HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecordedDocument - 2021-06-23T092608.229MICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4883868 OR BOOK 4635 PAGE 1139, Recorded 06/23/2021 08:42:30 AM ll I I it Hl tI Inllu,r, nJ I I lt'. lu Roy Smilll Scrocns L� 5h(Ilk:l;i, Inr,. 1GG4n 71st I_auF: Nom) Loxahatchec, 1 1.331l7o I'LR\11r SI I\nn-It VCYr'CE Or COIllA1L'RCEINI I:N7 Tile undersigned bcreby gn'es noliee dlat llnprovenlent hill be made In Cerlmll fell, 1),operly, and In accol dance Mill chapter 71 1, Efnnda SCnnIcS, lilt!lollaluag inlinillation i, prnrldcd ul Ihls Notice oI Conauencculenl I. DFSCItIP F pitop LnT1' (IRd.11 deacritviau nl Ille propel,), & Wee, addles, if:nallable l� )T•1\I�OI.IU ,N(1.:i9' • Snlll711-ISI _ p� � �`- � l� IIJACI Ltlr —11— IrLD(7 _ I.NII LIP ('L.\I'tt;l. II SCRIP] 7V ❑r I''l1'llol'I ICN oarmIA -.IF sicnoiiA 1111 \Ilt IN1'nr1,11 .11 [ONO CSSI:r IN'f01r>L\1JON II Jill I.ISSLE r'o.' fllJ7rr �n,/lcrl:n 1t111r.1\o'ItoVLAIL I: .t \zinc anal ad�h<.s t ( PSI S /(C �i i !AS/ V ik Inld Hl to proyo+, Owner �'r n /' i yMike anJ.u6hev al fee nntele hlIVIIAdcr nftrilcr<nt rian(hutrr NAJ'a aLoa kry .I CON I Kit Tows; N.van:: Roy Smith Screens & Shutters, cortltaal,v•, aJ,h<„ 1664871st Lane North, Loxahatchee, ✓=L 33470 I. rh„ne nnulh<, 561-422-5000 5. 5UItLI1'Ufa pPlirahlr, a<oP Y ul the payni tll bo ond ar uIle (dl w _ a,Vantc ai*]ndJr<a.�D>`If-•.�.. An G 7d% IL J=��C=] 5.� dCA— h phone nuolbcl "�C �Y �� rf--yy�� CUUl--JJJJ < ,l niwnl ikf hunt 5 � a Lrndrl'S 1d Ji«. b phone m glbcl 7 Persons "IV liII Ibc Slate DI- Fionda (Iesignaled by OuneI upon "horn Ounces or Diller docrlmcots Inay he scrvcd as provided by Scelion 713. i 3 ( I ) (a) 7 , Florida Statutes: • !`ante and oddre,s h Phnn2 nnnibm of deeignaled Per>nns- 8, a fn addition (It himselforlrcrscll', Otvner desicrla(es of to receive u copy oflhe Licanr's Notice as provided in Scclion 713.13 (1) (b). Florida Statutes. h 1'honc nun16u �I pavtn ,v cnli ly dr5ignared by ON M1tr _ it LNPiraliou date ornolice of conunencenrcut (The expiration date %611 be I year front the date of recording unless a difletent date is xincified)._- _ ,2D_ - - (ti nARlrc of Ox'nrr ncr's or Le. ce's Au burizcd Officerinircrlur/Pnriner111enrfger) stale of Florida cowliy or Martin AI\Mine and ('rowdy tiignator}''s I'ille/Office) 1 'llre fmcgoin instnurtent leas rvledged before rue Ibis day oh120 byaie for (haute of person) (nPuti pc (rl'nlority... ,e.g. oI'll :er, nusleWort ley orney In fact) (name urpnrty on Mialfol' Mimi instrument iws execuled) Personally Knomi or produced Idorttilicalion Mactceisha Maragtl-�Iliotl ��tP� At �� NQTAtiZY F'Ut�L1C��1t1, Qt ( ,aa i $TAT L OF i l.O�tt vievcF � E-XpifCs 212612O`L�1 an• 10.15.11 Type ofIdeiltifioationProduced (Signalol•c of Notary Public) (NAIL 1•ype• or Slarop conlmissiormA Narlle of Notary PlIbl ic)