HomeMy WebLinkAboutAshely NOCElectronically Certified ®ffi% i41 Record DOCUMENT INFORMATION Agency Name: Clerk of the Circuit Court: Date Issued: Unique Reference Number: Instrument Number: Requesting Party Code: Requesting Party Reference: CERTIFICATION Clerk of the Circuit Court, St. Lucie County, Florida The Honorable Michelle R. Miller 6/10/2021 1:23:14 PM BAA-CABIBEAGCBCJFC-BCBBB-1 EIHHGED-HAFCC- 4877643 20181406212952 recording@stlucieclerk. com Pursuant to Sections 90.955(1) and 90.902(1), Florida Statutes, and Federal Rules of Evidence 901(a), 901(b)(7), and 902(1), the attached document is electronically certified by The Honorable Michelle R. Miller, St. Lucie County Clerk of the Circuit Court, to be a true and correct copy of an official record or document authorized by law to be recorded or filed and actually recorded or filed in the office of the St. Lucie Clerk of the Circuit Court. The document may have redactions as required by law. HOW TO VERIFY THIS DOCUMENT This document contains a Unique Reference Number for identification purposes and atamper- evident seal to indicate if the document has been tampered with. To view the tamper -evident seal and verify the certifier's digital signature, open this document with Adobe Reader software. You can also verify this document by scanning the OR code or visiting https://Verify.Clerkecertifv.com/Verifylmaoe . " The web address shown above contains an embedded link to the verification page for this particular document. MICHELLE R- MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4877643 OR HOOK 4628 PAGE 28e ROOOrdccl 06/10/2021 01:21:21 PM Prepared by: ben D Atlams of r a(_ All American Solar LLC O 1060 E Industrial Or Suite A Orange City FL 32783 �— Prnhprrvnamaa 2.rz8��r NOTICE OP CONXNXENCF.MENT The underslymed hereby glue nala duct Improvm eent will be mode to ccrmin real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, In ..L Flaolds rs Sonatas, tonthe or ale ¢n g intervention is provided in this Notice ofCommencvmant. r�/1 7v (I.egn[ dwarlplan ohhvyrvpvMh atnn edtlresa lfvwlleble) TAS roue rve.: 3a20603-0725-000.4 W SVpoMs[on Wr�or.n I PORT ST LUCIE-SEC 22-13LK 2020 LOT 21 (MAP 44/29N) (OR 3203-2567) Uz cwruwz oaSewnnTro,a on orrwovem0vr: n pumena r Mxadhaw L HIICr S BridOet[o A Hllor 397 SW Da99ot Ave Port St Lucia. PL 34953 are. I, pressey, owner a u.m.ane.m,marrr amyl. , aw Prbo..n, rmm o..e,er new neo.el: N/A cam,r lAll American Solar LLC omuenwxw.rt 1060E Induatdat Dr Suite A Orange City FL 32763 drone numu� 389.218.8930 s, avaary (Irnvptmgr opnrmmnt�al..naahaat. . rvwnenndva c N/A wear a Phone nu.en N/A An.urver :rN/A a a awonn a a. Sunllaht Ftnanclal 101 Tryon St Sulto 1000 Charlotte NO 26248 ftwe numnu.888-850-3359 7. Pcmans within the State of Flarida designated by Owner upon ,Mom emcee or other documents may be served as provided by ,cotton 713.13 (I) (a) 7.. Florid¢ stouter; Ph NIA 8. re In nva 2 cop to fthe Li or hcrsel6 Orvnrr designees Id/A of NIA to raclw a copy of the Lknw's NoSm or oroadea In Section 713.13 (t) (b). Mande setae,. a