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Building Plans
GENERAL NOTES SUMMARY OF WORK: 1. Project Description: Residential Renovation 2. Project Work Scope: a. Demolition: i. Remove doors and walls as shown it. See Demolition Plan for full scope of work. b. Interior Walls: i. Provide new interior walls of 3 5/8" wood studs, 5/8" drywall, batt insulation minimum R-11. it. See Wall Legend for more details. c. Interior Ceilings: i. Provide drywall ceiling , 5/8" over framing per plans ii. See Reflected Ceiling Plan for more details. d. Exterior Walls: 1. Provide new impact resistant door ii. Provide new windows. it!. See Wall Legend and Sections for more details. e. Mechanical: L Provide new HVAC per Mechanical plans ii. See Mechanical Plans for full scope of work. f. Electrical: i. Provide power for new equipment/appliances. iii. Provide lighting and power per power and lighting plans. iv. See Electrical Plans for full scope of work. g. Plumbing: i. Provide new plumbing service for new bathrooms. ii. Provide lighting and power per power and lighting plans. iv. See Plumbing Plans for full scope of work. h. Fire Sprinkler/Fire Alarm: 1. N/A CONTRACTOR/OWNER COORDINATION: 1. Contractor shall verify existing site conditions of project location prior to commencement of work. 2. Contractor shall coordinate and verify all utility requirements, compatibility and location of projected utilities of project, as shown on the drawings. 3. Contractor responsible for coordinating all trades to complete work. Contractor shall issue full sets of drawings to sub -contractors commissioned to complete the work. 4. Contractor shall verify space requirements and location of project utilities. 5. Contractor shall field verify all dimensions of project. Do not scale drawings. 6. Contractor shall notify Architect of any discrepancies in drawings and/or specifications of project. Commencement of the work without proper notification to the Architect, the contractor will assume responsibility of work performed. 7. Contractor shall notify the Architect, when the full intent of the drawings and/or specifications is not clear. Commencement of the work without proper notification to the Architect, the contractor will assume responsibility of work performed. 8. Owner and Contractor shall coordinate Schedule of Values, Application of Payment, Construction Cost and any other fees related to this project. 9. Owner and Contractor shall coordinate Schedule of Construction and notify Architect of schedule. CHANGE PROCEDURES: 1. Architect will submit Supplemental Instructions for minor changes. 2. Contractor may propose changes by submitting a request for change to Architect. Architect and Owner shall give written approval for all changes made by the Contractor. Commencement of the work without written approval from Architect and Owner, the contractor will assume responsibility of work performed. SUBMITTAL: 1. Prior to construction Architect and Owner shall submit a list, to the Contractor of required shop drawings (including millwork) submittals for this project. General Contractor to coordinate with his sub -contractors for drawings. 2. General Contractor to submit samples of all finish materials (prior to ordering and or fabrication) to Architect for approvals and sign -offs. (3 Samples each to be submitted to Architect). Two noted record samples will be returned to General Contractor. 3. Samples shall be submitted in a timely manner (prior to any work performed). 4. All specifications and materials in drawings to be cross-referenced with the Division Specification package (if applicable). 5. Prior to construction Architect and Owner shall submit a list, to the Contractor of all required testing for this project. Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of any testing requested by the Owner. TEMPORARY FACILITIES: 1. Contractor shall provide and maintain access to the site of the project. 2. Contractor shall coordinate with Owner for temporary facilities requirements, if required for this project. 3. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a clean and safe construction site. 4. Contractor is responsible for the removal of all construction debris. MATERIALS: 1. Store and protect all project products and materials in accordance with manufacturer instructions. Products and materials of this project shall be installed free of damage. 2. Architect shall approve all product or material substitutions. CLOSEOUT: 1. Contractor shall notify the Owner 30 days prior to the date of substantial completion. At the time of substantially complete, Contractor shall submit a list of items (punch list) to be completed or corrected within the final days of construction. Owner and Contractor will set the project completion date. 2. Owner and/or Architect will inspect with seven (7) days of receipt of substantially complete punch list. Owner and/or Architect may add items to complete or correct prior to final completion. 3. Contractor shall leave site clean and free of any construction debris or equipment at the end of the project. 4. Contractor shall give Owner operating instructions for the mechanical, electrical, and other operating equipment installed for this project. 