HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED SL SHBCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Suhm3t Surcharge "', Stats & Facts '. Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map i Links Search Product Approval US>=R: Pualic User _plQrfilrt�,rrnroval Menu > Application Detail FL # 1`123505-113 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived p Product Manufacturer Soft-Lite LLC Address/Phone/Email 102SO Philipp Parkway Streetsburo, OH 44241 (330) 528-1136 PLanga n @soft -I ite. corn Authorized Signature Vivian Wright r€ckw@rwbldgconsuitants.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer © Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By and Management Institute 12/31/2021 Ryan J. King, P.E. 0 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL2350S R3�4I_(f l_Ceitificate of Independence pdf Standard AAMA/ W DMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 ASTM E1886 ASTM E1996 TAS 201, 202, 203 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect Year 2011 2005 2009 1994 LIli)s:lhvww.11uridavuilding,orglpr/pr_np})_ dtl.aspx?param-<rvGEVXQrvtDq[nDFSInZKXONgJ]Z%2fXAgyfr0"Lbp4v]RkzjD]{3CrCgzg%3d%3d[€/5/202] 10:55:35 AM) Ilaridn Building Code Online Sections from the Code FL23505 R3 Equiv of Standards (b) odf -- 8 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 07/12/2020 Date Validated 07/23/2020 Date Approved 10/13/2020 Summary of Products - - FL # r( � Model, Number or Name Desdription 23505.1 a. Series "Barcelona" Model "SH30PI" Extruded PVC Single Hung "Impact" Window, Missile Level "C" - (O/X Configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL23505 R3 II (Ji) Inst 23505 1 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verlfled By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A I Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 23505.1 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL2350 R3 A (1 Eval 2 OS 1 odf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars, I ��--����� 23505.2 �eries Barcelona" Model "SH30PI Extruded PVC Single Hung Impact' Window, Missile Level "D" -, (O/X Configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for. use in HVHZl.No FL23505 R3 II (c) Inst 235052 Ppp� Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verlfled By: Lyndon F. Schmidt; P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent ThlydParty: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 23505.2 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL23505 R3 AE (�) Eval 23SOS 2 p� additional use Ilmltatlons, Installation instructions and product Created by Independent ThirdParty: Yes particulars. - 23505.3 I c. Series "Barcelona" Model "SH30PI" Extruded PVC Single Hung "Impact" Window, High Velocity Hurricane Zone - (O/X Configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes F 0 R II (cl Inst 23505 3 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verined By: Lyndon F, Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 23505.3 for Design Pressure Ratings, any F 3 0 R A (� Eval 23505 3 odf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 23505.4 d. Series "Barcelona" Model "SH30P" Extruded PVC Single Hung "Non -Impact" Window - (0/X Configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions j Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL2350S R3 II (c) Inst 23505 4 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P: E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:. Yes. Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 23505.4for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL23505 R7 AE O Ev i �IGns a df additional use Ilmltatlons, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. __ — 23505.5 �, Series "Barcelona" Model "SH30PI" Extruded PVC "Radius' Single Hung'Impact" Window, Missile Level "C" - (O/X Configuration) _ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL23505 R3 II (c) Inst 23505 S odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 23505.5 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL23505 R3 AE !c) Eval 23505 5 odf bilps:/I,rmw.floridabnilAing.org/pr/pr npp dlLnspa?pxrnm�vGP.VXQwIDgtnDpSIn7,KXOtxgJIZ%2fXAgyLe0Zbp4vlRk jDH3C,Cgzg%3d%3d[I/5/202I 10:55:35 AM] rl�dda la:bldia� code o:di�re additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars, I __..__ 23505.E f. Series "Barcelona"Model "SH30PI" Extruded PVC "Radius" Single Hung "Impact" Window, Missile Level "D" - (O/X ConFlguration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions I Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL23505 R3 [I (c) Inst 23505 6 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 23505.E for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL23505 R3 AE. (� Eva123505 6 odf additional use limitations, installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. - - 23505J g. Series "Barcelona" Model "SH30PI" Extruded PVC "Radius" Single Hung "Impact" Window, High Velocity Hurricane Zone - (O/X Configuration) LIrI11kS of Use Installation IIIStftlCtlOns Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL23505 R3 II (dj Inst 23505 7 Approved for use outside HVHZ; Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 23605.7 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL23505 R3 AE (c) Eval 23505 7 odf additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. J 23506.8 h. Series' Barcelona Model "SH30P' Extruded PVC "Radius' Single: Hung "Non Impact" Window - (O/X. Configuratior) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL235O5 R3 IT C�1 Inst 23505 8.Ddf Approved for useoutside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409`. Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes - Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 23505.8 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL23505 R3 AE (c) Eval 23505 8-ndf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. ��rmrr�r :r r t r r r r: r Under Florltla law, email atltlresses are public records. If you tlo not want you -mall address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the offce by phone or by tratlitional mail. If yeu have any questions, please contact 850.98].1395. ''Pursuant [o Section 455.2]5(1), Florltla Statutes, eRecbve October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provitle the Department with an email adtlress If they have one. The emalls provided may be used for ofOclal communication with the Ilcensee. However email atltlresses are public record. If you tlo not wish [o supplY a personal address, please provide the Department with an email atltlress which can be made available to the public. To tletermine If you are a Ilcensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please clicKpetg� Protluct Approval Accepts: �� ® �tHt Credit Gard Safe hVps:Invww•.Iloridabnilding.ory/pr/pr upp_dtl.aspx?purxrm-wGEVXQwtUghiU1'SInLKXOx611Z%21XAgyfsOZbp9vllikzjUH3CrCgzg%3A%3d11/S/2021 I0:55:35 AM] R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. BConsulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O. Box 230 Valrico, FL 33595 Phone 813.659,9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Registry License No. 9813 Certificate of Independence RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named in the accompanying Florida Product Approval. Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. FL No. 43409 July 1, 2020 Sheet 1 of 1 R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. BConsulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O. Box 230 Valrieo, FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Registry License No. 9813 July l3, 2020 To Whom It ASTM I; 1886-OS>;auivalent to ASTM ); 1886-13a The products referenced in this Product Approval have been tested in accordance with ASTM E 1886-05. It has been determined by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. and RW Building Consultants, Inc. that ASTM E 1886-05 is equivalent to ASTM E 1886-13a, which is the reference standard and year that has been adopted by the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, ASTM 1; 1996-09 Pguiyalentto ASTM; 1996-14a The products referenced in this Product Approval have been tested in accordance with ASTM E 199&09, It has been determined by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P,E, and RW Building Consultants, Inc. that ASTM E 1996-09 is equivalent to ASTM E 1996-14a, which is the reference standard and yearthat has been adopted by the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.Em J: FL No. 43404 Registry License No. 98IT,, .4 L cSU �0 y,1 fi; aduLj cgsn ob R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O. Box 230 Valrico, FL 33595 Phone 813,659,9197 Florida Board off roressional Engincers Registry License No. 9813 Product— Category Sub Category g ry Manufacturer ft Product Name Soft-Lite LLC "Barcelona" Windows Single Hung 10250 Philipp Parkway Model "SH30PI" Streetsboro, OH 44241 Single Hung Window (330) 528-3400 "Impact" Scope: Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc. &Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. (System ID # 1998) for Soft-Lite LLC., based on Rule Chapter No. 61 G20-3, Method I of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest In the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code (FBC) structual requirements including the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details, Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in the "HVHZ", this product complies with Section 1626 of the FBC and does not require an Impact resistant covering. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 6. See drawing FL-23505.3 for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. Test Standard Testing Laboratory Signed by TEL 03001729 TAS 201,202 & 203-94 Testing Evaluation Lab., Inc. Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. TEL 03002047 TAS 2011202 & 203-94 Testing Evaluation Lab., Inc. Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. TEL 03002215 TAS 201, 202 & 203-94 Testing Evaluation Lab., Inc. William B. Shelton, P.E, 2. Miami Dade NOA Materials Testing 17-0712.05 Saflex° PVB Interlayer (Eastman Chemical Company) 18-1108.10 PVC Extrusions (Vision Extrusions Ltd.) 3. Drawing No. Prepared by Signed & Sealed by No. FL-23505.3 RW Building Consultants, Inc. (#9813) 1%03990d¢n Lyndon R Schmidt, P.E. Prepared bv Sealed 4 CalculationsAnchorg RW Building Consultants, Inc. (#9813) I'! SI7T �da,Lyndon tt Signed F Schmidt, bP.E. ASTM E1300 Glass Load Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. fdo hd,•09 5. Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by Farabaugh Engineering and Testing, Inc., certifying that Soft-Lite LLC is manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC 17020 and Guide �C?` qJ - - Lyndon F. Schmidt, P. . 53. °F:.,., `•, Ci ; ; l ti? •' �,t-> e4 FL PE No. 43409 7/13/2020 Sheet 1 of 1 `'Jos �58GIIP,.,- CM ON JUMbO8 SNOISIAMI _/Ay \ ON 3d \ ± % D / © — ` =9 + \( womp ON ); §) O k MIS _,a_,=--� ) § ! r ( � ( | ! Q/\ \)\ E } \7-0-d \a z0 £LH6 'oN Nlsl6aa idea - SNOISIA3i1 c6 {s'sss'rLa :'oN suoyd SNOI103S SS080 40 31VO ON I. S6Sr£ ld 'wigoA 'prZ •sH •0'd /1/Iltl1NOZlb'OH 11tl13a swmo 35LA3a Ht ZI s I 01 ili sl ^I ' 'S1Ntl1llI5N0� pNipllllFi J' u� AlfIV1355tl a0 ltltld 53l 83JVdS Hnam3 31tlNa31ltl p0V B{ Z{ I L Z V Z o M IvNoIt Q LFi� 80bsbjsu uFd S� O93 OZOZ '03 H1G Ol 31NOd11 OZ Cl L C I ryI 'J / ,FeIP �a l Sh100Nlhl 3111-1j05 �+ �OqJVJRV' a ow=wnoo6 :lOMOad g y Ozoz `ET AIpf : 806E4'aN , �o x �N i UF.OF... 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