raum nwn n e enter dinnevaud by owner N/A 9. aspiration dare or notice ofeommc^ecme^t (the aapimtion dote will be I year from the date of recording unlera a different date is speciead): 20_ ern a. !h4ff6"' 9 terry awnar Authorized Omc r/Olrecwr/PonnerAt(¢n^ger) Prin[ n Provld 'a TtadOmw) Sth[cor Florida County or St was /t� �� � Thn foregoing beaum n wars to owladgatl,baforo me th(n J � dny of �, 20 2 by l eM�r. ,�C ,nr �xmfF/7f f It -AV! m /n far /Y2u1 1C; L p rmn) f l &r iVPu of�r�ir car. whom.. aystae. anorn y m Zap (name cranny on bMalrofwhom Instrument t a/yr t) , Pernondly Known or Produced identttim5on V -Typo ofldentification Produmtl l BEI( -t[�F)A3 Nato" Public St'r My 510NNC0367M19 (Signature or N i. E%pjRES;IRES: Sapambar7.2023 (Pont. Typv, or Slump Commissioned Name: afNamry Public) Conaad Tnm aoary Puatla Vadary 10M ..rxve.natoaxe Digitallyy sigqn d byy The Honorable Michelle R. Miller dxm:v dx nteo.w aetngvmoa ntepw Date: 2021.06.10 13:23:14 -04:00 .v Reason: Electronically Certified Copy lnavvcanemmvx.wam.wmvn�`:,o°ormM.,`naruw`°°ere i.nrari nee 90l .Snnrh Tnriian River nr. Fnrr Pi area. FT. ?4gFn Electronically Certified Official Record DOCUMENT INFORMATION Agency Name: Clerk of the Circuit Court: Date Issued: Unique Reference Number: Instrument Number: Requesting Party Code: Requesting Party Reference: CERTIFICATION Clerk of the Circuit Court, St. Lucie County, Florida The Honorable Michelle R. Miller 6/10/2021 1:23:15 PM BAA-CABIBEAGCBCJFC-BCBBB-1 EIHHGEE-HAFCD- 4877644 20181406212962 recording @stlucieclerk. com Pursuant to Sections 90.955(1) and 90.902(1), Florida Statutes, and Federal Rules of Evidence 901(a), 901(b)(7), and 902(1), the attached document is electronically certified by The Honorable Michelle R. Miller, St. Lucie County Clerk of the Circuit Court, to be a true and correct copy of an official record or document authorized by law to be recorded or filed and actually recorded or filed in the office of the St. Lucie Clerk of the Circuit Court. The document may have redactions as required by law. HOW TO VERIFY THIS DOCUMENT This document contains a Unique Reference Number for identification purposes and atamper- evidentseal to indicate if the document has been tampered with. To view the tamper -evident seal and verify the certifier's digital signature, open this document with Adobe Reader software. You can also verify this document by scanning the QR code or visiting https:/Nerifv.Clerkecertify.comNerifvlmaae . "The web address shown above contains an embedded link to the verification page for this particular document. MICHELLE R. MILLERy CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4877644 OR HOOK 4628 PAGE 29, Recorded 06/10/2021 01:21:21 PM PH i So1Q yr Uc' ®� (EwDr � Pr - p r�r nr u: N NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made an certain real property, emetic aceordanm with Chapter ]] 3. � Florida Statutes, the fbllovdng inf don is provided in this Notice of mme usurer, t. �• f�., C.Q n 1. nssCWx'toN or retorrar(Ulyl description ottbe preparydt abuse aatlne, Iftwuilable) Tw% MWONO.: mACK T ® )$ a6p WNNGl.B% gr OPS 7maz5 Fr or GfX?C.OT$ Ly6 kOF F't Plucz W2r�S'—&4 U nv ps. o or P e r !