5. Contractor shall submit to the Owner all warranties, operating and maintenance manuals for the following products and equipment: a. Doors and Windows, Finish Hardware, Keying System b. HVAC Equipment C. All installed Flooring and Finishes d. Toilet Accessories e. Rest Room Fixtures and Assemblies f. Cabinetry g. Lighting 6. Owner may request additional warranties for other products. Contractor will be given notice prior to work. PRODUCT APPROVALS ......... Building Department Product Approval Gheckifst iPermit# Owner's Name Tammy Srmoneau Permit Type . .: k ..... _. .__. ..,. .:... Design Professlcrnai Name AIE NikiL Norton Job Sf4 Location 66 A uar Ra t�ra € Jensen Beach,jt 34957 (12uie 9 B 72 requires the following infotniation as jaromulgated by #ie Florida Building tnmission In the event that information required for product appirnmi'has been incarnated in to the puts speciiacations ar a genet notes sfmf}ly tndicate pale number vn 2he affit�vit _. Product Model Number Manufacturer Evaluation Agency ProductAppn�l # Ex don Date _._____ ..... _. _.w FUNOA ' Severe Weather Internal Blinds Left- Fiberglasss French Door Hand Full Lite Clear mlyll Third -Party FL-17347.5 Outswing Primed Fiberglass Smooth Prehung Front Door In accordance with the Florida Architects and Engineers product approval system, this affidavit certifies that I have performed the - _ -- budding envelope a aluatiorJ wired by the Florida Building Cade i AA 26002853/ AR91827 FL� Cert./ Reg- Number y .. n^ .:. .... .. ... .. - t . .. t.........,...._................_____.....,...._,...r. PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGN PARAMETERS: Florida Building Code (7th Edition, 2020) Florida Residential Code (7th Edition, 2020) Florida Existing Building Code (7th Edition, 2020) Florida Plumbing Code (7th Edition, 2020) Florida Mechanical Code (7th Edition, 2020) Florida Fuel Gas Code (7th Edition, 2020) 2017 National Electric Code 2012 Florida Accessibility Code (7th Edition, 2020) Florida Energy Code (7th Edition, 2020) Florida Fire Prevention Code (7th Edition) 2002 National Fire Alarm Code - (NFPA-72) 2002 Fire Sprinkler Code - (NFPA-13/13R/13D) 2002 Standard for Automatic Fire Suppression Systems (NFPA-17/17A) 2000 Standard for Safeguarding Const., Alterations, & Demo Operations (NFPA-241) Building Design: Ultimate Wind Speed: Enclosed 170 mph 3 second gust Nominal Wind Speed: 132 mph Building Category: II Wind Importance/Use Factor: 1.0 Internal Pressure Coefficient: +/-0.18 Building Mean Height: 15'-0" Roof Overhang: 2'-0" Roof Pitch: 4/12 Door Desi9p Pressure: Int. Zone (+31.6/-34.6) 50`slift. Ext. Zone (+31.6/-39.8) Window Design Pressure: Int. Zone (+33.7/-36.7) 20 sgft. Ext. Zone (+33.7/-44.0) Exposure: D Design Loads: Roof Dead Load/Live Load: 15/40 psf Floor Dead Load/Live Load: 15/30 psf Impact Protection: Existing Shutters JURISDICTION: St. Lucie County OCCUPANCY: Group R-3 Residential CONSTRUCTION: Type V Unprotected, Unsprinklered Ext. brg walls - CMU Pre -fabricated wood roof trusses Int walls -wood stds & drywall AREA TABULATIONS: Space to be renovated 216 gross sgft. Total Bldg. (one side of duplex) 1611 gross sgft. Alterations, Level 1 FBC 7th Edition 2020• Chapter 7 (Existing Buildings): Building Elements + Materials: New Interior Finishes: Class C New Interior Trim: Class C Fire Protection: Fire Alarm + Detection: An Automatic Sprinkler System is Not Required. Means of Egress: (3) Existing 3'-0" Door, (1) Exisiting 6'-0"Slider (1) New T-0" Door Accessibility: N/A Structural: Replacement Equipment: New Equipment Installed per FBC 2020 New Windows + Doors: New Door impact resistant Energy Conservation: Complies with FBC Energy Conservation 2020 Reroofing: Existing Roofing Material to Remain Alterations, Level 2 FBC 7th Edition, 2020; Chapter 8 (Existing Buildings): Building Elements + Materials: No Additional Vertical Openings New Interior Finishes: Class C New Interior Trim: Class C Fire Protection: An Automatic Sprinkler System is Not Required. Fire Alarm + Detection: N/A Means of Egress: (3) Existing T-0" Door, (1) Exisiting 6-0" Slider (1) New T-0" Door Panic Hardware: Panic Hardware is Provided at Primary Entrances Accessibility: N/A Structural: Existing Structure to Remain Electrical: New Work Complies with FBC 2020, Electrical Mi?chanical: Existing to Remain Plumbing: New Work Complies with FBC 2020, Plumbing Energy Conservation: Complies with FBC Energy Conservation 2020 Alterations, Level 3 FBC 7th Edition, 2020; Chapter 9 (Existing Buildings): Building Elements + Materials: No Additional Vertical Openings New Interior Finishes + Trim: Class C Fire Protection: An Automatic Sprinkler System is Not Required. Fire Alarm + Detection: N/A i Means of Egress: (3) Existing T-0" Door, (1) Exisiting 6'-0" Slider (1) New T-0" Door Accessibility: N/A Structural: Existing Structure to Remain Energy Conservation: Complies with FBC Energy Conservation 2020 INDEX OF DRAWINGS JF,J'yJ ;'S,.aJh +++ ++++ +++ 1++++ Sheet Sheet Title += ++ �=+ ++ ++ ++ A0.1 Cover Sheet, General Information + Notes ■ A1.1 Demolition Plan, Details + Notes ■ A2.1 Existing Floor Plan ■ A2.1.1 Floor Plans + Notes ■ A2.2 Reflected Ceiling Plan ■ A2.4 Door, Window Schedule + Details ■ E1.0 General Notes, Schedules + Details ■ E2.1 Power Plan + Lighting Plan + Notes �� ■ P1.0 General Notes, Schedules, Risers + Details ■ _ P2.1 Plumbing Plan + Notes __ ■ __ Ox Window "# Door xxx Room Name Wall Type Wall Section 0 Revision OWNERS: Tammy Simoneau 66 Aqua Ra Drive Jensen Beach, FI, 34957 772 349-4070 Ax. Detail E Keyed Note x. Interior Elevation „ Exterior Elevation „ Building Section 0 Miscellaneous Key PROJECT CONTACTS ARCHITECT: n2 architecture + design Niki L. Norton, R.A. 2081 SE Ocean Blvd., Ste. 1A Stuart, Florida 34996 (772)220-4411 RECEIVE© MAY 0 4 2021 Pormltt'ng D10"tMent St. Lucie County N Y ❑ N..d IY C L O i E c Q, o a�z opYt v' aL Y o mJ 3 i9 N �..y. � N ao aN O" N o u -mcv � O E,C a v ¢ E 3.ay �L co$v5m� O W 9' O.L O T^ o t m 2 Y V _ d o m O w a v v V .