HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit- � �--r. •stir � ..L- -" _ a _ - '- -- a..a�._a.a+ �'������y�.��� �#�i�r'!���.0 •�•�•�{ �T'ia Ya++.Tt �--r_w•-Tt� _ Ill ��rt - yw�l'. - .�-{r<r.: �-i^�_ ._a - - - ��. a ., � �,��,••a.Ll_�G�•���'.�••� ti .. _ ."`� t - � _ �• `ems •-.--.• -.7-.. .�-i ir'`- _ r-_ . � +OrTSp��7' Z+i.r - _ _ � _- - ��+_ - a— _ � __� Ai�R .4 X+•S•__ #!afG� � a��.•_ ...�-•_ • - •- •=���t _ _ � � .. _ — - —r—� ._. k _ Imo? �o- ._ .. r _ - _ vs _ —�— .� _��`�..•..c`�}�'y �,...,�•�_-_ - - -- •�s,�c sr�a,.a..�� ALLAP"PLICABLE ff-t-F(g) 1CAlf�i0tvv"TUA' VK BE ACCEPTEP,.� Dd-te 613012021 Permit Nwmben: • -•Y�J+•!•Y•Y�7•ia7V�1•air-RV�Y�i•o•r8l31.5i,___:•iSa�dV•CYY��•�IL.-�i�i a��Ai•i•iaYiLVW�irJ iF+y,F•�, -- � �} ti�"_}Y••`rti� �'_5 �SF�+�M'ar �-?�,. �iwL• .. .i. •� :t=ai,}•' _r ._ .. � . .� rf-ib•w. _ ' }� }" •ti A- pp n n- pair rerm,it c U If at {€?t-�{�t� and Z3��ei{7gi1i7� ,t �iG'rCeS Bul"10"ing 017d C,.,Ode R"egu110t1'0n D-livIs" ta 2300 fFrFnt: ic A ver, ue, Fort Pierce FL 349F 82 Phcen&- '772} 462-1553 Fav ��i� �52-15i8 ��..���"�'3.�'��� �5iaenttal Xac— vttriMMIT APPLIC.ATION FOR:.- Plu bing %,,` Aj N 'mL'� w""- r K t,; P L) S E U I M 0 T LL � Address S -9410 Carlton RD �v.i+��4a�. �•-'-'-'rr�i.•���•�a � I+I+r•MY�ir. •+•�i��i �—,�.r•�ti��ti�yl�ltT l+a�•.r•ia�s ---'jm21T- 0*905 AG) (C>R 3898-696�- Legali �iwti • _ � �• T� r� r a De,,-Nscr'1'pt1a0-n,1/2 NW V -�T= -1F�t } ..^�.--•' a.�� .. ;r• Jay . - wm.w-p-arram ��r-�a_w .�.�..�..+� rM•� .. ss .� :*•.rs�v. r� u•tiar 7 •� • a - - 4203-221 -000 1 -0001 .. �� s�L.r�---�--'--�.T'""��`--'. ��+c�+��,-•;mwr�v.�s,�sKa:�+..•fa•. '-,x+r�v..ia� Property. ax 1D#.. --- Lot N o MA .. _. ..-'-'-------.-.��.:...ztia.a---d•ia••••i•••Y�ra.i.i.r�•�a5.n.7�r�.�-•••��a••irs••-�.a.a�T-'--ramF= - '-'�++•Ktir+--••a�t+��' .-__'_'r=`}+•+a-_T.�.—� Site Plan Name-,3 lock No,. .gvft John � A Lessen amel ors s�wtc r.�r �.••.. r....�..tir..r.,r - ���,--��..��� �' :�.- T,-r� �._�a. Setbacks From 8 a k Right S'I'd e Left SideT }'_,i,i�,7il,Y,S,i•Y,+iur•3,7YY,2 - __-..��i!••!7•AF }a �T�. atMa�n_w .a rCs } t LD}Kn 5OC-7,A.I.. Ei.-.ECTRIC WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT imSTRUCT C ION INFORiMAl ION., I W 0 C) D Ad diit' 0 n a I a.,13erformed ''under. thl HVAC. Eiectric Tank L, ina M b CA it p —��k a e rnn� i %a Gas I I r0 a '! 5t; ink lie� r S 4 -wtt appyl, Shutfftrers ,..J Gein-erator Ft t-,)-f Total Sqf?Construct' ��C: -1 Ft. Firsts 61t � Co('"onstruct-l"OR, 10 � J e s Sewer I--- ___ - J Ro ®r- ft S pt)t"" ic B u'l It d i in, R 11 e icr h tf�,, jA __ �+T�+�+tea. •,r � T�TITF +i a3•_a�Oa_ y.iF a. �.= F7 �� a iNFF�a �a �•faiR] Y•La f WL •�a7i f•.� R.7•M-TJV/�JGR���a�42 �� - W K/ N E ESS E FL IT } 7• SC t it 3 Name John A LessinDIMITRE 808EV k d � eA MECHANICAL •9 Carlton RD _ • - �-.ih•�s Ate_ - � �ea:w-i-a-�� � compai-y: cat;ta FT PIERCE �i�t�: FLLIP%aoOdge:19 34987 1ai" " I FRUI 'ib flef..A.- simpiveTitle Holder`ne..m3.