�bjej M P140M VG'N/ G SeeS+.f &m wtry BA77 1 j 9q Cqp G> ot---a : l laf:t *T a& ,$sAvid r .( :P K- '%4 ;; n4249A?"T /h®fo,' 2ilw% m� a N.a..m.aaa., ern. dmw. .. >_ coto Crows Nnma. NaYe and .aaaLL:aalArn.,n a a. cgNornsN,catc, r e— rnvnaery Tdt9'!' I,I,Zar e "Durban 0 3r 7. Persons within the Stow of Florida designated by Owner upon whom noticed or other doeummes c be saved as provided by Saction 713,13 (I) (a)'!.. Flpildn Smwtat: as e. wmay. or .ayneua pvwa; NI n a, a. m aaablan to bimaelrar ne:,elr. owner aaclgn a �' A or �J/ a to ramlvaacopy pfehe ldana's Nodes as yrov[tled in Sect on �t313() ), Fla:tla Srnmtes. b. Peace v venum on or an au teu by Owner. Q 9.E pirntion data of nodes ofeo ma scemont (the aplration date will be 1 year from the dote ofraeording unless a differem data is eped0ed): 2o 2e 6•e �-r A s L. L.e..� (Print Namo andP aside Slgnntory's ttidOffico) Stmc oY� tolfuS/ Coumy or <.(-. LU�i PP Mt" The foregoing bruzrimmt wo aclnowledgea betbro me Nir day of 102L Rsl.t P—w—Lr.�e.r (nam 1 (ypa ctaurn�,... o:g.oanr. nuatan. nnomnr in raa> forTamR n~a` `:x;$�`am; w. aceemaa, Personally lrnnwn. or Produces Typo ofIdantirlcmipn Produced �s.,�•a�.ee/a�s f,���OSG MYCOMMIgStONAG095Y630 (Slgnantre OrNoary Public) /r E%PIRES: JanYary23.2024 (Prins. Type. or gtamp Commissioned Name cfN4 ry Public) y�i+ Bandoditnu Naiary PubOOUMawMaetow. 104S.22 tv axrnxataoa meow pti`�^'� Digitally Date• 2021.06. signod by 10 13:23:16 The Honorable —09:00 Michelle F. Miller �' 9AFAlFi;A9�!9 Reason: Electronically Certified Copy nm oot,.Nuvm..vxyc xap.rnom... aeowatoxv cnw TnraYi nn: ant Fnitth Tnrii an 1; or I)r. Fnrt ➢iarrn. FT. i445f1 RECEIPT MICHELLE R. MILLER (D Clerk of the Circuit Court St. Lucie County Clerk of the Circuit Court Transact on #: 2062800 I St. Lucie County Receipt#: 1776195 201 South Indian River Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Cashier Date: 6/10/2021 1:21:21 PM (772) 462-6900 Print Date: 6/10/2021 1:21:46PM ALL AMERICAN SOLAR LLC 1060 E INDUSTRIAL DRIVE SUITE A ORANGE CITY,FL 32763 CREDIT CARD IPASSConvenienceFee PJllL�JP14BiK Il• Date Received: 6/10/2021 1:13:12PM Location: North County Return Code: Over the Counter Trans Type: Recording Reference: Oashier: PETERSONZ - - NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ��� BK/PG: 4628/28 DOC #: 4877643 Date: 6/10/2021 1:21:21PM FROM: HILER,MATTHEW L TO: ALL AMERICAN SOLAR LLC COPIES- not more than 8.5x14 - $1 perpage eCertify Passthrough Fee Indexing @a 1st 4 Names Free, Addt%$1 ea. CERT/FYFEE Recording@a 1st=$10Addt7=$8.50ea. BWPG:4628/29 DOC#:4877644 Date:6/10/2021 1:21:21PM FROM: ASHLEY,ROBERT J T0: ALL AMERICAN SOLAR LLC COPIES - not more than 8.5x14 - $1 perpage eCal vfyPassthrough Fee Indexing na 1st 4 Names Free, Addt%$1 ea. CERTIFYFEE Recording@a 1st=$10Addt1=$8.50ea, 2062800 www.stl u c iecl a rk. co m Total Fees: $30.02 Total Payments: $30,02 Balance Due: $0,00 Cash Tendered: Change: $0,00 $30.02 Page 1 of 1