- c - .- �t U a` c U c m ¢ u`¢n E,n¢ U N J m LL N N COfi?t lY roan m OLd 33 a) rn co O U � U N s U L s/1 Gam EvIEWED FOR ^^SAPLIANCE B�Vv fiJ t Ift Willi W 7 U) Ln 1..L_ m (1) J LL Q) O 9�/ ® p 0 a� fu E O fu �M N V/ lOr Rev. # Date A Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs. Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet ■ 1 Cover Sheet + General Notes CANAL 1 - DEMOLITION PLAN EVE EXISTING ,LL/STUCCO AND TUDS FOR NEW TION / DRYWALL VD CEILING SCALE: 1/4" =1E-0" DEMOLITION NOTES 1. Do not consider demolition notes to be all inclusive. It is the Contractor's responsibility to inspect and assess the space and to fulfill the intent of the work indicated by the contract documents. Bring all deviations from the contract documents necessitated by field conditions to the attention of the Architect. 2. Cutting and removal indicated on the drawings are general indications only and do not necessarily show the full extent of cutting and removal which may be required by the job conditions. 3. Contractor shall verify and establish existing conditions and dimensions before proceeding with any portion of the work. 4. Contractor shall verify locations and extent of structure and items to be demolished and removed. 5. Extent of demolition and removal work is shown on drawings and and includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following; existing finished, partitions, doors, frames, ceiling systems and exterior wall systems, mechanical electrical and plumbing systems, exterior doors and windows. 6. Contractor shall obtain all permits required by local authorities having jurisdiction. 7. All demolition work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable local ordinances and building codes. 8. Remove and dispose of all structure and items as indicated, demolished and removed items shall be discarded. Transport demolished materials off of the owner's property and legally dispose of them. 9. Remove and salvage all items as indicated, deliver all items to owner's designated holding area. 10. Contractor is responsible for and will have control of demolition means, methods, and techniques, sequences and procedures. The contractor shall provide for the safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. The Architect will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents. 11. The Contractor shall visit the project site prior to demolition and/or contract negotiations and shall verify existing conditions with the demolition documents. Discrepancies between the demolition documents (and their intent) shall be brought to the Architect's attention for clarification. Bids shall not be submitted or contracts negotiated by the Contractor prior to clarification of the intent of the demolition documents where such intent is in doubt. 12. Contractor shall provide all necessary protection to portions of the work intended to be incorporated into the completed work. 13. Notify the Architect if undocumented Structural members are uncovered during the course of demolition. Keep the Architect notified of the progress of demolition. 14. Contractor shall coordinate all indicated demolition with plan locations indicated to endure proper location and dimension of demolished areas. Inform Architect of any discrepancies. 15. Existing wall finishes to remain intact, unless otherwise noted. Where damage has occurred, or patching is required due to demolition, provide new finish surface flush with existing. 16. Prior to the start of demolition and excavation work, the Contractor shall call 48 hours before digging; 1-800-432-4770 to locate all existing utility lines. Any disruption of utility services caused by failure of prior notification of utility companies shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. And all costs associated with proper repair and restoration of damaged utility services shall be borne by the Contractor. 17. Architectural construction shall be removed only to the extent required. Patch to match existing adjacent construction. Where electrical wires are exposed, Contractor shall cap ends of cut wires to protect against electric shock. 18. Remove projections, hangers, bolts, nails, etc, from existing surfaces. Patch all holes to match adjacent surfaces to remain. 19. Contractor shall provide all necessary shoring and bracing to support existing structure until permanent supports are erected. Take all necessary measures to Drevent the collapse of walls, slabs, roofs, etc. - Contractor shall provide signed shop drawings and engineering calculation, signed and sealed by an engineer. 20. Where extension of existing wall surface is necessary due to demolition of existing opening, patch and repair new wall surface to match adjacent existing. 21. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the contractor performing any cutting or welding to comply with safety provisions of NFPA's national fire codes pertaining to such work. Contractors shall be responsible for all damages resulting from failure to comply. 