- 4 p-J} from the Own..ex,,p, lislgad abuive.) Roof pitch A du r S: 94*2 LAUREL FAIR CIR SUITE I I I �^ TAMPA Statp. FL Zip Code"., 33610 Fax:866-4-219-v729 Phc,p,,-e No. E-Kaiii�id: FLPERMIT'z�E,,DE,�.rA�itECHANlCAL.GOM State or �.OUn y CFC 142 5917 If va-lue of construction, is $2500 or more _, a RECO;'A�-,DED Notlre of Conrtmenoaimetim is required.- 5 Wy��4��•��-•-artT.�aae+w�z+�i'�ii•��1• J.•r••� ' Y y • • �.�SL•a+aaaaa-a�a1.�•. •� �a _ _ ~ u � �•� - etzRw i.`-+�tZ�T� . v� . aan �-••�•5��-�•a�+�{'T�-f•T+ZS•Y�fY Y F-'�� ��+ �� /�•ii�S'QSGQL�L :n a_ Ji _ � i T _�� �r�•e�--�� � -- _ i�S.L-.i`ys�ra}��i1�•FNYL•�aaa6 N.aa ti•Y�_ J - _ - _ __ r uYl FlaiaeYaJT + ta����'-.'� �Y�F. Jayya-�aTf .--. _ _ � _ _ ___ a74�JFo-]VY _ -_� - : �� �- � �.i• i[•.T-�.e'�`.�__.�SC.._ _ —.- _ - -- ��. 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I n'12 Arl. n. r -PIL LLI I N it f1j a M ,�' _ -e d.. OWNER/ CONTRA. AgOF1R r DV1Ta A a � n hereby made obtain.perr.....1 it to do the work. and certify thc-%�t no yr i1 r k or installation m n n d prifor to the,issuance pel + • C a � �# Cuct u r e teere P rese wh' � " �r � � �Ho.rne�'� �� � � that may rem � � b su b I�a structure. Pieria i •x � � � —'tom your HomeOwners Assadatlon and ewyoU,rdeed for � � restrictions which may Zipply-. In consideration - s " �� �� � � all c-& v orm the ��� � P ;n accordance wi'19:1,h. he approved pians the Florida Bui1dir-igr-61%.fj-des arid St. Lucie Countv Ameriamen=ts.. one Totiowine m aooiication-S. are exec p� ro noes o nuii conn • v ,:o -� aaamons "r 9 1. 1 iz ,l use structures, .ft;w'�rnming po, n, walls n , o '1 and access u �� o � :� o n nog rest %M A OWN Your Record Nw,'., WAF N1 NG TO • : f ail",,ureto Commence � nt �resultn .-ourpayingtice lro� I-E h e., cl s it e .0 improvenients to y-ou before the commencin, � �gnature rpropeft-y_. rommemust. recorded and" posted .1% irst insp-ectio� . I.;A � you intendto financing, consu.lt with lender or an attorney be 1.ore -"!)10,t'i'ce Commencemer;;��:. :rk-or 'r ...0rdir ,�g �10 U Tg F m z I llh-� Y ner/ Lessee,acl[or C3 �nt -ROwner STATE 0, F F LO R I DA COUNI�"f OF t 5 V-�ie Toy o.T4;instrument vva2d; -owl edged beforia.. r Od a g20Z.,,.,A y � U _ r C;, c %F i, i %io S TA I E �3 F F LO Rl D_� A ­Y OF COUNT user F The forgoing in-trun-iemt was acknowledged bem-re me th-TL Or �j le-vo Is C,) d a y bv . 5 LC,- � V _b7C �___ �ame of persoi-i rnakingstat-tement Name�,k pe, -.g'.,.0. makingstatemen. Known, �� Produced��� �r�sd�;e� � ��ntifc�+'s{y�- Pers�€�al�y ��c��++� 0��[cse?�tific��i�rt Type of identilicoii��^ � Type of laeti 1:ifEcafion Produced f Produced-_--- tu `��--''�,e`" (S.0riRnature �f Notary Public- Stall-e of Florida 1. C o rtanss�c? n N 4 Rev'. 8/2/31.7 is*- Nctaife State 0 f C r P r 3 L ..ram• 4. .. F.T -� �� �irr -• r4� i rT;--:T� �-Y ram..-r.�..,••r, � � ti �.��.��• r - - -;,�..� r ++ yr. �. � _ _. kr ;x � '� �=•�ati,, •.���+�M-r• ..+=-1-:-�, �..�ft-,.. r..•.}-.7�`�-:�'sl�ca�'�r�s���vr�r•o Y. = r•rti IrY �'� rs �"T'����� •,rr1 ��ri�1R - - •s•,. :r- �- � -�. .- �+ � .� ...