HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF PROPOSALCode Red Roofers, Inc. License #CCC1326574 License ttCRC2326582 info @ cod ered roof ers,ccnn Su bmitted To: H-e Ien Pa u I Address: 791 Sand buriZ Lrl City; Port St- Lucie A E FERS [airy Office: 1(844) 4 - CODERED 1 (844) 426 - 3373 " cod ared roofers.com Date; June 11r 2021 Phone, (772) 489-4-863 !EL_ 34952 1 Ernail- Roof Proposal We h ereby 5 u b m it specificat i etti S a nd estimates for. 1) R e m ogre a nd dis card ex isti ng no n-structu ra M gu t tern — not to be re plla ced. Z) Cc m plet a re m oral of existi n8 roof materi a I s down to P I g ood d u c k, 3) 1 n spect deck i n $ f or damage; replace up to five (5) sheets, If ad ditio rra I sheets are required, please see the'Wood and Labor Addendum, No credit w!II be given for unused sheets, 4) Inspect decking for na i Ding patterns, re -nail to t u r r e n t c-Dde- 5) Installation of self -adhered under Iayment (qualifies as secondary water barrier), 6) Installation of accessory metals, drip -ecige, valley+ metal, in piPe flashings, 7) Installation of Metro -Dade approved, fungus -resistant Archl'tectural shingles. 8) Includes taxes, permit feu, trash removal, clean up, dump fees, labDr, and materials. warronty: Roofing Connector wiff 5uppiy aseven (7)ye-ar Lr'mit-ed Darr-arrty upon cornpleriorr of the project. Tintal contract price wfth above specfficatIonS: Seventeen Thousand Nine Hundre4 Fifty and xxf 100 DoIMars----------( 17x950.00) ray s- ---------------------•------------- a 0ption, Wind Mitigation — Roof to WalI Connections elf option is selected} ---- ---------- ------------- add _ (Initial) Total c on t ract P rl ce with a 11 5ele cted u pgrades a nd/or options- ----------_-----_---- $ (initial off RespeetfurIIySubrnItted by !zred Cra-Cker at Cede Red Roofers This propEPsal may be withdrawn by CfRR if not accepted by r,Ijent within seven f?p days" A $Igned propusaP can he v-0Ided by CRR if a di�pQ5it is not received withl-n 2 waek5 of signing. A Prviect Manager wild be assigned (-a your iob 1.0 erl�ure high qual►tywork, Quoted orie$ iS R ce 5h price do clu d es a Ir re bates and discou nts , An ad d itiona 13_5K convQn1-@ncQ fee wil I be add ed to p.7y+mMU n3ade by ercdit c, rd. PaV nient drd%V& l-u be made a5 Fellows: t/3 orr coxuraci orc,-Rtowe, 1 {orfof 10 raver WirmenC 113 Wifhfn 15 ro,endor days of eCM0k:5ff6rr, Carrrpfk6on !t ofetermined m the vie �f wank frefn 5uhst'arat i Comp�rte orrd r y fox 'raa� +rts�e rr_ Owner MOW withhaJd an vm04JO UP 010% i5f €ornph? orr ofraw invoke, pernd�rjg reso ution of Corr"t+vu 'work Requesr Fwm. Crwn cr 4indersr-rods and o j7-eees 15Y s jndfure beh;pKr thpt 5 uchr Wgh i%r ofpPyment opOkatiort of workxnamhip WVrMnly, .017d tmx iftspeetiorYjCtWdUfri?9 8 fjOt Mth�rr CRR'x Cofftrat, 10utMndrn$ 4elUkCeS may accrue fIna nCes charges gt the Mtutcry rate �cvrrenRly 18% per ann-um}, Any al eral Ion or dinyiatlon from aboye speel#Icatlons involving extra COStS will bC► executed ooryr upon wri"en ordi:r and will b"oMo an extra -charge over abDv-E astirnate. All a.SrWnents are c40rntingent upon strikes, accldents, or delays beyond our control. Cance latian PDIicy: This contract maw be ca ncelle-d with Ili threo�e (3) days -of sigri Ing t he con t{a{t, with th a Furl di�po5jt rece iwed be ing refundable- After that, any 6posit rvreiwed wi II be reduced by the 81re3tet of elthe r. 1) the estim aced gross profit expected to be -;�ch iced an rumpletl-n8 the Wntract or �) 10% of the contract amount plus the rests incurred u p 10 the da to the cont"-ct cancellation r6q uest was rece Iv", Acceptances of Proposal RY signature brslow, owner indicates they are i3war.2 that wrrent prt�jett scheduling i5 5ub[ected to addition?f 4elaws Gutsid2 of Code Fed Aoofer5' cantrof, including but Wt limited to material and labor shortages, and inCl-Drntht weather, Timim I-s gF the essence in any rneJor project such as roofing, and Code Red Loafers will make best efforts to 3&aAca schedule d-a;-eS whenevfir possible, The 51ated prices; sperifiratign5 -an d -conditions are 9445factory and are hereby acC2o#2d, The VV99d a nd La Wr Addendum i$ el59sdtlsfaezary a nd herby acre pted. Yo u are a uthoriied tv d-O I hC W06 as sp@ c IfJed- Payments wil I be'dodo 35 outli ned pb9ye. cyder Signature: Pa$g 14)1 a Date: Southeast Florlda Central flgrldv 3341 SE Slater R 100 Avenue C 5E Stuart, FL 3499 ����� $t3 - ��� 5 1�+fnter li awn, Ft 33 8.6O (.86a) 845 - �120