22. Contractor shall submit schedule of operations and action plan for owner's and Architect's approval. Schedule and action plan shall include: hours of operation, staging area and use of utility services. Hours of operation shall be governed by local jurisdiction and building operations. 23. Contractor shall submit waste approval plan, which shall include location plan of all debris dumpsters and shall be governed by local jurisdiction and building operations. 24. Contractor shall coordinate with owner on all systems and utilities shut-off requirements with building operations 25. Pedestrian Protection - the work of demolishing any building shall not be commenced until pedestrian protection is in place and approved by local color jurisdiction as governed by the FBC. 26. Water accumulation: Contractor shall make provisions to prevent to the accumulation of water and/or damage to any property or foundations on the premises or any adjoining property. 27. Utility connections: utility service connections shall be discontinued and capped in accordance with approved rules and regulations per the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. 28. It is the Contractor's responsibility to keep the jobsite clean and clear of debris during demolition. Upon completion of the work the Contractor shall ensure that the job site has been cleaned to the owner's satisfaction, prior to the contractor vacating the site. 12" #4 EPDXY DOWEL - EMBED MIN. 6" INTO EXISITNG CONC SLAB @ 48" o.c. ALONG CUT :2'_0- TYPICAL dI C UNV. LESS NOTED OpT�H/E d , a d n d NEW PLUMBING OR ELEC. CONDUIT 2 - SLAB REPAIR DETAIL PATCH CONC. SLAB W/ 6x6-W1.4xW1.4 WIRE MESH OVER 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER WELL -COMPACTED SOIL w/ TERMITE TREATED SOIL SCALE: NTS u C C V N C v N O u N O L O E C L u C rnY Ea o E o o v a c 010u0i3 m a m 0 v Sao O Y O c O E v 3 a-J a 2 -m Ea3aL 3 m y • _ L C O arnL Ova O L o 0_ O a V L a C 10 L c � ° c U °u Q a Q E a Q C y c°� N o rn LL N N N 4% L M Fl co P C + 0 v N �p c0i O 0 a) w co O N (D U U _1 L U L Q) U M Ln Q r M � J � 0 C n U C W co i, O O m >1M .E C: rn Rev& Date Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs. Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet i A 1 . 1 Demolition Plan, Details + Notes II CANAL DINING ROOM y: _ __ _ __ 12'-0" N - I 0. P MASTER I BED a W.I.C. stack MASTER W/D ., BATH D LIVING j ^ a'-s" ROOM o STORAGE D rain ® GU T a BATH CLOSET 9 E . 1 -EXISTING FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =1T-0" N WALL LEGEND so�Et_� E Sao mi a �u nt$oo uvi3 N h t a E -❑ m O t t a v Q EXISTING 8" CMU WALLS. EXISTING PARTITION WALLS m E 3 at 3cy�vo.� �L a c y 3 a U C N C 0 2 uQn EaQ Q r UC 4 �V v -O (� J N m LL N N a) > L Ey N 0 c U) �w N N W E - EN + O �.i L— a) Jr- L Z. a3 J � L Y � ®, U 0) f°d Ln > uCD rU ®= C O (D Q) M u, E C dam >. M ��,E,- EN .� 0 rn Re . # Date Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs. Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet A 2 . l Existing Floor Plan CANAL 1 - NEW FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =V-0" N GENERAL NOTES: FOUNDATION PLAN 1. CONCRETE a. shall be Class 1. b. shall meet 5" Slump Test. c. shall meet 3000 psi compressive strength after 28-day cure. d. Grade floor slab for drainage. e. Finish concrete with single trowel. See Finish Schedule for floor finishes. f. footing design based on soil bearing capacity of 2500 psf 2. REINFORCING a. shall meet ASTM standards for 60 Grade. b. vertical reinforcing shall be 3/4" from masonry. c. vertical reinforcing shall extend from footing through pre -cast lintels. d. horizontal reinforcing shall be cont. for pre -cast lintels over openings. d. horizontal reinforcing lapping shall a min. 22". e. protect for reinforcing: floor slab: 3/4" min. cover from top 1-1/2" min. cover from bottom footing: 3" min. cover walls: 1-1/2" min. cover beams: 1-1/2" min. cover 2. Alternate for wire mesh: Fiber mesh made of synthetic fiber manufacturer per ACI 544.IR-82. Fibers shall be a certified suitable replacement for welded wire fabric per SSTD 10-93. 3. CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT a. shall be meet ASTM C 90. b. shall load bearing concrete masonry units. c. shall meet 3000 psi compressive strength after 28-day cure. d. Grade floor slab for drainage. e. Finish concrete with single trowel. See Finish Schedule for floor finishes. 4. MORTAR a. shall meet ASTM C 270 standards. b. shall be type M. C. joint type shall be concave. 5. GROUT a. shall meet ASTM C 476 standards. b. shall have a min. 2000 psi compressive strength. c. shall meet 8" -10" slump test. 6. SOIL BEARING CAPACITY a. shall meet 2500 psf. 2 - ELEVATION EAST WALL WALL LEGEND EXISTING 8" CMU WALLS. NEW 8" CMU WALLS WITH 1X FURRING STRIPS @ 16" O.C. W/ 5/8" THK GYPSUM WALLBOARD EACH SIDE 1 EXISTING PARTITION WALLS TO REMAIN. T NEW 2 X 4 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ 5/8" THK GYPSUM WALLBOARD FINISH EACH SIDE (PAINTED). PROVIDE MIN. R-11 BATT INSULATION IN ALL WALLS SURROUNDING BATHROOMS, MECHANICAL ROOMS , CLOSETS, AND LAUNDRY ROOMS H KEY NOTES 1. Ensure thresholds at all new interior and exterior doors not to exceed 1/2" in height including beveling as per FBC Accessibility Code (5th Edition, 2014) §404.2.4.4. and open and close with the required force and speed per §404.2.9. 