HomeMy WebLinkAboutELECTRICAL SUB AGREEMENT___-----1=--\.---------__ PLANNING & DHVELOPMHNT SERVICHS Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREHMENT u FCD t~=~LE_cmRIL c have agreed to be (Company NameAndividunl Name)ivef`/I_ctw2:. Sub-cont [ardiorfoif AE,M4 4S5oel aT|± II ccc . (Type of Trade)Q'rimary Contractor) Forthe projectlocated at 13i €oC CocoG'rojectStreetAdItisunderstoodthat,ifthereisanychangeo pLu~` aT palm c`T.v I--c. 3ap® dfsI.ess or Propetatusrega rty Tax ID #)rdingourparticipation with the above entioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursua t to the filing of a Change o Sub-contractor notice. ..,i:-,_--... -: -.`- :i.,in+_:,,--.:i-: i:-=,.,,::;.:-': - CO NTRgrR SIGNATURE {Qunrmer)SUR'CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE {Qualifier) 4NO&f £_ A f /c#z5z£_-i:-:--------i-:-+-.,, PRINT NARE PRINT NARE c&c .ig2xsoa+.- c, i , 7. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 's:a:a#=aetefo°rfe:o°=da=yn:€+=:=fi?re=thoulhaayof State ofFlorida, County of 14a 4/` y7,`-Thefol.egoinginstrurnentwassignedbeforemet VY`ou ,2ozL,by ,Ardr€'¢ mfheJe_whoispiermnyknormv<r'hasproduceda qu7Dwl,`` ,2d4T ,byrp,`tc¥[rfu+I/'whoispersonallyknownorhasproduceda r.fin-LJ #tlficatrom ,S TANI arsy;INNf yRTtwm _if] £I.-1.C C.. -s -STAun-Crfuen7 Sfroture ofaetrry public Sigmture of Nota bhic TrcunJAu{rdr+-(:r'IL IH.\b =Lf±L-`\ciPrintNa®Notarypunc Print Name 6f Notary Pubnc Revised 1 ,/16/2o[ .±ur#: iiyiac¥;&¥e:;ii;ego::;°,r;dga