HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCuAnl*VliYWU%WWll". WjAVTlVA,,.4 UhTt—.WVLIra"M lu: 1"w0wow-r-W i 3. 4. S. 6. 7, 11 9. Dexeiption ofpqxrW. (tegal d=ip4on of propony, and sbvd addiras if awni table) 2312, Atlante Beach BlvdEMY�EL:OEEORTPlr=RCESHORMUNIT4=RLK, ;�LOTIZ Fort R U91,1 Cmcrnldesct4ftOOfkAPrOVctUQt tqAd$VofW'FIVCfeftewith :.1S',gad Owner inforrawon.. a. Name and addre'u-, ZL� Canaft,M12.Monfic Beach Blvd W-Fort Plerce, FL:34949. b. Phone number c� Nam and addren of fl*simplc,ddcholder(ifOt*&Ah qv�lw): Conwwtor a. Namiandladdrmw Superior Feade-and : Rail of Amard 016u*M , I2M N Harb(o(Clty 014d, At* 1Q2, mf,.FL 326�. b, Phone .number 32143110829 j. Aflame laajaddrjw. Na b. Adndont6f.bond S We r- Phone number n/a a. Name ash address( nl� b. PhDO.enumbcr n1a Pettorswith the State,of Florida desiOAed by Oww upon whom notic.4s,orotber dom=tg maybe smed as provided by Sc in 713,V3(IXa)7.: Florida st=es.. a. Nam'aviliddress. fila .b. Phwe number n/A ire addition to biinisclf, (}wises. rho fotlriwing prxsno{s} to cteeive ac�py of the I,ar's Nance se tsrovided:in Seetian '$13:13{I }{b}, Florida Statubec. & Namcearl addrew,eta b. Phone number ] Up— —. Expitaqoq dam of notice ofconium=mcm (& expiration date is ont.(I)'year from ft date ofrecording unless a diarm daft ismwiflod) i St M BEMRE THE FMT LM4DER The ADMping instrument was: cknoMedge Csned� offim. trumce, RUMUCY M fwt) for under pmwbts of ptx ury, I WENT ESULT > A14D, YOUR, THE vwnt;r 5 nuqwnzcu of t 3 ne by c party on behalf of vthor� b bi- FWda it of li, — s 0 R, Personally Known OR FroducedIdenfifi,cadon Type of identificiia,0roduced