HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREENTENT u`` �; Q , j Alutiz) 1 1i1' have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the ffl_+�'f�l�1t?f<< ��- Sub-contractor for:Coastal Construction and design, Inc. (Type of Trade) F (Primary Contractor) For the project located ate L•t� �4 = i250/(/6 Z��4 %y �-7 �/Ei2 /�L (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our!participation with the above nrelitioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Ch nde of b-contractor notice. CONTRA OR SIGNATURE(Qualifier SUB-GOI ACTOR SIGNAT IiE(Qualiticr) t � inn PRINT NAME PRINT' -AMF 1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER �f COUNTY CERTIFICATION.NUMBER State of Florida,County of '"�/�ow-h V-) State of Florida,County of Sclinl It tif The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 15 day'of 3C �}".2020by_DACtrid Ari9bico I �,rf Fr ter- 20 ib 1 dk r--�B— a 5' C+f�� who is personally known y or has produced a who is personally known or has produced a T.L. ✓r=; LiCCfJ5'_ as identifica ion. as Identificationf STAMP %% 2< .�f ri%s' / STAMP Signat a of Notary Public Signature g1 Notary Pubic 3' `Y15-HrQ /�7Q-hh!301') / r;� rPiy•. LYNES.OQRCELY (r p x blic-State of Florida Print Name of Notary Pulilic Print i ame of Notary Public Commission#GG 965826 o,F My Comm.Expires Mar 4,2024 Bonded through National Notary Assn. �qt s 'tee KRISTINA MATHlSON Notary Public,State of Florida Commission#GG 913030 My comm.expires Sep.28.2023 Revised 11/161-7016 I� PERMIT# ISSUE DATE. PLANNING &.DEVELOPMENT-SERVICES Building.&Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT J.A. TAYLOR ROOFING INC have-agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the ROOFING Sub-contractor for Coastal Construction.and Design, Inc. (Type of.Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at W-Ay (Project Street Addres5.or-Property Tax ID'I) It is understood that;if there is any change..of status regarding-our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code:Regulation Division of.St.Lucie=County will be advised pursuant-to the tiling of a Change'f Su -contractor notice. i t b CON�'TIILaCTOR STG�ATU er) SUB-COVTRACTOR SIGNATLRE(Qualifier) y t v O,yio AY brae C 1 KYLE WHITE PRI\T NAVE PRINT NAN% 2301& COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of Mar-1-1 r1 St State of Florida,County,of ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument 1vas signed before me this 1st .day of (\/1QYi0 ATbuec i p�hnb er,a?_o,by SEPTEMBER ;2o20,by KYLE WHITE who is personally knowtlX onhas produced a who is personally"own XX or has produced a. as identification: as identific. 'on ST.A_ifP 1 ST"ump Signat of Notary Public ign ture of Votary Public J NAQIPJEhdPiNRE SA :Commission#86355203 )�y)s-hnoi 1 V t of l l So n NADINE MANRESA N,};r? x6m.November 15,2023 Print Name of Notary.Public Print Name of Votary Public �'toj:F.a� 8 ,tia;tn+gus,attlawysorvi as t pr'e KRISTINA MAT11 HISON n Notary Public State of Florida Commission#?GG 913030 My comm.expires Sep.28.2023 Revised.i7/1tit20 III PERMIT# ISSUE DATE _.. PLr INNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES J Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT NISAIR AIR CONDITIONING- PHILIP VISA JR have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the MECHANICAL Sub-contractor for Coastal Construction and design, Inc. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at �� GU�i-��jo/UC, tVAY /--T (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Cha e f Su -contractor notice. COh CTORSIGNATURE(QnaiI@cr) SUB COM E(QuaiiSer) MC Y io A y ec ; PHILIP VISA JR PIM-r N,4fliE PRINT NAME 10363 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNIBER State of Florida,County of Martin State of Florida,County ofSTLUCIE - St 1ST The foregoing inst. ent was signed before me this I day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this dap of SeMInhIC 29aby Frio ArpuCC i SEPTEMBER .20 PHILIP NISA JR Who Is personalty Imown x or has produced a who Is personalty Imown ro Im produced a as Identification. as Id fill �on. STAI'!P Slguature of Natary Public lira of itotan ublie f„„ 1'I risfi na r"VlathiWn KRISTIN BAITSHOLTS _ Print Name ofNo Public PriutNumeofNotarvPublic p. R.�a Ga a�_ C?y-OZ A� (cRisriN,a ManttsoN m� Notary Public,State of Florida 11 Commission#GG 913030 ="o to pv?Na S My Comm.expires Sep.28,2023 Wi3 O °° r Revised —rn C: -PERMIT# ISSUE-DATE PLANNING&DJEVELOPAWNT SERVICES a Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT - -- SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the. C(ccfi�-+ C`�� Sub-contractor for Coastal Construction and design, Inc. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at yg�� W�>=F_�2 5����C /N/ y°: f`� - (Proj ect Street Address or Property Tax ID#). It is.understood.that,if there is,anY change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and.Code Regulation Division of St.- Lucie County will be-advised pursuant to the filing,o7Chanze o S b-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR.9IGNATURE(Qualifier) Si3B-CON ACTOR SI (Qualifier) ("arid ArbUCC PRINT NAME PRINT NAME COUNTY.CERTIFICATION NI MIBER COUNTY'CERTW1CATrON NlJNr9ER State of Florida,County of Martin State ofTio40a;County of- The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisday of pternber 2n2:nby Mario �►'buCc i 4_p We__+. who is personally knowin?or has produced a who iJs personally.ka--._or has produced a. as iden'se tion. as identification. M�R.IJI�I STAN& �/� STAI4IP Signature of Notary Public, Si ature of Notary Public I� Nish nn 111cli-h►S0n DC,s-) bz-K-pt, 04­ Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public KRISTINA MATHISON �e�a `tee e � Notary Public,State of Florida 4 � Ea"Feb go=4 Commission#GG 913030 , `f i QUO My wmm.expires Sep.28.2023 Revised 11/16/ PERMIT# ISSUE DATE &O EWWIV l�I?U- SEER—W CZS J. Building:& Cody Compliance Division BU"MIC.,-PEP.M' 1T SUS-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 4,14- Prcp3LOC tA2 3 5 �yyi� .�yYIS, TIC have agreed to be (Company Name/Individuat Name) the S Sub-contractor for Coastal Construction and.design, Inc. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project Iocated of -�'� Gt/J�TF �`�!� w L/ "r-7 /0� E (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 9) It is understood that,if there.is any change of status regarding our.participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and-Code-Regulation Division of St.Lucie Countwill-.be advised pursuant-to the. filing of a Chan of Sub-contractor notice. s f . CONTVAC1709 SIGNATURE(Qnalific_).. SITS mo—I ri0 .. Ay-buce i PRINT NAME, PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTWICATION�.NU&iBER COUNWCERTIFICATION��NflUMBER state of Florida,County of y" l a r t' n � State ofFlorida,Conaty- yY 6 of AV:t I lQ �LZbe for going instrument was signed before me th- day of The foregoing instrumentwas signed before me this day of �ni bo ,so 26 by MG Yi a A'136 CC I 2fl by �14u -�2 G-to d who is persona➢y Imoww< or has produced a who is-personally Immvn 4%or has produced a as idenogation. as id noon �/6" STAMPSTAMP Siguatu of Notary Public /�� SignatureofNo -P . lie. Q--- Print-Name ofNotaryPublic Print Name of Notary Pobric KRISTINA MATHISON obey Notary Public.State of Florida Commission#GG 913030 My comm.expires Sep.28.2023 Revised 11/16/2016