2. Taper floor finish so transition does not exceed 1/2" overall, including beveling as per FBC Accessibility Code (5th Edition, 2014) §404.2.4.4. 3. Provide R-11 batt insulation in existing walls. 4. Provide R-22 blown in insulation above ceiling. 5. Pour new concrete floor over existing. See foundation notes. 6. Existing Exterior walls to be filled in, patched, covered with stucco to match existing. See sheet A2.4 for details. 7. New 3'-4" cased opening. S. New 3'-6" opening and header for Barn door. See sheet A2.4 for detail. 9. 6-0 high wall with framless glass above to ceiling, to adjoin framelss shower enclosure 10. Frameless glass shower enclosure and door 11. Shower bench to be built-in and tiled 12. Prepare walls to accept recessed shower niches 13. Provide R-19 at existing and new exterior walls at renovated areas. GENERAL NOTES 1. General Contractor and Sub -Contractors to Field Verify all existing dimensions and utilities prior to construction. Notify Architect of any discrepancies. 2. Shower enclosure provider to prepare shop drawing for Owners approval. 3. Dimensions are to framing. 4. Bathroom cabinetry & finishes shall be selected By Owner. 5. Bathroom accessories shall be selected By Owner and installed by GC. 6. Appliances shall be selected By Owner. All appliances dimensions to be field verified by General contractor prior to purchase. 7. Wood base boards and door casings shall be selected By Owner. 8. Provide blocking throughout as required. 9. Built-in furniture requires shop drawings for Owner's review and approval. REMOVE EXISITNG VENT -SHALL SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" C y° C U y C v C N y N v O r L O g L_ C C m�e E a Q u `o m a c o v m 0 3 v c Y o a v � - 3 v� ma��v v Ya�V��Y OO 1O_mcvc3� E o c Q C O a i c 3 � m o v mLo 3 •L a c o,L.,v� m ` O W U a O L O VImL C L Y 3 y�N Q c O YV L a a C N L c�=e U Q E -0 �J N lL N d N t LL [li Co + `mom 4 m o cn w _0 N T O U U N L U L K N C -O N N i z^ < J Q g � N U N Ln rn d- M � J � N O (� 0 L p O U C a) m O E >M � Q W N Rev. # Date A Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs. Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet 2 . 1 Floor Plan 1 C L C C; N C 41 W C L O E C L= Ev U avt`o0d O VI 1.'� V bd O VI G M a o M C'. aUi i C T O Wt' �mv u 3.0 Ev C ¢ E r�1 rnvw 3 _ Sv Co..,v..ML s 10 daa'oL o e^ W L C L V CS Cy m.3 _N 'u w \..J "O L O C L U ty0 M C O C ¢u¢aEa¢ cc E N'9�o �j yJ N LL N a) > tF � r R Of m + N (� N � f0 OCO C •(� E N + 0 U L U U S U L U •� Ln cyl J U- Z3 O Lo ® .0 CD W (O CCp C Cl� Q) Go�1- Fn 0) O fu Q Ln CCC N V/ l0 r1F'`/ Rev Date Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs. Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet A2m2 Reflected Ceiling Plan NAIL 84 N 04'b1. EXTERIOR NAIL M N ® 6- o.[ INTERIOR & 0 ENTER R A115 ON AILS DN HEADER SEE SCHEDULE-i �• A (2)LSTA24 ,� EDGES A A 1 B SIMPSON SPo OR BENT OVER 1.� LSTA24 STUD/MATES FULL LEN ( WALLS EDGES EDGES MEDIATE •) HEADERSTUDS swami BND Po ® E \ 1 2k3 CIA WASHER/ 6-EMBEDMENT 1 - WOOD STRAPPING PLYWOOD DETAIL I GH uoS O WINDOW SCHEDULE WIN. TYPE SIZE ROUGH OPENING MUTTINS FINISH MANUFACTURER (STYLE) MODEL #/SERIES TYPE NOTES: (SEE BELOW) WIDTH HEIGHT. WIDTH HEIGHT COLOR ELEV. WINDOW HARDW. A V-6" 3'-0" VERIFY VERIFY - A - - CASEMENT OWNER SELECTION CAS 1,2,3,4 B 5'-0" 1'-0" VERIFY VERIFY - B - _ TRANSOM WINDOW,FIXED OWNER SELECTION FIXED 1,2,3,4 NOTES 1. PROVIDE GLASS COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING GLASS. 2. MANUFACTURER OR APPROVED EQUAL. 3. WINDOW AS SELECTED BY OWNER. 4., VERIFY ROUGH OPENING SIZES WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. w 0 W x WIDTH PER UU) SCHEDULE. WIDTH PER w SCHEDULE a CN'1 x ; 'I 'TEMPERED TEMPERED i g GLASS „ O GLASS irI21 o i Uw o rCH STUD M 0 SCALE: 1/2"=11-0" 5/8" GYP. BD. BOTH SIDES, 5/8" GYP. BD. TYP. d BOTH SIDES, TYP. MTLSTUD FINISHED WD 1/2" WD. SHIN CASING (2). 2x6 WD. HDR - FINISHED WD ADJUST HEIGHT CASING 2x WD. BUCK PTD. GRADE FOR TRACK WD. FRAME 2x4 WD. BUCK SIZE WD. BLKG. FOR WD. DOOR -SEE DR. SCHEDULE TRACK PER MFR. TRACK WD. DOOR -SEE PTD. GRADE HEAD DR,.SCHEDULE WD. FRAME HEAD 5/8" GYP. BD. CAULK FULL FRAME' •"� BOTH SIDES, GYP. BD. 5/8"PERIMETER, TYP. ?` TYR CAULK FULL FRAME . F 's BOTH SIDES, BOTH FINISHED WD .PERIMETER TYP. r TYP. CASING DOOR HINGE -SEE $-5/8" MTL WD. DOOR FRAME DR. SCHEDULE STUD SIZED TO WIDTH FINISHED WD OF WALL CASING WD. DOOR -SEE PTD. GRADE DR. SCHEDULE WD. FRAME WD. DOOR -SEE PTD.GRADE DR. SCHEDULE WD. FRAME JAMB WD. DOOR -SEE DR. SCHEDULE FLOORING -SEE ' FIN. SCHEDULE THRESHOLD -SEE FIN. SCHEDULE X X CONC. SLAB D•' SILL HINGED WD DOOR 4 - HSJ DETAILS 0 2 - WINDOW ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4"=11-011 NEW 8"x16" (MIN.) PIP ' BEAM w/ (2) #5 TOP & BOTT. & # TIES C O.C. VERIFY HEIGHT IN FIELD REMOVE FACE OF EXISTING CONCRETE BLOCK CELLS PLACE REBAR FORM AND POUR CONCRETE. 8° 8" KNOCK SEE PLAN KNOCK LOUT SAW CUT OUT T1_ ®®ww0 . FP JAMB WD. DOOR -SEE '. DR. SCHEDULE -j FLOORING -SEE FIN. SCHEDU J THRESHOLD -SEE FIN. SCHEDULE #5 REBAR x V MIN. A LAP w/ 6" MIN. EPDXY X CONIC. SLAB- EMBEDMENT SEE FDN PUN I SILL EXISTING FOUNDATION POCKET DOOR KNOCK OUT (2) ROWS OF CMU MIN FOR NEW CONIC BEAM. ## DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR SIZE DOOR FRAME NOTES:. (SEE BELOW) WIDTH HEIGHT THICK MAT. .FINISH HDW. TYPE ELEV. NODE. MAT. FINISH T'HOLD NO. 102a T-0" T-0'• 13/4" SCW FED 1 PANEL B - WD PTO - 1,2,3,4,5 102b 2'-6" T-0" 1 3/4" SCW PTD 1 PANEL/POCKET C - WD PTD 1,2,3,4,5 303a Y-6" 6'-S" 1.375" SCW PTO 3 BARN A - - MTL 1,2,3;4,5 103b 2'-4" 6'-8" 1.375" SCW PTD 1 PANEL B - MTL PTD' - 1,2,3;4,5 FRENCH with 104 3'-0" 6'-S" 1.75" GLASS PTO 2 OPERABLE BLINDS D - MTL PTD AL. