTRICIAN -- — _ Sub -contractor for- WYNNE-DEVELOPMENT CORP.. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at \�7���c� �Q,\ (Project or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. .O CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB-CO-NTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME l COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County ofST.LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this $, O­3 day of ''5\1� Zaa�b� MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE who is personally known V or has produced a as identification. "o -4� /2 /v"/ 'e"', /"— STAMP Signature of Notary PC c DOROTHY ANN BASKIN Print Name of Notary Public "u'•r•P'i• DOROTHYgt4N BASIGN MY COMMISSION#HH04SW EXPIRES. OoloW2,2024 . O`n„• Bonded Tlxu NolinypoblkUMennitars en ....1 LAWRENCE STUBBS PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER — —State of-Floridai County of ST. LU,CIE__ The foregoing instrument was signed before we Iday of S"" Zg31 b LAWRENCE STUBBS who is personally known �Lor has produced a _ as identification. �1 g� AA&q, l 1e 91" ,g tureofNotary Public Print Name of Notary Public LAURAR.CUBSEDGE Commission # HH 013089 io[ Expires October 21, 2024 �`•'•'4�t°" gondedifwiray Fein lnswdnce8063857019 STAMP PLANNING &'DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have agreed t0 be (Company Name/Individual Name) the PLUMBER Sub -contractor for WYNNE DEVELOPMENT CORP. (Type of Trade) _ (Primary Contractor) For the project located at �� 5 ``1 Address or Property Tax ID # ) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ST, LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this Xf "d y.of who is personally.knowa Vr or has produced -a as identification. SipmarcofNomry fa lic DOROTHYANN BASKIN Print Name of Notary Public '*'"""�i:• oOROT1IYANNBASKIN P. .,; MY�CyOMpMISS�I�OaN�#��HHo45)4g3 •"�fOFF��:P EXPIRES. w1V1rC!•G, 202Y Bonded iNu.Norary Puhlle Ilndenhiters S SIGNATURE (Qualifier) ROBERT LUDLUM PRINT NAME 18628 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Merida, County of ST. LUCIE �ry/gam The foregoing instrument was signed before me thin ;rday of .20�by who is Personally knowav—or has produced a _ fcation. STAMPMmck, I i ^ice STAMP Signature of Notary Public RHONDALAFFERTY Punt Name of Nomry Public RHONM LAFF058ER''y *= MY COMMISSION # GG720 'Q' EXPIRES January 08, 2021 F� ;R`, PERMIT# ISSUE DATE COUNTY F L P R I D a PLANNE% & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division l3Y}TT.DTNG PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Inc. have agreedto be (Company Namedndividual Name) the HVAC Sub-contfactorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Aimary contractor) For the project located at (Project street Addressor Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned . project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the . Fling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (ouar&cr). Matthew Lvle Wvnne PRINT NAME 08898 COUNTY CERTMCATION NUWMER Stare Of Florida, County of4i•�V The foregoing instrnmout was s Lned before me Nds& day of . 'J"a,•e 2a \ , by who is personally known Zor has produced a ab identification. Signature of Notary rueC J. 090-J-W.Y., "ne RSI�r� Print Name ofNofaryPablic . DOROTHYMNN s ' :r BASKIN I COMMISSION#HH04SW '•:+; `�= EXPIRES: Ociober2,2024 Bonded Iiru Nam' Put4k Undennllere Revised 111161=6 W COUNTY C RTIPICATTON NUMBER State of Florida, County of �.VG �'a�^� The foregoing instrument was slgoed before tre this' Jay of who is personally known V or has produced a as identification, STAMP �it�0` (i! (F STAMP Signature of Notary P Vo �oZ-ad N hi-ivN 67fF5K�� Print Name ofNomry Public <' DOROTHYANN BASIJN c: MYCOMMISSION#HH046M o EXPIRES: October2, 2024 . `•:ec=F° BmMed lfsu Notary(iblkUnCeiurpera L66—d 3000/ZOOOd 90-1 999L8L83LL da00 Suip[ino auuAM -Woad 9L:ZL 9L, 60-Z6 COUNTY� F L P, R I D -A PIANNING &°DEVELOPMEM SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CON -TRACTOR AGREEMENT' the Roofing Sub-contactorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Priasmy Cotittactor) For."the It is understood that; ifthere: is any change of status regard our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pmsuauttothe. filing of'a Change of Sub -contractor: notice. CONTRACTORRG.YkT(}RE(q.W ) Matthew Lyle. Wynne PRINTNAME: 0QRori COUNTY CERTfFICAT10X NMZER 5tatenfFbr4tl8, Cnnotyu£S� �,vc�e i -Tbeforevoioe im'trvnrentwassigaed before-mezhis• i .2i"—Tw A\K—S •�W _n. L�Z lwW�x�y£C wan is personapy liaawn "� or bar produced a 'as identification.. Q4�4k"t rw, 46a,11G,, SUMP Sguatdre of Notary MY COMMISSION# HH 04544S EXPIRES: October 2, 2024 Revis d l i'/t 6/2Pi6 svrscAN•TRA szcNrs� tQnardier) Brian Maloney -PRINT VAME �rrT �nhs. cot, CERT�ICATIO/NN�-zrWER State of Florida> County ys�Li -The £orecoiug-inshumentwa signed before -race tb Al—k •,dayof 20A by who is Personawjwon Zlr b2aprodueeda- "l ssiddeent^5eati_on:, /n/ a ,//jJ 104— STAMP S awatureofNotary3ra Tic - OOROTHYANNBM4 MYCOMMISSION# HH 046443 ,,1FTRES:Od0barZ 2024