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 INSIDE GLASS HARDWARE LEGEND NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3 S.S. B.B HINGES S.S. B.B HINGES f S.S. FINGER PULL S.S. PASSAGE HARDWARE S.S. KEYED LOCK S.S. LATCHING MECANISM (INTERIOR THUMB TURN ON INSIDE THUMB TURN ON INSIDE SIDE) DOOR LEGEND SCW STAINED, SOLID CORE WOOD MTL METAL DOOR FRAME, WELDED PTD PAINTED SCM SOLID CORE METAL WD WOOD DOOR FRAME GL TEMPERED GLASS DOOR HCM HOLLOW CORE METAL FAC FACTORY FINISH AL ALUMINUM HCW HOLLOW CORE WOOD MFR MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDED NOTES 1. OWNER TO VERIFY HARDWARE FOR DOORS PRIOR TO ORDERING 2. DOOR HARDWARE STYLE TORE SELECTED BY OWNER. 3. INTERIOR DOORS & FRAMES, STYLE & FINISH TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER 4. DOOR CASING TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER. 5. MANUFACTURER OR APPROVED EQUAL. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLEARANCES.: 6. ALL EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE HURRICANE IMPACT RESISTANT, SEE ATTACHED NOA TEST REPORT AS APPLICABLE. SEE DETAILS PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURER. 7. MATCH EXISTING. WIDTH PER WIDTH PER WIDTH PER WIDTH PER SCHEDULE SCHEDULE` SCHEDULE SCHEDULE LOU ............ 7 w ..._._.. w e6 M1nN w V J { J a a" r CI 7 _ LU C LU i V � x V _ C9 I i l7 'egr a C ELI x 2 ��. 2 '..nn' 3 - DOOR ELEVATIONS N FILLED CELL SEE PLANS #5 MIN. 30" OVERLAP HORIZONTAL REINFORCING 16" O.C. VERT. 16" (#5) REBAR EPDXY EMBEDMENT MIN 4" 24" VERT. EACH SIDE #5 REBAR EPDXY EMBEDMENT MIN 4° RILL EXISTING OPENINGS OPENINGS NEEDING II I� HEADERS ICI 5- HEADER OPENING DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/ "=11-011 SCALE: 1/2"=11-0" 6- CMU INFILL DETAIL L O E;; L_ C ��8 0E o r y Q O c .TU 3 v Jr d N t O r W as o u 3 � N M N 0 W U � J 0. O V) C U! i C C_ p t t OG 10 1 16 f 3 � �J C 0 N Q p p lO p y ' T j r� L E J 3 at 3 c N n v m rnp Ns 3 p 9 -0 0 O W O 4T p L O 10 Y Y.Ie C N 2 N 3 i= 3 0 i ® ma+ w a`y p; v c ro s U 0 Q U Q M E a Q (=0 Q M -1 8 +(D .41 Q)' V)O O p N LL N m in 4J 2r� t IY m cc n + C� 4 0) m 0 u3 �U) E COD + 0 U ry� L ^U^ll U lV � h Y •. NJ a CMY �� ff SCALE: 1/4"=11-011 SCALE:: 1/2"=11-011 Q Ln It rn • Q # ,. �i • r • / • Rev A2 Date Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs. Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet A 2 n 4 Schedules + Details GENERAL NOTES: POWER 1. Contractor shall compare the electrical drawings and specifications with drawings from other trades. Contractor shall report any discrepancies to the Architect. Obtain written instructions for any necessary changes. 2. Contractor to verify and coordinate utility service with local utility company. Locate meter and panel as required. 3. Install temporary power for construction as required. 4. All electrical work and materials to be installed per NEC, NFPA, local, state, and national code. 5. Location of electrical raceways, switches, panels, equipment, fixtures, etc. shall be adjusted to accommodate the work to avoid interferences anticipated and encountered. 6. Contractor shall verify switch type and locations with owner prior to installation. Color of cover plates, switches and receptacles shall be selected by owner. 7. Contractor shall determine the exact route and location of each electrical raceway prior to make-up and assembly. 8. Outlets and appliances are shown and located on the drawings as accurately as possible. All measurements shall be verified on the project and in all cases the work shall suit the surrounding trim, finishes, and/or construction. 9. Heights of all outlets shown on the drawings are approximate only. 10. All outlets installed outdoors, bathrooms, and garage shall have ground -fault interrupter circuit breaker or receptacle. All outlets installed in the bedrooms shall have arc -fault interrupter receptacles. 11. Load data and calculations were designed based on information given to Architect at the time of the Prior to installation of all equipment verify 12. size of equipment and panel sizes. 13. Electrical system shall be grounded. See Riser Diagram. 14. Outlet boxes shall be pressed steel in dry locations, cast alloy with threaded hubs in wet and damp locations and special enclosures for other classified locations. 15. Disconnect switches shall be H.P. rated, heavy duty, quick -made, quick break enclosure required by exposure. 16. Smoke detectors shall be hard wired (110 volt to non-switchable light circuit and shall not be connected into the load side of a ground fault 17. circuit. 18. Smoke detectors shall be located on or near ceiling inside and outside each sleeping area. Verify locations of smoke detectors with the drawings. 19. Smoke detectors shall be 110 volt type, with a test button with battery back-up system and visible "power on" indicator. 20. All 12-volt, single phase, 15 and 20 amp branch circuits supplying outlets installed in dwelling unit family rooms, dining room_;, living rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, bedrooms, sunrooms, rec rooms, 21. closets, hallways, similar rooms or areas shall be protected by a listed arc -fault circuit interrupter combination type, installed to provide protection 22. of the branch circuit (NEC 2014 210.12 (B)). 23. Tamper Resistant Receptacles (NEC 406.11) are required in dwelling units in all areas as specified in 2014 NEC 210.52, all 125 volt, 15 and 20 amp receptacles. 24. 20. All utilities to be connected to the house shall be buried underground. WIRE SIZING TABLE BRK 0 N GND C 20 12 12 12 3/4" 30 10 10 10 3/4" 50 8 8 10 r' 70 4 4 8 11/4" 90 3 3 8 1 112" 100 3 3 8 11/2" 125 1 1 6 2" 150 1/0 1/0 6 2" 175 2/0 2/0 6 2" 200 3/0 3/0 6 2 1/2" 225 4/0 4/0 4 2 1/2" 250 250 250 4 3" 300 350 350 3 4" 350 500 500 1 3 4" GENERAL NOTES: LIGHTING 1. Contractor shall compare the electrical drawings and specifications with drawings from other trades. Contractor shall report any discrepancies to the Architect. Obtain written instructions for any necessary changes. 2. Furnish and install fixtures as called for on the plans or as selected by Owner. 3. Contractor shall verify fixture type and locations with owner prior to installation. 4. All electrical work and materials to be installed per NEC, NFPA, local, state, and national code. 5. Location of electrical raceways, switches, panels, equipment, fixtures, etc. shall be adjusted to accommodate the work to avoid interferences anticipated and encountered. 6. Coordinate heights of wall mounted lighting fixtures to clear mirrors, cabinets, builts-ins, trim, etc. ELECTRICAL LIGHTING LEGEND $ Switch Single Pole $ Switch with Dimmer Supply Diffuser -(See AC 3 $ 3 way Switch Contractor Drawings) Return Diffuser -(See AC Contractor Drawings) ❑■ Exhaust Fan Smoke -Detector so Carbon -Monoxide Monitor Combo (Existing Where Noted) See RCP Toe Kick, Under -Cabinet Lighting O LED Recessed Light Fixture O Ceiling -Mounted Junction Box Provide Blocking as Required 4 Wall Mounted Exterior Light 0 Junction Box, Provide Blocking as Required v LED Vapor -Shielded Recessed Light Fixture Wall -Mounted Decorative Light Fixture Decorative Light Fixture or Chandelier XXII �XxX Duplex outlet W. n- Quadraplex outlet xx' -0 GFI Duplex outlet (Ground Fault Interrupt) Xx O�FI Quadraplex outlet XXIIXX (Ground Fault Interrupt) =0 AFI Duplex outlet (Arc Fault Interrupt) -0 Quadraplex outlet (Waterproof) XX ODuplex WP upex outlet (Waterproof) xx' a USB Data Port xx" (!) Duplex split wired outlet xx" o/ Disconnect 0 Dedicated Duplex outlet XX" OGFI Dedicated Duplex outlet (Ground Fault Interrupt) XXII Owa Dedicated Duplex outlet (Waterproof) �/-Mounting height to the center line of the receptacle xx Oxxx Type of receptacle L LN O C U y C v L O Eq i o _ c � 3 v c y v (01] N 2 v U c n o O c E m a 3 u J T ¢ c G O p y Y m a 3 a s 01 � as c �L 0 co a -` C \ O 0 U O L O C1 O Q u° ¢ a E a ¢ C 2 V u N' j CO O C N l _ a N^ 2 LL m j r }�}�� VJ _FUU C a)o E + 0 N U � U L FU M 0 N Z U W M O U 0 O fo (a E N Ln O C°,.M E •- Q (n C N N lD rn f-� ReVA Date Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs. Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet C 1 . 0 Electrical Schedules + Notes CANAL LAUNDRY ASTER 104 BED E 101 € MASTER �f BATH.,,,: 102 5 a 42 ..�. FI GF 2" U 18" .._ ....... GF1QUAD. I Ke 4 EX. D LIVING f r ROOM h D m us QUAD. Q 18 o EX. G S i r103 BATH EX. a CLOSET EX. E / CLOSET G� CANAL 2 - ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN i N v a O c 1 E W <¢ v U c 0 N as w 0 Y U L o 0 N M , . j 3 mY N mauo a` J o•o m c w g OO "tu E 0 3 C 0 `w ¢ c p v m dye >.4:5 �m�J3nt rn v M y 3 _ Y y OI IO Y c o m'3 N m'day�w ® U � U N 4U EaQ O .440 E ui -j M N C N LL > CV L N� LL m j + ,aN pC V_ .90 (D (n co E N + 5 U � +r U N U i N 'Y o ` rr ^. � r J i N SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" t, Ln •, • 0-q a f` r i a • • fu Rev. # Date A - Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs. Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet Electrical Power Plan 3" UTR UNDRY 104 MASTER BATH r»� s-1 MASTER BATH TO EX. S.S. LINE L �BATH 2 - SANITARYRISER SCALE:` /4 =V-0" rnYEvQ no 0, a t$° h 3 a N N VOi N y o n o m c w u OO 1 M;5 3 U E 1 T' o c Q 0 C 9 i C i E -mEa3nL i0 Wa-6 'oso 3 u = d u O IL A.J y n UI 3J Y V .- U V 0 L O G O L N Q u¢a Ea¢` f6 8 C c O (� -J N 0) LL N 2 N R LL m U _J + N cn v N 0) O C N �✓ W C co O N + U � Ci a) U L G. 00 L c f I, SCALE: NTS U Ln Q) 0) !� m > LL Z3 o (� �-r- 0Q Q� fu m E � C: C� 0) -- O m >, m E Q I®n) N VJ 0 rn Rev. # Date Q Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs, Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet Plumbing Risers + Notes CANAL I - PLUMBING PLAN .Y SCALE: 1/4"=1i-01' N PLUMBING SCHEDULE # EQUIPMENT MODEL UMBER LOCATION FAUCETS P-1 VANITY SINKS TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER MASTER BATH 102 TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER UNDERMOUNTED SHOWER TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH 102 P-2 CUSTOM FRAMELESS GLASS ENCLOSURE BY OWNER SHOWER TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER & BUILT-IN BENCH TOILET TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH 102 P-3 WITH BIDET HOOKUP BY OWNER TOILET ROOM TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER SHOWER CONTROLS TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH 102 P-4 BY OWNER SHOWER TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER SHOWER RAIN HEAD TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH 102 * MAY REQUIRE INCREASING SIZE OF WATER SUPPLY LINES* P-5 BY OWNER TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER P.6 SHOWER JETS TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH 102 SHOWER TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER BY OWNER TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH 102 P-7 MULTI FUNCTION HANDSHOWER BY OWNER SHOWER TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER FLUSH STAINLESS STEEL LINEAR ZURN ZS880 MASTER BATH 102 TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER P 8 LINEAR FLOOR DRAIN BY PLUMBER SHOWER P-9 GRAB BARS TYPE, SIZE AND LOCATION MASTER BATH 102 ADD BLOCKING IN WALLS AT GRAB BAR LOCATIONS BY OWNER SHOWER P-10 PREFABRICATED SHOWER NICHES TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH 102 TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER RECESSED, TO ACCEPT TILE BY OWNER SHOWER P-11 SPACEMAKER TYPE STACKING TO BE SELECTED LAUNDRY ROOM 104 TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER WASHER AND DRYER BY OWNER PLUMBING SCHEDULE GENERAL NOTES: 1. General Contractor to coordinate with all required trades in field prior to ordering any plumbing items. Field locate all items prior to ordering. 2. Contractor to provide electric and water per specifications. 3. Contractor to tie into existing vent in Master Bath. See Riser. GENERAL NOTES: PLUMBING 1. Contractor shall field verify location and size of all existing utilities & water pressure prior to construction. Any discrepancies with existing conditions and Permit Documents, contractor shall notify the Architect prior to modifications. 2. All labor, materials, and equipment provide by Contractor shall be in accordance with all local & state applicable codes. All work shall be installed by a licensed plumbing contractor. 3. Water & Sewer lines shall be capped and sealed to maintain dust free systems. lines shall be free of debris prior to connection of new equipment. 4. Piping penetrating any walls and floors shall be sealed. Any penetration of fire walls shall be sealed with firestopping material, where applicable. 5. Piping penetrating the roof shall receive flashing and counter flashing. Coordinate with roofing manufacturer. 6. Provide sleeves for piping penetrating the slab and under- ground water piping, with 1" min. clearance between sleeve and inside surface and pipe exterior. 7. All insulation and adhesives shall have a composite fire and smoke hazard rating to meet ASTM E84, NFPA 255, and UL 723 not exceeding a flame spread rating of 25 and a smoke developed rating of 50. 8. Insulate all hot water pipes with 3/4" thick flexible foam. 9. Insulate or wrap all piping to prevent vibration and sound transmission caused by water flow. 10. Insulate all domestic water piping where exposed in non - conditioned spaces. Provide aluminum jacket and label piping. 11. All pipe hangers and supports shall be factory fabricated and comply with all local and state applicable codes. 12. All domestic water copper pipes and fittings above ground shall be type 'L' and underground shall be type X' per ASTM B-88. 13. All drainage & vent pipes and condesate lines shall be Schedule 40, Type DWV in conformance with ASTM D2665. 14. For drainage line for dishwasher use copper type 'DWV' per ASTM B-306. 15. All copper pipes shall avoid contact with all other metals & and concrete masonry. If copper water lines run through metal studs, provide protection with metal stud inserts. 16. Install main water cut-off valve and backflow preventer where water line enters the building. Install in an accessible location. Main water valve shall be ball valve and backflow preventer shall be a double check valve. 17. For all domestic water shut off valves install ball valves. 18. Install pressure balance and antiscald valve (140°F) for tubs/showers. 19. Install a ball valve at water heater on the cold water line as it enters the water heater. 20. All connections at water meters, backflow preventers, and appliances shall be made union joint. 21. Install cleanouts every 50' on 4" drain lines and at base of each vent in accordance with all applicable local and state codes. 22. All piping shall be concealed within the walls, chases, between floors, and under slab. Provide access panels for all concealed shut-off valves. 23. Coordinate all piping to avoid conflicts with all trades. 24. All plumbing fixtures are located on the plans. 25. Plumbing layout and plumbing riser diagrams are diagrammatically drawn. Field conditions may require modifications to layout for proper installation of piping and fixtures. No modifications shall comprise the design intent of the building. 26. All finished of pluming fixtures shall be coordinate with Owner prior to order accessories for plumbing fixtures. 27. Owner shall select all plumbing fixtures and accessories. 28. Fees for permits and other related items shall be coordinated between the Owner and Contractor. Y " Y U Y C d �y 0 o y E a Q u nv.Lo+`o D L O "w 3 "ram =`" a C. m O 0jmo 3U v > o N m a, - E � a E 3 rn v� y 3 O a a O L O Q. 3 u = Y ti I�0 N N D. N ' Y N O a n L a C O L _=e U Q.<m EaQ _a07 E o ( R 6 U �/�_i N lL N + 6 N 0) f0 O 3 U) " W 33 8) U) N 1� T O U U t ^ 5... (0 R U N U4) Ln M > f O M 0 t p O U Q� 0) m O fu E •,_ Q cn � N n V 1 1,0 rn Rev. # Date A - Project Number 20-0685 Status Construc. Docs. Issue date 28-Apr-21 Sheet P 2 . l Plumbing Plan+Schedule a